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U.S. Space & Rocket Center in Huntsville

GeeSussFreeK says...

O wow, long time no sift, sorry. Once my account got locked at work, I just never visited anymore.

But I got to head out to the rocket center for the random acts of intelligence show, it was pretty awesome. All the video here is just from one of the 2 ya, worth a trip!

The Saturn was more amazing than I had imagined. I always knew it was big, but seeing it sprawled out on the ceiling is indescribable. Imagine a 30 story building filled with explosives, lit on fire and hurling itself into space...because that is what this is. I have lots of pictures if people want to see, I will surely share them.

Glad to see sift is still alive and well. The sift, specifically a video by @dag, basically changed the course of my life and I am now pursing a degree in nuclear engineering, so thanks for that. Anyway, if I can figure out a way to change my name, perhaps I can once again partake of some sift action.

Die Antwoord - Ugly Boy

downing a bottle of JD in 15 seconds

AeroMechanical says...

And a lifetime of "Hello my name is Welshman, and I'm an alcoholic."

newtboy said:

This needs a follow up video of how he looked in 15 min, and again at 30, the ambulance at 45, and stomach pumping at 1 hour.

God loving parents give gay son a choice

shinyblurry says...

Hey Newtboy, what's your background in reading and understanding scripture? I believe this is the scripture you were referring to, and if it is there is more to it:

1 Corinthians 2:11 For who knows a person's thoughts except the spirit of that person, which is in him? So also no one comprehends the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God.

Through the Holy Spirit, man is capable of understand Gods word:

1 Corinthians 2:12 Now we have received not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might understand the things freely given us by God.

1 Corinthians 2:13 And we impart this in words not taught by human wisdom but taught by the Spirit, interpreting spiritual truths to those who are spiritual.

1 Corinthians 2:14 But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

This can come through the hearing of the word, the exposition of the word by a believer, or other means..but in all cases God must intervene directly with revelation:

John 6:44 No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him. And I will raise him up on the last day.

It is the Holy Spirit who will teach us how to understand and interpret the word of God:

John 14:26 But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.

It is not that men are incapable of understanding the truth that God reveals, it is that they deliberately turn away from that truth and harden their hearts towards God:

Romans 1:18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth.

Romans 1:19 For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them.

Romans 1:20 For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse.

We have a choice to accept or reject God; He makes His will known to each one of us, but we have the choice of rejecting His will and doing what we would like to do instead:

John 3:19 And this is the condemnation, that the Light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than the Light, because their deeds were evil.

Thanks for answering my questions.

Sure thing

newtboy said:


Evolution's shortcoming is Intelligent Design's Downfall

leebowman says...

The redactions were by admin in one fell swoop.

My comments regarding ID are available online, but not on certain websites. If you're curious as to my views, simply search my name and any key word regarding ID or evolution.

Cheers ...

Son Buys Mom Her Dream Car

SquidCap says...

Well... My mom filled out a raffle ticket on my name when i was two, we won a SAAB 96 and traded it for this model, 99. Almost the same color (metallic paint was for US export model...). My family kept it for 25 years, it served us really well. I learned to drive with it and that thing handles like a dream (it has heavy steering but is is so stable and responsive, just wonderful, plus ours had aftermarket short gearbox from police unit and bored cylinders, small tweaks to oomph the torque for caravan use. Finnish police used SAAB for a loong time, it accelerated like a rocket..).

Seeing the inside of that just brings me memories. Mom, Dad, my big brother and me and a full sized double bass, all inside (you can't transport it outside when it's freezing, the thing can explode..). It meant that i had to ride shotgun, seat fully front and back against the front door, head on dashboard. Backseat folded and mom and bro at the back, equally cramped. We used to say that first comes the bass, then the family if they fit in and there is always room in the boot (joke.. ). The day he started to play cello was a blessing and a curse. Have you ever had to live with a person that learns to play cello? It's horrible but i paid him back when i got full blown PA in my room, cabinets from floor to ceiling.. Musicians family is always a bit eccentric and weird..

My dad still has SAAB (fourth one) as they are just amazing to drive, handles winter conditions like nothing and are great for long roadtrips. I just hope i can get him the Citroen CX he has wanted from his teens...

HadouKen24 said:

That's the happiest Saab story I've ever heard of

Insurance scam doesn't go as planned

lucky760 says...

As Clint Eastwood said as William Munny:

Deserve's got nothing to do with it.

I feel like I've tried to make this rather fine point a lot over the years on the Sift: I'm not saying he *should* or *deserves to* be run over by a car for trying to pull a con.

What I'm saying is he put himself into a situation where he could get run over by a car and did so of his own volition with blatant malicious intent. The fact that his pretending to get run over by a car actually resulted in him getting run over by a car yields zero sympathy with me.

Plus, I'm not sure what country you're in or if you're automotively insured, but if you are at fault of hitting someone with your car, you'll be screwed with insurance and paying a significantly higher rater for several years to come. It's not like a bank where your money is insured by the federal government and a robbery of the vault wouldn't affect you; the victim of an insurance scam is directly, immediately, and significantly fucked.

(Someone used my name when they were apparently at fault in an accident before I'd ever gotten my first insurance policy, and when I did first try to get insured, my premium was something like triple what it would've cost me otherwise.)

Again, not saying that ^that means he deserves to be crushed by a car, but he did it to himself. (Likewise, if he was playing Russian roulette and shot himself in the head, I wouldn't feel bad for him.)

You reap what you sow.

ChaosEngine said:

Well, I do.

Yes, he's a con artist and a fucking idiot, but let's get some perspective here. He tried to scam an insurance company, he didn't assault or rape someone. He deserves jail time, not to be run over.

He's still a human being and he's still going to be incredibly seriously injured.

Being Completely F**king Wrong About Iraq

chicchorea says...

...another self-serving cowardly lie from "the little...thing,"

quoting "the little...thing" Itself:

"...oh and yes, my name is chingalera that, "little fucking thing over there.' "
( 9 months 2 weeks ago September 9th, 2013 04:47PMPDT.)

Otherwise, ironically self descriptive...the irony obviously on It.

chingalera said:

Calling another user a little fucking thing is a clear violation of sift guidelines, hobble-able offense, but you get a pass huh?? Rules be-damned for for the most vocal of haters, a real piece of work this one....

Street Harassment Of Women In New York - An Art Project

dannym3141 says...

Sorry bb, but who on earth am i telling to smile? And in what way am i being like these other terrible men? And in what way are you accusing me of not listening when i have gone out of my way to investigate the matter further!? I think you're guilty of taking great liberty with my comment, and that's putting it nicely!

My comment, in short, tried to encourage anyone wanting to promote this message to promote it in a way that is understandable and unambiguous, and to learn lessons from those times when your attempt is ineffectual. Well, it wasn't presented unambiguously and that is why people are still discussing it. It's very wrong of you to accuse me of being sexist just because i didn't get the message. It's counter-productive to feminism, in fact, to do that. By folding your arms and saying "huh, you understand it - you're being like all those other men", you're being sexist yourself by definition.

I looked into it, and here's the reason why we seem to disagree and why i seem to be acting sexist in your eyes: I read the title of the video and watched it asking myself this question: "In what way is it sexist to tell someone to smile?" My conclusion was that it wasn't, and so the video was crap. I didn't even give it the full duration - long enough to gauge whether or not i agreed that it was sexist to say "smile!" to someone. That, and nothing more! Because that was how the problem was presented!

So without wanting to repeat my earlier comment, here it is again. It is the duty of the deliverer of the message (or those who subscribe to it) to make it clear what the message is. I completely agree that harassment and cat calling in the street is wrong, and i can understand that stuff like that can make a person feel scared regardless of what is said. And if the video had a more descriptive title or the point established in clear terms then i wouldn't have my name next to the list of downvoters, because i wouldn't have misunderstood the point and given it short shrift.

I think it's very important to realise just how my comment has been taken out of context and misconstrued as sexist by you (in your accusation of me being like those other men). Only after i read a part of your comment which said that it was about a wider issue did i suddenly realise the misunderstanding. Isn't it ironic that you told me i was being sexist by asking for the point to be made clearer, when all along we were talking at cross purposes because the point wasn't made clearly to me?

And yet more ironically, you accused me of being sexist when in fact it was you being sexist to me, in your assumption that my misunderstanding could only stem from sexism!

And i think, to be fair, you should go back and read my previous comment in which i encourage you to ensure that everyone understands your point before you accuse people of being sexist for disagreeing with it.

bareboards2 said:

Thanks for taking the time to write such a thoughtful response.

Of course, I disagree with you completely. Ha.

Women aren't perfect. Men aren't perfect. But do you see that you are doing EXACTLY what these women are complaining about?

They are pretty damn clear -- KNOCK IT OFF. Stop. We're tired of this. Enough already.

And you're saying they have to say it the way you want them to say it. They have to placate and wheedle in order to be heard.

You are telling them to smile before you will listen.

Huckabee is Not a Homophobe, but...

VoodooV says...

You're hilarious @bobknight33...and a hypocrite. You claim that I'm not worth answering to, yet you still @ my name so you know I would see it...thus..answering me. I see you still haven't backed up your claim, coward

@newtboy Don't let him change the subject. He claims biblical morality is superior to secular morality. Then he changes the subject to evolution, which has nothing to do with his claim. Once again, a creationist is trying to shift the burden of proof. He somehow doesn't have to back up his claims, but we have to somehow disprove god...which science doesn't care about. Science only cares about claims you can back up, which the coward bob will never do.

Bob's got the five D's of Dodgeball down pat.

The Funny or Die CEO's Name is Dick Glover - Seriously!

Husky Enjoying A Scalp Massage

Reporter mistakes Samuel L Jackson for Laurence Fishburn!

chingalera says...

Zeus: Why you keep calling me Jesus? I look Puerto Rican
to you!?

John: That guy back there called you Jesus.

Zeus: He didn't call me Jesus, he said, "Hey, Zeus."
My name, is 'Zeus!'

John: Zeus?

Zeus: Yeah, Zeus! As in father of Apollo?.... Mount Olympus!?
Don't fuck with me or I'll shove a lightning-bolt up your ass!? Zeus! You got
a problem with that?!

John: No!??

PTSD incident.

dannym3141 says...

This has a lot of information on it. It states that the two in the car were too traumatised (also uses the word terrified) to comment. It also says that the guy cut them off and brake checked them a few times before they finally collided on the 5th attempt.

Also, isn't it a bit dangerous to let people like that loose in society? I'm worried enough already that some lunatic will get 'roid rage and randomly attack me without provocation (there are so many young lads on steroids right now) without having to worry about trained killers doing it. With the greatest of respect to anyone that has fought for a moral cause, i didn't necessarily ask them to do it in my name, nor should that be cause to expose people to the danger he poses.

Redacted History: the Ludlow Massacre (w/Howard Zinn)

AGBH7 says...

Hi ,
My name is Alexis and I'm in 8th grade.In my school district,all honors kids are required to do a Social Studies called NHD. NHD is a nationwide competition that kids compete in! The topic is Rights ad Responsibilities in History! My topic is: How rights and responsibilities were violated in Colorado Coal Strike of 1913 and the Ludlow Massacre! In this video you have really nice footage that would go great in my documentary! I was wondering if I would be able to use some of it for my video(like footage)? I would give you total credit in my bibliography page!
Please reply ASAP,

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