Do you ever visit the web pages, that has for each channel?

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A total of 40 votes have been cast on this poll.

I have to know. The web pages videosift has for each channel. (,, and etc.) Do you personally go to those pages or not?

Yes, you can go to a channel quickly by clicking the channel listed next to any video.
But do you ever go to those pages?
gwiz665 says...

I said yes, but it is very rare. I don't really gain much from getting in there, so it's mostly by accident. I get more out of it in the talks section where the different channels are more segregated than videos are.

Barseps says...

A "no" vote from me. I like variety & I'm not going to concentrate my viewing on one particular area, that's why I stick to the front page & "unsifted" 'cos I'm more interested in viewing all the new stuff.

bareboards2 says...

I inadvertently go to channels - think I'm clicking on one thing and end up stuck in a channel. Took me awhile to figure out how to get back to videosift "home" -- I used to have to leave the site and re-enter.

And yes, I'm not very observant or computer literate.

I find channels annoying more than anything in terms of navigating the site. I use advanced search when I am trying to find something, and the channel designations are helpful for winnowing down the choices.

Took me forever to find advanced search, too. Sigh.

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