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<><> (Blog Entry by blankfist)

blankfist says...

Chivalry is theater. I do it because that's how I was brought up, and it's hard to unlearn what is taught, prayed and spanked into us at such a young age. Acceptance of people as your equal is genuine.

I would've stepped into the grass and let the women have the entire sidewalk, but like I said I stepped in dog shit once so I refuse to do it again. I made myself as horizontally thin as humanly possibly and moved as far to the edge of the sidewalk as I could, but that wasn't enough for these Los Angeles princesses. No they wanted the entire width of the sidewalk to themselves.

There was certainly a sense of entitlement playing out here. It's also a very common occurrence in my neighborhood. I live in a city of self-important people. Once I was crossing at a crosswalk in my residential neighborhood and some lady in a Mercedes had to wait for me to cross, which she wasn't happy about, so she almost drove up on the curb to get around me and then she made a comment at me. I can't remember what she said exactly but it was something to the effect of 'don't you look', which I remember making no sense at all because a) I had the right of way and b) I did look before crossing, but she had a stop sign.

illegalalgebra (Member Profile)

The Golden Age of Video- By Ricardo Autobahn

silvercord says...

We accept her, one of us, we accept her, one of us!
Gooble gobble gooble gobble!
We accept her, we accept her!
We accept her, one of us, we accept her, one of us!
Gooble gobble gooble gobble!
We accept her, we accept her!

(We-we) we came, we saw, we kicked it's ass,
I was testing you - and you passed,
Dental plan! Lisa needs braces,
Be required to fart on a regular basis,
I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse,
Channel 13 - Eyewitness news!
Robocop, who is he?
Dead or alive you're coming with me.

In a hurry to be fed, beady eyes and big blue head.

I'm telling the truth Doc, you gotta believe me,
Why does everything I whip leave me?
My beautiful chocolate! Candy is dandy,
Fava beans and a nice Chianti,
You can count on Slippery Pete,
Suicide will be nice and neat!
I didn't build the Panama canal,
Open the pod bay doors please, HAL,

These aren't the droids you're looking for,
These aren't the droids we're looking for,
I am not a number I am a free man!
To The Idiotmobile!
Right away Michael,
I-I-I-I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered.

We came, we saw, we kicked it's ass,
You don't understand I coulda had class,
Round and tasty on a bun,
Ooh Zippy look what you've done!
Finally! Cast off those lines!
No, I've been nervous lots of times,
Red Rum! What's the matter honey?
Just robbed Boss Hogg all of his money!

We came, saw, we kicked it's ass,
Writing checks your body can't cash,
I was elected to lead, not read,
I feel the need - the need for speed,
Watch out for snakes, a good man's loafer,
HQ - my hat looks like a muffin - over,
My god it's full of stars,
There was no driver in the car..

In the car (repeat)

Well you see I'm in hot pursuit!

There are only two things I love in this world - everybody and television!
#The Simpsons
#Run With Us!
Ugh - you must be shrooming,
Wait for me Moomin!
Cross live to meet the host of that show, Meat Boy,
I want to go to there.

We came, we saw, we kicked it's ass,
An oil tycoon - like a.. moustache,
Nice beaver! I just had it stuffed,
I don't give a shit, close enough,
Where's me washboard? I'll get me coat,
Y-y-y-you're gonna need a bigger boat,
What'd she say? I think she bought it,
Suck it monkeys! I'm goin' corporate!
C'mon let's take a drive! A drive?
Number 5 is alive!
It's only a laugh, no harm done,
Pickles, french fries, yum yum yum,
Bueller, Bueller, Bueller,
It's 2 degrees cooler,
The light that burns twice as bright burns half as long,
Six words in the whole song.

We-we-we accept her, one of us, we accept her, one of us!
Gooble gobble gooble gobble!
We accept her, we accept her!
You are number 6 5 4 3 2
I am not a number, I am a free man

We came, we saw, we kicked it's ass,
Give me my 20,000 in cash,
We came, we saw, we kicked it's ass,
I think you woke up the dead with that blast
We came, we saw, we kicked it's ass,
I think fast, I talk fast,
We came, we saw, we kicked it's ass,
Lois, this is not my Batman glass,

Got Fired Today... (Happy Talk Post)

laura says...

I got fired from a job once because
a) I wouldn't drink margaritas with them on Fridays at work then go pick my kids up from daycare.
b) I fixed a problem, which wasn't in my job description. Threatened the ego of a guy above me...
So I get into work the next day and the secretary tells me they're all sitting in the "conference room" waiting for me. Did I do such-n-such rephrased to sound bad even though I fixed a problem? Yes. Was that my job? No. Please leave, we'll send you your last check.
I celebrated with Margaritas.

Got Fired Today... (Happy Talk Post)

Ryjkyj says...

Wait, wait, wait... let me make this a little clearer:

I'm happy about getting fired. I already didn't like the company I was working for but I don't want to work for ANYONE (especially a software company) that would have the audacity to call VIDEOSIFT youtube.

Screw those guys, they should know better.

Tom Waits - Alice (unofficial music video)

gwiz665 says...

It's dreamy weather we're on
You waved your crooked wand
Along an icy pond with a frozen moon
A murder of silhouette crows I saw
And the tears on my face
And the skates on the pond
They spell Alice

I disappear in your name
But you must wait for me
Somewhere across the sea
There's a wreck of a ship
Your hair is like meadow grass on the tide
And the raindrops on my window
And the ice in my drink
Baby all I can think of is Alice

Arithmetic arithmetock
Turn the hands back on the clock
How does the ocean rock the boat?
How did the razor find my throat?
The only strings that hold me here
Are tangled up around the pier

And so a secret kiss
Brings madness with the bliss
And I will think of this
When I'm dead in my grave
Set me adrift and I'm lost over there
And I must be insane
To go skating on your name
And by tracing it twice
I fell through the ice
Of Alice

And so a secret kiss
Brings madness with the bliss
And I will think of this
When I'm dead in my grave
Set me adrift and I'm lost over there
And I must be insane
To go skating on your name
And by tracing it twice
I fell through the ice
Of Alice
There's only Alice

<><> (Blog Entry by blankfist)

gwiz665 says...

Haha, that is fucking great.

"The dog is not bored, it's a fucking dog. It's not like he's waiting for me to give him a fucking rubix cube. He's a god damned dog."

Futurama: The scary door (all versions)

Pakistan Taliban Leadership Successors Kill Each Other

inflatablevagina (Member Profile)

<> (Blog Entry by blankfist)

Sketch says...

Ooh! What a great use for my 2 cases of 2 Buck Chuck from Trader Joe's I have waiting for me to be done bleaching my teeth!

There's a restaurant in Florida that my family goes to and we always order pitchers of Sangria. They add cinnamon in theirs. It sounds a little strange, but it works really well, especially if you are using pears, peaches, and apples. I highly recommend experimenting with it.

P.S., I love the unruly sweeter stuff, so I'd add simple syrup/sugar.

Obama and Biden Go to White Castle, er, Ray's Hell Burger

Krupo says...

As much as it's annoying to see the press fawning over the leaders, this was fun.

I love the report from the CSM:

"The Daily Guidance from the White House said “12:30 lunch in Oval Office, closed press.”
But now we know better. By “we,” I mean the White House press corps, where this reporter had pool duty Tuesday.
Those wild and crazy guys at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue summoned the motorcade, and off we went across the Roosevelt Bridge into Arlington, Va., to Ray’s Hell Burger — a joint so new it still doesn’t have a sign up.
Obama and Biden entered through the front door. The press pool — yours truly included — entered through the back. At least Barack and Joe didn’t pull rank and cut the line: The leaders of the free world, all spiffed up in suits and ties, stood patiently with the regular lunch crowd, waiting their turn.
Obama then looked toward the pool and said, “Who’s taking orders here? My treat to the pool.”
Some declined, but others didn’t want to seem ungracious, so we ordered burgers. (Note: The five of us who did order are making a donation to charity, in lieu of attempting to reimburse POTUS. Caren noted that Obama has fed the press before, such as during the campaign, when he bought ice cream.)
While Obama and Biden waited in line, the lunch crowd stood and gawked, some took pix with cell phones. The two guys in line ahead of them studied their menus, oblivious to who was behind them.
When Obama and Biden reached the front, Obama greeted the two order-takers. A guy named Tim Murray took Obama’s order.
Then Obama took an order for his body guy, Reggie Love, and relayed the press’s order as well.
“These are to go, ‘cuz you guys aren’t gonna have tables.” Then: “We’re paying, or these people [the pool] are gonna write about how we’re free-loading.”
Obama pulled out some bills and paid, putting a $5 bill in the tip jar.
Biden ordered a Swiss cheese burger with jalapeno peppers. Biden paid for his order separately, with cash. He also got some food to go.
Then Obama said to the pool: “You guys are cheap dates. I can’t believe I couldn’t get more of you to order a burger.”
Obama and Biden sat at a table and had their lunch, while the pool waited outside. At 1:05, they emerged. Crowds cheered as Obama stood on the running board of his limo and waved.
Motorcade back at White House at 1:14 pm. Obama and Biden emerged from the same limo. No doubt they were prepping for the next event on their calendar — a closed-press meeting with President Shimon Peres of Israel.
I closed my pool report with: “I’m still waiting for my burger.” But I just heard from the pool minder, Ben Finkenbinder, who says my burger is waiting for me.
Gotta run."

Empahsis mine.

Funny stuff.

The Amazing Atheist Goes Off on Denny's Marketing Tactics

I turn 40 on Easter Sunday (Blog Entry by dag)

Sagemind says...

LOL, I turned 40 at the beginning of January - Welcome to the club, I guess.. All I got was a Clone Helmet and a clone, Nerf Gun. My son picked it out because that's what "He" really wanted. He couldn't wait for me to open it all up for him... lol

You are NOT Your Votes (Sift Talk Post)

drattus says...

Bad morning overall I guess. I had an animal die a couple of hours ago, on the way to the vet but didn't make it. I don't think I'll be starting the post this time. I'll hang around and watch some vids, vote a bit. It'll help distract me if nothing else, but this probably wouldn't be a good time to resift a controversial thread if I'm likely to be short on patience or not in the mood. It's still a good idea though but don't wait for me to post it. Not for a few days at least.

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