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Smarter Every Day - You won't believe your eyes

Sagemind says...

Ok so, Judge me with your opinions here...
But, I knew all this, intuitively.

I knew what was happening. I understood the persistence of vision as a given phenomenon. I can actually induce this persistence of vision on things as I look at them. Slowing down and increasing this persistence. Not a great amount, but I can do it enough to observe it. This means I can look at any normal object and move my head slowly to the side and watch the image degrade on my retina as I move my direction of vision to the side.

Now Destin, immediately saw this as a trick that fooled the mind into believing the image was a solid. But I wasn't fooled. Why wasn't I fooled? HAve I just been exposed to this before, and my mind is telling me the truth, thus negating the illusion?

I've seen similar tricks like this before, like on a wheel, to create an image, but if I concentrate I can see and immediately comprehend what is happening. I can stare long enough to break up the image and loose the illusion, and then have it come back.

I hope I'm making sense here.
So what I want to know, is, "does everyone have or not have, see or not see as I do?" I assumed we all did. So much so, that I've never had a question in my mind as to how this worked or that it was a trick.

Tell me I'm crazy, that's fine. But I'm interested in what other people are perceiving.

Why Do Action Scenes Suck?

heropsycho says...

That basically means that the only way an action scene can be good is via realism, and that's not true.

I would agree so much as to say that I don't think that Avengers scene was necessarily great, but it is good. I want to preface this first with I'm not a huge Avengers fan. I'm honestly not a big comic book fan either, so this isn't coming from a fan boy.

Why was it good? First off, it is very plot connected. It demonstrated Tony Stark being forward thinking and anticipating the Hulk potentially going Hulk and hurting/killing people... It's the same for his motivation to construct what became The Vision. It stays within both his and Hulk's character. Stark maintains his wise cracking self, even when it's not probably appropriate.

Immortality? Hardly. It conveyed how much damage could be done. IE, buildings and stuff didn't just get destroyed because, LOOK! STUFF BLOWING UP! The scene actually demonstrates the flaws/vulnerabilities of both Stark and the Hulk. Stark didn't just beat him, and that was that. They were very lucky nobody died (admittedly pretty conveniently). It took a bit of good luck for Stark to stop the Hulk that there was a huge building under construction nearby. It shows that even just the Hulk could potentially overpower whatever Stark cooks up to stop him, let alone whatever actual Supervillian comes along who is actually scheming to destroy/enslave the world, and he can make mistakes despite his best attempts (which is brought about Ultron as well). It demonstrated the Hulk's fragility of setting him off. Yet it also demonstrated that without Stark, the Hulk would have continued smashing and destroying. That was one of the themes in the movie, that technological innovation is something we need, yet can destroy us all.

Was it potentially overdone and there was some stuff that they could have toned down to keep with that darker ethos? Sure. The scene ain't perfect, but it's really damn good.

worthwords said:

The scene with the hulk vs iron man was not believable, enjoyable - it was just another crappy action scene in a poorly constructed very unenjoyable movie. ... How can you really give a shit about superhero who are immortal kicking the shit out of a tin of metal.

Kung Fu Mantis Vs Jumping Spider

sanderbos says...

Insane quality.
Still, from a learning biology aspect, at 1:38 they commend its eyesight, but from what I see at 3:30 and the time leading up to it (it is walking right towards danger!) I am thinking "I have seen animals with better vision".

Jon Stewart on Charleston Terrorist Attack

dannym3141 says...

Those are very wise words. But many of us go through life uncovering the blind spots by opening ourselves to new ideas and situations. Our opinions change as we uncover more.

I don't consider it a bad thing to have those kinds of blind spots, but i reserve a special kind of contempt for people who resist the opportunity to increase their field of vision. It's hard for some people to acknowledge that they might have got something which they're very passionate about slightly or completely wrong.

@scheherazade - "Ironically, statistics show that black cops also fuck with blacks more than they fuck with whites - which indicates that there are also cultural issues at play."

If what you say is true, it suggests that the system by which police are trained and taught how to behave is behind the problem. So unless you mean the culture of the police force, my first indication from that statistic is that they're being taught to do it that way.

If all the kids from a particular school got their times tables wrong in the same way, you wouldn't say it was due to the culture of their families would you? You'd check the maths teacher.

bobknight33 said:

We are all blinded by our conceived " reality" based on life experiences. Yours are different than mine. It does not make either of us better than the other, just different.

Shia LaBeouf delivers an intense motivational speech


StukaFox says...

I've never done DMT before, but I watched this while totally ripped on some delicious Golden Pineapple and it was wonderfully intense enough!

Thank your friend for sharing his vision.

shagen454 said:

Funny, it has to be experienced to even know. I know Dan Deacon and I know this song is exactly about DMT. Doesn't really matter what you think, I like you though dude, no doubt. Hold no judgments; judgements are for the weak minded.

Some men just want to watch the world burn.

sirex says...

yeah maybe. i dunno, i've seen people just freeze like a deer in the headlights whenever something unusual happens on the road.

Literally last night we pulled up as an accident had occurred ahead of us, and for the next five minutes the number of people who blasted past a line of stopped cars all with their hazards on and full headlight beams illuminating the crash site and so on, was staggering. Last minute they'd realize that yes, there's a car blocking one lane and facing the wrong way all smashed to bits and yes, there's glass and oil on the road. One after anouther they'd slam on the brakes, almost hit it, then almost get rear ended.

People drive with total tunnel vision i think. It's kinda scary how little awareness some people have. On the other hand maybe they're an asshole. hard to say.

newtboy said:

...and blind?
Deaf would explain not hearing the fire siren, but not the waiting 13 seconds after the light changed! This seemed intentional.

CEO cut's salary so he can raise workers pay to 70,000/yr

Mordhaus says...

Yeah part of the way he is paying for the raises is to lower his own salary and use profits instead of reinvesting or banking them.

I was reading a recent list of the highest paid CEO's, the top 10 I think, and they are all from US companies. We need more CEO's to take the long term vision and pay their employees more. A dedicated employee does quality work and you get a better product. I don't see it happening anytime soon though.

eric3579 said:

Watched another video where he says his salary will go from a million a year to 70,000 and his companies profits will be cut in half from the raises. Just Wow! .

Colorblind Dad Experiences True Color for the First Time

Fantomas says...

I wear corrective glasses and am colour blind. I get about just fine with imperfect colour vision but would have a horrible time without my prescription glasses.
I think the prescription glasses cost is more justified as the lenses are unique to the wearer, whereas he enChroma lenses seem to be 'off the rack' from what I could tell on their website, I could be completely wrong however.

I wouldn't mind testing out a pair to see the difference, but from what I understand they simply enhance the difference between the hues you have difficulty distinguishing rather than actually improving your vision in any way.
For people like the Dad in the vid the price tag might be worth it, judging by his reaction, so it's all subjective.

MilkmanDan said:

I had never heard of these -- I'm still a bit baffled as to how they could possibly work. I'm not colorblind myself but a good friend is red/green colorblind, I'll have to see if he knows about them.

Assuming $400 is an accurate price, it still really doesn't seem that expensive to me. I'm pretty extremely nearsighted -- roughly minus 8 -- and my glasses (with frames) already cost almost that much just because my prescription is on that far end of the bell curve. Without glasses I can't see a damn thing more than 3-4 inches in front of my face, so I basically *need* them no matter the price.

Actually, I remember having a reaction somewhat like this guy when I got glasses for the first time ("holy crap! I can see *leaves* on trees!"), and my eyes were much better then than they are now...

This I did not expect...

newtboy says...

Good job! Reminds me of a desert race I was in where my steering shaft broke, so I put a pair of vice grips on what was left and kept going. It was a bit harder to hit holes and jumps, and I had to lean over to reach it, limiting my vision, but it worked.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens Official Teaser #2

Bill Maher Explaining Jokes To Idiots

EMPIRE says...

The PC Police doesn't have an issue with racism. They have an issue with everything! absolutely EVERYTHING, because they're professional victims who want to go through life without ever feeling offended. But of course, their victimization has to fit their own particular vision of the world, otherwise, it's offensive as well, and must be destroyed/silenced!

We all saw the "Je Suis Charlie" cases. I actually consider myself an actual "Je Suis Charlie" (for whatever that means) because I think freedom of speech is absolute, and comedy included. But there was a ton of little idiots, part of the PC police who managed to plaster "Je Suis Charlie" all over their facebooks, and then were condeming people over other "jokes".

These people, are stupid. Period.

Tel Aviv - Incredible Amateur Audio/Video Mashup

Sagemind says...

That comment is a reflection on what I hear on a daily basis.
Perhaps my wordage is off, but the stuff coming at us 24-7 is created by studios, not musicians. So much of what I hear is produced by guys sitting at mixer boards and computers.
My comment isn't aimed at every person out there making music, in fact I know there are lots of musicians out there with talent and skill..., but we never get to hear them over all the crap being dealt out by the industry which is breeding Egos as musicians. (I'd choose Beck over Beyonce any day of the week.)

Sure, I know, it may seem like I'm digging a hole and jumping in but the system is broken and the good music is being squelched. Maybe not 100% of the time, but listen to the music. The electronic age is filtering everything out of the music, no more drummer, no guitar, auto tune, synthetic voice. where is all the character? Where are all the happy accidents that real music serves us. How many of today's artistes (on the charts) can serve us music without a guy mixing it to make them sound good, double tracking, and keeping their voices in tune? I know these tricks have been used for years but never to the extent they are being used today.

I remember a quote by Niel Young, way back when he was recording. The guys at the board keep telling him he wasn't hitting the note, and his answer was "Hey, that's my style man!" So they had to leave it in, and the result was great. Pure Niel Young.

So, I guess it's not so much the musicians out there, so much as it is the recording studios, and the system of pump out the next clone hit...

It was Tony James that initiated this era, back when he created Sigue Sigue Sputnik. He had a dream, a vision of what the band looked and sounded like. He hired people that looked like what he wanted, none could play music, he taught them three chords and they they became the number one, unrecorded, unsigned band in history, and EMI finally Won (relative term) by offering them the most money. From that point all the music was produces electronically in the studio. It sounded like crap, but I loved it. It was new and sounded different. And people ate it up. The studios caught on, and realized they didn't need musicians any more, they always wanted money. It made more sense to hire nobodies, they were a dime a dozon and they could be made to sound any way they wanted them too. Just like the Boy Bands and Girl Bands (Spice girls, Pussy Cat Dolls)

Okay... so I'm rambling now..., it's been a long day...
The industry feeds us synthetic garbage because it's cheep, makes money and is easily replaced by the next song/artist.

Meanwhile the real artists are doing everything they can to get recognized and struggle to make a living giving us their soul served in a song and doing everything they can to be heard over the sounds of the industry.

ChaosEngine said:

That's great, but your second post is a pretty far cry from

Avengers: Age of Ultron - New Trailer

Red Neck trucker says NO to this blonde trying to merge...

Sagemind says...

I'm happy to live a whole country away from your kind of judgement and justice. I'm not trying to be rude, but you let personal judgement cloud your vision and miss-represent the facts.

I know I'll never change your mind, nor will I try to. But you need to know what your statements sound like to others around you.

Sorry to hear about your family, I hope they are alright. I too was in an accident with my kids six months ago. Physically, they were fine, but my son is still shaken as he sees the car hit ours over and over, in his mind as it crashed into his side of the car against his door. An accident is a scary thing and sure sobers up a person. but sometimes, you need to slow down and breath. We don't think clearly when we let the adrenalin rule our thoughts.

Lawdeedaw said:

Huh...the car actually slams into him on purpose to avoid rear-ending the other semi...that is humorous because it was 100% intentional. You see the car jerk, and I watched it multiple times to see if he hit something beforehand that would cause it to swerve and no, it did not...that is one hell of a felony.

Just because he lost the fight he pulled that bullshit? Whoa, I would have hated to see some kid's brains splattered on the street because someone purposely rammed another vehicle while being a dick...might have been road rage or w/e...

As far as the gap closing, yeah, it is pretty obvious the trucker doesn't want the car to cut in front of him when it isn't legal or right for that to happen. The trucker has this right because it is this forced-tailgating when people merge that causes accidents. HE OBVIOUSLY MAKES AN EDUCATED GUESS THAT THE DUMB BITCH WON'T RAM HIM, but he is proven wrong.

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