Originally called Huang Chung (Chinese for "yellow bell", though they later claimed it was the sound a guitar made on American Bandstand), the band formed in 1979. The lineup consisted of vocalist/guitarist Jack Hues, bassist Nick Feldman and drummer Darren Costin. Their self-titled debut was released by Arista Records in 1982 after several singles, including the minor post-punk hit "Isn't It About Time We Were On TV". In 1983, after being dropped by Arista and signed to Geffen Records, they changed their name to Wang Chung (at Geffen's suggestion, to make pronunciation easier for English-speakers—consistent with the claim by VH1's Pop Up Video that they changed it because people kept calling them "Hung Chung"—and subsequently they released Points On the Curve, which yielded two major hits, "Don't Let Go" (#38 US) and this one, "Dance Hall Days" (#16 US).

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