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Comments to 13649

imstellar28 says...

i believe that anyone able to consent should be legally permitted to do so. as it stands, people under 18 are not considered able to do this--they require parental consent in addition. at some age, this is invalid as even if the minor consents, they really don't know what they are doing. any number chosen will be arbitrary so i cannot defend it, and what the age should be i don't know.

currently, that age is 18. whether that is too low/high i don't know. my argument was that people should be able to freely make choices about their own lives, if it is physically/mentally possible for them to do so.

so to answer your queston, i support the legality of any non-conformist relationship as long as both parties consent.

In reply to this comment by ehtteop:
In reply to this comment by imstellar28:

as long as people are legally permitted to enter into civil unions with whomever they are want, thats what I care about.

Now, I'm not trying to be insulting, nor am I trying to imply anything by my next question (which I actually registered to ask).

Does this mean that you're in support of any non-conformist relationship, as long as long as both parties consent or appear to give consent?

These include, boy-man, boy-woman, etc type relationships that society tends to look down upon. Further, these are things that have legislation passed making them illegal, much like polygamy.

I'm interested in your thoughts on the matter.

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