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Is reality real? Call of Duty May Have the Answer

Expensive Wine Is For Suckers

Jinx says...

Yeah, I refuse to pay a premium for a placebo, Not because I feel I am immune to all that subconscious fuckery, but because I'd hate to think I am in any way subsidising wine snobbery.

Also, Champagne vs sparkling wine. They both stink. Idk how anybody puts their nose in a glass of either, regardless of price.

How to survive in a free falling elevator

Jinx says...

...but you wouldn't be able to stack anything in a falling elevator.

Also, forget internal organs. Well, not completely, but having them mostly intact isn't going to help you much if your the fall has driven your femur up through your pelvis and made a proper mess of some rather important arteries. My procedure for nightmare-falling-in-elevator-scenario is a) protect head with arms - adopt the brace position b) Lie as flat as possible to avoid aforementioned projectile leg bones c) get as close to the floor of the lift as possible.

but yeah, you're probably fucked.

9 Photo Composition Tips (feat. Steve McCurry)

Jinx says...

It always seemed to me that these "rules" are applied retroactively, with a fair flexibility in how rules can be broken or bent. Not that I don't think there might be something to it all, but I'm just going to hazard a guess that the ability to compose a good photo comes from innate, subconscious ability forged from lots of bad photos, rather than from learning the tricks by rote.

dannym3141 said:

These tips never really sit properly with me.. I want to know why the rule is important, perhaps contrasting it with pictures that are similar but somehow fail to meet the same standard, or maybe offset the picture slightly from it's normal alignment and show that it doesn't work as well.

When it says "use natural frames like windows and doors!" and shows a few pics of windows and doors, that's not evidence of how good windows and doors are for framing pictures, it just shows that some pictures of windows and doors are nice. Diagonals create movement? Well the first pic was of a kid running, and the second one in the snow looked perfectly still to me.

I've yet to see one of these that really sells me on the idea that composition trumps subject matter.. the pictures are always of interesting things, and whilst i'm willing to believe the composition makes it interesting, it hasn't proved that to me, and i can always find or create examples that don't work within the rule.

Sex Ed teacher gets around no condom demo law

Jinx says...

abstinence is the answer. sex is sin. be ashamed of your body. seek redemption through christ.

speechless said:

It's interesting to me that the same people who are anti-contraceptive (and against sex-education or availability of contraceptives) are also the same people who are anti-abortion.

How do they not see the correlation between unwanted pregnancy and abortion? And yet, they don't want any more "welfare moms" either? /confused.

How To Sound Smart By Giving a TED Talk About Nothing

Jinx says...

I think you meant "drivel".

Ashenkase said:

I'm going to point out the inevitable error in your base argument which will nullify the remainder of your comment. I will also reveal myself as a grammar/spelling nazi by pointing out egregious errors in your poorly thought out dribble. A subsequent poster will call me out as a grammar/spelling nazi and I will re-reply with "neener neener".

Daft Punk: "Get Lucky" - 1LIVE Chilly Gonzales Pop Music ...

Foreign Foods You’re Eating Wrong

Jinx says...

Watching people trying to eat Sushi with chopsticks is hilarious tho.

But yah. I've never been to an Indian restaurant that expected you to ignore the cutlery they'd provided.

20 Misconceptions About Sex (mental_floss)

Jinx says...

Because the claim that men think about sex 1.6 times a second for one minute out of 12 all day is just so much more reasonable.

IDK bout u man, I think about sex like, 3000 times in my first few waking minutes. That way I am set until about lunch time ya know.

newtboy said:

WTF?!? 30 min of sex "might burn off 85-150 calories!?! Not the way I do it, buddy! Try moving a little.
Peaking sexually is about how much sex you WANT, not how much you might get.
The study said men think about sex every 7 seconds ON AVERAGE, dumbass, that's different from 'every seven seconds'! That means if they think about sex 100 times in one minute, they're good for the next 12. A 'thought' doesn't take long for most of us. If you consider many teenagers spend months or even years thinking about sex, it gives them a lot of time later in life to think about other things and yet still 'think about sex every seven seconds on average'.
Can a newt get a *fail (I'm not talking to you, Sifty)

How to read music - Tim Hansen

Jinx says...

And why does it usually start from C

And why are C# and Db the same?

And why not let B# exist and get rid of the notes we don't need.

Better yet, why not just have 11(12?) notes to match the number of tones in an octave.

(i only play tabs )

Fairbs said:

So who decided there were seven notes in an octave and why?

Can You Solve This? - Veritasium

Jinx says...

It would have been cool if he'd gone on to explain statistical significance and the idea of refuting the null hypothesis etc.

Fucking monkey brains seeing patterns in everything. Can't be too hard on it though, it got us this far afterall, but dammit monkey I'm trying to do science now.

Slow Motion Slinky drops---with the bottom frozen in mid air

Jinx says...

I like the information explanation: The bottom of the slinky doesn't know its falling until the top bit tells it to

Quantum Computing Explained

Jinx says...

I still dont understand how it'll work. It would still use boolean logic? I mean...wat? How? How do qbits interact to do multiple computations without collapsing out of superposition? How do you do any computation without measuring them in the process? What do you mean the answer is 42? What was the question?

Anyway. Good luck to those programmers still struggling with 8 threads. Its going to get a little more tricky gentlemen.

Porn Sex vs Real Sex: The Differences Explained With Food

Jinx says...

Sooooo, when you go down on a lady you bring a spoon? Actuallly, dont answer that.

ps. I'm actually quite surprised that almost half of women have tried anal. Lil sheltered ol me.

artician said:

I was expecting a comparative analogy more along the lines of "slowly enjoying a nice bowl of soup", versus "pulverizing a steak via tenderizer to the point of near-liquidation for 30 minutes".

Herbs And Empires: A Brief History Of Malaria Drugs

Jinx says...

Sickle-Cell Anemia is similar with a slight twist. The disease is caused by a mutation of a gene for haemoglobin, which deforms and causes the red blood cells to take on a sickle shape. In the case of SCA the gene has more than one dominant allele, known as codominance (I think thats also why hair colours "mix", but dont quote me on that). As a result carriers of the disease have one copy of the mutated gene and one healthy copy. They produce healthy AND deformed sickle shaped red blood cells. Carriers with this heterozygous form are practically free from symptons of the full disease and while not immune to malaria they are more resistant. Strangely, and for reasons I dont fully understand, those with the full disease are still vulnerable to Malaria, or at least malaria makes the symptoms of SCA worse.

Unsurprisingly SCA is fairly common in parts of Africa where Malaria claims a lot of lives. It would be a pretty amazing adaption if it were not for the 25% chance that any child between two carriers suffered from the full disease.

Now for my somewhat related story:
I tried the "natural" Malaria remedy in Kenya. The Masai guide had this huge grin on his face when he offered it to me that in hindsight should have definitely tipped me off. I'm guessing it was quinene based because it was so bitter that I wretched it and a fair portion of my breakfast up and out on the spot. He made it up later when he found some wild honey (you know, as you do - Masai ftw) to take the taste away.

MilkmanDan said:

Interesting. I've got a semi-relevant story, but I get long winded so feel free to skip to the next comments if you like.

My wife (Thai) and I (American) had our first daughter this year. When she first got pregnant, one of the doc's first priorities was to get us both tested for "Thalassemia", which I had never heard of before. Apparently it is a blood disorder that affects hemoglobin production and therefore red blood cells -- if both parents carry the (rather rare) recessive gene, it can be a pretty bad deal.

It turned out that my wife is in the 1% or so of Thais that carry the gene (but she doesn't express / suffer from it, it is recessive and she has the dominant gene also). I had to get tested as well, but they said it would be incredibly unlikely that I'd be positive and I wasn't. So, our daughter has a 25% chance of being a carrier like my wife but zero chance of suffering from the effects of it.

Anyway, I was curious about the disease and asked the doc why it is a big deal here (every pregnant couple MUST get screened for it here when getting hospital/prenatal care) but I'd never even heard of it in the US. It turns out that the disease / genetic mutation arose only in places with high rates of malaria. As it happens, the genetic effect on your blood cells that the mutation has makes you more resistant to malaria -- full-on exhibitors of it (two recessive genes) are far less likely to die of malaria than people that don't have the gene. That is, assuming that you don't have the extreme variants of it that make it very unlikely to survive early childhood. Basically, if you have the disease and yet are healthy enough to survive to adulthood, you're close to malaria immune (that's overstating it, but ballpark). The malaria parasite can't survive and reproduce properly on your funky Thalassemia-affected red blood cells.

I thought that was a pretty interesting evolutionary response that must have arisen from some populations being pretty much decimated by malaria back in pre-recorded history. Current carriers like my wife are probably the descendants of lucky folks that survived a deadly outbreak in history by virtue of having a disease/mutation that is, under normal circumstances, slightly or even extremely bad in species survival / reproductive fitness terms. I thought that was kinda cool -- but I'm glad that neither my wife nor my daughter are/can be full-on expressors of the gene.

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