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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

😂 😂 😂 The convicted felon, business fraud, and rapist is now saying he plans to lose the debate so when he loses “bigly” you will believe it’s intentional and not full blown dementia….but it’s demented to try to lose so six of one, half a dozen of the other. Can’t wait! Only two more weeks of excuses. What will you do when he literally shits his diaper and goes full blown sundown dementia on live TV? 😂 😂 😂
The batshit insanity, constant criminality, and brainless infantilism of MAGA is driving away not only independents but even Republicans (now labeled RINOS for sticking to their ideals and not abandoning reason and morality for a felon). Another red tsunami incoming.

The convict had a meeting with 80 Maga supporting “business leaders” yesterday and it was another disaster…the Trump backing business owners came out of the meeting saying he couldn’t stay on topic at all, couldn’t form one complete sentence, couldn’t explain his own plans beyond basic prepared talking points, was rambling and “meandering” worse than they claim Biden does (they say it, but without any unedited evidence), and one short meeting has changed their minds about supporting him. Doesn’t bode well for the debate.

On flag day, President Biden paid homage to the American flag and pledged his allegiance to the American flag. The convicted felon desecrated tens of thousands of (Chinese made) American flags by pasting his face and name and mugshot on them, had his people desecrate more by wearing them as clothing, had his people sing the Jan 6 anthem by the prison choir while pledged allegiance to them. WTF!?

Oh…BTW…Ukraine and the US just signed the bilateral agreement, guaranteeing Ukraine the arms they need to win the war against Russia, and to hit them back just as hard and put them in the Stone Age if necessary. Sorry Charlie, Democracy wins again over fascism and despotism.
This replaces the ignored trilateral agreement of 94 and supplies them with hundreds of millions in weaponry including multiple squadrons of F-16s. Russia cannot defend against that, and is going to lose everything it stole and then some. Expect a free Crimea.

PS- Larry Hogan in Maryland, who was ostracized by the RNC and told no one should vote for him by the RNC and Trump because he said Americans should respect the rule of law just REJECTED the Trump endorsement he just received.
Yes, in order to have even a slim chance of winning right wing candidates must now REJECT Trump. Enjoy.

It’s ok, you can cry….I know you want to.

Atlanta Democrat sentenced to seven years for $15M fraud

newtboy says...

They certainly seem happy about this. I wonder why?

So, she, like hundreds of thousands of others, defrauded the Convicted felon Trump’s completely unregulated and set up to defraud PPP welfare for business owners scheme that cost taxpayers $800 BILLION and in the end failed completely because it did not save any of the jobs it was intended to save.

Only one year for every two million she stole…not nearly enough. I sure hope they go after them all with the same zeal, starting with Manly Traitor Greene who never repaid nearly $200k for her “business” that seems to only have employed her and her husband, she refuses to acknowledge any questions about it. Lock them all up.

Unlike Maga, reasonable people understand party affiliation doesn’t erase criminality. The fact that she’s a Democrat to me means she’s slightly more criminal, because she’s not even in the party of criminality and convicts she’s in the party that supports law and order equally applied to everyone.

lol! “Is the candidate responsible for knowing where donations come from?”
They better hope not or their favorite candidate is in such deeper shit than 34 felony convictions! He’s absolutely taken millions from hostile foreign powers (like Russia and China and the Saudis) laundered through lackeys like Giuliani and Kushner without disclosing it, and has been caught over and over and over with undeniable paper trails. If the candidate has some responsibility, he shirked it with gusto. 😂

What an ending line….”Hypocrisy is not a crime but fraud certainly is”… seems they forgot to add “unless it’s convicted felon DJT committing that fraud to the tune of HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS…then prosecution is a witch hunt”….they better be glad hypocrisy isn’t a crime, because they’re guilty daily.

Maga Loyalist Endorses Donald Trump

newtboy says...

President Joe Biden doesn’t have to meet HIS probation officer today…how about 34 time convicted felon Don Trump?

Does he meet with the person who will control his movements and actions for the foreseeable future today? Yes. Then how could he be seen as the leader when he is himself being led? He cannot.

Can he still travel to foreign countries? No. Then how could he possibly represent us internationally. He cannot.

Can a convicted felon be in the military? No. Then how can one lead it? They cannot.

Can a felony convict own a firearm? No. Then how can they command our armed forces? They cannot.

After ALL the constant fraud found in both his business and his personal affairs, how could he ever be trusted by either our allies or enemies, could he negotiate a treaty when he cannot be trusted at all? No. He cannot.

With open cases and overdue judgements in multiple foreign countries, how could we believe he won’t be arrested and taken to a foreign prison where our president will be essentially a legal hostage, giving the country insane leverage over the USA? We cannot.

Typically, in LV he went after President Biden for using a teleprompter (something he rarely does) then lost his mind because his own teleprompters weren’t working (when you never pay your workers, you don’t get the best) and went off on a rambling, disjointed, zero point stream of consciousness babble after telling the crowd of working people that he was going to stiff the AV company that set up this rally, then told his stupid lie about electric boats and sharks (it’s 100% clear he never asked anyone about electrocution vs shark bite, not that it’s an intelligent question to start with, because anyone not brain dead would have said “sharks will avoid the area if there’s any electricity in the water at all, even a 9 volt battery, it’s a non issue…”sir”.”). I assume he followed that by reading “the snake” for the hundredth time.

The debate won’t have teleprompters, guaranteed he is going to back out and make up some excuse that blames President Joe Biden for the convicts cowardice. Hide and watch.

Your worship of a criminal con man and rapist makes you ignore literally everything to support your cult leader. We know you would rather vote for a failed and disgraced rapist and criminal dozens of times over, felon donjon, than squeaky clean nation saving and economy building President Joe Biden.
That would be true if the felon was now raping 7 year old boys daily and tossing their used up bodies out of a 10th story window into a pile, then pissing on them as he waves to the cameras, because in your feeble mind nothing he does is wrong, and anything wrong he does instantly becomes right.
Can you even recall what your morals were before convicted felon Trump?

That’s called being brainwashed and a cultist. Another bit of reality you deny, just like the rest of it.

bobknight33 said:

I'd rather vote for Trump than Joe.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Another 272000 jobs last month, well outside even the range of expectations which were closer to 180000. Unemployment a healthy and low 4%.
That Biden economy is still chugging up that hill like a 6 engine locomotive, racing uphill out of that valley the last president drove into faster than any other country, Americans are gaining buying power daily, the markets are hitting record highs constantly, prices are actually LOWERING in many cases as wages continue to grow. Companies continue to rake in record profits.

Only convicted felon Trump’s personal economy is sliding downhill…actually it’s falling off a cliff, $600 million+ in judgements growing interest daily, warrants in other countries for ignoring judgements, now incapable of even traveling to many of his businesses, a failed nearly bankrupt social media company burning through about $4 million a day with essentially zero income and a shrinking membership, spending more on lawyers for failing defenses than he’s raising to campaign, and very little campaigning, killing supporters when he does.

Biden support is rising fast as convicted felon Trump’s slumps, now losing in almost every poll including right wing polls, and will continue to slide as his conviction remains the big headline all month until his disastrous failure at the debate overshadows it.

There’s no chance he will be replaced at the RNC convention because you aren’t in a political party looking for the best candidate or even a winner, you are in a cult of personality willing to forfeit anything and everything for convicted felon (and rapist) Trump’s minuscule temporary benefit.

bobknight33 said:

So how is that great Biden economy doing?
Sliding down hill, Americans are going broke.

Bidens support is falling off the cliff.
Will he be replaced at the DNC convention in Aug?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Corrupt maga judge Alito perjured himself to congress when he swore the insurrection flag he flew at home in January 2021 was in response to an argument with a neighbor (but the neighbor proved with her police report of the argument that the argument was a month AFTER photographs prove they started flying the insurrection supporting flag, proving with documentation he lied).
On top of that, he took $4 million in bribes…”gifts”… from people with cases before him that he did not refuse from….just like the insurrection case where he has a blatant conflict of interest in.
Maga has invalidated the Supreme Court with corruption to its core, and in next term they will be removed for their corrupt and criminal acts and replaced. The 3 progressive justices have nothing close to that corruption or refusal to adhere to the law and precedent in their record, non have taken millions in gifts from billionaires with cases before them, none failed to report millions in gifts for decades, none have unaccounted for millions in assets gained after being sworn in. All conservative “justices” do, every single one.

Bonus- there’s essentially a warrant out for “special enforcement” of convicted felon Trump in the UK for failing to pay a $300k judgement against him by Christopher Steele! Not to worry, his convictions mean he can never go there again.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Now over 50 of his supporters are hospitalized with heat stroke because he held a rally at noon in Phoenix during a heat wave so he could make it to the fundraiser in SF in the evening and court some San Francisco money after publicly kissing some men on stage in Phoenix.
Convicted felon Trump kissed convicted felon and disgraced ex sheriff Joe Arpio (whose criminal racism cost his state hundreds and hundreds of millions in settlements to his victims, and whose felony conviction for a cruel sheriff office policy of strict racial profiling he refused to stop after being ordered by the courts was pardoned by convicted felon Trump). In order to prosecute and abuse non white citizens for crimes they had not committed he ignored thousands of cases of sexual abuse, never investigating. He also tortured multiple citizens to death in his tent jails in the Arizona desert with no AC. Trump pardoned him.

Convicted felon Trump used to hate homosexual PDAs, now he makes them. He’s changed!

Holy crap…the prosecution already rested against Hunter! They haven’t proven he was actively using at the time he filled out the form…he claims he had been sober for weeks…sounds like he may skate. Intent to defraud is required, and if he thought he had quit at the time, they failed to prove it. Why even bother to prosecute without proof he was still getting high at the time? A: politics.

Compare- Biden has ruled out a pardon for his son. Convicted felon Trump insists on one for himself.

newtboy said:

Oof…convicted felon Trump held a mid day rally in Arizona (so he could go to a San Francisco fundraiser in the evening) during a heat wave and a dozen maga were hospitalized with heat stroke. More proof you are nothing but a vote for him, and you suffering to near death doesn’t even register to him. Guaranteed he won’t be reimbursing the Phoenix fired department that had to use up its resources taking care of convicted felon Trump’s mess.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Republicans just killed their chances of even holding seats in November by twice voting against a national right to contraception, because their plan is to ban contraception. This is hugely unpopular, and they just went all in on it publicly. It’s going to be really hard to pretend this isn’t their plan for 2025 when they already tipped their hand today.
For decades they claimed abortion should be a states rights issue, and now that there’s no national right, they are clear they intend to ban it nation wide. Contraception is exactly the same thing, they are already banning contraception in red states and talking about a national ban behind closed doors. Todays votes to preserve their ability to ban contraception nationwide prove it.

Polls are showing fully 1/3 of Republicans don’t support convicted felon Trump to be president, say he’s the wrong candidate…that was before his convictions and before telling the nation to prepare for no contraception and an outright ban on recreational sex…unbiased non partisan polls of Americans done from Canada.

18-37 year old Republican voters are worse, 47% say he shouldn’t be on the ballot.

Hannity tried to feed him answers in a kid glove softball interview and he still couldn’t answer questions, or did answer them by saying “yes, I’m not joking, I do plan to be a dictator for at least a day (then we’ll see if I like it) and I do seriously plan retribution against my political enemies.” (which include my own supporters if they ever question my plans).

Starting next month convicted felon Trump won’t be able to campaign outside his state (Florida?) without getting prior permission from his probation officer! But he’s still the best you’ve got!

Those numbers are going to get worse as reality sinks in that he’s a felon, with all the restrictions and conditions of a felon, and is not only not the best but likely the worst possible candidate, and a loser, who can’t vote, travel between states, leave the country, has to report to his probation officer (if he’s not in prison), etc, and all the bluster about how he can run the country from prison is suddenly reality and they see that’s insanity, and only an actual cultist would be so delusional as to think they couldn’t find a better conservative candidate (Haley likely would have beaten Biden)…too bad for them those cultists have total control of the party. 😂

Oof…convicted felon Trump held a mid day rally in Arizona (so he could go to a San Francisco fundraiser in the evening) during a heat wave and a dozen maga were hospitalized with heat stroke. More proof you are nothing but a vote for him, and you suffering to near death doesn’t even register to him. Guaranteed he won’t be reimbursing the Phoenix fired department that had to use up its resources taking care of convicted felon Trump’s mess.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

😂 You expected differently…or at least you said you did. So did he. Nice try.
It’s so hilarious how certain you always are about winning, even right after you just lost everything. Never being able to admit even to yourself that you (and therefore Trump since you are just repeating his claims) were 100% wrong leads you into some pretty hilarious positions…and him into prison!

GUILTY ON ALL COUNTS! Not one or two…every charge.
Will they replace him as the repugnant candidate before the convention in July?

You can’t point to a single order or decision that the judge didn’t bend over backwards to give Trump more leeway than any normal defendant, or a single decision that was biased and not based in the law. Trump tried repeatedly to remove him hoping for a judge cannon that would defend him, but failed because there was no evidence whatsoever of bias, not a shred. Everything Trump made up about him and his orders was proven to be false…big surprise. You still believe what he tells you, then just can’t understand why everything you believe turned to shit….hint, it’s about that fundraising email he sent you, not reality.

The only ignorami are those getting their information from Trump and his mouthpieces. The jurors, including the OAN watching right wingers, saw the evidence and were unanimous about his total guilt on every charge. They are not ignorant, they have more information than anyone and found him guilty.

That is hardly surprising, he put on no defense at all…one sycophant who said Cohen lied once and was caught lying himself…nothing contradicting the evidence.

“Dickhead”…considering the under oath descriptions of Trumps penis, all little mushroom head and no shaft, you might want to look for another insult and stop reminding us. 😂

Enjoy your felonious leader. He just lost far more support than he could afford to lose. Rational people don’t want a president who is a multiple felon and can’t even vote or leave the country, especially one as immoral as him.



bobknight33 said:

What did one expect. Blood thirsty Trump hating Judge and jurors.

These are ignorant dickheads like you.

Bragg Trial IMPLODES after Witness EXONERATES Trump

newtboy says...

To my “just a loser afraid of reality”-

How’s that exoneration going? Did reality crack your thin skin and that’s why you are quietly crying in your beer tonight?

Q- How exactly are you going to claim to be the law and order party but your presidential candidate is a convicted business fraud, charity thief, and felon dozens and dozens and dozens of times over? Probably the same way you call yourselves patriots despite supporting the attempt to overthrow the American government….by lying to yourselves.

bobknight33 said:

Do you know how to read?
Even you, at a 4th grade level can follow along and block out the colorful commentary.

Or does this does crack you delicate thin skin of yours.

Your just a looser- afraid of reality.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Shocker. The maggots are going on tv telling you morons there were 30000 people at Trump’s rally in the Bronx….only 10 times what the park can hold at a maximum, and it wasn’t half full.
The desperation of these idiotic lies is just hilarious. Trump is completely insecure with his actual support and needs to exaggerate it by 10-100 times before he thinks he’s winning. 😂

Here he is pretending to be greeted by the NASCAR crowd after being barred from Formula 1. Watch, his campaign will edit this to look like they know he’s there instead of hiding behind buildings and cars.

newtboy said:

Trumps failed Bronx rally he couldn’t afford or fill Maddison square garden with so held in a small park with a maximum capacity of 3500, 1/2 full being generous (of mostly fans from Florida) with a few thousand at most (his influencers are posting photos of a Obama rally in St Louis in 2008 with 100000 and claiming it’s Trump in the Bronx) and speakers who are out on bail under multiple criminal indictments for murder devolved into a riot in NY when they marched past a covid testing center and lost their minds and attacked it.
Maga grinch danced too long asking for porn and collapsed.
Racist maga superhero shouted slurs at other maggots.
Santos showed up and was treated like a star.

What a criminal clown show maga is.

Libraries: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

newtboy says...

You couldn’t read it at your current age, Bob, so what are you afraid of?

More maggot lies. Those idiots will buy anything.

This isn’t a thing, and is thoroughly debunked, just like everything idiot bob posts.
Maggots have been doing this for years. Lying about what’s in libraries to excuse their total censorship of anything they find distasteful, but it’s not about the sex or violence ever because every single book banner and burner supports teaching the Bible in schools with its graphic sex, rapes, murders, torture, support for slavery, capricious god, constant repeating incest at its core, baby killings galore, etc.

Books similar to this are sometimes (rarely) found in a special area for upper class men at high schools in advanced creative writing classes, or colleges.
This has been debunked repeatedly. You maggots are constant liars. If he “found” it “at the entry door” in the middle school library, it’s because he or his dad brought it there just for this performance. Who honestly believes a middle school librarian gave a pillow book (look it up Bob) to an 11 year old and asked if he would like the graphic novel version (something that’s not a thing btw, written pornography isn’t released in multiple versions).
I don’t think he’s ever been in a library, because people who use libraries know you check out books, you don’t rent them out. They also know English better than these …people.
This ridiculous video itself is years old…he’s talking about masks too.

I would point out that this kid almost certainly has a cell phone, so he has total unfettered access to real pornography of much more deviant and graphic varieties than a slightly titillating story. Except for the Amish, no parent in America has a leg to stand on when it comes to providing pornography to their children, they give them porn access devices at under 7 now.

And another idiot covid denier, shocker. Somebody shoot this terrorist idiot and the rest. Hatriots are not patriots.
Just like every bob post, it’s more prejudice wrapped in hypocritical lies smothered in ignorance. His favorite meal.

bobknight33 said:

This is a good read for this age group?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Violent Trumpist nutjob Pelosi attacker got 30 years…with more state sentencing to be served afterwards. He will never leave prison alive.
This is the guy you claim is Pelosi’s boyfriend for absolutely no reason besides spite and the embarrassment that he is exactly like you with balls enough to follow his convictions and not just whine like a bitch. Another lie you continue to repeat despite knowing full well it’s a lie…no issue for worthless liars like yourself.
Actually, he was also more tied to reality than you are, you are in fact more delusional and gullible than this criminally insane sucker who believed Trumps lies and acted. All those who have are in prison. You are only free because you are a sniveling coward.

Trump, as expected, is too petrified to testify. SHOCKER!!
What a cowardly loser.
He rested his case after one blatantly lying overtly hostile hyper maga witness who was in fact auditioning to be Attorney General in Trump’s Reich. No defense at all, and insulting to the jury, the court, and the idea of holding Trump to any standards at all.
He did not introduce reasonable doubt, his entire testimony was worthless twaddle, blatantly making up things he couldn’t possibly know about like the content of a private phone call he wasn’t on to protect his master.
Guilt is not questionable. His only chance is jury nullification and a hung jury…that is when they know beyond doubt that he’s guilty but vote not guilty for personal/political reasons.
Edit: DJ needed to show the strong support Daddy has in New York so posted a video of the huge crowds cheering on the motorcade….problem is it’s actually a video of Biden’s motorcade, not Trump who has no crowd cheering for him and is apoplectic about it.

HOLY FUCKING SHEEP SHIT! Trump media finally released its financial report, the first not generated by the fraudulent audit mill he tried to trick investors with…just last quarter Trump media LOST $327 MILLION with $700k in revenues. No wonder they were faking their financial reports, that’s Enron level failure. The stock should be going for 4 shares to the dollar, (Edit: actually 6.6…revenue is $3 million, give a generous 10x for $30 million value, 200million shares, that’s 6.6 shares per $1.… but Trumpists are still paying $43! You are all going to be on welfare after it tanks, I hope you mortgaged your house like so many did.
Lost $327 million in one quarter…on track to lose $1.3 BILLION this year, with basically no income, and now no cash (didn’t they only have $30l million in reserve?). D’oh!
The best part is they say in the disclosure that the success of the company is tied directly to Trump’s popularity…and it’s a totally unsuccessful shit show of fraud and massive losses. Um….😂

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Er Mer Gerd…the NRA speech was INSANE!
You think you can explain the 45 second pause in the middle of sentences?

Remember, Trump has said hundreds of times that needing a teleprompter means you are unqualified to be president, and Trump cannot speak even with one anymore, without one he devolves into gibberish and silence.
It’s harder every day for maggots to ignore the dangerous decline in a mental acuity that was borderline at its best.
Trump aslo said hundreds of times that being under investigation is a disqualifier…what is being under 88 felony indictments including multiple treasonous crimes? 😂

If you apply the same rules to Trump he insists his opponents must live under he’s disqualified and imprisoned a few dozen times over. Of course, he’s gone to insane lengths to be sure he has another set of rules and LAWS just for him, and you support that fully…the sign of an infant and sycophant.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

It must be so frustrating that you (maga) have so thoroughly destroyed your credibility that no one even cares about your lies trying to shield the disgraced ex president from crimes he has repeatedly bragged about publicly and now are trying to pretend he didn’t pay a porn star to hide his tryst with her from voters, then falsified business records to hide the payment. Maybe you shouldn’t have spent the last 8 years screaming bloody murder about all the wolves then laughing when help arrived. Now people are hoping there is a wolf and that it eats you and yours…but no one is coming to check.

PS- Where’s Barron?

PPS- since you seek the truth, it’s “it’s” when you are shortening “it is”. “Its” is the possessive word, like "his" and "her," for nouns without gender.

PPPS- Outside court Trump said he had an illegal NDA….likely a slip of the tongue or misstatement, but that’s what he said. He also said “maga is being punked by Ashton Kutcher….I think I know what that means” but he doesn’t, because he is the prank on you, you are being punked by Trump, he absolutely didn’t get that.

Finally some supporters showed up for him and they released a truckload of penis balloons on NY…for the children. (This is a crime and immoral). I’m guessing the anti Trum protestors will bring mushroom tip balloons for Trump soon, the full shaft and balls penis balloons definitely aren’t representative of him.

Alito has been caught with photos of him flying an upside down flag during the attempted coup to signal his support for the fake “stop the steel” (because you can’t spell “steal”) movement that became an anti American anti democratic terrorist gang that tried to end democracy in America on Jan 6. Just like the criminal Thomas. If they both don’t recuse themselves from any Jan 6 case, they may as well disband because they will prove themselves to be not judges but partisan political operatives, and when Dems take the other two thirds of government they will all be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and replaced, including the fraudulently appointed Comey and Kavenaugh. Bye Felicia.

Michael Cohen LIED AGAIN in TRUMP TRIAL says Ex-Lawyer

newtboy says...

Only another disgraced Maga lawyer, the one who defended Cohen when he was lying for Trump and got him prison time.
Lots of once respected people compromised their principles and honor to be a sycophant to Trump, I cannot explain why they thought it would pay off, everyone who goes that route ends up disgraced and/or convicted and without the power or money they were promised.

There’s no “truth” here, only a disgraced ex lawyer who supported and furthered lies for Trump in court/congress telling more lies for Trump.

bobknight33 said:

Why would I listen to this twaddle? The only thing to “learn” is how delusional you are. I can reasonably downvote based on the source,

Former Attorney and Deputy Chief of US District of SDNY.

Its for those seeking truth,
Not for those who do not care about this principle, like you.

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