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Trump to be arrested

newtboy says...

Trump is a New Yorker first and foremost. He committed the crimes in New York. Can’t escape because everyone that knows him hates him. That’s true everywhere, including Fox.

Trump said he’ll be arrested, so it’s almost certainly a lie. I bet he won’t be arrested but will surrender…he doesn’t want the perp walk in every Democratic and Republican campaign ad for 2 years. I wish it were true.

Jebus you’re delusional. So, the entire country is a leftist cabal against poor Don….but it’s 250000000 people in an evil conspiracy to make up crimes and destroy an innocent man, not a nation that hates the man that tried to take over by force and become the fourth reicht with the most criminal administration this country has ever known by a factor of 10.

Trump is facing over 20 cases, many criminal including theft, destruction, holding, and dissemination of classified documents that would be life in prison by itself, multiple blatant campaign finance violations from thefts to accepting foreign donations without reporting them, a coup, false electors, abuses of power, etc. in many many courts in red states including Georgia….I suppose Georgia is now a leftist state full of leftist citizens too….any place that can see the blatant criminality must just be leftists, which you claim means they’re all liars with no qualms about perjury….or maybe Delusional Don the Con, convicted of multiple cons already, leader of the party that said clearly and publicly that they have no obligation to tell you the truth, is just a criminal con man.

All this to keep the despotic terrorist leader that tried to end democracy, destroyed the economy like never before, had the worst unemployment record ever, and by his own administration’s accounting is personally responsible for a minimum of 500000 dead Americans, more than died in WW2, and arguably over 1 million by closing the pandemic response team’s offices from ever holding office again..and to uphold the rule of law that applies to everyone or no one. The legal reasons to bar him from office are so numerous just listing them would double this posts length. Truth is he’s not a viable candidate anyway, likely won’t get the nomination, and if he does it will be a gimme for Biden. Trump is toxic, the most hated politician in American history. Outside the cult his support is zero (except from those paid to shill for him).

“Non bought”, only an honorless liar like you could try to say that.
His campaign has been caught with MILLIONS AND MILLIONS of illegal foreign “donations” (called bribes) most from Russia or Russians in Ukraine. His family took in the neighborhood of $3 BILLION from hostile foreign powers like China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, etc. Verified, documented, not even contested. He took money from any corporation that could stomach him, and he used his campaign funds as a personal bank account, paying his family members $1.8 million an hour for introducing him on stage ($60k for 2 minutes).
There’s never been a more bought politician or a more unqualified nepotistic administration….but he doesn’t stay bought, he flips the instant someone pays him to flip or if the political wind changes direction.

“Incredibly convoluted campaign finance laws nobody understands”?!? It’s pretty simple actually, they’re sworn documents, if you lie that’s fraud and perjury. If you commit a crime then compound it with federal fraud and perjury, it’s enhanced. Nice attempt at “nobody knows the law, so they don’t apply”. Fuckwits.
If you falsify business records to hide massive campaign contributions/expenditures, that’s a felony. That’s exactly what he did, repeatedly, and has multiple trials for violations in multiple courts.

If paying Stormy Daniells benefits the campaign and he hides it, lies about it, and fails to report it it’s criminal, that’s all that matters, not anything else, they know it. They’re playing you, again. You’re dropping to your knees and gaping your mouth, drooling Pavlovianly.

Notice, Gershawitz expects conviction.

Trump’s campaign is nothing but an attempt to escape prosecution, not the other way around, friendo. Blatantly, obviously, admittedly in private and anonymously.

“Cleaning up my mess”? No sir, not mine. Enjoy watching America clean up your mess, fuckwit….with trial after trial after trial after trial after trial after trial….remember how “being under investigation” was something Trump said was disqualifying for Clinton (despite being under investigation himself at the time)? No, of course you don’t.

bobknight33 said:


Newtboy biggest wet dream to date.
Enjoy cleaning up your mess.

Hard Leftest state, Leftest city, Leftest citizens.
Do you think trump has a fair chance in the court of law?

All this just to keep the only non bought elected official from running again.

Oklahoma State Sen. Nathan Dahm V Jon Stewart

cloudballoon says...

I'm an even bigger fan of Stewart post-TDS. But most of the online comments (or the vibe I get from YT anyway) is that "Stewart is not funny anymore! Wahhhhhhh! cry cry), which is just vapid & pathetic AF. What he's doing now is more important, and substantial. I'm glad he's not just on Apple+ (which I don't have), as his podcasts, and some of his show's segements, is on YT.

eric3579 said:

I'm just a fan of Jon Stewart making peoples arguments look ridiculous. *promote

Dan Bongino: This is not some conspiracy theory

newtboy says...

More pure projection.
He says liberal news media is all lies….from Faux News itself. No surprise from Bongino, he’s a treasonous liar who’s willing to say anything no matter how brain dead or false to ingratiate himself with the Trump cult for cash. I’ve pointed out before what a dishonest fabricator he is.

Still trying the fake Hunter Biden laptop story!?! You fuckwits. It’s ignored because you morons had to tamper with the data before turning it over to anyone…and because Giuliani reportedly handed it over to a Russian agent at one point. Also, he was closely connected to Andriy Derkach who was a Russian agent in Ukraine making Burisma accusations and claiming to have a second Hunter Biden laptop.
By the time law enforcement was able to look at it, there was no evidence left, only data that had been altered by criminal liars with a clear agenda to smear Joe by any means. That puts it all in question, and considering the source and the private citizen target it’s not worth anyone’s time. Deluxe nothing burger royal with cheese.

Nice attempt to distract from Faux News being 100% complicit in the failed coup, knowingly pushing the fake narratives that there was massive democratic fraud and the election stolen when now we have internal communications where they ALL admit there was absolutely no Democratic fraud at all and Trump definitely lost big time, and his spokespeople are crazy liars that make up almost everything they say, but they’re going to go along with the lies because if they do, Trump will reward them and if they don’t, he will destroy them (Tucker said this).

How many unflattering or criminal stories about Trump did the righty media fail to air? How often do they tell you how , with Trump’s approval, Jared sold classified information to the Saudis in exchange for a personal investment of $2 BILLION dollars in his new investment company that did not meet basic investment requirements for the crown prince’s funds but he gave them to Jared anyway….quid quo pro?
How often do they report on how many times they repeated known lies to further the failed coup and its defense?
Or the officials who quit because they knew the big lie was criminal?
How many stories on how the CDC said clearly that Trump’s haphazard disjointed contradictory covid message and lack of plan is to blame for over 1/2 of all infections, disabilities, and deaths? Said so when Trump was president.

Sorry, friendo. This whining look in the mirror is nonsense coming from a network dedicated to lies that still makes its viewers less informed every time they watch. Verifiably. It is still the best righty “news”, and it is verifiably wrong 95% of the time or more.


Newtboy Achieved Galaxy! (Sift Talk Post)

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

After losing the election but well before Jan 6 Trump hired (using campaign funds, not his own money) the Berkeley Research Group to look into his claims of fraud, which reported their findings also before well January 6, they reported to Trump that they found no significant voter fraud in battleground states.
Trump knew well before his “wild” rally (seditious riot and treasonous coup) that there was no election fraud by Democrats and the election was not stolen, this report and it’s findings were actively hidden from the Jan 6 committee.
Trump still held his coup on Jan 6 anyway because it was never about truth, it was about seizing power and keeping it forever as a family dictatorship.

In short, Trump absolutely knew from multiple sources including his own investigation that his big lie was a lie (honestly he knew that before the election when he came up with the plan to simply declare victory and deny anything else, but it had been proven through multiple investigations, including this secret, hidden, requested and paid for by Trump investigation that also found NOTHING.)

Just in case you don’t understand, this is proof positive of mentes reae, criminal intent by Donald Trump. Treason is a death penalty crime. Supporting an insurrection, and giving aid and comfort to those who have, is treason. You know what to do.

Boulder barrels through Palolo area home,narrowly missing...

They knew and now we know the President knew

newtboy says...

Wow. The universe just loves to crush your conspiracy theories….today in Jan 6 evidence releases (internal texts) we learned that Trump’s claim that he tried to call up 10000 national guard troops that Nancy refused was actually referencing an internal whitehouse conversation where he was talked out of calling in 10000 national guard troops to protect him and the rioters from the police and liberals as they marched on the capitol, after which the secretary of defense went so far as to write letters to the national guard and military ordering that any troops deployed could absolutely not be armed, not have helmets, body armor, or any riot control gear, and could only act in self defense …sent out of the justified fear that Trump and his insurrectionist allies would use them anyway….something they did try to do even after the idea had been quashed in the whitehouse but the SOD wouldn’t answer their calls.

If that’s not evidence of knowledge and forethought, we have different definitions of the words.

bobknight33 said:

Who is in charge of capital security?
Who is charge of calling them up? McConnell and Pelosi ? The Sargent at arms?
This guy had foreknowledge and didn't do enough. Why.

But Lets get a group of Democrats, have a 1 sided hearing and blame Trump.

At what point did Trump say Lets Storm the Capital and take over ?

He never said / implied such a thing.

Let's talk about Hannity not believing it for a second....

newtboy jokingly says...

Does this mean you’re ready to answer the question about Ashley Babbitt?
You know you don’t get to ask any more questions (the answers to which you’ll ignore anyway) until you can answer at least ONE yourself.

bobknight33 said:

Ok where is this quote? Or is this just I hope its true hearsay?

Barbie | Teaser Trailer

cloudballoon says...

OK. This is hands down the Trailer of the Decade material, no doubt. No freaking way as a happily-married dude nearing 50yo planned to see this movie in anyway, but now I'm intrigued. Don't care if people calls me a creep, I'm going IN.

Train Plows Through Trees After Snowstorm

lucky760 (Member Profile)

BSR says...

Thanks lucky. That was really strange. Ever had that happen before? Thanks for "putting the fire out" anyway.

lucky760 said:

Really, really sorry for the headache.

I was at least finally able to get into the code and find where the birthday email is sent and just shut it down completely.

Hopefully that will at least cease the barrage of attacks you've been suffering.

Arizona Republicans Attacking People Trying To Vote

newtboy says...

Not from afar, not quietly, not peacefully, not just watching….recording voters, recording licenses, IDing voters, and angrily approaching them while vitriolicly accusing them of being mules ripe for doxing and violent MAGA terrorist attacks at home and against their families, all from masked heavily armed thugs hiding their own licenses and IDs, that are WAY closer to the drop boxes than the law allows, especially when they chase the voters away from the boxes… armed.

No, you fucking moron, it’s a terrorist thing. It’s an anti democracy thing. It’s an intimidation thing. I hope it happens to you.

Tell me you would be fine with 15 well armed black thugs in masks and body armor 50 ft from the box aggressively approaching any white voters and calling them MAGA fraudulent voters, recording your face and license, threatening you and your family, and saying “we got you now” “see you soon at home, fraud” as they chase you off with guns drawn. You wouldn’t, but since it’s white MAGA terrorists, you see nothing.

Fucking moronic anti American terrorist. Eat a bag of baby dicks and choke. Better yet, go peacefully protest like Ashley Babbitt and get the same result.

There’s no way in hell they know if a person is dropping off multiple votes for family members, as allowed by law. At the legally required distance from the box, they couldn’t see what’s put in anyway, so your claim they’re just securing it is a bold lie. Even if they could see, what could they DO? Nothing, by the time they saw something put in the box it’s too late, votes are in the box mixed with all the others. The only way they could be doing anything but pure intimidation is if they physically stopped each person and checked their ID against the vote envelope, which would be SO much worse.

They’re grasping at a debunked conspiracy theory about drop box mules, another made up MAGA boogie man with absolutely zero evidence, just nutjobs delusions and baseless accusations from idiotic assholes and treasonous traitors to the USA, like yourself, and intentionally intimidating thousands of lawful voters out of voting at all…because the right knows it cannot win fair or free elections.

bobknight33 said:

Watching voting boxes from afar .. non story

Watching to see if person placing handfuls of votes in the box -- A good thing.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Today Trump’s emails with Eastman came out proving he knew all along his election fraud fraud was a lie, his fake numbers were all lies, and that he knew without a doubt that he lost the election….but went on to publicly lie about it anyway, even swearing in writing to the courts it was true.

Pelosi gets under Trump's skin in the most brutal way

cloudballoon says...

Trump will be fuming if he hears this. BUT he fumes 24/7 forever since his 1st lawsuit anyway. It's whether about he'll take the bait or not. My bet is he's too much a coward to take it like a man.

Transgender Rights II: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

newtboy says...

Yes, they are capable. Normal children anyway….you probably were not.

I do know better than to accept your ignorant, fear driven nonsense as anything more than the cowardly ignorant whining it is.
I’m a human being that was once a child. I was totally able to understand these topics without any issues by 8 years old if not earlier. My parents told me the truth, and didn’t hide things from me just because they were embarrassed or incapable of explaining them to me. Maybe you were just slow…..forget the maybe.
You still can’t get past your ignorance and hang ups about it as an adult, and are still incapable of a rational discussion because of your fear of the unknown.
You are still a child….a slow, learning deficient child.

Absolutely I’m a groomer. I groom myself daily…you disgusting slob. You probably think bathing is bad for you.

bobknight33 said:

No No they are not.

You know better or should know better.

Or are you a Groomer?

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