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Jenna Marbles on how to get ready for a date

sucker punch-samurai scene-zach snyder is an artist (HD)

ChaosEngine says...

>> ^Sagemind:

Give in to your inner 14-year-old!
You're sounding like an old man trying to justify away your inhibitions.:P
Movies like this are a 14-year old fantacy. It's a delve into all that is comic book cool. Super power invincibility, Cyberpunk, Steam Punk, Mech-Warriors, Martial Arts, Sci-Fi, Ancient Wisdom, Fighting for your life, Frailty, Wisdom, Sensuality, Sacrifice, Cute girls, Fantasy, Thoughts within thoughts and so much more. Like the ogre said, "The onion has layers!"
"Let's have hot chicks! with guns! fighting samurai! with more guns! and dragons!" - YES, Lets!
If you go into this movie, leave behind your common-sense brain and take with you, your fourteen-year-old brain. If you expect reality, you're watching the wrong movie!
>> ^ChaosEngine:
while there's no doubting Snyders technical skill, he really has no original ideas at all. This movie played like it was written by a 14 year old boy. Let's have hot chicks! with guns! fighting samurai! with more guns! and dragons!
Honestly, I went into it expecting mindless fun, so my standards weren't high. But not only was it boring, it was downright creepy, like watching an old man hit on a teenage girl.
edit: actually while I'm on this soapbox.... the costumes on the lead actress were borderline paedophilia. And she was rubbish.

The merits of hot chicks (babydolls creepiness aside) fighting dragons, steampunk nazis, etc are lost on me. Which was why it was so surprising that the whole thing was boring at best and lurid at worst.

Even watching the action sequences, you're aware that what you're actually watching is a fantasy within a fantasy. At one layer removed you are watching women forced into sex slavery and "reality" is not much better.

If you wanted to make a straight up action movie, with awesome set-pieces and a ridiculous plot, go for it. But what plot there was made the whole thing feel seedy.

I tried, believe me. I went with a bunch of mates. We had beer and ribs beforehand. And we still came out genuinely wondering if Snyder was that stupid.

Or maybe not...

and here is really the only excuse I can give this. Maybe it's meant to be creepy and weird. There's a infinitesimal chance that there is actually a meta-narrative, that the whole thing is a work of subversive genius; a commentary on how comfortable we are with fetishizing things that are in many ways genuinely wrong.

But somehow, I doubt it.

Syrian protester captures own death on camera

Christopher Hitchens on the ropes vs William Lane Craig

peggedbea says...

i appreciate your existence.... but statements like this make me feel like your world must be perfectly terrifying. >> ^shinyblurry:

Thanks, I appreciate it. Many satanists dont actually believe in the devil..that's been one my examples for how clever he really is.
>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:

I don't get Satanism. If you simply must dedicate your life to religious fiction, why side against the protagonist? It's like believing Harry Potter is real and then siding with Voldemort. Silly.
Also, for what it's worth, I don't think you are a troll, shiny. You're just a bit more subversive than the typical Christian. I like subversive, even if I don't agree with you.
>> ^shinyblurry:
That would be a Satanist
>> ^dag:
What would you call someone who believes in God, but hates her? Would they be an antitheist?

Christopher Hitchens on the ropes vs William Lane Craig

BicycleRepairMan says...

>> ^shinyblurry:

Thanks, I appreciate it. Many satanists dont actually believe in the devil..that's been one my examples for how clever he really is.
>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:

I don't get Satanism. If you simply must dedicate your life to religious fiction, why side against the protagonist? It's like believing Harry Potter is real and then siding with Voldemort. Silly.
Also, for what it's worth, I don't think you are a troll, shiny. You're just a bit more subversive than the typical Christian. I like subversive, even if I don't agree with you.
>> ^shinyblurry:
That would be a Satanist
>> ^dag:
What would you call someone who believes in God, but hates her? Would they be an antitheist?

Who's clever? Satan? For having the dumbest followers on earth? Yeah, maybe you're on to something there. The Catholic church sure has racked up alot of money and power that way.

Christopher Hitchens on the ropes vs William Lane Craig

shinyblurry says...

Thanks, I appreciate it. Many satanists dont actually believe in the devil..that's been one my examples for how clever he really is.

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:
I don't get Satanism. If you simply must dedicate your life to religious fiction, why side against the protagonist? It's like believing Harry Potter is real and then siding with Voldemort. Silly.
Also, for what it's worth, I don't think you are a troll, shiny. You're just a bit more subversive than the typical Christian. I like subversive, even if I don't agree with you.
>> ^shinyblurry:
That would be a Satanist
>> ^dag:
What would you call someone who believes in God, but hates her? Would they be an antitheist?

Christopher Hitchens on the ropes vs William Lane Craig

dystopianfuturetoday says...

I don't get Satanism. If you simply must dedicate your life to religious fiction, why side against the protagonist? It's like believing Harry Potter is real and then siding with Voldemort. Silly.

Also, for what it's worth, I don't think you are a troll, shiny. You're just a bit more subversive than the typical Christian. I like subversive, even if I don't agree with you.

>> ^shinyblurry:

That would be a Satanist
>> ^dag:
What would you call someone who believes in God, but hates her? Would they be an antitheist?

Trey Parker and Matt Stone on Problems with the MPAA

mgittle says...

That last line in the vid could be applied to pretty much every market nowadays. Major players getting together to set up rules everyone has to follow...join us or get out-competed by our collective subversion of the free market.

Rebecca Black - Friday Video PSA

Lawrence Welk Does "One Toke Over the Line"

Duckman33 says...

From Wiki:

Their song "One Toke Over The Line" was performed on The Lawrence Welk Show, a television program known for its conservative, family-oriented bent, by a duo known as "Gail and Dale." At the conclusion of the performance of the song, Welk remarked, without any hint of humor, "There you've heard a modern spiritual by Gail and Dale."

This led Michael Brewer to comment:

The Vice President of the United States, Spiro Agnew, named us personally as a subversive to American youth, but at exactly the same time Lawrence Welk performed the crazy thing and introduced it as a gospel song. That shows how absurd it really is. Of course, we got more publicity than we could have paid for.

Eats Tapes - acid-spazz techno

shagen454 says...

"Which is exactly what I did, which is exactly what everyone does, well everyone who takes it seriously. I think this video is shit, I think it is not sift quality and has no place on the sift, so I downvote. Those who are at the opposite side of the spectrum would upvote it, those who are in the middle, would just walk away. I may be beating a dead horse here, but the last two responses to what I said do not make sense to me. The up and down vote is there for a reason, we feel something is worth it, we upvote it, we feel its not up to par, we down vote it. ?? who is lost on this one? Rottenseed obviously did not like it, but did not think it was bad enough not to be on the sift, therefore he/she walked away from it. People should not think downvoting is a bad thing or a personal dis. it is one of the aspects that make the sift the sift."

It may be silly of me but I think of it outside of the Videosift box. Yes there is a down vote function but to me the down vote is information subversion that should be chosen with care. I look at Videosift as more than a video site. There are many brilliant people on this site sharing their piece of the world. I don't know maybe I'm just a bloody liberal but I like the free-flow of information. I encounter a lot of people with really strange ideas on a daily basis and even if I think they're out of their minds I embrace the fact that they are passionate about their ideas. But, to each his own. I really do respect that you did not like this video enough to promote it right smack to the top, so enough arguing - I just want to say thanks!

WikiLeaks Has Proven the First Amendment is Dead and Gone

Xaielao says...

This entire situation also proves that in the US we basically have no free press anymore. Besides the Times and a few other news organizations, the US news media is entirely bought and sold by corporations and the government itself.

The government really has succeeded at the impossible by all but completely subverting the Free Press in this country and the outrage over Wikileaks by many of the major news outlets just goes to show how everything they say is controlled by the corporations that own them. Most of the 'news' we have today is just sensationalism and subversion. The title of this very video is an example of that. Just like with the Pentagon Papers, which exposed that the pentagon had provoked an attack on US vessels by the North Vietnamese and then lied about saying the attack was unwarranted in an attempt to swing public favor to those who wanted a war. Sound familiar?

Röyksopp - The Drug

griefer_queafer says...

I got it. When I hit 250, my channel is going to be: "vacant hipsters in abandoned factories, Phantasizing that they are in andrei tarkovsky movies, generally ignoring the material realities of industrial envelopment and abandon, with intelligent dance music playing in their heads"

this video is kind of subversive with respect to that figure. i kinda love it.

Subversion - procedurally generated city bank heists

Subversion - procedurally generated city bank heists

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