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Ron Paul Interview On DeFace The Nation 11/20/11

BansheeX says...

The department of education helps no one but those in the education industry, it's a really bad deal for students. Education is a noble profession, but all services can be overpriced. Federal loans allow colleges to jack up rates every year knowing that the government will borrow more to pay for this supposed "sacred service that is the key to everything no matter the cost". Politicians have no fear of loss, the money is coming from future taxpayers that don't exist to vote it down. It's no coincidence that prices have accelerated far faster than unsubsidized products and services. If the government were to declare laptop ownership a social protocol and issue $1000 vouchers to everyone, the price of laptops would go up $1000 overnight. They do the same to education as they've been doing with housing.

My stepfather graduated from college in 1967. He paid 4k total for 4 years, that includes room and board. His first accountant job paid 10k a year. He is actually fairly liberal and is shocked to see how many people naively think that college didn't exist or wasn't any good prior to the DoE. He's old enough to know it's the total opposite.

What a MarineGunrock actually does

Kadiddlehopper says...

My stepfather was in an 8" howitzer outfit on the Western Front in France in 1918. Before he died in 1985 at the age of 93, he told me a lot about being on the receiving end of a German artillery barrage.

He said that there was no way possible for anyone to understand what it was like unless you had been there yourself. He also stated that he had seen several BRAVE men go insane after having over 1,000 (that's right, one thousand!) rounds come down in just a few short hours.

Unfortunately for this good man, he was gassed with Mustard gas. He suffered from this for the rest of his life, and until about a year before he died, still had nightmares about being shelled.

Thank each and every one of you who have served!

From an ex-Staff Sargent, 379th Bomb Wing (Heavy), Strategic Air Command, USAF 1968-1972

7 Year-old Girl White Supremacy

atara says...

Thanks for pointing that out, Lumm - it was exactly the same point I was going to make. The media has been focusing on the fact that the mom and step-father were allegedly teaching their children racist views, but there were also factors that made the home unfit: drug abuse and a certain level of neglect (one story reported that the stepfather never went to pick up the two-year old boy from daycare because it was too cold one day.)

In Canada, certain aspects of speech are protected. However, speech that incites violence or hate against certain groups is illegal. Thus, if the racist charges are proven, then the mom and step-father can be found to have been teaching their children to do illegal things (hate speech).

I am uncomfortable with the state deciding what it is and is not proper to teach your children (and who gets to draw the line: creationism? atheism? parents who believe vaccines give their kids autism?), but in this case, according to the law, it's the hate speech by the kid's guardians that is illegal, and CFS is removing the kids from an environment where illegal activities were taking place.

Olivia Munn - Random Pet Peeve - Asian

Lendl says...

from Wikipedia:

She is of Chinese descent on her mother's side and of Caucasian descent on her father's. When Munn was two, her mother re-married to a man in the Air Force. Although the family relocated many times, Munn was predominantly raised in the Shinjuku district of Tokyo, Japan, where the military assigned her stepfather.

The Zodiac Killer calling CBS news

Duckman33 says...


In August 2008, a Sacramento man claimed he had discovered evidence that pointed to his stepfather being the Zodiac Killer. A black hood, a knife encrusted with blood, writing samples, and rolls of photographic film were collected by the FBI. The FBI has not said when it will release the results of its tests. As of November 2008 those tests have neither concluded nor ruled out the suspect as the Zodiac Killer, and the FBI continues to collect more evidence to build a DNA profile.

This Is Not The Greatest Post In The World, No... (Mystery Talk Post)

kulpims says...


1) Season = late spring
2) Place in the world = Soča river valley
3) Children's book = grew up with comics
4) TV Series = South Park, Dexter, Californication, Weeds, Battlestar Galacatica
5) Word = ninja
6) Film = Sympathy for Lady Vengeance
7) Curse = "kurba" or "pizda" or even "pička materna"
Creature = honey badger
9) Past time = smoking weed, riding a bike
10)Person = this is getting too personal

Which one?

11) Dog or cat = grew up around dogs, now live surrounded with stray cats
12) Sweet or savoury = both
13) Cereal or Toast = toast
14) Tan or pale = tan
15) Shoes or barefoot = shoes
16) Desktop or laptop = desktop
17) Drive or walk = depends on the distance but i prefer bikes anyway
18) Drama or comedy = drama
19) Sex or food = both at the same time
20) Futurama or Simpsons = simpsons

The Sift

21) Your fave personal submission = Vlatko Stefanovski
22) A great comment on one of your vids = can't remember but I'm sure it's from choggie
23) Most off the wall member = blankfist
24) Favourite user name = schmawy
25) Your most used channel = documentary
26) Personal dumbass moment = i think there's a character limit on comments...
27) Best avatar = Farhad2000
28) Partner in crime = choggie
29) Do people offline know of your sift problem = i sure hope they don't
30) Idea for the site = 5 promotes per week free of charge

About you

31) Where do you live = Slovenia (just google it)
32) Smoker/non-smoker = smoker
33) Left or right handed = right
34) Hair colour = dark brown
35) Relationship status = single
36) How tall = 168 cm
37) Children = none
38) Ever had an operation = no
39) Best feature = dunno, you tell me
40) Use four words to describe yourself = weird and then some

If you could...what, who, when etc

41) Bring a famous person back from the dead = nikola tesla
42) Give 50 grand to any charity = orphaned retarded hiv infected dolphins
43) Send someone on a one way ticket to the moon = my stepfather
44) Relive a moment in your life = *censored*
45) Have a superpower = fly without the neeed of an oxygen mask
46) Find out one thing you've always wanted to know = 42
47) Have the opposite gender deal with something you have to = getting kicked in the balls
48) Be president for one hour = end of the world
49) Delete a period in history = last century
50) Achieve one thing = quit sifting

Obama and "Joe the Plumber"

13374 says...

It's impossible to tell because Dems seem to glorify Obama and the government as if they are the saviors of the free world. My stepfather was just laid off after 20+ years from a company that shut its doors. However, we share the same ideology that work is always available to those who are willing and able. He is mowing yards and doing other odd jobs to make ends meet and it puts food on the table and keeps them in their house until he is able to find something a little more stable. People who choose not to be victims are not victims and I'm sick of our country shaping people to be exactly that. I believe that we should help the disabled, and that government assistance should be necessary, but when irresponsibility as a whole is enabled, the lines of those who were once willing to be responsible become blurred.

My siblings and I were raised by a single mom who worked overtime every week to support us. We would spend many evenings at her office, while she tried to get work done. And we pulled together and did it so I'm not a Republican snob who has or comes from money. Those who scrub floors to make ends meet are special people who typically pass on amazing work ethic. I don't want someone else supporting me if I lose my job. I want and need to support myself and my family, and I'm willing to do that because I choose not to be a victim. The more we require of the government, the more the government requires of us. Too many people have enslaved themselves to their governments, with dramatic results.

Twin Peaks - Touching scene between father and son

kulpims says...

i felt a bit silly watching this.
i never knew my biological father and have no desire to meet him. i had, however, the terrible misfortune to live with a stepfather who's the meanest drunk bastard you can imagine, a walking stereotype you might say. if i could get away with it, i'd probably smash his head in next time i run into him. so this scene is kinda lost on me, is what i'm saying...

C-130 Hercules & The Fulton Recovery System

Pearl Jam - Alive (live on SNL)

Fraggle Rock Intro (Oh nostalgia)

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