Sex Ed teacher gets around no condom demo law

Mississippi's new sex education law prevents teachers from showing teens how to use condoms. However, they CAN show kids how to protect their feet through correct and consistent sock use. -yt

Don't forget it helps to wash your foot right away after you remove the sweaty sock! That is; if you're young and ready to get right back out there with a new sock and some more athletic activities!


Shoe-related activities are always enjoyable, but remember that if you don't wear a sock your shoe may give you blisters that will stay with you the rest of your life or even make your foot fall off.


It's interesting to me that the same people who are anti-contraceptive (and against sex-education or availability of contraceptives) are also the same people who are anti-abortion.

How do they not see the correlation between unwanted pregnancy and abortion? And yet, they don't want any more "welfare moms" either? /confused.


abstinence is the answer. sex is sin. be ashamed of your body. seek redemption through christ.


It's interesting to me that the same people who are anti-contraceptive (and against sex-education or availability of contraceptives) are also the same people who are anti-abortion.

How do they not see the correlation between unwanted pregnancy and abortion? And yet, they don't want any more "welfare moms" either? /confused.


Because every sweat is sacred
Every sweat is great
If a sweat is wasted
God gets quite irate

Let the heathen spill theirs
On the dusty ground
God shall make them pay for
Each sweat that can't be found


It was never about logic or caring for people. It's always been about controlling people's behaviour through shaming natural and unavoidable sexual desires.


It's interesting to me that the same people who are anti-contraceptive (and against sex-education or availability of contraceptives) are also the same people who are anti-abortion.

How do they not see the correlation between unwanted pregnancy and abortion? And yet, they don't want any more "welfare moms" either? /confused.


The idea is that sex should only be used for reproduction and not for fun. As such, if you're going to have sex, you shouldn't wear protection (as that would undermine your reproductive potential) and if you do get pregnant, you should keep the pregnancy because getting pregnant is the whole point of sex.


It's interesting to me that the same people who are anti-contraceptive (and against sex-education or availability of contraceptives) are also the same people who are anti-abortion.

How do they not see the correlation between unwanted pregnancy and abortion? And yet, they don't want any more "welfare moms" either? /confused.

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