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Project Reality Mod. for Battlefield 2/BF2 v0.9 Trailer

Project Reality Mod. for Battlefield 2/BF2 v0.9 Trailer

Zero Punctuation - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

Payback says...

Hey, for everyone hating on IF's disdain of PC gamers... DICE has delayed the PC beta of Bad Company 2 because they "decided to drastically increase the PC Beta's capacity to insure as many people as possible could participate."

DICE gets my money when BC2 comes out. Infinity Ward can suck those puppy intestines.

Zero Punctuation - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

westy says...

the >> ^dannym3141:
I suppose he doesn't go into enough detail to cover the absolutely hemorrhaging catastrophic PC-multiplayer failure of this game.
It could have been the next big online "scene" thing, with big money involved. cod4 was kept alive in the online scene for a long time thanks to people modding the game and all the customisation really kept the game popular for a long time. It basically kept IW afloat, kept them in business, and allowed them to make mw2.
IW, in their infinite wisdom, thought that customisation and modding was theft and piracy. They decided that they could SELL people these updates rather than let the community make content for itself. As such, they removed dedicated servers - you play on a P2P system not too far off from the xbox/console style where your ping is always very high as you connect to another person's computer. You have to use the matching system which basically matches you with the lowest ping server in the style you request that it can find. This ensures heavy lag for a lot of people, moderate lag (over 100ping) as an average, and virtually unplayable for a few. When the map changes, they have a system of "migrating" you which basically tries to keep your experience uninterrupted but mostly disconnects you. One of the IW guys actually was quoted "I've been playing mostly with 100ms and that's just fine!"
They disallowed any kind of modding or customisation, instead opting to bring out DLC for the PC. This includes not allowing any kind of demo recording and there's no developer console.
Because of the P2P system, you are limited to a very small number of people playing in a server, meaning large battles aren't possible anymore because a person's pc (which is hosting the game live) just isn't usually capable of handling so many connections.
There's a shed load more. . They really screwed up and shat all over the PC fans which basically kept the franchise alive and allowed IW to make a lot of money with this game. They did a direct port from console to PC not only because it was easy, but also because it allowed them to control the game rather than the community. Whilst console users are used to all the above complaints and have chastised PC users for their pickyness, PC users are used to much better things and the PC multiplayer of this game is abhorrent to them.
I think some people have made dedicated servers available by hacking the game, not sure though. All of this was true as of release date

the whole level system would make the game incopatable for proper dedocated server play , i think its fine as a console game , but they should have maby worked on the game for another 7 months doing a proper pc version esentauly as separate product.

basicly dice have got it right , look at the dice console games v the dice pc games (bf2,bf moder combat , bad company ) they do the same game but redesign aspects of it for each platform.

also the single player is utter shite its utterly pointless to play , its pretty much the same as the first one stupid bugs and bad level design + when they do good stuff they never capitalise on it I don't think infinity ward have muh of an idea about single player games design. but it seems that the majorty of people dont give a shit its like holywood films people just want to see shit blow up they don't care about anything evan slightly engaging on another level. whats more annoying is the game takes itself seriously if it took the piss out of itself to some exstent but its like infinity ward think its a war simulater.

all in all its a really good multi player console shooter game.

Bizarre Republican Arguments on the Stimulus Bill

Flood says...

>> ^Raverman:
Those with money don't spend or invest. And the poor and the unemployed can't. People who are idle stay idle. Why would it fix the economy? what magic is this? will people suddenly one day have confidence to hire/invest/employ? Who's going to go out on this limb during the downhill slide?

You're right. Everyone is a manic depressive and we're all trapped in a downward spiral of despair. Who in their right mind would want to try to make money at a time like this? The stock market is lower than it has been in years, but gosh, it would be stupid for me to invest now, I'm going to wait until it is really high again. </sarcasm>

There is no magic involved. Yes, people will regain confidence once the bad companies fail and go away. Those people who go out on the limb first will benefit the most from the ride to the top.

Ask yourself this question. Pick a stock or two, look at its price, look at its price over the past four years, then ask yourself, what do you think the price will be in 10 years? 20 years? Higher than it is now? How much higher? So are you waiting to invest because A) no money B) waiting for it to go lower so I can reap a larger gain, C) waiting to see what companies are the failing ones, or D) thought there was magic involved in making money.

BNF: Sorry FOX we won't let you trash Michelle Obama

NordlichReiter says...

"Fuck it we'll do it live!"

I was playing Bad Company online, and I started yelling about how I cant understand a thing some guy was saying...

This random guy in the squad chat yells "FUCK IT WILL DO IT LIVE!"

We lost that match do to complete hysteria.

Battlefield Bad Company - Bad World

Planet of the Arabs: How Hollywood Sees the Middle East

coolhund says...

I dont see the point in this video.
There always has to be an enemy in such movies. I mean, just look at the movies that has the big bad company as bad guy. Does that mean every company out there abuses their employees?
These movies are entertainment and fiction, not real life.
I dont want to know how many movies with americans as bad guys there would be if the arab nations had something similar like hollywood. But I actually know a few of such movies.
Seriously, if you dont like how Hollywood makes movies, then dont watch em and instead watch and idolize movies like Loose Change... lol
Anyway, there will always be movies which generalize and use stereotypes, for whatever reason. In many cases thats actually funny. And just because I find it funny how some Arabian in Team America says "derka derka" doesnt mean I dislike Arabs or see em all as funny speaking idiots.

Bad Company - Bad Company (Live)

Free: All Right Now

Battlefield: Bad Company, amusing videogame trailer

1960s LSD Propaganda Film

choggie says...

Grogs got the word on trippin', most bad trips come from bad company, or the sensory overload of a party scene.

Natural settings: That's where the endoles grow!

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