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Gordon Ramsey Vs. James May

Worst boyfriend ever gets serenaded (not Stephen Fry)

Truth About Transitional Species Fossils

shinyblurry says...

"This is actually somewhat true. If breeds interbreed (derp, thats why they called breeds teehee?) there is very little chance of speciation occurring. Seperate a Great Dane a Chihuahua by a huge expanse of water for long enough though and eventually they will diverge to the point where they can no longer produce fertile offspring, or in other words, become a different species."

I don't think it really matters how long you wait or if one of the dogs lives in Alpha Centari..they will still just produce dogs according to the evidence. I suppose you could cook up anything and make it seem real by adding the magic value of millions of years..but without any real evidence its just pie in the sky

"I'd like to see you define a "fully formed" species. Honestly, this really shows how badly you misunderstand evolution. You are a transitional species, we all are, every single living thing on this planet is in some sense transitional. This misunderstanding of evolution seems to stem from the belief that it all happens at once, suddenly one day a bird hatches out of a dinosaur egg. Honey, it don't work like that, its millions of tiny changes from one generation to the next."

Fully formed as in, no true ancestors. There aren't any true ancestors for any of the major groups. There simply is no evidence in the fossil record demonstrating macro evolution which of course is seriously embarassing to darwinian theory. I highly doubt that darwin himself would maintain that his theory was true, just on the basis of the complexity of the cell and the DNA molecule alone.

"I really encourage you to learn more about speciation. It seems you accept that species do mutate to better survive, but you don't believe that results in them forming a whole new species. Thats quite a reasonable position to take but there is plenty of evidence explaining how speciation actually occurs. Gogo read up on it, its fascinating."

I will check it out. It sounds interesting.. Here is something I recommend...

A critique of 29 evidences for macro evolution

Truth About Transitional Species Fossils

Jinx says...

"No, I don't. That's the whole point..they're all dogs, there is no difference in kind. Do it for 500 or 500 million, you'll have the same result..dogs. "

This is actually somewhat true. If breeds interbreed (derp, thats why they called breeds teehee?) there is very little chance of speciation occurring. Seperate a Great Dane a Chihuahua by a huge expanse of water for long enough though and eventually they will diverge to the point where they can no longer produce fertile offspring, or in other words, become a different species.

"Every species we observe is completely fully formed, showed up suddenly in the fossil record with no ancestors. If evolution were true, we would see species in transition from one kind to another today, which we don't. We would find ancestors in the fossil record which showed the tranistions. We don't. If evolution ever happened, it is not observable today anywhere, especially the fossil record."

I'd like to see you define a "fully formed" species. Honestly, this really shows how badly you misunderstand evolution. You are a transitional species, we all are, every single living thing on this planet is in some sense transitional. This misunderstanding of evolution seems to stem from the belief that it all happens at once, suddenly one day a bird hatches out of a dinosaur egg. Honey, it don't work like that, its millions of tiny changes from one generation to the next.

"The "advantage" is only good for the circumstance, and when the circumstance is gone, the population returns to normal. For instance, when bacteria produce this mutation for resistance, it always makes them less always at the sacrifice of something else. There was nothing added and nothing new created..things only got shuffled around. These mutations don't ever survive in the wild."

Again, this somewhat true. Adaptions for a specific thing often come at a price. Its why we still see so many simple organisms sitting around, bacteria still exists and has not evolved into more complex forms because simple works for that bacteria. If there is no strong evolutionary pressure then why evolve? However, there is PLENTY of pressure to evolve, be it exploiting a new niche, adapting better to hunt new prey or to survive in a different environment.

I really encourage you to learn more about speciation. It seems you accept that species do mutate to better survive, but you don't believe that results in them forming a whole new species. Thats quite a reasonable position to take but there is plenty of evidence explaining how speciation actually occurs. Gogo read up on it, its fascinating.

lucky760 (Member Profile)

Kevlar says...

Heya, Lucky! Kudos for the upvote! Er, I actually don't know the Diddy quote! I was thinking of Maximus from the movie Gladiator [link] for the "are you not entertained?" yell.

In reply to this comment by lucky760:
Comment upvote for your P. Diddy quote. Teehee.

From where do you know that quote?

In reply to this comment by Kevlar:
The best part to me is this: Who is he exhorting with his display after the initial stop? Who does he want to cheer?


Kevlar (Member Profile)

lucky760 says...

Comment upvote for your P. Diddy quote. Teehee.

From where do you know that quote?

In reply to this comment by Kevlar:
The best part to me is this: Who is he exhorting with his display after the initial stop? Who does he want to cheer?


You don't want to see Sex and the City 2? F*ck you!

gwiz665 says...

Go in drag. Be all like "That's so like my life. Carrie reminds me of me. Teehee."

I'd pay good money to sift a video of that with you.

>> ^EDD:

I recently "won" (not sure if this constitutes winning) an invitation for two to the national premiere of this "film" (again, not sure if this constitutes a film) two days from now. The event is organized by American Express and they've invited somewhere around 300 of their top female clients based on account turnover. There's going to be "red carpet", tabloid "journalists" and free drinks (not sure if a cosmo constitutes a proper drink though).
Now, I am married, and the Mrs. actually saw the first movie (said it was complete rubbish). She says she'd never go see a follow-up to that garbage on her own, but she is mildly interested in seeing what the event would be like. Personally, I only want to go if I can troll the event in some way: got any suggestions for me?
Btw, here's Roger Ebert's review.

Scottish rugby fan flashes on live news report

Man Overpaid For Fake Gun, Gets Pissed!

Obama's Message To American Indians

US Military accidentaly grows fields of Yo'

Professor nails class clown with eraser

evil_disco_man says...

Be very skeptical of anything that comes from Break. Users are paid $400 if their video makes it to the front page. Of course this is a plausible event - teachers have been known to throw shit, that's what makes it believable.

Disregarding the terrible "teehee" acting and eraser controversy, to me the obvious question is, why would anyone videotape a friend in class flipping the hair of some girl? This is obviously set up.

lucky760 (Member Profile)

demon_ix (Member Profile)

lucky760 says...

Teehee. I'm just trying to irk the scifi geek Sifters who get angry when people confuse Star Trek and Star Wars.

In reply to this comment by demon_ix:
So I'm curious. The VS URL is, which suggests the original posting was titled "Star Wars At-At Bed".

And yet, the current title is "Star Trek At-At Imperial Walker Bed".

Also, lucky760, based on his Darth Vader costume at the end, the kid doesn't need any help being a Star Wars geek

blankfist (Member Profile)

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