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Canada Gets its Very Own Fox News

bcglorf says...

>> ^Fusionaut:

But will they have a T.V. version of the Sunshine Girl? Surely that would attract some more viewers that haven't discovered the internet yet. Who actually watches T.V. news? Oh... conservatives.

I was gonna post just to point that out. The SUN "News" empire has never been respected up here, largely since their advertising is dominated by the sunshine girl.

Arnold Schwarzenegger's commentary of Total Recall is ace!

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

The best DVD commentary I've heard was that of American Beauty, from the director. I learned that I didn't actually know about half of the stuff that was going on in that movie. Things like the shadows created by the vertical blinds in his office evoking prison bars. I LOVE that stuff. >> ^spoco2:

>> ^jimnms:
>> ^spoco2:
Commentary tracks are the one special feature I don't like, actually those and the stupid 'watch the film with popup behind the scenes snippets'.
I LOVE behind the scenes stuff, but if I want to watch the movie I WANT TO WATCH THE MOVIE. I don't want to half watch a movie, half listen to people talk about the movie. Give me a behind the scenes documentary that shows and tells me about how things were done and you'll have me watch for longer than the running time of the film even (which many of the docos are)
So... yeah, I just don't listen to them.

I don't watch entire movies with commentaries on, but sometimes I'll go back and watch a scene or two with it on. There was on movie that I did watch with the commentary on, Sunshine. I went back to watch one scene like I sometimes do, but the commentary with directory Danny Boyle and Dr. Brian Cox on as the scientific adviser was so damn interesting that I ended up watching the rest of the movie before I knew it. I had to start it back from the beginning with the commentary on and watch back up to that scene.
The special feature I never cared for were the interviews with the actors where they just brown nose and ass kiss the director, producer and other actors.

Oh yeah, the press kit half hour long ad 'making of' 'docos' are terrible. But things like the bonus features on the Lord of the Rings discs, or those on Blade Runner, ooh, or the making of 'The Abyss', that's awesome. That stuff is fascinating to me. I LOVE seeing how movies are made. I just would rather watch a movie OR making of... not a half way house

Arnold Schwarzenegger's commentary of Total Recall is ace!

spoco2 says...

>> ^jimnms:

>> ^spoco2:
Commentary tracks are the one special feature I don't like, actually those and the stupid 'watch the film with popup behind the scenes snippets'.
I LOVE behind the scenes stuff, but if I want to watch the movie I WANT TO WATCH THE MOVIE. I don't want to half watch a movie, half listen to people talk about the movie. Give me a behind the scenes documentary that shows and tells me about how things were done and you'll have me watch for longer than the running time of the film even (which many of the docos are)
So... yeah, I just don't listen to them.

I don't watch entire movies with commentaries on, but sometimes I'll go back and watch a scene or two with it on. There was on movie that I did watch with the commentary on, Sunshine. I went back to watch one scene like I sometimes do, but the commentary with directory Danny Boyle and Dr. Brian Cox on as the scientific adviser was so damn interesting that I ended up watching the rest of the movie before I knew it. I had to start it back from the beginning with the commentary on and watch back up to that scene.
The special feature I never cared for were the interviews with the actors where they just brown nose and ass kiss the director, producer and other actors.

Oh yeah, the press kit half hour long ad 'making of' 'docos' are terrible. But things like the bonus features on the Lord of the Rings discs, or those on Blade Runner, ooh, or the making of 'The Abyss', that's awesome. That stuff is fascinating to me. I LOVE seeing how movies are made. I just would rather watch a movie OR making of... not a half way house

Arnold Schwarzenegger's commentary of Total Recall is ace!

jimnms says...

>> ^spoco2:

Commentary tracks are the one special feature I don't like, actually those and the stupid 'watch the film with popup behind the scenes snippets'.
I LOVE behind the scenes stuff, but if I want to watch the movie I WANT TO WATCH THE MOVIE. I don't want to half watch a movie, half listen to people talk about the movie. Give me a behind the scenes documentary that shows and tells me about how things were done and you'll have me watch for longer than the running time of the film even (which many of the docos are)
So... yeah, I just don't listen to them.

I don't watch entire movies with commentaries on, but sometimes I'll go back and watch a scene or two with it on. There was on movie that I did watch with the commentary on, Sunshine. I went back to watch one scene like I sometimes do, but the commentary with directory Danny Boyle and Dr. Brian Cox on as the scientific adviser was so damn interesting that I ended up watching the rest of the movie before I knew it. I had to start it back from the beginning with the commentary on and watch back up to that scene.

The special feature I never cared for were the interviews with the actors where they just brown nose and ass kiss the director, producer and other actors.

How can you not be romantic about baseball? (Sports Talk Post)

critical_d says...

Former baseball commissioner Bart Giamatti (father of actor Paul Giamatti) wrote this about the game.

"The Green Fields of the Mind "

"It breaks your heart. It is designed to break your heart. The game begins in the spring, when everything else begins again, and it blossoms in the summer, filling the afternoons and evenings, and then as soon as the chill rains come, it stops and leaves you to face the fall alone. You count on it, rely on it to buffer the passage of time, to keep the memory of sunshine and high skies alive, and then just when the days are all twilight, when you need it most, it stops. Today, October 2, a Sunday of rain and broken branches and leaf-clogged drains and slick streets, it stopped, and summer was gone."

From - From A Great and Glorious Game: Baseball Writings of A. Bartlett Giamatti


NetRunner says...

>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:

Right, cause you and I make policy decisions all the time.
Get with reality RetNunner.
You have about as much control over government.. as you do over what McDonalds puts on its menu.
None to very little.

My point was that there's no "other" involved in our government. It's all human beings. No aliens, no gods, just us.

Our government, or even McDonald's isn't being inflicted on us by outsiders, they've both arisen naturally as a result of people just "governing themselves."

Basically, the truth of it is that people who just want to abolish government are ultimately just arguing that we should hit the reset button on human civilization.

If the police just went away, permanently, it wouldn't be all sunshine and rainbows. Petty thugs who use violence to take what they want would be empowered. Monomaniacal thugs would race to get their hands on as much military hardware as they could, and grab as much land and resources with it as they could. Those determine the new borders for the new monarchies, led by whoever it was that organized that military conquest. After all, they're the only ones with the military might to enforce law, and therefore they get to make the law.

Now maybe people will rebel against that, maybe even successfully. Maybe the general at the top of the army will be some sort of Cincinnatus figure, and refuse the crown, or a George Washington type and insist some sort of democratic republic. Or maybe he'll be a Napoleon or Hitler type. Who knows.

All I know is that the fundamental reasons why we built governments haven't changed. We still need laws, we still need law enforcement, and we still need some way for deciding what the laws will be.

Grown people don't just naturally come to a consensus. It seems like that should be obvious given the divided and antagonistic state of our civilization.

A Movie Montage of the "God's Eye View" Shooting Angle

Opus_Moderandi says...

>> ^ReverendTed:

I could only identify a fraction...Green Mile. Indiana Jones. Mission Impossible. True Grit. Eternal Sunshine. The Birds. Kick Ass. War of the Worlds. Carrie. Tron Legacy. I Robot. Dark City. Apocalypto. Plus Kill Bill and Rocky, I think.

... And Psycho, don't forget Psycho. Also 30 Days of Night.

A Movie Montage of the "God's Eye View" Shooting Angle

ReverendTed says...

I could only identify a fraction...Green Mile. Indiana Jones. Mission Impossible. True Grit. Eternal Sunshine. The Birds. Kick Ass. War of the Worlds. Carrie. Tron Legacy. I Robot. Dark City. Apocalypto. Plus Kill Bill and Rocky, I think.

Greek Public Debt Is Illegal, As Greek People Repudiate Debt

NetRunner says...

I'm pretty unclear on repudiate vs. default, but from the creditor's point of view, I don't see how they'd be different. In either case, you don't get back the money that you'd lent out.

The whole problem with Greek debt is that there are banks all over the EU holding those bonds. If they get turned into worthless pieces of paper, that puts stress on that bank's bottom line, and could make it go bankrupt, and make it start defaulting on its debts.

Then it just snowballs from there.

The problem for Greeks is that doing this will also kill their ability to borrow money, which means they can't run a deficit, and since they no longer have their own currency, they can't print their way out, so that means they're forced into austerity because the government literally won't be able to pay its bills. Who knows what happens at that point, but it won't be all sunshine and roses for Greece.

Thumping your chest and daring the EU to invade won't do you any good either. The problem isn't that the EU will want to invade to get their money back (which Greece doesn't even have), the problem is that Greece will need Euros from the other countries, and won't be able to borrow them. You'll need to take the army out to go get them, if you want to bring armies and war into this mix.

This isn't a magical solution to the Greek debt crisis, this is just an explanation for why people are really worried that Greece will wind up defaulting.

Amazing Landscapes (Must Watch Full Screen)

A Story To Inspire Our Species - We Got Scared

Interview with Pepper Sprayed Protester Chelsea Elliott

bmacs27 says...

>> ^ridesallyridenc:

Am I the only one here that thinks these people are useless? See a problem, sit around and do nothing. Ask for more stuff. Play the victim and "raise awareness." Right.
How about going out and starting a company and affecting change in a tangible way? How about creating jobs for your friends and giving back to society?

I'm sympathetic to your point, but there are real grievances to be voiced on that street. Ask for more stuff? You mean asking for fraud to prosecuted? Start a company? With what resources? With what credit extended by the financial sector? You can't pay people with good intentions sunshine. Honestly, what they are protesting are the financiers that lobby for their own privileged treatment justified by their role as "job creators." Well... what jobs? All I see is a bunch of gold bars in a private jet on its way to Switzerland.

To some extent I agree that protests are futile. Scares me to think of what's needed then. I'd prefer that the politicians wake up, and make it clear whose side they're on.

Free Market Solution to AIDS Research (Blog Entry by blankfist)

JiggaJonson says...

@blankfist First off, it's an ad hominem attack to suggest the possibility that I'm very cynical and miserable.

And so much to sticking to the facts. People tend to want to do the right thing? Bad apples are the minority? That must explain the fact that roughly 90% of US homes own guns and how and 68% of violent crimes in the US involve guns.

Either these collective owners are eating the "do good" sunshine and lollipops that come out of your ass and ONLY use their guns for target practice, or they bought them for home protection/to commit a crime.

Movie Openings That Play With The Studio Logo.

spoco2 says...

Wow, this is such a tiny, tiny sampling. It's done all the time, just two more off the top of my head... Harry Potter (all of them I think), Chronicals of Narnia: The voyage of the dawn treader... does a nice blend of the Walden logo into a stain glass window. And yeah, as mentioned, how the hell can they include the LAST Indiana and not the iconic opening of the first?

Oh, and Sunshine was a shit film. Was built up by so many and yet failed to deliver on pretty much every point. So many other sci fi films had done it all before, and far better.

Movie Openings That Play With The Studio Logo.

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