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Why all world maps are wrong

Ghost in the Shell (2017) - Official Trailer

JustSaying says...

@Mordhaus, you're not understanding the point I'm making here. I didn't say mankind in general isn't shitty to each other, it is very much. What I'm talking about is how as soon as Europe reached a technological tipping point (gaining an advantage), we started to fuck with every continent on the map. Our culuture shaped how we treated the rest of the world, which meant wiping out every other culture we could dominate.
Look at the Mongols, sure, extremely violent assholes. But what happened to those that didn't oppose them? Did they try to eradicate conquered cultures? Here's the funny part, the Mongols we're known for their religious tolerance. They didn't give a shit about your culture, as long as you surrendered and accepted their rule, you had a chance to be ok. Basically, the Mongols are Negan.
Say, what happened to those cultures that came into contact with the spanish Empire or the british? Oh right, we pretty much destroyed them as well as we could. We did this in the Americas, Africa and tried it in Australia. Europeans aren't Negan, they're the Wolves.
That's why I mention Zheng He. He shows up in Africa with a giant fleet and says "Gimme some of your shit!" and fucks off right home. Comes back a couple off times and the new chinese Emperor goes "Eh, it ain't worth it!"
I'm sure ol' Zheng could be quite the bastard but he didn't set up shop in Africa and he didn't start slaughtering people because they refused to embrace Buddha.
You're absolutely right, there are mad men to be found everywhere, there's genocide and slavery all around the globe all through human history. However, there's only one group of people that made all of it an export article. Our ancestors left their neighbourhood to mess up everybody else's. We're special in that regard.
With the exception of the Mongols of course. But they've always been exceptional. I mean, they're the only empire to successfuly invade Afghanistan. You gotta respect that.

Ghost in the Shell (2017) - Official Trailer

00Scud00 says...

Never heard of him before now, but even in Chinese history records of his voyages were scattered or omitted, due in part possibly because his voyages went against the wishes of a previous ruler. He made seven voyages between 1405 and 1433, the Wikipedia article mentions nothing about colonization efforts so that's probably why East Africa doesn't speak Chinese.
On the other side we have Christopher Columbus who was in all the history books here in America and was regularly celebrated. Until we got more honest with our history, now it's Indigenous People's Day in many places (That Italian Asshole Day just doesn't look as good on a calendar I guess).
If the Chinese had taken over the world then maybe we would be reading about someone else discovering the Americas (and probably called something else too) but as it stands Europeans did and that's who winds up in the history books.

So European culture is to blame for all this? You 'll have to be more specific, what have the Europeans done that nobody else have managed to do?

As far Johansson's role in the movie goes, I can take her or leave her really, they could have cast an Asian action star and I would have been fine with that. But the choice of Johansson was less about nerds like me and more about getting everyone else into the theater. Oh, and I think Idris Elba would make an awesome James Bond, just sayin.

JustSaying said:

Are you familiar with Zheng He? He led expeditions to east Africa in the early 1400s. Nobody in east Africa speaks chinese.
Of course you know Christopher Columbus. All of south America speaks spanish now. With the exception of Brazil, they speak portuguese thanks to some Pope, if I remember correctly.
That's what I'm talking about.
It's not the genes, it's not even the corruptive nature of power, it is culture. European culture. The only way we started to begin to understand the error of our ways was to wage two catastrophic wars against each other that destroyed our continent to an unseen extent. Sadly, we exported that toxic element of our culture to another continent. Just look at recent elections.

And in regards to the whitewashing of this IP, well, Hollywood doesn't trust its audience to embrace a more colorful world. It's gotten better but it's still a long way to go. At least we're going there. I just wish we'd hurry up a bit. I'm still baffeled about that Airbender movie and how they fucked up casting that so badly.
I like Johansson but she makes as much sense in that role as a black James Bond. It one of the things that make me hope the movie is good despite of it.

Ghost in the Shell (2017) - Official Trailer

JustSaying says...

Are you familiar with Zheng He? He led expeditions to east Africa in the early 1400s. Nobody in east Africa speaks chinese.
Of course you know Christopher Columbus. All of south America speaks spanish now. With the exception of Brazil, they speak portuguese thanks to some Pope, if I remember correctly.
That's what I'm talking about.
It's not the genes, it's not even the corruptive nature of power, it is culture. European culture. The only way we started to begin to understand the error of our ways was to wage two catastrophic wars against each other that destroyed our continent to an unseen extent. Sadly, we exported that toxic element of our culture to another continent. Just look at recent elections.

And in regards to the whitewashing of this IP, well, Hollywood doesn't trust its audience to embrace a more colorful world. It's gotten better but it's still a long way to go. At least we're going there. I just wish we'd hurry up a bit. I'm still baffeled about that Airbender movie and how they fucked up casting that so badly.
I like Johansson but she makes as much sense in that role as a black James Bond. It one of the things that make me hope the movie is good despite of it.

00Scud00 said:

Are you implying that white people are shitty to everyone else because they are white? Or is it less about skin color and more about how a dominant culture/race treats and mistreats others?
No matter which group is currently dominant, power always corrupts.


How Many Countries is the U.S. Currently Bombing?

kceaton1 says...

Well, I did get the count right. I'm even wondering if the "real count" (as in CIA run missions too) is more around 10-14 (depending on how active we are in SA and Africa, besides Somalia; potentially Eastern Europe like Turkey--even if they're in NATO, basically border stuff--and theUkraine--or around it; and SE depends on the roles of other Intelligence Agencies AND other NATO countries...) right now...

Lions, Cheetas and cubs OH MY !

Lions, Cheetas and cubs OH MY !

eric3579 (Member Profile)

radx says...

The Dreadful Chronology of Gaddafi’s Murder

"Much has been written about the catastrophe visited upon Libya following the murderous attack by France and the US—400,000 people driven from their homes, an endless cycle of terror and reprisal, the creation of yet another failed state in the wake of a US foreign policy initiative. But the real damage was done to Africa itself, for had Gaddafi’s proposal for a trans-African banking system reached fruition, that unhappy continent for the first time in centuries would have had true freedom and real independence within its grasp, a circumstance the Western powers could not abide. Freedom and justice were never part of the West’s agenda."

Native American Protesters Attacked with Dogs & Pepper Spray

newtboy says...

The stats were percentage of total population, not individuals. The Jewish (immigrant)population was growing exponentially faster than non-Jewish. The concern is because it was the Jewish ones that decided to permanently relocate in huge numbers (larger than all other demographics put together) across the continent to a single small country that could not stop them, and then take it by force, expelling the natives.
This "refugee from hostility" bullshit is just that as I see it. If, as you claim, the Arab population in Palestine was already hostile to Jews specifically (and I contend that if they were it was a function of massive illegal immigration, often by militants, that pushed them to it), then moving there would do absolutely nothing to alleviate the concern they might have for people that are hostile in Northern Europe. It's a complete red herring argument, ridiculous on it's face, and worse when examined closely.

"except for the holocaust part"....
Tell that to the families of the students murdered by police, or the tens of thousands of Guatemalans fleeing murder squads. State sponsored murder is state sponsored murder, it doesn't require total genocide (although the Jews don't have a monopoly on that either) and Mexicans and others have just as valid a claim that they are oppressed by it (not to the same extent as Jews under the Nazis, no, but as much or more than before the Nazis started their campaigns).

OK, let's play pretend...starting with pretending the rest of the world has an American constitution requiring equal treatment and denying discrimination based on race or religion....but I'll bite.
Almost all that happened in the 50's-60' case you weren't aware....without the Rwandan genocide part, or the backing by a foreign nation arming the black side. I think there were even attempts at succeeding by some groups back then....but they got no support, and were 'driven into the sea' in essence, mostly driven into prison, hiding, or a 6 ft box in reality.
Comparing the Arab league to NATO and the US is hardly realistic, unless the black nation in your "example" gets the military backing of Russia, China, Africa, South America, and parts of central America, and NATO only contains the US, Mexico, and Canada, and has no chance against new Africa and it's allies, which beats them mercilessly then expands north for decades. Also, you have to change the immigration from Rwanda, a tiny nation, to black "refugees" from the entire planet...and even then you don't have close to the same per capita immigration problem European Jewish immigrants posed to native Palestinians. All that said...I'm pretty sure some Northern leaders publicly declared they would drive the secessionists into the sea in the civil war, so it would be nothing new here. Also, it would be totally proper to do so in your hypothetical, IMO. Any invaders can be driven out by force by any nation...and that nation gets to decide who's an invader. Keep in mind that in your example, the black nation would expel all non blacks and seize their property....which is usually called theft.

I'll stick with my Mexican analogy, it's vastly more apt,'s as if you forgot that there are native Mexicans in the US that did have their property rights infringed on and were discriminated against (and still are)...and/or aren't aware that Rwanda is much smaller than the US or even smaller than many individual states, and/or ignored that the Arab League is much smaller and infinitely less capable than the UN or NATO, so not a decent comparison.....or aren't aware of.....well, that's enough, no need to harp.

bcglorf said:

If the locals were already doing their utmost legally to halt the invasion in the 30's, it was clear the immigrants were not welcome...except by the 11%
Jews weren't the only ones relocating to Palestine you know, Arab population growth was being driven up as well. For some strange reason a lot of people were relocating en mass in between WW1 and WW2. Seems disproportionate to me to be the concerned exclusively with the Jewish ones. Doubly so given within that time frame they undoubtedly had better reasons for concern.

My Texas-California comparison stands...
Except for the holocaust part.

Here's the example you want. During the Rwandan genocide, let's pretend we saw a mass exodus of Africans seeking refuge in America. As the genocide in Rwanda was being sifted through, let's pretend that White America decided to ban all land sales to black people, and started refusing to conduct any business with black people. Let's pretend white folks even got up in arms and started committing a few massacres of Black towns and Black people did the same back in defense and retaliation. Now, while all this fighting takes place lets see it escalate to an all out war, and the black population declares independence and accepts a UN mandated solution where they keep Missippi, Alabama and Florida or something. The day after that however, America and NATO announce a joint declaration of war and the president of the USA declares that he's going to drive the Africans into the sea. Now you've got a made in America analogy.

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maatc (Member Profile)

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How the World Map Looks Wildly Different Than You Think

kulpims (Member Profile)

kronosposeidon says...

Hey dude, long time no talk. I know this is coming out of left field, but by chance have you ever met Melania Trump? I just learned today that she is from Slovenia, and I immediately thought of you. Now don't get me wrong; I know that Slovenia is a nation of 2,000,000+ people, so I certainly don't expect you to know every soul in your homeland. I also know she hasn't lived there for 20 years. But she is around your age, and she briefly attended university, and you attended university too, right? I don't know what school you attended, but maybe you went to the same school?

I remember you saying that you were friends with one of those dudes from Perpetuum Jazzile in that 'Africa' video, so I thought, well, you might know someone else from Slovenia? I know it sounds stupid, but anyway it would be cool if you did know her so that you could brag on Videosift that you know the wife of the prick who might be the next US president and could potentially destroy the world. Maybe you could even get invited to the White House. And then you could leave an upper decker. Google it. Do it for all of of us, you beautiful son of a bitch.

How to respond to bigotry with tolerance and integrity.

newtboy says...

Are you sure about that?
I thought I saw a program about studying the migration of humans through DNA studies that said aboriginal people in Australia both came from a separate group of humans that left Africa earlier than the main migration, and also had evolved into a separate sub species after arriving, meaning that, as they exist today, they are native and also distinct genetically from any other group of humans....lucky them.

Payback said:

If you wanna get technical, not a single human is native to Australia. We all get traced back to sub-Saharan Africa. All the whites could be classified as invasive species, too.

How to respond to bigotry with tolerance and integrity.

Payback says...

If you wanna get technical, not a single human is native to Australia. We all get traced back to sub-Saharan Africa. All the whites could be classified as invasive species, too.

newtboy said:

Hey dumb're an immigrant too, unless you're aborigine, which I seriously doubt. Go back to your country and stop taking money out of Australia, you ignorant taker.
I didn't know they had Faux news in Australia.

I guess I failed the tolerance test.

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