Ideas for [OMITTED]posted by blankfist 1 decade 5 years 11 months 1 week ago • 810 views NOTHING TO SEE HERE. MOVE ALONG. _________________________________________________________ THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN EXPUNGED OF ANY SENSITIVE MATERIAL -- THIS IS NOT A COVER UP!!!! A recent poll voted to remove the [OMITTED]. I think a [OMITTED]of those who [OMITTED][OMITTED][OMITTED]it did so because of its current [OMITTED] [OMITTED][OMITTED]as opposed to it being a [OMITTED][OMITTED]for the [OMITTED]to [OMITTED][OMITTED]to reach a [OMITTED]when people are [OMITTED]for [OMITTED][OMITTED]rules, etc. I have some [OMITTED][OMITTED][OMITTED]a [OMITTED]system, not [OMITTED]a [OMITTED]one. And, this idea wouldn't take a lot of [OMITTED][OMITTED], either. [OMITTED]on, [OMITTED]. The [OMITTED][OMITTED] [OMITTED][OMITTED]a [OMITTED]'[OMITTED]of your [OMITTED]' [OMITTED]. Here's the [OMITTED]. First, a [OMITTED][OMITTED][OMITTED]is 51% of the user base [OMITTED]the [OMITTED][OMITTED]% who [OMITTED]stay or go. That kind of [OMITTED]system isn't ideal [OMITTED]it becomes a [OMITTED]game. For [OMITTED], I doubt I [OMITTED]ever [OMITTED][OMITTED]to [OMITTED]to [OMITTED]someone like [OMITTED]or [OMITTED]. To make it fair I propose a [OMITTED]of your [OMITTED]. Upon a [OMITTED]being called, someone could [OMITTED]*[OMITTED]in the [OMITTED]and a list of [OMITTED][OMITTED][OMITTED]could be [OMITTED]([OMITTED][OMITTED]and higher). I doubt this would [OMITTED]much [OMITTED], though I could see it [OMITTED]people who are no [OMITTED][OMITTED]members. Not a perfect solution by any means. The [OMITTED][OMITTED]are [OMITTED][OMITTED]by the [OMITTED]([OMITTED]), [OMITTED]([OMITTED]who called the [OMITTED]) and the [OMITTED]. In a [OMITTED]of [OMITTED], the [OMITTED]and [OMITTED]can [OMITTED]a certain [OMITTED]of [OMITTED]members. For [OMITTED][OMITTED]of [OMITTED], let's say each can [OMITTED][OMITTED]. For [OMITTED], if [OMITTED]was the [OMITTED][OMITTED][OMITTED]and I [OMITTED]on the [OMITTED]list, [OMITTED]it [OMITTED][OMITTED]him to [OMITTED][OMITTED]. [OMITTED], once the [OMITTED]has been [OMITTED], both sides are given a [OMITTED][OMITTED]of time to make their [OMITTED]and [OMITTED][OMITTED]. Once the [OMITTED]have [OMITTED][OMITTED], and witnesses have [OMITTED][OMITTED][OMITTED], the jury must [OMITTED]to a [OMITTED]in private. [OMITTED], I'm not sure how that [OMITTED]happen. If the [OMITTED][OMITTED]reach a [OMITTED], the [OMITTED]will be hung. The [OMITTED]overseeing the matters can [OMITTED]the [OMITTED]to [OMITTED][OMITTED][OMITTED], thus [OMITTED]the [OMITTED], or the [OMITTED]can accept the hung [OMITTED]and [OMITTED]the [OMITTED]. If a [OMITTED]is [OMITTED], it is up to the [OMITTED]([OMITTED]and [OMITTED]) to [OMITTED]the [OMITTED][OMITTED]([OMITTED], [OMITTED][OMITTED], [OMITTED], [OMITTED][OMITTED], etc). [OMITTED], I just [OMITTED]a [OMITTED]down [OMITTED]of [OMITTED]. [OMITTED] I [OMITTED]? And, [OMITTED]of calling it a [OMITTED], we [OMITTED][OMITTED]the name to something less [OMITTED]like '[OMITTED]of [OMITTED]' or [OMITTED]. Now, let's bring on the [OMITTED]and the [OMITTED]! [OMITTED]! Comments (42)Email This
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