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How an airbag works

AVAILABLE NOW! Jason Mattera's New Book: "Obama Zombies"

NordlichReiter says...

I agree. But I still like cake.

>> ^dag:

why should tax dollars be used to prevent obesity?
Because it's smart. $1 spent on prevention now stops $100 in tax money spent for hoist crane to deliver fatty to ER.
>> ^NordlichReiter:
>> ^dag:
We have very similar laws here in Australia- paid paternity leave as well. I support it with my tax dollars and gladly.
You frame your comment like it's outragous for tax dollars to go towards jungle gyms and paternity leave. That makes me sad. <-see?
In my experience with the US, - more jungle gyms would not go astray - for the purposes of preventative health care. (What country has the highest rate of childhood obesity - any takers?)
>> ^NordlichReiter:
Dag, perhaps if it were your taxes paying for the Jungle Gyms you might see it differently. At my workplace there is a room, on every floor that allows for breast feeding. It is also federal law to allow for maternity, and paternity leave. That's right. paternity, too.
But that said, I would rather pay taxes for this bullshit, then for those foreign entanglements.
You know the hardest thing about taxes for me? The goddamn paperwork, and all the exemptions; how the fuck am I gonna keep up with all of that shit. For me it's like getting stuck in traffic. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU

Obesity is a choice, that will probably take a Tax to solve. I would wager that everyone is obese if they use BMI. Body Mass Index does not take into account your fitness level, nor does it take into account a persons fat to muscle ratio. BMI as I understand it is a measurement ordained by the government, because it's science! It is like going to the doctor and having them weigh you while wearing shows, pants, and a belt. The only way to get a valid measurement is by taking all of your clothes off, or subtracting the weight of the clothes, you still end up naked. That is why fighters weigh in naked. Bah, enough on what I think about that.
Of course the US has problems with Obesity, but why should Federal Income tax money be used for that? When they could tax fatty foods, non diet soda drinks, and sodium enriched foods? Like the Suntan tax.
At the end of the year, my pocket book is destroyed by the bullshit.

AVAILABLE NOW! Jason Mattera's New Book: "Obama Zombies"

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

why should tax dollars be used to prevent obesity?

Because it's smart. $1 spent on prevention now stops $100 in tax money spent for hoist crane to deliver fatty to ER.

>> ^NordlichReiter:

>> ^dag:
We have very similar laws here in Australia- paid paternity leave as well. I support it with my tax dollars and gladly.
You frame your comment like it's outragous for tax dollars to go towards jungle gyms and paternity leave. That makes me sad. <-see?
In my experience with the US, - more jungle gyms would not go astray - for the purposes of preventative health care. (What country has the highest rate of childhood obesity - any takers?)
>> ^NordlichReiter:
Dag, perhaps if it were your taxes paying for the Jungle Gyms you might see it differently. At my workplace there is a room, on every floor that allows for breast feeding. It is also federal law to allow for maternity, and paternity leave. That's right. paternity, too.
But that said, I would rather pay taxes for this bullshit, then for those foreign entanglements.
You know the hardest thing about taxes for me? The goddamn paperwork, and all the exemptions; how the fuck am I gonna keep up with all of that shit. For me it's like getting stuck in traffic. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU

Obesity is a choice, that will probably take a Tax to solve. I would wager that everyone is obese if they use BMI. Body Mass Index does not take into account your fitness level, nor does it take into account a persons fat to muscle ratio. BMI as I understand it is a measurement ordained by the government, because it's science! It is like going to the doctor and having them weigh you while wearing shows, pants, and a belt. The only way to get a valid measurement is by taking all of your clothes off, or subtracting the weight of the clothes, you still end up naked. That is why fighters weigh in naked. Bah, enough on what I think about that.
Of course the US has problems with Obesity, but why should Federal Income tax money be used for that? When they could tax fatty foods, non diet soda drinks, and sodium enriched foods? Like the Suntan tax.
At the end of the year, my pocket book is destroyed by the bullshit.

AVAILABLE NOW! Jason Mattera's New Book: "Obama Zombies"

NordlichReiter says...

>> ^dag:

We have very similar laws here in Australia- paid paternity leave as well. I support it with my tax dollars and gladly.
You frame your comment like it's outragous for tax dollars to go towards jungle gyms and paternity leave. That makes me sad. <-see?
In my experience with the US, - more jungle gyms would not go astray - for the purposes of preventative health care. (What country has the highest rate of childhood obesity - any takers?)
>> ^NordlichReiter:
Dag, perhaps if it were your taxes paying for the Jungle Gyms you might see it differently. At my workplace there is a room, on every floor that allows for breast feeding. It is also federal law to allow for maternity, and paternity leave. That's right. paternity, too.
But that said, I would rather pay taxes for this bullshit, then for those foreign entanglements.
You know the hardest thing about taxes for me? The goddamn paperwork, and all the exemptions; how the fuck am I gonna keep up with all of that shit. For me it's like getting stuck in traffic. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU

Obesity is a choice, that will probably take a Tax to solve. I would wager that everyone is obese if they use BMI. Body Mass Index does not take into account your fitness level, nor does it take into account a persons fat to muscle ratio. BMI as I understand it is a measurement ordained by the government, because it's science! It is like going to the doctor and having them weigh you while wearing shoes, pants, and a belt. The only way to get a valid measurement is by taking all of your clothes off, or subtracting the weight of the clothes, you still end up naked. That is why fighters weigh in naked. Bah, enough on what I think about that.

Of course the US has problems with Obesity, but why should Federal Income tax money be used for that? When they could tax fatty foods, non diet soda drinks, and sodium enriched foods? Like the Suntan tax.

At the end of the year, my pocket book is destroyed by the bullshit.

Fluoride from China in American Water Supply Problems

Stormsinger says...

Let me see if I have this straight. For two years, they've been finding a certain amount of insoluble residue in their sodium fluoride. And they're just now getting it tested?

Sounds like we have a serious problem a wee bit closer than China.

laura (Member Profile)

therealblankman says...

Made this a few nights ago- totally delicious and will make it again, thanks!

I found it to be in need of a bit more spice, and a little less salt, so will switch-out to low-sodium soup mixes next time, and add more cumin and some dried coriander seeds as well.

Top of the season!

In reply to this comment by laura:
followed it almost exactly to the t but jeeze louise it was good. Recommended, especially if you can get some NM green chiles.

In reply to this comment by therealblankman:
Mmmm... recipe please?

In reply to this comment by laura:
...I just made some chicken & green chile enchilada casserole, anybody want some?

ReverendTed (Member Profile)

enoch says...

In reply to this comment by ReverendTed:
>> ^Xax:
Weird. The salt causes this?
It's been a few years since I took Physiology, but I'm inclined to think the salt gets it started.

Muscle activity is primarily dependent on the flow of calcium, so I'm guessing the salt is triggering action potentials in the motor nerves. The residual twitching could be the result of disinhibition.
Being unfamiliar with frog anatomy (and culinary preparation) I'm not entirely certain how much of the spinal cord remains, if any; they don't appear to be particularly coordinated movements, so I suspect there isn't much spinal muscle memory going on.
That said, so much of animal physiology is dependent on the flow and balance of ions (like sodium), so it could be an entirely different process than I've postulated.

dude..your awesome.

Frog Legs Dancing With A Little Salt

Frog Legs Dancing With A Little Salt

ReverendTed says...

>> ^Xax:
Weird. The salt causes this?
It's been a few years since I took Physiology, but I'm inclined to think the salt gets it started.

Muscle activity is primarily dependent on the flow of calcium, so I'm guessing the salt is triggering action potentials in the motor nerves. The residual twitching could be the result of disinhibition.
Being unfamiliar with frog anatomy (and culinary preparation) I'm not entirely certain how much of the spinal cord remains, if any; they don't appear to be particularly coordinated movements, so I suspect there isn't much spinal muscle memory going on.
That said, so much of animal physiology is dependent on the flow and balance of ions (like sodium), so it could be an entirely different process than I've postulated.

A 4-Year Old Mcdonalds Cheeseburger

spawnflagger says...

I agree, it doesn't look like the diet is working.
(although I don't really want to see the "before" picture of when she ate McDonald's regularly...)

I also dislike her completely science-free statement about it stays in your thighs because it doesn't break down in the air after 4 or 6 years. She must have no concept of what the function of gastric acid is. The preservatives might slowly be giving you cancer, but it's the high-fat, high-calorie, high-sodium of fast-foods that will give you heart disease much sooner.

Time Lapse Visualization of US Unemployment

NordlichReiter says...

>> ^RedSky:
The dollar is only really down to levels it was pre-financial crisis. Taking your reference point at the height of the global financial crisis is unfair because everyone was buying up US treasury bonds and over inflating the currency.
The fact that countries are considering moving away from the US dollar as the reserve currency, the currency they trade in, and which they keep as foreign reserves is a good thing in the long term. This has kept the US dollar overvalued for decades, and has contributed significantly to the unsustainable consumption and housing binge, and was obvious a major catalyst for the global financial crisis. A rebalancing would put the onus further on factors of GDP such as investment as a contributor to economic growth.
To say that the economy is in recovery is not disingenuous. They're simply using leading indicators such as stock price or inventory levels, which are generally good predictors of economic recovery and in this case a pending fall in unemployment. The scale of that is anyone's guess though, as is how much of the economy was spurned by returning business confidence in the private sector rather that purely government stimulus and specific programs such as first home buyer's grants and cash for clunkers.

Cash for clunkers was the biggest waste. The other parts of your arguments I cannot find fault with.

Taking assets that can be modified, recycled reused, and even melted down for metals and destroying them and leaving them in a dump yard is a waste. Why would you destroy something that has re-usable parts and resources?

Differential gears, transmission parts, bearings, four wheel drive parts, pinions, springs, headers, skid plates, hubs, disks, and shoes. Instead they put sodium silicate into the engines. All because the government doesn't want the cars traded in being re-sold back into the market.

I would argue that having a hulking dump of cars, like I see on the side of the Highway is worse than seeing a repaired 78 Volkswagen van that runs on diesel, or electricity.

Dublin's People - Canon 7D (HD + fullscreen)

Seric says...

Vimeo: Filmed at the end of the 2 day F-Stop Academy Cinematography workshop in Dublin when we were in wind down mode. Shot on a pre-production Canon 7d.

I took the Canon 7d, Zacuto Tactical rig, Z-Finder V2 and one lone lens, a Canon 35mm f1.4, which becomes more like a 50mm lens on the 7d. So a bit like what I did with Sofia's People (but I didn't have the Zacuto rig for that).

I shot 1/50th of a second as I was shooting 24p and to match the 50hz frequency of the artificial all around me in Temple Bar.

I also shot some stuff 720p 50p with shutter at 1/100th to get the slow motion shots of the juggler which were conformed to 23.98p in Cinema tools to create the beautiful slow motion.

Sound on the last bit was just the internal mono cam mic as I didn't want a big mic on top of the camera.

Big thanks To Darragh and Emma for organizing the workshop. To all the people attended and especially the people who came to the intensive 1 day Cinematography practical workshop on Sunday. Jala (from Germany), Cathal (from N. Ireland) and Jean-Jacques (from France) stayed on another night and joined me for the night shooting. We had a great time. You may also spot my partner in crime Den Lennie a couple of times here.

Music is appropriately by the great THIN LIZZY and is of course Whiskey In The Jar.

Minor colour balance grading was done. That's all to take out the yellow of the sodium lights.

Smoking may look cool on camera kids but it's bad for you! The reason so many smokers in this? All the smokers are outside, all the non smokers are inside due to smoking ban. I hope you notice the one in my mouth was not lit! :-)

More info on my blog at

More workshops coming to you soon!

If you cannot download it anymore as their is a daily limit on vimeo, you can download it from here too as long as you are a free member:

Always Tired (Blog Entry by rottenseed)

blankfist says...

It's a couple things. First, it's the humdrum of your job. You probably are an uninspired, unchallenged company man who works merely for the paycheck.

Second, you need to eat less carbs. A low carb diet will slow you down for the first week or so as your body goes through keitosis. Shortly after you'll be twice as alert as before. Today I had a Fatburger Triple King burger without the bun (which is 1 1/2 lbs of beef), and I feel great! *grips chest* Damn sodium!

Third, new studies are showing coffee is actually good for you. I'm too lazy to look up the study, but coffee and vitamin B is your friend. Take some.

Fourth, 11pm to 5:30am is a sleep schedule for grandpas. Stay out and drink more. Have some cigarettes. Fuck whores. Do something fun instead of being a bore.

There you have it. That should fix what ails ya.

Bill Kristol Admits That The Public Health Option Is Better

BansheeX says...

>> ^spoco2:
There's obviously no changing people's minds here.
But to just address one point of QM "Under socialized health care is it "fair" that the healthy guy with no major medical problems gets little return on his health care taxes while the fat smoker spends two years in a hospital bed before expiring?"
Well, we handle the smoking issue here in Australia by taxing the shite out of them. Over 63% of the cost of cigarettes is tax. This is fair... you don't NEED to smoke, you shouldn't really smoke, by doing so you are indeed vastly increasing your chances of becoming ill and costing the rest of us money. So... we make the buying of the product cover the probably cost of taking care of you... the more you smoke, the more you've paid towards your own care.
Seems fair.
Same could be applied to fast food etc. and less tax being put on fresh food and healthy options. It becomes murky as to what you class as what around the edges, but by and large you can make those that chose to be unhealthy pay more to be so.
You're not outlawing such behaviour, you're not stopping people smoking, you're just encouraging people not to in the first place by making it expensive, and if that doesn't stop them at least they are contributing money to the rest of us.

It's not just fast food, though, that can make you unhealthy. It's soda pop, pastries, too much starch, too much sodium, too much hamburger, too many eggs, too much cheese. What the fuck are you going to do, start taxing everything except raw vegetables? Some things are perfectly healthy choices depending on how often you eat them and how much you exercise. The government hasn't a fucking clue what each individual's exercise habits are. This is the most dictatorial, socialist-engineering nonsense I've ever heard anyone say. The only way to dissaude someone who is eating irresponsible amounts of junk food relative to exercise is to penalize people who eat a responsible amount relative to exercise. It's like having a lineup of 10 suspects in which 1 is the murderer, but you don't know which one, and so you shoot them all. I think that's morally bankrupt to punish the innocent to get to the guilty.

Part of living in a free country is to be able to take personal responsibility for one's own health choices. There's a huge difference between having a public option for car accidents and crack babies vs having a public option for conditions that may have been the result of that individual's own poor life habits. I think that people should be on their own to finance health problems that they incur past the age of 30. It is impossible for the government to distinguish whether the condition was the result of such choices, thus is cannot fairly administer a general tax to provide unlimited coverage without disproportionately benefiting those who made bad choices. And I think individuals need to be the customer for insurance companies, not employers.

QI - What's The Commonest Metal In The Human Body?

Sagemind says...

Animals and humans have similar evolutionary backgrounds. This outlines some of the elements in the structure of animals and humans.

Macro Elements
* Calcium (Ca)
* Phosphorous (Ph)
* Magnesium (Mg)
* Sodium (Na)
* Potassium (K)
* Chlorine (Cl)
* Sulfur (S)

Micro Elements
* Iron (Fe)
* Copper (Cu)
* Manganese (Mn)
* Iodine (I)
* Zinc (Zn)
* Selenium (Se)
* Fluorine (Fl)
* Cobolt (Co)
* Molybdenum (Mo)
* Chromium (Cr)

Other Elements (These elements are all toxic at high levels)
* Lead (Pb)
* Nickel (Ni)
* Silicon (Si)
* Vanadium (Vn)

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