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Anonymous Republican On Trump: 'Impeach The Motherf*cker'

HenningKO says...

God I hate Republicans... anyone who still supported him up to a week ago...
He finally does something you don't like (meddle in Syria)... he finally becomes unpopular enough to threaten your whole party (buried in scandal, tax plan, no wall, trying and failing to take down ACA, punting on DACA, punting on gun control)...
And now, ONLY NOW, does all the rest of the shit he did look "impeachable" to you.
Fuck you., ya spineless suits and boot-lickers.

The Star Wars: Concept Trailer

Republican Tax Scam Is Handwritten Nonsense

newtboy jokingly says...

More proof you're don't even know which party's been in control of the house for 7 of the last 8 years. Granted, dems did little when they had power.
(btw, it's ACA, not AHA, Russian to English translation programs suck for acronyms, don't they)

bobknight33 said:

This from Trollboy Newt. thanks

Who cares - Even if they had a week to look at it.- No Dem would vote for it-- They are obstructionists.

At least Democrats had an hour to bitch ..

The AHA ( Obama Care) had to be passed to see what was in it.

To be fair. Democrats controlled most of the last 8 years and did nothing about tax reform. Shame on them. Sucks sitting at the back of the bus. --That"s what happens when you fuck Americans and heap 8 Trillion onto the debt. YOU LOOSE.

Republican will save the day , again.

SFOGuy (Member Profile)

The micro text to McCain's down vote of the ACA repeal

RFlagg says...

I thought Trump was the world's best deal maker, didn't he have a book ghost written for him (because he can't read and write well past the 4th grade level) called the "Art of the Deal"? During the campaign he said again and again how "Only I can... [insert whatever]". None of those things are done that only he could do. It's like he lied... "lies, all lies!" to quote Frau.

They blame Democrats for not joining in, but they weren't even invited to participate in Trumpcare on the Senate side at all... hell, most of the Republicans themselves weren't allowed to participate in the creation. Compare that to the ACA, which had over a year of public debate and had plenty of Republican input and amendments. The Republicans have the number of people to pass anything they could want to pass, but the world's best deal maker, can't make a deal with his own party?

I think this shows more and more how the Republican party needs to split. The divides in the party itself are becoming too great. The problem of course is then they loose control as you split the vote, Fox News and the right wing media would follow the more right wing split, while the Reagan era style Republicans would be sidelined, though maintain a big voting block among less brain washed Republicans.

The party can't even get a simple repeal passed, which they've passed before, of course it was just symbolic then, actually passing a repeal seems harder. They campaigned for years on how they had a better plan, of course they didn't show it, which should have been the first warning they didn't have one, and now they spend all this time trying to come up with something better and still can't pull it off, despite having a clear majority. Of course another warning sign should have been the fact that last break, only 2 of them had enough guts to actually hold town halls, the rest avoided their constitutions...

Unrelated side note: I still say all the Senators and Representatives should stay home, in their home districts. Technology is such that they don't need to all be in Washington at all. Of course I'd also cut their pay then, say to what an entry level soldier (sans hazard pay) would make since it is a service position, not a career, term limit them (12 years House, 12 or 16 years Senate, 8 years President, or 20 years combined total max). And then you make the number of Representatives actually be based on population, we've had 435 Reps since 1911, and the population has grown a lot since then... say one Representative for every 500,000 people, which would give us 646 Representatives, which stay in their home districts. But of course that would rob them of their money, their political careers, and make them more liable to the people they represent, so congress would never make those changes.

SFOGuy (Member Profile)

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

JiggaJonson says...

Fair enough, but the problem in this case is the president alone. He's stirring up opposition to the bill and the party with his tweets.

Republicans can say that the ACA was written behind closed doors and pushed through all they want, but the truth is that Obama had much to do with its passing by promoting it and talking specifics.

Obama wasn't a president that simply repeated "it's a great bill, the BEST bill" over and over. Now, granted idk why the keep your doctor/plan line was repeated, but if you have a plan that doesn't let you go to the doctor, or a hospital, or get an ambulance, can you really call it health care anymore ?

At some point they had to define what health care was to be able to assign a legal consequence.

In summation, Obama helped the ACA along with speeches and conferences and open debates where he talked actual policy.

Trump is hurting his chances of passing anything by speaking only in vagaries and insults.

bobknight33 said:

Agreed more was passed. It should be noted that under Obama the Democrats had more Democrats so getting to the 50 vote was much easy.

Party Breakdown
In the 111th Congress, the current party alignments are
261 Democrats in the House of Representatives and 180 Republicans.
The Senate has 57 Democrats; two Independents, who caucus with the Democrats, and 41

Party Breakdown
In the 115th Congress, the current party alignments as of March 13, 2017, are as follows:
House of Representatives: 239 Republicans and 197 Democrats
and 5 vacancies.

Senate: 52 Republicans, 46 Democrats, and 2 Independents, who both caucus
with the Democrat

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

JiggaJonson says...

Whether you agree with him or not, at least Obama got a piece-er excuse me, several pieces, of major legislation passed.

American Recovery & Reinvestment Act
Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act
Children's Health Insurance Reauthorization Act
and that's just within the first few months of his presidency
Oh yeah, and the big one, ACA.

It's a shame that you had to find out that business people only want to enrich their own lives this way. The truth is, Trump doesn't care if it passes or not. He only cares if it makes him look bad.

bobknight33 said:

And you have the mind set of a fool.

Obama was a failure with no leadership on real issues
HE always lead from behind.

Trump is not afraid to lead.

What you need to know about the Obamacare repeal

enoch says...


lol.i just deleted a massive ramblomatic that broke down the entire history of the ACA.

figured i better just stick to basics.

many of the early protests you saw were partisan diehards who had been riled up by their favorite demagogue.


but really the two great things from the ACA,and were provisions obama fought very hard for were:
pre-existing conditions
and while the ACA did not allow negotiating pharmaceutical prices,they DID put a cap on them.

and while the ACA was not perfect,far from it,those two provisions did a lot of good for people who suffered from long term illnesses.

but when anericans are asked pointed questions,without being directed for a specific goal,the majority support a single payer system.even republicans.

because you are is a no-brainer.
americans already pay into a system:medicare/medicaid.
which operates on a 3% overhead.
and if basic,preventative care is offered early in peoples lives,the resulting savings totals into the 100's of billions.

and when presented to the american people like that,the majority are all for it.

*note( in the first three weeks of debating the ACA,the big 3 health insurance companies(blue cross,humana and cigna) spent a whopping 300 BILLION!

by the end it was almost a trillion they had spent to combat the passing of the ACA.

What you need to know about the Obamacare repeal

ChaosEngine says...

Then why did we see so many protests around the ACA?

It wasn't the insurance companies protesting, although I have no doubt they spent a tonne of money lobbying against it.

enoch said:

and to answer your question @ChaosEngine,the american people are down with single payer according to the polls (when the right questions are asked),and this includes moderate republicans.

so it is not the american people,it is the multi-billion dollar health insurance industry,and THEIR politicial bullshit is an entirely separate conversation.

New Rule: Trump and the Long Con

newtboy says...

It makes one wonder....what's @bobknight33 s take on this weeks total failure of another of Trump's main campaign promises, immediate repeal and replacement of the ACA, even though Republicans have full control of congress and enough votes to do what they like?
What about his promise of better health care for everybody for less money, but his bill actually offered much higher premiums (>20% higher immediately) and 24 million more people without healthcare, and those who manage to keep their insurance would find it useless since it would no longer cover prescriptions, doctor visits, hospitalization, emergency room visits, etc. Not exactly better care for less, is it?

How about the wall, now paid for with taxes, not Mexico?

How's the war on Daesh going, are they eradicated yet like he said they would be instantly with his great secret plan? No? Oh, what did the Democrats do that saved Daesh from his perfect knowledge of military actions?

Also, what's Bob's take on the bi-partisan congressional investigative committee (that now clearly needs to be made an independent prosecutor run investigation since a committee member decided to report directly to the suspect of the investigation rather than his investigative committee) saying there is far more than circumstantial evidence of collusion with the Russians and his campaign? That's treason, and this level of treason, once proven, calls for execution not prison, and certainly not just removal from office.

Is there a point where average Trumpeteers will admit they made a huge mistake, or is this guy the only one that sees reality?

AHCA: A Republican Response to The Affordable Care Act

TheFreak says...

Fixes to the ACA should have been happening all along. Annual tweaks and adjustments would have prevented most or all of the problems it's experiencing right now.

Of course, the conservatives in Congress only benefited from letting all those people suffer through the widening cracks in the system.

Even now, it would be easier and more cost effective to fix the system but once again, the conservatives would rather cut off their own nose to spite their face rather than look out for the best interest of the people who trust them to do the right thing.

This TrumpCare is going to explode in the Republican's faces. Hubris is a helluva drug. (And cheaper if you buy it in Canada.)

Why I Left the Left

newtboy says...

No, the teabaggers invaded the republicans and took them mostly far right but really deep into insanity, where they aren't right or left, just angry and lashing out while accepting no responsibility for their parts in problems. They are anti tax, but pro spending, anti big government unless it's a government project they support, then big government is what's needed every time, anti regulation unless it's a regulation against something they dislike (like abortion, relaxing drug policies, marriage, equal protection under the law, etc).

Every teabagger I've met (and there are many) has been at least as if not more racist, homophobic, and bible thumping than the media makes the 'party' out to be, including (sadly) many of my own family members. They are not the fringe, they are the base, you're either lying or don't know your own group. They are also just as dumb and/or stupid as they are portrayed, my favorite slogan is "keep your government hands off my medicare", clearly the woman carrying it was so dumb she didn't understand that medicare is a government program, just like 1/2 of you don't know that the ACA is Obamacare, but HATED Obamacare with a passion while insisting the ACA is great. Not racist? Then what? Just brain dead? It's this disconnect from reality and sanity that made me run from them as soon as it was clear where the party was didn't start out like it ended up, it started out more like OWS.

Haven't you been the one saying all left wingers are in perfect alignment with SJWs recently....repeatedly and smugly? Yes...that was you.


worm said:

So the Republicans left the Conservatives and took the party to the left, meanwhile the SJW's took the Democratic party and drug it out to the WAY WAY out to the left?

In any effect, I agree with him in just about every way, and welcome him to come join us "tea baggers". We aren't nearly as racist, homophobic, or bible thumping as the media makes us out to be.

Not saying those people don't exist, but they are a really, really small fringe, and putting their identity on a whole group of people is like saying all left wingers are in perfect alignment with BLM or OWS groups.

How to fix a smashed fingernail via trephination

Obamacare in Trump Country

newtboy says...

Um, deductibles are way up from 100%? The uninsured had a 100% deductible, the insured had a steadily rising deductible before the ACA. It's true, cost and deductible have gone up....just as they have since the insurance industry began.
The true fix is single payer, where you remove the useless insurance industry that does nothing but raise cost and get in the way of treatment (all the talk of death panels back in the day, what do you think insurance adjusters that deny treatment are?). Without the insurance industry we instantly save 10-20% on healthcare, remove numerous roadblocks to treatment, and offer everyone good healthcare, saving more by keeping people healthier. Yes, some people's taxes would rise, others not, but overall it would be a HUGE savings that only costs us red tape.

bobknight33 said:

Cheep for the poor and not that affordable for for what you get. Not to mention deductibles are way higher under the current plan.

I don't know the true fix but this current plan is not working.

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