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"... We’ve all gotten dizzy before… but have you ever gotten WEIRD DIZZY? I teamed up with Vanessa Hill from BrainCrat to answer the question 'why do we get dizzy?' and in the process we learned about... continue reading

posted by ant 5 years 7 months 3 weeks ago • 659 views • 9:22

"Behavior of mice aboard the International Space Station 20 female mice were transported to the International Space Station by SpaceX CRS-4 Dragon spacecraft. On NASA’s Rodent Habitat, the mice engaged... continue reading

posted by ant 5 years 8 months 1 week ago • 16 views • 3:42

"Mike Judge's Office Space starring Ron Livingston, Jennifer Aniston, and Gary Cole as Bill Lumbergh turns 20-years-old this year. So we're gonna need you to come here so we can tell you 7 things you probably... continue reading

posted by ant 5 years 10 months 3 weeks ago • 26 views • 5:56

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