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Caravan Palace - Moonshine (Official Video)

Forbidden Parenting

smr says...

Just a anecdotal based response: Left my 3 year old, who was asleep buckled in his seat (which he cannot undo), in the car on an overcast day, 68 degrees out, doors locked. I left a second cell phone on monitor, so I could hear him if he woke up. Went in to a strip mall store 50 yards away from the car.
I hear him wake up, so I come out to check on him, and there's some man, apparently having banged on the window to wake him up, looking at me like I was trying to kill him. Apparently took my license plat and called child services, who eventually called me, my wife, my parents, and did a full investigation. I had almost the same experience, but I'm white and privileged so did not get arrested or have my children removed. I'm confident it could have been a lot worse if I was near the poverty line. I also received a similar lecture:
"We recognize that temperature and weather were ok, but do you recognize how unsafe it was to leave him unsupervised?"
"No, I don't. What could have happened? He was secure and unable to come out of the chair, the doors were locked, and he was monitored"
"Well some one could have smashed the window and taken him"
"Really? A stranger abduction, from a locked car, in broad daylight?"
"Well, what about if the police were called, and you were arrested in front of him. Wouldn't that be traumatic?"

And there they are right. And there you have it - the real danger is not any ACTUAL danger, it's our own fear. FDR had it right.

geo321 said:

@newtboy I wonder If this is a rampant problem, or is this story being pushed for a larger ideological objective? Mostly I just don't like his 1970s porn mustache

AR 15 Gun Lock Removed With Lego Astronaut

Drachen_Jager jokingly says...

Well as long as you need specialized tools, right?

I mean it's not like anything a kid could get their hands on.

Also, the AR15 is designed so no tools are required for any basic stripping. The little pins like that on the trigger guard can be removed with the firing pin as well (which in turn is pretty easily removed if you know what you're doing).

Capitalism Didn’t Make the iPhone, You iMbecile

newtboy says...

So, take a short cherry picked list of American inventions created largely with public funding, then claim only American capitalism could have produced them? Uhhhhh......

The inventors of the internet were NOT able to profit directly from their own ideas, they were military and publicly funded schools working in conjunction to create a publicly owned private data sharing network. Later, when this publicly funded network was opened to the public, private companies used it for private profit, and (often) slowed progress and stymied advancements in the process.
It's simply wrong to claim government funded advancements are due to capitalism simply because the taxes came from a capitalist country. Wow.

What about 5G...China is ahead of any capitalist country on that, and many other computing advancements. Those technicians don't see a scintilla of profit from their inventions, ideas, and often businesses (granted, some are allowed to make billions, but only a certain few that are government affiliated oligarchs, and it can be stripped from them the instant they don't tow the party line).

bcglorf said:

Yeah, that's what he said. The Government, Military and Education systems mentioned received 100% of their revenues from taxation of a capitalism based(not pure) economy. That same government and military rely heavily on issuing contracts for R&D, supplies, and equipment all to companies operating in a capitalism based economy. That education system relies heavily on private investment and grants from corporate and private entities all generating their incomes from within a capitalism based economy.

That stands in contrast to the same governments, militaries and education systems elsewhere in competing countries like China and Russia, heck even the only slightly less capitalist EU too. Not a single one of the listed innovations came from any of those sources, but instead from within America. I think it is more than naive, but in fact dishonest, to ignore that being able to profit of your own ideas and grow your own business and keep the profits from it is just maybe a contributing factor in all that.

Michael Knowles Calls Greta Thunberg Mentally Ill

newtboy says...

What a disgusting piece of shit and outright liar.
Her achievements already outweigh his by miles...he's only managed to get himself kicked off Fox, impressively hard to do if you're right wing. Fox has apologized for his disgraceful ad hominem attacks against a child who he couldn't factually contradict....but Laura Ingram has also personally attacked her on her show, as has Trump on Twitter.

Being on the autism spectrum, she says she has aspergers, is a developmental disorder NOT a mental illness.
Being a pathological liar, that's a mental illness apparently now shared by an entire political party.
Being a fecal golem is a personality disorder he clearly has in spades.

The Carnegie Mellon study he sites said no such thing, and it's authors have stated that it's a total misrepresentation of their findings....repeatedly.
The study actually said certain produce at it's worst might be more ecologically harmful per calorie than some kinds of white meat eating by comparing things like bacon vs lettuce on a calorie to calorie instead of serving to serving rate, so 4 strips of bacon were compared to > 40 cups of lettuce. Get real.
To compound the confusion they chose a calorie poor produce like lettuce with high greenhouse gas emissions instead of kale, broccoli, rice, potatoes, spinach and wheat (just to name a few) which all rank lower than pork in terms of greenhouse gases.
The same argument holds for water usage...they chose lettuce, with high water requirements, instead of things like corn, peanuts, carrots and wheat which all use less water than all non-seafood meat.
It's also assumed the produce will be wasted at exponentially higher rates than meat, which can be preserved more easily. That may be true, but they don't include the preservatives or energy to refrigerate and/or freeze meat on the bacon side of the equation.

Of course the lettuce takes more resources if you eat 40+ cups instead of 4 thin bacon strips, just like when you compare a single fish stick to several giant pumpkins.

*rant over*

BSR (Member Profile)

What Happens To Good Cops?

newtboy says...

The problem is, by the time we know who those .0001% are, they've already been harassed off the force. It's impossible to support them as cops, because doing the right thing ends their law enforcement career.

My opinion or support doesn't matter to them, but I do fully support whistleblower laws that make it a crime to retaliate against whistleblowers, I would make it a felony and strip any municipal protections, criminal or civil, that they otherwise enjoy, making those who retaliate personally responsibly the tune of 5 times the lost wages they would have been paid if they weren't forced out. That's the limit of my power in this situation without taking up arms.

The system is irreparably broken and only getting worse. When 99.9999% of cops are bad, and the rest get fired for not going along and have their lives and the lives of their families as well as their freedom threatened with no repercussions for the criminals, it's acceptable to say there are no good cops*.

*because the few good ones don't stay cops after being good

Edit: tell you what....start a go fund me page for her and other good ex cops, I'll donate....and I'm poor as shit.

BSR said:

The "excessively few" are the ones who need your support and not be prejudged to be bad.

I'm glad you acknowledged that there are good cops. Cheer them on. They need to know you got their back.

Star Wars IX Teaser (WITHOUT MUSIC)

Neil deGrasse Tyson - Science in America

newtboy says...

Close, but reversed.
A proper political litmus strip shows red when viewed through democratically polarized filters and blue through filters polarized in the republican spectrum.
Ideas that display both pass the test.

*promote a good ole SOTW

BSR said:

noun: litmus

a dye obtained from certain lichens that is red under Republican conditions and blue under Democratic conditions.

Glider crashes into tree

RFlagg says...


Passenger (front seat) : 1 broken arm

Pilot (back seat) : minor injuries

The article they link however doesn't list injuries:

Now, while I'd love to learn to fly a glider (beyond money, the best place "locally" is Caesar Creek Soaring Club, which is about 3 1/2 hours from me), and I might be out of my element here... it looks like he was going way too fast on his approach. Not sure what the situation was that caused him to come in that fast.

Also looks like he should have went down from the field a bit further, then turned to it, as it seems like he still had enough height left to go another few hundred yards down, turn around, and get lined up.

The video doesn't show if he had the wing spoilers deployed or not. Now I know some say don't deploy spoilers on the turn (though this guy seems to debunk that to some degree, so he'd have had to make the turn, then deploy at the last second... again getting to the fact the turn to the landing strip was made too early.

Again, I'm probably out of my element here, but I'd think, had he waited to make the turn to the landing strop, lined up, then deployed the wing spoilers, he'd have been able to bring her down a bit easier... of course he'd probably still have too much speed. That's what I want to know, where was the speed coming from, did he bring her down super fast, was he or the passenger on a time crunch?

90s Anti-Drug Ad Gets A Redo - Your Brain On Drug Policy

newtboy says...

It's a good thing I'm white, because I did get caught illegally growing "drugs" at 18, was offered "drug diversion" which was 4 hours watching film strips about drugs and 6 months of lax probation, then my record was expunged with no felony....not even a fine, just $200 for the program fees.

I seriously doubt I would have gotten the same treatment if I wasn't a white college student at the time.

Because of that special treatment, I managed to keep my charge a secret from even my mother until this Xmas when I finally told her.... 30 years after the fact. I know others who went to prison for longer than my probation over a another state.

How Physical Penetration Testers hack locks and doors

Payback says...

I've seen HaxCon (or whatever) Ted-style talks that basically show you how to defeat every single type of padlock. Usually without picking the lock. Just with a strip of coca cola can.

I'm believing more and more in the old adage, "Locks only keep the honest person out".

Onboard Bruna Tomaselli: Alex Baron crash in St Petersburg

DrMaximan says...

1) I hope you are okay Alex after that! It looked horrible!
2) I hope that was mechanical failure rather than driver error!
3) If it was driver error - please don't do it again!! (You just need to bend your toes, not hit the gas & you do have brakes - use them, or even better take your foot off the gas a bit earlier!) I am kidding by the way, I'm sure you are a way better racing driver than me , I really do hope you're okay though with nothing more than hurt pride!
4) It can happen to the best of us, don't let it put you off motor sports! I've only written off 2 cars My bad! One was a stripped down, tuned Peugeot 205 1.9 GTI - God I loved that car, absolutely fabulous at cornering - damn trees - LOL! Sometimes you just crash - be happy you walk away, just cry for the car....
5) Good luck Alex! It takes real guts to race! God bless you!

Hail Satan?-Trailer

enoch says...


if I could just interject here,and I do not mean to interrupt ,but the origins of satan come from an older,persian religion:the Zoroastrian religion, one of the world's earliest, the supreme deity, Ormazd, created two entities: the chaotic and destructive spirit Ahriman and his beneficent twin brother, Spenta Mainyu,

and while Judaism doesn't have an actual "satan".There are few demon-like figures in Hebrew scripture, but the most famous one appears in the Book of Job. In that book, an "adversary" or "tempter" asks God whether the prosperous man Job would continue to praise God after losing everything. God takes up the challenge, and strips Job of his wealth and family, leaving the man wondering why such a horrible fate befell him.

the Christians took the Zoroastrian take on man's duality and ran with it,using "satan" which is Hebrew for "adversary".

I just thought you might be interested.
okay you two,carry on.

So this is a thing in Russia

SFOGuy says...

They did; Las Vegas strip had these for a bit and then; surprise, surprise---distracted drivers became an issue (the American version was all glass on 3 sides, and was designed to drive traffic to the local advertising strip clubs)--

So, local traffic laws were changed to reduce the distraction.
And thus, the sunset of the American stripper van.

NaMeCaF said:

Stripper vans? You mean you guys DONT have these in America?

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