Evil Disco Man gets his Evil Gold Star. EVILLY.

We have another goldie in our midst people, but this one's a bad apple. He calls himself "evil_disco_man". Need I say more?
Evil_disco_man caught my attention with his choice of music. He picks good indie tunes that tend to lean toward the obscure end of the spectrum. He's like Farhad reincarnated. Except Farhad is still alive. Or IS he, Mr. Disco Man? Anyway, you owe it to yourself to check out his PQ, because he's got a lot of gems stashed in there.
Evil_disco_man is a bit on the quiet side, having posted only 117 comments since he joined in November of last year. However, of those 117 comments, 5 have already been applauded. Pretty impressive, I must say, so when he posts a comment you might want to take the time to read it.
So for the next 24 hours let's all celebrate the triumph of evil. Give it up for the evil_disco_man, babies!
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