Google Chrome (Google attempts a browser)

Well, this post is being written in Google Chrome, Google's shiny (HAR HAR HAR!)new  web-browser, I've only been using it for half an hour or so, but so far I like it alot. its really, really simple to use, its much faster for me than firefox is, and its just overall awesome in functionality



lucky760 says...

Used it for 5 minutes and just wow. Loving it thus far. Very slick...

One bug (?) so far is mouse wheel up doesn't scroll up, but down works fine.

Awww, shnap! The tab dragging (side to side and in and out), memory used per tab, stats for nerds, ... This is a beautiful thing.

Fantastic developer tools, js console, etc... The super fast V8 javascript engine... Independent tab execution... You can type view-source: to see the source of a page without having to load it first...

Oh Chrome where have you been all my life?! Seriously, this thing's top notch.

BicycleRepairMan says...

scrolls both ways for me, but pushing it down for the "smooth arrow moving thingy" doesnt work. one neat think that I can to, is resize these boxes I'm typing this in, that is REALLY neat, or is it just some VS function I've been missing out on in Firefox?

kronosposeidon says...

It's lightning fast, but I miss some of my extensions that I have on Firefox. I like Foxytunes, Gmail notifier, Forecastfox, Screengrab, and the StumbleUpon toolbar. I know Google wanted to make this a minimalist browser, but I like being able to customize with add-ons.

Still, it's very nice (especially because of the speed), and I see myself using it a lot in the future.

joedirt says...

shockwave keeps hanging on videosift.

I find it totally unusable as embeds are floating in space, videos start to play and lockup CPU at 100%, I've had videos playing twice on top of each other.

thegrimsleeper says...

I can't scroll up, and that is really annoying. Other than that I don't see much wrong with it. But I don't see anything wrong with Firefox either and I like it better, so I think I'll stick with him for now.

On a related note, I was reading a newspaper today and it had a tiny article about Google releasing a web browser. What was interesting was the picture they used with the story. See.

Thylan says...

Attempted to use it. It did not play nice. Wasnt keen on the GoogleUpdater service and autorunning process. Didn't like its insta crashing before viewing a single page, and failing to "start up" after any crash, just spawning more chrome processes.

I'll try it again some time when it plays nice.

gwiz665 says...

I have not had a single issue with this browser. I love it. The incognito mod is great for surfing "secret" sites and watching blankfist's homevideos on redtube.

Zonbie says...

Very Fast! And has its own task tray so you can see all processes (and what is eating up memory)

Very cool!

Also you can detach tabs as solo windows
so so cool for reference browsing. (did I mention it's stupid fast??)

I think if I get a little netbook it will be default browser - no problems o far Great App!

Nice one google! and open source too!
I can see this getting very popular!

BicycleRepairMan says...

>> ^AnimalsForCrackers:
Finding that when I launch Chrome, it opens up 2 separate entries in my Task Manager, both named chrome.exe, thus taking up double the memory. Besides that I think it's fantastic!

If you read the comic they released they explain this, its actually a feature,as each tab is its own process, that sounds bad, but if one crashes, you dont have to close them all, AND, in other browsers, some of the memory stays used up, even if you close the tab, so in the long run, this is supposed to save memory. (Thats how they explain it, anyway, I have no clue.)

AnimalsForCrackers says...

Ah, cool. I can't count how many times I've lost a rather lengthy post either here or on Blue's; after developing the habit of doing it up in a word processor first, it's going to feel weird trusting my browser to see me through. Even with 2 instances of it going, still taking up less than half the memory of Firefox or IE, so that's a plus.

joedirt says...

This piece of crap google browser keeps freezing and locking up on the flash embeds.

Is it just me? Do I need to install some other shockwave thingy????

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