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The importance of running technique

Angua1 says...

I think learning to run barefoot as a kid probably helps a lot of those African runners with technique.

I switched to barefoot running recently. I'm working on building up the callouses on my skin and do small distances with no shoes at all. Feels great, even in the street. I use Vibrams for longer runs. My joint pain has disappeared. Long story short, my running shoes were making me run badly. I don't hit my heel on the ground anymore, and I land with much more bend in my knee. My stride feels more fluid ... and I have to say a lot less bouncy. I still don't have the extension, but I'm working on that.

This NPR report has an interesting video comparing the stride of a runner who wears shoes and a runner who always ran without shoes.

Awesome thing you probably didn't notice about Inception

mgittle says...

>> ^volumptuous:

It is actually very tentional (i made a word!)
x.html>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:
That's a very common rhythm. It may not be intentional.
Great flick.

Fix your link

Also, Hans Zimmer was interviewed on NPR recently. Pretty interesting.

Bill Withers - Hope She'll Be Happier

mgittle says...

Bill Withers is the man. He's had many hits that are still popular today in their original form...covers...rap artists sampling him, etc. Not to mention a captivating voice. Pretty fascinating career too, battles with record companies and such.

I've always loved his lyrics...simple and right to the point, but still somehow colorful and emotional. Best. I love when people try to sing his songs on American Idol (what, my little sisters watch it) and the judges all shake their heads because they fail at reproducing the soul of the song.

You've also gotta respect his outlook on life:

COX: So, I want to ask you to look at the choices that Bill Withers has made in his life to now and tell us which choice you made was your best choice, and which one you made was your worst?

Mr. WITHERS: Let's make it a generalization thing. The best choices that I made was when I was - when I accepted who I was and was honest with myself and went about things how I believed it, without worrying about whether I was going to impress somebody or not. And the worst choices that I made was when I was trying to gain somebody's approval rather than choosing on principle. And every time I compromise one of my principles, the price is fierce for that.

Songwriter Bill Withers And A Career Cut Short

Biggest man-made lightshow: A nuclear blast in space

Alex Jones Interview of Lindsey Williams on Oil Spill Truth

What Does an Underwater Oil Spill Look Like?

entr0py says...

After this video was released, scientists at Purdue University, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory and UC Berkeley working independently came up with estimates between 50,000 and 100,000 barrels per day, 10-20 times BP's official estimate of 5,000 barrels per day. A spokesman for BP responded "We've said all along that there's no way to estimate the flow coming out of the pipe accurately".

If those scientists were right, it would mean that the amount of oil released exceeded the Exxon Valdez spill in the first week. We're now about a month in.

President Obama On NYC Incident And BP Oil Spill In La.

Sam Harris: Science can answer moral questions

mgittle says...

Be careful about which diseases you're talking about. Because, when it comes to mental health, scientific/cultural imperialism seems to be alive and well:

Obviously when you're talking about a cure for something like Polio (cured) or Malaria, AIDS, etc, it's a different story...but arguments like the one you're making often bleed over into things like mental health when people don't preserve the nuance. You can make "scientific" claims about psychology as well and be horribly wrong. Mr. Harris is talking about more concrete science that will come from more precise study of the brain in the future. If you asked him, I doubt he'd be willing to make moral judgments based on current psych.

Rachel Maddow Channels Glenn Beck

NetRunner says...

>> ^My_design:
When Maddow tells people that Republicans have used reconciliation in the past, but fails to mention what it was used for, it makes me wonder. Reconciliation was put in place to use in regards to the budget, were Republicans using it in regards to the budget? Or to push their own agenda? I don't know because she didn't say in the clip I saw. When Obama has previously stated that Health care needed to be passed with out reconciliation and now they are pushing for reconciliation does she call Democrats on it?

Okay, when you say "were Republicans using Reconciliation in regards to the budget, or to push their own agenda", you're presenting a false choice. The Republican agenda is to cut entitlement programs and/or cut taxes on the rich. That "has to do with the budget", but so does health care reform. The CBO says the Democratic bill will massively reduce the deficit. So yeah, the Democratic "agenda" is to pass health care reform, but it also "has to do with the budget".

Case in point though, Democrats passed their bill without reconciliation, they just want to pass another bill that modifies it a bit via reconciliation, and that bill will be focused on things like tax amounts and entitlement amounts -- budgetary stuff.

As for Obama saying they "needed" to avoid using reconciliation, I gotta say, I never heard him say that. I certainly heard him say that Democrats would rather not use reconciliation for the whole bill because it'd severely limit what they could do inside the bill, but that's moot because they've already passed the main bill under regular order with 60 votes, and are talking about using reconciliation for a different bill.

As for the larger Republican lie about how it's unprecedented to modify health care under reconciliation, they need a history lesson, or really a memory refresher because many were there for these earlier bills, particularly on the bills passed in the 90's and 2000's.

TDS: Senate After Dark

People Depressed That Avatar Isn't Real

rfigley says...

All should listen to James Cameron interviewed by NPR.

Too much talk here about what and what is not depression. The bigger picture is our ability to become one with our environment. This is not a new concept, in fact it's ancient, but one that has been forgotten and in some cases supressed by those that wish to contol others.
The link above could help people understand that the movie was inspired by what we can be as humans. So the idea is to inspire us to pursue making Earth a Pandora. The beauty of Pandora was inspired by what is real here on earth. The communication between the Na'vi and the environment is also possible by humans. Just a matter of looking within and blocking out the urban clutter we're all bombarded with every day. Read Celestine Prophecy, look into Reiki and various forms of meditation.

JiggaJonson (Member Profile)

GenjiKilpatrick (Member Profile)

JiggaJonson says...

From NPR:
The Norwegian committee that awards the prize said that Obama had "captured the world's attention and given its people hope for a better future." Committee Chairman Thorbjoern Jagland acknowledged that the award was more for Obama's aspirations than for his achievements: "It was because we would like to support what he is trying to achieve."

So do us all a favor and stop bitching about it ok ?

In reply to this comment by GenjiKilpatrick:
Barack Obama hasn't done anything. At all.
He could easily write executive orders to: stop corporate thievery, end don't ask don't tell, or proceed with war crime prosecution(aka justice). Snl summed it up perfectly.

He's a do-nothing president and hasn't earned our trust or respect, much less a supposedly highly honorable award.

Whitehouse Calls Scarborough an A*Hole over Nobel Comments

JiggaJonson says...

To the people who keep saying that he's done nothing to win the award. The Nobel people have already stated that,
From NPR:
The Norwegian committee that awards the prize said that Obama had "captured the world's attention and given its people hope for a better future." Committee Chairman Thorbjoern Jagland acknowledged that the award was more for Obama's aspirations than for his achievements: "It was because we would like to support what he is trying to achieve."

So do us all a favor and stop bitching about it ok ?

Rooting Against America: Nobel Peace Prize Edition

JiggaJonson says...

I don't know who that smug moron at the end of this clip was but actually YES the 'apology tour' as you called it has worked. From NPR:
The Norwegian committee that awards the prize said that Obama had "captured the world's attention and given its people hope for a better future." Committee Chairman Thorbjoern Jagland acknowledged that the award was more for Obama's aspirations than for his achievements: "It was because we would like to support what he is trying to achieve."

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