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Cocaine Found In West Wing

bobknight33 says...

Secret Service Confirms Cocaine Was Found In West Wing Phone Cubby Hours After Hunter Biden Visit.

Go hide from reality, as you normally do.

moonsammy said:

Yes, because the news is constantly showing the president having his unqualified child inside the White House to... hang out? Help him? Get his advice on things? Yup, it's on the news all the damned time. So long as we're discussing news coverage from early 2017 - early 2021, that is.

NATO supplied ammunition facility attacked

Harzzach says...

Actually, this probably wasnt an ammo dump at all. According to UA this was a facility to store old S-300 rocket boosters.

And in regards to the ammo supply ... BOTH sides suffers from lack of conventional artillery ammo. The russians are not able to produce enough and Ukraine never had the amounts Russia had from the days of the USSR. But ... the ukranian ammo problem will be solved soon because the west is ramping up its own production, the russians still cant produce enough or receive the amount needed from North Korea.

Ukraine losing 500 troops daily in Bakhmut fight

newtboy says...

Russia has already lost territory in Ukraine they’ve held for years, and are about to (according to Wagner) abandon the front lines including Bakhmut on Wednesday because they have no ammo.
The Ukrainian counter assault hasn’t even started.
Crimea has been under attack, and Russia itself. The war has created the homeland danger it was supposed to be eliminating, but also destroyed Russia’s ability to defend itself! Lol.
It has also decimated an entire generation of Russian men and their economy, neither of which are likely to rebound.

Russia may not only lose all of Ukraine and Crimea, but also some of Russia proper. They will definitely lose international standing and a huge portion of gdp.

They have lost the war already….badly…and have absolutely zero chance of winning on the battlefield now that Ukraine has next gen weapons and training….they couldn’t win against non military citizens with bolt action rifles, how will they beat a well trained hardened military with M1 Abrams tanks, long range advanced mobile howitzers, anti tank/air missiles, 10000 well trained drone pilots, advanced air defenses, and the backing of NATO and the West?

I would absolutely support a >100 mile deep DMZ in Russia under Ukrainian and NATO control, and severe limitations on the Russian military limiting it to only defensive weapons and a minimal army. They will be lucky to get a deal that good if things continue.

bobknight33 said:

Bakhmut is 85% captured by Russia and they won’t stop

Ukraine losing 500 troops daily in Bakhmut fight

surfingyt says...

my only thought is they can only "save face" at this point and it would require a regime change along with a dramatic shift in policy towards the west and profuse apologies. doubt that will happen so im fully prepared to live out my remaining life watching ruzzia become a giant failed pariah state. the west will beat them into submission again.

newtboy said:

I wonder how it’s even possible for Russia to “win” even if they take 100% of Ukraine, which seems impossible itself. It looks far more likely they’re about to lose Crimea.

Ukraine losing 500 troops daily in Bakhmut fight

newtboy says...

I wonder how it’s even possible for Russia to “win” even if they take 100% of Ukraine, which seems impossible itself. It looks far more likely they’re about to lose Crimea.

The stated reasoning was to stop Ukraine from entering the EU (and eventually NATO) to lower tensions along its border and create a buffer zone from the West. Also to stop the terrorist attacks they claimed would come from a free Ukraine.

Now, assuming it survives, Ukraine is guaranteed admission to both, and Sweden, Finland, and more to come. Russia is being hit with attacks daily on the homeland, and their army is decimated and economy destroyed.

I fail to see any way Russia comes out ahead no matter the end results, and the likely outcome will be further degradation of Russia and likely more states becoming independent, shrinking Russia and its influence once again.

surfingyt said:

I love triggering you orc tards…

btw this is a reminder to you that NATO is winning and will continue to advance. umadbro? lololol

Ukraine losing 500 troops daily in Bakhmut fight

surfingyt says...

even if true (its not) its been over one year into the war and that's your rallying cry?! after losing tens of thousands of orcs you got 1 city? a city that is now in complete ruins? hahahahahaha

bewb you loser-just like your garbage homeland. gonna get surrounded by NATO and sanctioned into nothingness. cant wait to see ruzzia get broken into pieces AGAIN. mess with the west and you lose! ruzzia too dumb to learn.

bobknight33 said:

Bakhmut is 85% captured by Russia and they won’t stop

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Republican Congresswoman Anna Paulina Luna claimed to be Jewish, but isn't, and instead is actually the granddaughter of a Nazi.

She pretended to be Jewish in part to defend MTG from her anti semitism like blaming “Jewish space lasers” for West coast forest fires, saying “if she was an anti Semite, why would she support me?”…the answer ….because your family are really catholic Nazis not Jewish as you falsely claimed.

What is it with Republicans pretending to be Jewish lately? It’s a pattern.

Whistleblower Exposes Far Right Justices Corruption

bobknight33 says...

This is what is admitted:
We sent greeting cards, prayed and had dinner at times.
Occasionally we got together for a few days out west.

WOW that is influencing peddling at the highest level.

Good find at government wasting tax dollars on nothing .

Godzilla vs. Gigan Rex

SFOGuy says...

There's this book by a Wall Street Journal reporter, called "Wrong About Japan"--and in one sequence, he asks the creator of Godzilla (a monster created by a nuclear accident/testing, who rolls around destroying...Japanese cities, even if inadvertently)---about it's relationship to WW-II and being the target of nuclear weapons...and the Japanese creator flat out denies it. Says the West doesn't understand that Godzilla is actually about bureaucracy.

What a special and odd place.

Arrest In Break-In At Democrat Hobbs' Campaign Headquarters

newtboy says...

I never said she was, only that it’s likely, and that breaking into a campaign headquarters is, by definition, a political crime. It’s still quite possible she or her campaign put him up to it, intentionally hiring a homeless looking guy so people like you would say exactly what you said (once fed it), or not. Nothing has indicated otherwise. Even homeless guys know campaigns don’t keep cash or jewelry around, nothing to steal there but campaign data, not the stuff homeless people steal.
Either way, it’s a political attack to break into a political headquarters, even if that’s not the intent.

How about wait and see before declaring her innocence based on nothing. Can’t wait for a fact before you post no story pushing a fake innocence. Even if she’s not involved directly in this crime, her rhetoric is responsible for hundreds of credible death threats and other threats and attacks. She may not be guilty of this crime, but she is far from innocent.

Oh, I’m so sorry, only bob is allowed to “push narratives” or make suppositions without having all the facts, or in his case any facts. You have no leg to stand on after years of pushing obviously fake stories that, surprise surprise, all turned out to be totally fake with no evidence on which to base them in the first place. Don’t whine now that someone else jumps to conclusions like you always do.

Know what’s definitely not fake? The violent attack against Pelosi’s elderly husband in an attempt to murder her….I suppose you would say it’s wrong to call that a politically motivated attack too.

You are gullibility incarnate. You still believe covid is a hoax, and just a cold, and a plot by China to destroy the west by infecting itself. You still believe Russia didn’t ever interfere in our elections, and Trump really won the popular vote once. You believe Jan 6 was ANTIFA and BLM not MAGA despite the guilty pleas, and that stealing nuclear secrets and keeping them in public hallways where Chinese spies repeatedly brought recording equipment and roamed freely is a “nothing burger” but Clinton not seeing the murky future is a high crime. Everything you claim to believe is certifiable nonsense, bob. Pretty certain you think long dead Hugo Chaves used Italian space lasers to change votes in dominion voting machines in a shared plot with the Illuminati and the sleestacks (lizard people) to hurt Trump because he was going to expose their pedophile vampire club where they vivisect children for pineal glands. ROTFLMAHS!!

bobknight33 said:

Holy Cat Shit Robin

The caught the bad guy.
Dos Reis

Are real Watergate break in kind of guy.

Definitely Kari lake behind this NOT.

Guy looks more like a homeless guy than and operative.

Can't you just wait for a fact before you post 1/2 a story pushing a possible fake narrative ?

God you are gullible.

Pelosi gets under Trump's skin in the most brutal way

newtboy jokingly says...

If you actually are gullible enough to believe that ridiculous easily debunked nonsense, you will believe literally anything, so let me warn you of the super secret plot to hurt Americans….
….tyrannical constitution ripping Biden just made a secret proclamation that anyone over 55 who casts a vote will lose their social security and Medicare/Medicaid. Be sure to tell the cult. Don’t want them to miss out on their socialist handouts. I hear robocalling gets this kind of message out well, target West Florida. Warn them…Don’t vote!
Voting for Dems means the secret plan goes into effect and steals their benefits, voting for Cons means the MAGA congress will steal their benefits by ending the programs altogether and keeping the money they already paid in.
Totally real secret plot, Bobby. Look out!

bobknight33 said:

That was a ligit hearing because she turned her back on Americans and they died.

the danger of abstinence

noims says...

Very well put. I'd far rather the cost of essential services be inflated by bureaucratic inefficiancies than by someone trying to squeeze as much profit as possible out of them. Especially in the west, the former is far less likely to drive corruption.

The video puts across the case so well it definitely deserves a*promote, even though I think the quote and especially the graphic that the French pay "just a little bit more" in taxes is misleading. In Ireland I pay very roughly 40% on all income over 40k (20% on the first 40k), and I think France is about the same. As I understand it, American taxes are more like 20-30% (not than anyone understands American taxes).

cloudballoon said:

True, any government-run programs have a certain waste. But letting Big Corps profiteering run rampant instread proves, time-and-again, that doesn't improve the quality of living for the vast majority of the population a single bit.

Beto O’Rourke “It May Be Funny To You, Mother F*#ker”

newtboy says...

Lies and racist stupidity from a stupid racist liar.

Yes, with a license you can have full auto military weapons. You’re just wrong, as usual. Because they’re so highly regulated you never hear of legal full auto weapons being used in crimes, but they are obtainable. Thanks to the left, kits to turn legal semi auto rifles into full auto are no longer legal to sell. The right opposed making full auto mod kits, ghost gun kits, and 3d printed unregistered guns (semi or auto) illegal to build or sell.

Who told you that idiotic racist lie? 98% of killings are done by thuggish black people? (we all know exactly what you mean when you say “inner city thugs” bob. You don’t hide the racism at all, not one bit.) Just another fact free racist lie, just like when you tried to say 98% of crimes are black on black crimes and I proved that to be a total lie. Just obvious racist fantasy. Cite your source, I bet it’s the KKK, white nationalists, or neonazi sites again, no one else would make up such nonsense and actually think people might believe it. Only crazy right wing cultists are that delusional and gullible. Just so incredible racist and stupid, you fuckwit.

Not only are “inner city thugs” (we know the word you wish you could use) not committing 98% of gun crimes, the most gun crimes per capita don’t happen in cities, definitely not 98% of them by FAR. Here’s some citation for you to ignore and dismiss because it contradicts your racist fantasies-

Yes, more gun crime happens in cities where approximately 85% of the population lives. Per capita counties are usually worse, almost always if you count deaths from external sources. Red counties and states consistently lead with the highest gun deaths per capita by far. In 2020, firearms were involved in 79 percent of all homicides and 53 percent of all suicides. Mississippi, Louisiana, Wyoming, Missouri, Alabama, and Alaska have the highest firearm mortality rates in the country, according to the CDC. Here are the 10 states with the highest gun deaths per capita:

Alaska (24.5 per 100k people)
Alabama (22.9 per 100k people)
Montana (22.5 per 100k people)
Louisiana (21.7 per 100k people)
Mississippi (21.5 per 100k people)
Missouri (21.5 per 100k people)
Arkansas (20.3 per 100k people)
Wyoming (18.8 per 100k people)
West Virginia (18.6 per 100k people)
New Mexico (18.5 per 100k people)
Notice a trend?

No bob, most shootings are with legally purchased guns, many bought legally by nut jobs that should be banned from buying them. It’s another lie from you. Cite your source…but wipe it first, I don’t want to have to read through your dingleberries. (I feel I need to explain because your comprehension is non existent…I’m saying you got it out of your ass).
This case, the seriously troubled kid waited until he was 18 to legally buy the gun he intended to use to murder people. If he had to wait until he was 21, it would have helped. If he had to pass a mental health screening, there would have been no Uvalde.

The right is willing to lie, obfuscate, try red herring false deflections like you just did, try racist deflections like you just did, try nonsense conflation, exaggerate to the extreme like stating a 21 year age limit for semi auto weapons or a mental health component to the licensing application process is taking your guns…anything but addressing the issue.

The right is also 100% opposed to funding mental health facilities/programs to help the underlying mental health disaster we have in America (that single payer health care would cover). Gun deaths went up 35% 2019-2020 under Trump and have dropped precipitously under Biden.

Just idiotic obvious racist lies here from you, nothing more, no facts, no ideas, no solutions, not even correctly identifying the problem, but scapegoating a group you clearly are prejudiced against (although you’re too cowardly to admit it, but there’s zero doubt).

Shame, you cowardly racist liar….if only you were capable of shame you would end yourself in contrition.

bobknight33 said:


You can not have a military automatic weapon.

2nd 98% of killings are done by inner city thugs and yet the left only focus on suburban , school, theater killings .

Left wants to make it harder for people to buy legal -- The real problem is the illegal guns that are doing most killing - destroying families . cities. soles

The left has no desire to truly address this issue in their cities.

12 yr. old Palestinian MC Abdul "Shouting At The Wall"

bcglorf says...


And it’s in the origins that I think our disagreement lies. It’s convenient for both the Arab and western worlds to agree that Israel owes it’s existence as a state to Western powers gifting palestine to them as ‘reparations’. That it’s convenient for both parties though is about as far as the truth of it really goes.

As a realist, I don’t see anything going much differently if the west had opposed Jewish settlement in Palestine at the time. The Jewish people were fleeing the anticipated holocaust. In the aftermath of the actual holocaust, it was their own actions of settling in Palestine, and defending themselves once there that made them a state. Nobody gave it to them, they fought and bled for it themselves.

The closest interference of Britain came in trying to wash their hands of Palestine and declaring a 2 state solution, with borders drawn around the territory in Palestine currently occupied by Jewish and Arab populations. I still hold the key to the ongoing problems are not Israel’s declaration of independence accepting that 2 state solution, but instead the entire arab world’s declaration of war on them and intention to drive them “into the sea”. A declaration like that 3 years after the holocaust, towards a population made up largely of holocaust survivors deserves condemnation. I an’t side with the notion that in that conflict, and the immigration leasing up to it, that the European Jewish refugees are the bad guys and aggressors…

Oliver Stones thoughts on why Putin invaded Ukraine

eric3579 says...

If you haven't seen it , this doc may interest you.

"Ukraine on Fire"

Across its eastern border is Russia and to its west-Europe. For centuries, it has been at the center of a tug-of-war between powers seeking to control its rich lands and access to the Black Sea. 2014's Maidan Massacre triggered a bloody uprising that ousted president Viktor Yanukovych and painted Russia as the perpetrator by Western media. But was it? "Ukraine on Fire" by Igor Lopatonok provides a historical perspective for the deep divisions in the region which lead to the 2004 Orange Revolution, 2014 uprisings, and the violent overthrow of democratically elected Yanukovych. Covered by Western media as a people's revolution, it was in fact a coup d'état scripted and staged by nationalist groups and the U.S. State Department. Investigative journalist Robert Parry reveals how U.S.-funded political NGOs and media companies have emerged since the 80s replacing the CIA in promoting America's geopolitical agenda abroad.

Can watch here if interested

noims said:

I'm suffering from serious confirmation bias on this because it agrees with a lot of what I heard around the 2014 revolution and since.


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