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Russia Paid Bounties To Kill US Troops - Trump Mum

wtfcaniuse says...

Apparently first reports of it started early last year. So it would have been in several daily reports and security briefings even if he wasn't told specifically "Russians are paying bounties for our troops" which almost certainly happened several times. There will be mountains of evidence showing Trump attending multiple briefings and being told about it because some people are capable of doing their job and keeping records.

"The AP also reported that the Russian bounty threat was in Trump's PBD in 2019 and that Bolton had briefed Trump on it in March of 2019. "

simonm (Member Profile)

Buffalo Police Push 75 Year Old To The Concrete

vil says...

There appears to be no police training or vetting of police work candidates at least in some parts of the USofA.

Also objectives? Orders? Do they know why they are there? Are they just pissed off and ready to hit anyone?

This is the establishment sending its troops out. Every time an old man gets knocked to the ground like that without being a threat to anyone, it is Trump and his administration that is knocking him down.

Caught on video, people that's NOT black spray painting

newtboy says...

Ok, but the right wing doesn't understand that nuance, they see/hear "black lives matter" and they imagine big scary black gang members, and they're sending in the troops. Her point, I think, is that no one should be giving them that ammunition, but especially not people it won't be used against, like masked white Karens.
Edit: they may not have done it to intentionally deceive, but that would be the outcome.

mxxcon said:

But BLM movement is not as homogeneous as white supremacists in a sense that black kids doing it would be doing it intentionally to mislead and divert anger(if that was their motive). Meanwhile BLM movement isn't exclusively black people. It is ABOUT black people, but it's not exclusively BY black people. Seeing defaced buildings like that I wouldn't associate it black people. I would associate it with BLM movement, regardless of the race.

Giuliani/Trump Donors/Associates Arrested Fleeing The U.S.

newtboy says...

Oops....Trump's trade advisor went on Fox and stupidly admitted that as part of his trade talks with China he asked the Chinese to investigate Biden....well before Trump said the same thing on international television. This tanks the moronic Republican lie that Trump was only trolling the press when he publicly said China needs to investigate his political rivals, it was also an official request tied to his trade wars.

Numerous other Republicans are getting caught in this Giuliani slime web, having accepted massive foreign donations from Giuliani's friends with strings attached to each one.

Now, after pulling our forces from Syria where they were stopping Turkey from invading by their presence....for their safety and to get the U.S. out of the middle east he said, but really it's to protect his interests in the Trump towers in Turkey from state seizure....Today he announced he's sending thousands of troops to Saudi Arabia for their protection. (I guess so they don't have to use those weapons he's so proud they bought?)
These moves not only make it likely ISIS will survive and embed themselves worldwide, but also makes enemies of the Kurds, our staunch allies. It is foreseeable that a new, anti American Kurdish terrorist group will be the result. Who could possibly blame them?

Also this morning Trump lost another appeal trying to hide his taxes.

Will the madness ever end?

Military dance Katyusha solo

MAGA vs. @ AOC

BSR says...

Admit it Bob. To you, being a democrat very simply means being weak, a pussy, and dare I say, a fag.

You on the other hand are the opposite. Strong, brave, moral. A man's man. You have a line drawn in the sand and dare anyone to cross it. You have your troops and your weapons and booby traps all ready to protect yourself.

The only reason you hold onto your arsenal is because there is still this little nagging fear in you. You're not quite sure what it is but it's got something to do with what's wrong with the world.

You might have, at one time or another, caught a fleeting glimpse of what that fear is and had to deny it, look away or suffer the consequences. The consequence being that you would become what you fear. Weak, a pussy and dare I say, a fag?

You only have one fear Bob. Just one. You fear a broken heart. And you will do EVERYTHING to protect it.

Cowboy up.

bobknight33 said:

She is the postal child of why not to be Democrat.

Delaware State Trooper Pulls Gun on Black Man For Speeding

newtboy says...

Corporal O’Neil of Troop 7 in Lewes, Del., reportedly did not request license or registration, never said why he was pulling him over until long after they were at the station, and repeatedly berated "you people" on the way to the station, telling Buckly "you're a piece of shit...go ahead and try the race card"
Buckley was not allowed to file an official complaint when he was released, in violation of more laws.

This is why police get shot in the face during traffic stops, and why some of them deserve it. There was zero reason to have him get out of the car, or to pull a deadly weapon.
I had the same treatment except the gun was to my head, and I was thrown to the concrete and jumped on, all while complying with commands, all because a dumb cop read my license plate wrong.

Fuck the police until criminal cops like this are all in a deep dark prison with no special protection.

George H.W. Bush, American War Criminal

Payback says...

I haven't heard, and I'd really like to know...

Has Trump instigated any new mass murdering?
Like, I'm not counting from military actions from troops already in-theatre. Non-status quo.

I mean, has he gone "Hey, lets bomb the shit out of Syrians. They're like the Mexicans of Eastern Europe, aren't they? No? Oh ok, nuke Turkey."

I mean, even Obama escalated actions and robo-killed hundreds (thousands?).

I mean, for all the sleaze and stupidity, has he done anything "war criminal"-ish?

Trump Ad: Immigrants are Murderers and Dems are Complicit

newtboy says...

You need them, they could help you learn English so you would look less like a Russian troll.
You could also use help with American history, a subject 100% of immigrant citizens know better than you, they had to pass a civics test as part of citizenship, a test you would fail miserably....almost like you aren't even from America, comrade.

Don't ever....EVER...use "we" to describe American sentiment, you do not reflect us. Plenty of Americans do want to help desperate refugees, just not the party that drapes themselves in the flag and cross while denouncing all that those symbols stand for.

Trump is the one wasting our government dollars on photo opps at the border with no legitimate which I mean the blatant ploy to "deploy" thousands of troops at the border a week before the election to intercept the rampaging brown invasion that he's convinced morons is a few months. What do you think it costs to deploy thousands of troops for nothing for 8+ weeks? Probably more than fully supporting every person in the caravan for years.
One single Trump trip to Maralago or another of his golf courses costs taxpayers at least as much (some costs are classified, so not included in the >$3 million average cost) as yearly resettlement costs for >2000 refugees, including their background checks, housing assistance, etc. He's taken 159 golf trips so far, you do the math and gasp.


Side note: it did not go unnoticed that your reply had nothing whatsoever to do with my comments, and didn't address a single point contained therein.

bobknight33 said:

Does't matter if they all Mother Teresa ..
The USA is not obligated to take them in.

Go back home-- We don't want you. Go waist you own government dollars.

The Statue of George W. Bush

oritteropo says...

Since he also repeats the lie about the Civil war, it seems history isn't his strong point.

Albanians have a special affection for the United States, which they credit with ending their country’s Cold War isolation and leading NATO’s 1999 bombing offensive that halted ethnic cleansing of Kosovo Albanians by Serbian troops.


Belarus isn't the only place which still honours Stalin, although Georgia has torn down some of them,

spawnflagger said:

That was a lot of words for never actually saying the reason Albania erected a statue of W... cause he visited there? cause they like USA? it's got to be more than that.

McCain defending Obama 2008

bobknight33 says...

I agree there has been a F load of change in personnel. The real question is does this turnover occur in in business life?

If so then one could consider Trump as some kind of dickhead to work for .

If not then what is the reason for the difference?

I think there is much more going on behind the scenes. Why would one have a military General as your chief of staff?

With Obama's top level FBI as example --
Comey -- fired
McCabe- Fired
James Baker, general counsel -- Fired
James Rybicki Chief of staff -- Fired
Perter Strozk -- Fired
Lisa Page -- ???

If Hillary was elected not of their wrong doings would have come to light. All gunning to get Trump. Still that is just the FBI.

No wonder Trump is cleaning house so much. Some bad guys found? Some paranoia?
There isn't a day goes by without something big occurring.

There is still 3 big reports to come out.
Mullers findings.
The 2nd OIG report and Huber's findings

AG Jeff Sessions appointed John Huber will be the ‘top federal prosecutor’ who will be investigating FISA abuses . Huber's staff is over 400.

Also Guantanamo Bay, Cuba-- Expanding like mad...

$14 million to expand the prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. This is a "strategically critical time-sensitive expansion project". DOD justification states the "current trial support facilities are incapable of handling the large number of personnel .

The place can hold some 2300 prisoners, currently Gitmo is currently holding 41 prisoners.. Also the 137th, 428th, and 514th was deployed this month to Gitmo for a year . Rotating people out - possible, but some 500 troops for 41 prisoners?

What is so time sensitive for to handle trial support facilities are incapable of handling the large number of personnel .-- Where are these people coming from? What is coming down the pike?

Like I said above:
I think there is much more going on behind the scenes. Why would one have a military General as your chief of staff?

MilkmanDan said:

I appreciate your response to my question earlier, @bobknight33.

I don't mean to try to drag you back into the thread here if you're trying to disengage -- I dunno what you mean by #walkaway. Anyway, this doesn't require a response.

Finally There Is Bipartisan Agreement: Trump Blew It

newtboy says...

Really? WE sponsored a VIOLENT coup? So you take the purely Russian viewpoint.
After the breakup of the Soviet Union, Ukraine endured years of corruption, mismanagement, lack of economic growth, currency devaluation, and problems in securing funding from public markets.[38][39] Successive Ukrainian governments in the 2000s sought a closer relationship with the European Union (EU).[40][41] One of the measures meant to achieve this was an association agreement with the European Union, which would have provided Ukraine with funds in return for liberalising reforms. President Yanukovych announced his intention to sign the agreement, but ultimately refused to do so at the last minute. This sparked a wave of protests called the "Euromaidan" movement. During these protests Yanukovych signed a treaty and multibillion-dollar loan with Russia. The Ukrainian security forces cracked down on the protesters, further inflaming the situation and resulting in a series of violent clashes in the streets of Kiev. As tensions rose, Yanukovych fled to Russia and did not return.[44]

Russia refused to recognize the new interim government, calling the overthrow of Yanukovych a coup d'état, and began a military intervention in Ukraine. The newly appointed interim government of Ukraine signed the EU association agreement and agreed to reform the country's judiciary and political systems, as well as its financial and economic policies. The International Monetary Fund pledged more than $18 billion in loans contingent on Ukraine's adopting those reforms. The revolution was followed by pro-Russian unrest in some south-eastern regions, a standoff with Russia regarding the annexation of Crimea and Sevastopol, and a war between the Ukrainian government and Russia-backed separatists in the Donbass.

The thing to remember about Crimea is it WASN'T PART OF RUSSIA, so no it didn't hold Russia's only black sea port not ice blocked in winter, it held a Ukrainian port Russia LEASED for use by it's black sea fleet from the Ukraine.
It's utter bullshit that Russia found a democratic way to invade and annex Crimea, they militarily invaded, seized and dissolved the democratically elected government by force, created and installed a new pro Russian sham government, then IT signed fake illegal treaties with Russia in violation of international laws and multiple binding treaties.

Russian masked troops invade and occupy key Crimean locations, including airports and military bases, following Putin's orders.[2][3]
The head of Ukrainian Navy, Admiral Berezovsky, defects, followed later by half of the Ukrainian military stationed in the region.[4][5][6]
Russian forces seize the Supreme Council (Crimean parliament). The Council of Ministers of Crimea is dissolved and a new pro-Russian Prime Minister installed.[7][8]
The new Supreme Council declares the Republic of Crimea to be an independent, self-governing entity, then holds a referendum on the status of Crimea on 16 March, which results in a majority vote to join the Russian Federation.[9]
Treaty signed between the Republic of Crimea and the Russian Federation at the Kremlin on 18 March to formally initiate Crimea's accession to the Russian Federation.[10]
The Ukrainian Armed Forces are evicted from their bases on 19 March by Crimean protesters and Russian troops. Ukraine subsequently announces the withdrawal of its forces from Crimea.[11]
Russia suspended from G8.[12]
International sanctions introduced on Russia.

You sound distinctly Soviet or ridiculously ignorant in your misrepresentation of the situation. They militarily attacked, invaded, and seized their neighbor, so not a bit restrained, they were not invited in by the government and welcomed....or would you insist they are also exceptionally restrained for not attacking and retaking Anchorage Alaska, their only non winter ice bound port in North America, a port clearly more strategically important than Sebastopol and just as Russian?

Spacedog79 said:

Lest we forget that Crimea started when we sponsored a violent coup in Ukraine, right on Russia's doorstep. How provocative is that?

The thing to remember about Crimea is that it holds Sevastopol which is a strategically vital port for Russia, it is their only port that isn't ice locked during winter. We knew full well they would have to keep hold of it one way or another, and thankfully Russia found a democratic way of doing it instead of violent.

Under the circumstances I think Russia deserves credit for being so restrained.

Maps reveal hidden truths of the world's cities - BBC News

MilkmanDan says...

"Maps" doesn't adequately describe the extent of information that things like these convey. They are more like "animated visualizations".

I took a computer graphics class in college where we learned about data visualization. One of the most famous examples in that field is Charles Joseph Minard's map/visualization of Napolean's march into Russia in 1812. On the surface, it is a 2D map. However, the width of the line showing the path of advancement conveys troop numbers, the color denotes whether they were advancing or retreating, and a connected chart below shows the air temperatures that the soldiers were exposed to, etc.

Basically, at a glance you can easily see the broad strokes of the advance and retreat, and you can get much more depth of information if you look a little closer. These kinds of animated visualizations are definitely continuing on in that same vein -- packing a lot of information into a presentation method that is easy to pick up and also very deep with some more inspection.

Wikipedia article about Minard showing that famous Napolean march visualization if anyone is interested:

Russian man tries to beat closing time with tank

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