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enoch (Member Profile)

radx says...

Well, things are not as rosy as folks like Steven Pinker would like us to believe. As much as I dislike resorting to Hollywood for philosophical insights, True Detective was absolutely on point in this quote:

„Transference of fear and self-loathing to an authoritarian vessel. It's catharsis. He absorbs their dread with his narrative. Because of this, he's effective in proportion to the amount of certainty he can project.“

Now, they were talking about a preacher. But I'd argue this applies to scapegoats as well. And if your arguments undermine the scapegoat, it starts losing its efficiency as a focal point of people's discontent.

Most of us have so much day-to-day shit to deal with that outsourcing the macro-shit to a boogeyman, any boogeyman, helps us get through the day without wanting to bash our head against the wall. Or bash someone else's head in, for that matter.

This doesn't excuse this level of self-delusion, but maybe it explains it to some degree. I'd say keep doing what I know you've been doing for many years: present your case in a respectful manner.

enoch said:

well that was delicious...thank you my friend.

last week i was accused of being a "useful idiot" by a person i respected,and once called friend.

Perception of programming versus the reality

StukaFox says...


This x100,000.

I just program in Python and BASH; I can't imagine how much shit Java coders go through. No wonder those guys are so well paid.

New Rule: Distinction Deniers

newtboy says...

I totally agree with you, but I think you touched a problem that causes confusion....rape is rape, defined as unwanted penetration of the victim.
That's why men only counted for +-15% of victims outside of prison, and women a small percentage of perpetrators of "rape", they don't penetrate the men in most cases...This leads to the perception that this is mostly men attacking women, and for pure penetrating the victim rape it is....but if you add unwanted insertion (putting their penis in mouth/vagina/rectum against their wishes, etc) that male victim number skyrockets. If you count any sexual assault, unwanted sexual touching, it's near 50/50....with the same going for perpetrators. I was flabbergasted by that statistic.

If people don't want to make distinctions, do it across the board, which means going after the so far ignored women abusers with the same zeal....I've yet to hear a single one called out in the #me too movement, it's appearing to be pure male bashing, sadly.

Payback said:


That's like saying the worst thing to happen with going out with friends for a drink is to be shot dead by a guy who didn't like you checking out his girlfriend.

A date doesn't end in rape. If your meeting with a person ends in rape, it never was a date to begin with. To say it was a date assumes the victim made a wrong choice at some point. Or worse, that the shitball would have allowed a different outcome.

Sexual assaults may have shades of gray, but I believe rape is rape. The idea of "date rape" would be laughable it it wasn't so moronic.

Dates and rapes are mutually exclusive.

Florida Cop Dragged By Car At 60 mph

Florida Cop Dragged By Car At 60 mph

ABC News: Purity Balls: Lifting the Veil on Special Ceremony

newtboy jokingly says...

Stop bashing MethylSulfonylMethane without evidence.

Christianity does a fine time bashing itself with these kinds of things. If it wants to stop looking like some wrong religion, it should stop being one.
Totally true and not that out of the ordinary or new.

kingshouse said:

Well here we go again MSM using these kinds of things to bash Christianity and attempt to make it look like some wrong religion. How childish. Not true at all MSM just lies and has an agenda.

ABC News: Purity Balls: Lifting the Veil on Special Ceremony

kingshouse says...

Well here we go again MSM using these kinds of things to bash Christianity and attempt to make it look like some wrong religion. How childish. Not true at all MSM just lies and has an agenda.


RFlagg says...

Did you fall on your head as a child? Those people taking a knee aren't bashing America. They aren't bashing the flag, the troops, or anything like that. They are peacefully protesting injustice.

As has been pointed out by many many people, Rosa Parks wasn't protesting public transpiration, the Greensboro sit-ins weren't about Woolworth's dominance in retail at the time... they were all protesting injustice. How can that really simple little fact be ignored by Trump and his supporters? Are they so brain washed by him, that they'll believe every little pile of shit that comes out of his mouth. Do they want to suck his cock that bad? They need to fucking learn to think for themselves. Learn to vet information... and actually vet, not just find the first couple Google answers.

Somehow it is okay for a bunch of white Nazis to protest, and that is fine, and free speech, but the instant a black man protests injustice, suddenly he's an ass hole who needs to be fired? Over 400,000 Americans died fighting Nazis, but now according to Trump, Nazis are "very fine people". No they are not. Not a single person who's a Nazi, KKK member, white nationalist, or would march with them are very fine, or even fine, or even good. They are all evil.

The fact that most on the right think Jesus would side with a Nazi over a black man's protest of injustice (because, if you are a Christian, then every thought has to be what would Jesus do in that case) just goes to show how evil, and horrible the right's Jesus is. It's why I'd rather me and my children burn in Hell than be around people like those Nazis, and that Jesus who'd love them more than the black man protesting the injustice his people still endure to this day. I'll do everything in my power to insure my children hate the Jesus that the right promotes. No wonder Christianity is loosing numbers, it's a faith about hatred and bigotry, the love that Christ promoted in the Bible, is no longer there. They may think they show love, but I can 100% assure them, from the outside looking in, all anyone sees from that form of Christianity, is hatred and bigotry, and as it is the dominant form of Christianity in America, it is all anybody ever sees. I hope there is a Heaven and Hell, and I hope that God points to the millions of souls burning in Hell because of their bigotry and hatred... I'd love it if for the first 20 billion years they had to live outside the gates of Heaven, or in the slums of heaven, hearing the torrents of those of us in Hell, knowing they personally are the reason we are there, that we were all turned off Christ because of the way modern Christians act.

bobknight33 said:

Funny that anti Americans think they are for America as they bash it.

Trump 2020 all the way.


Counter Protest Attacked In Charlottesville, Va

enoch says...


dude..seriously..are we related?

i reject both as well.

and since WHEN is it considered brave and courageous to condemn and denounce nazis?

i am seeing this stupidity all over the social sites,as if bashing nazis is now some blow for justice.

jesus,how can some people be so fucking dim to the gigantic circle jerk they are engaging in....fucking pathetic.

how about take a stand on a more nuanced subject and then get back to me.otherwise you're just smelling your own farts and calling it febreeze...

/drops mic

Trump In The Wild: A Nature Documentary

RFlagg says...

He, and all the conservatives, will NEVER care. Fox News, and the conservative media machine are still sucking the chrome off Donald's cock. They'll point out how Markovic smiled when pushed out of the way, and so it was just being playful. Even if it came out that Donald himself worked with the Soviets Russians, to hamper the elections, they still wouldn't care, because he did what was necessary and smart, to prevent Hillary and the Deamoncrats from winning. Like he said, he could shoot somebody in the street, and his supporters wouldn't care.

The only people who regret their vote for him is likely to be the liberal, Never Hillary people who voted for him, those who somehow thought he'd actually disrupt Washington and drain the swamp, and a few others who may have been on the edge of voting for Hillary and at the last moment voted for him.

Until conservative media actually turns against Trump in a real and meaningful way, and not the occasional thing to pretend they are "fair and balanced", but really turn on him the way they were against Obama for 8 years (where one couldn't watch Fox for more than 30 minutes without them bashing him), then most of the conservatives out there will never turn against him, never admit there are huge issues.... of course they'll say, "yeah, we had those fears too" once conservative media turns against him.

Drachen_Jager said:


Are you going to let us know when you're tired of winning, or do we need to keep asking the question?

Epic Anti-texting rant

scheherazade says...

Serious question :

How does he know why someone [he could not see prior to the accident, given that they came from oncoming traffic on the other side of a wide median] lost control?

I mean, it's cool and all to bash texting... but was that the case here, or is it just internet circle jerking?


Roger Stone: Trump's Albino Assassin

The failure of the media, explained

iaui says...

Never forget. Trump won by 70,000 votes. And lost the popular vote by over 3,000,000 votes. To say that these pundits' "entire analytical framework was drastically and catastrophically faulty" is totally wrong. They were wrong by whatever percentage of the total votes 70,000 votes is. Or maybe double that, to cement a Clinton lead. So they were wrong by 140,000 / 138,884,643 = 0.00100803081 so

They were wrong by 0.10%.

And based on the population who voted they were right by (Clinton's votes: 65,844,610) - (Trump votes: 62,979,636) = 2,864,974 votes / 138,884,643 = 0.02062844341.

They were right by 2.06%. They were over 20 times more right than they were wrong.

Also, regarding Economic and Racial anxiety, BOTH were correlated as predictors of support for Trump. That does not mean that every person who was Economically anxious was also Racially anxious but I would bet those populations do overlap somewhat, partly because the question isn't just 'Are you economically anxious?' but 'Are you economically anxious while Barack Obama is in the White House?'

I don't necessarily feel dumber having watched this video, but it's clearly very biased, and I do feel like it was a waste of my time to see it. The video's writer is obviously just looking to name a few Liberal up and comers and attempt to cut them down.

Also, consider the post source. @bobknight33 is as Russian-trolly as Russian trolls get. This is exactly the kind of right-wing propaganda they love to use to bash Liberals in America and push them further towards their wing.

Happy 11th Birthday, VideoSift :-* (Sift Talk Post)

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