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Ex-Islamist explains the growth of extremism vs democracy

bcglorf says...

>> ^marinara:
spreading democracy and western culture into pakistan.
this guy runs a crappy little political organization that purports to save globalism from islamists. Why the hell would you want to save globalism?

At Khudi, we tend to prefer the latter. That’s why we organize conferences and workshops around the country, inviting people from disparate backgrounds to foster a culture of healthy discussion and debate
Khudi also runs an inter-university campus magazine, distributed at universities across Pakistan, providing students with a chance to air their views without fear of reprisal.

what an idiot. I read this
about Maajid's polarizing youth, but apparently his big solution are free magazines and communications workshops.
this is an english man mucking about at politics in pakistan.
he'd do better to spend his time to learn arabic than to convince some rich pakistanis that they should love the west

Right, this 'idiot' clearly doesn't understand the situation as well as yourself.

This British Pakistani born man who spent years working with a major Islamic extremist organization obviously knows nothing about Islamic extremism in Pakistan.

You later deny this, but your snide(but poorly researched) remark about learning Arabic is CLEARLY because you didn't even know Pakistan's national language.

You haven't cared enough to study a thing about Pakistan, but while you snipe away here in ignorance, this man is honestly putting his own life at risk every day for his cause. Go find an online Pakistani paper and follow it's stories. You'll find moderate leaders and activists are regularly murdered. More over, not only are they murdered, but the nations lawyers refuse to prosecute the murderers and instead stand in solidarity with the murders 'bold' stand against blasphemy.

This guy even mentions the grossest such example in his talk, former Primer Minister Benazir Bhutto's assassination, but you again seem too ignorant of anything in Pakistan to grasp the significance.

Stop flooding the thread with unhelpful complaining and find something to support the horrific struggle faced by moderate Pakistani's against the extremists that are killing them every day.

Matt Damon defending teachers

blankfist says...

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:

Teaching not difficult or stressful? Teachers don't need to bring their "A" game?
When I call you clueless in the next sentence, please don't take it as 'anti-social sniping', take it as a simple statement of fact.
You are clueless on seemingly every facet of the topic of education. I've done much teaching in my life: public high school, college ensembles, private lessons, section coaching, master classes, summer camps and substitute teaching. Speaking from experience, some of those jobs are easy, but there is nothing easy about public K-12 teaching. If you don't bring your "A" game, you will be eaten alive by students, administrators and parents (in that order). Teaching is actually more difficult for bad teachers, which is why 50% of teachers quit within the first 5 years of their career. I don't imagine business intimidates that many MBAs away from the profession.
My dad was a business man as well as a teacher, so I won't dispute that running a business is also difficult.
Let's be honest, this 'good intellectual debate' is neither good nor intellectual, and it's hardly even a debate.

It's shit like this, DFT. (emphasis added below)

That aside, being an educator is a noble profession. Certainly like any job if you care you make it more difficult for yourself - if you don't then you make it easier. But being a salary employee isn't even in the same ballpark as owning and worrying about your own business. There's very little risk in clocking into a teaching job. And yes grading papers over a TV dinner is probably not fun, but stressful? Nay.

Seeing how you gave your own circumstantial evidence, I'd like to do that as well. My high school teachers were largely a joke. Ms. Williams was a rather large lady who taught my junior and senior year English. She started both years telling us how much she despised teaching grammar, so she didn't teach it. She promised we'd watch lots of videos though, and we did. Terrible waste of time.

It took Mr. Wright nearly a year to teach us the fundamentals of writing a check and balancing our checkbook. He spent ten minutes in class every day, then assigned us busy work while he left for the rest of the period to smoke in the teacher's lounge. True story.

Mr. Amos never taught us anything in our Marketing class. He was in the classroom maybe an eighth of the year, and we didn't do a single lesson plan except when there was a substitute teacher. Mr. Dismuke was quite brilliant as a Mathematician. But his oratory skills were as engaging as a 1960s robot, and most kids barely passed or failed his courses. Mr. Qualls was there to produce high school plays and nothing else. It was great for you if you were in one of his plays, but if you weren't you spent the period in a classroom by yourselves doing absolutely nothing. Mrs. Ruth always thought I was drawing hidden satanic messages in my art class, so she would take it upon herself to "censor" my art. That is she would paint or mark over it. Mr. Maynard told me once he didn't like me, and once he refused to hand a test out to me because he was sure I'd fail it anyways. He gave me a zero and I eventually failed his course. Mr. Davis let us sleep in his class. Mr. Williams used to let the underaged girls massage his shoulders during class. Etc. All true stories from my personal experience. And I could go on and on.

I can't remember a single teacher that brought their "A" game. Not one. And surprisingly not a single one of them was "eaten alive by students, administrators and parents (in that order)."

Matt Damon defending teachers

dystopianfuturetoday says...

Teaching not difficult or stressful? Teachers don't need to bring their "A" game?

When I call you clueless in the next sentence, please don't take it as 'anti-social sniping', take it as a simple statement of fact.

You are clueless on seemingly every facet of the topic of education. I've done much teaching in my life: public high school, college ensembles, private lessons, section coaching, master classes, summer camps and substitute teaching. Speaking from experience, some of those jobs are easy, but there is nothing easy about public K-12 teaching. If you don't bring your "A" game, you will be eaten alive by students, administrators and parents (in that order). Teaching is actually more difficult for bad teachers, which is why 50% of teachers quit within the first 5 years of their career. I don't imagine business intimidates that many MBAs away from the profession.

My dad was a business man as well as a teacher, so I won't dispute that running a business is also difficult.

Let's be honest, this 'good intellectual debate' is neither good nor intellectual, and it's hardly even a debate.

>>> ^chilaxe:

@Ryjkyj "If it's any consolation, I also upvoted your original comment. "
Yes, I did notice

If the NYT is correct, a 14% reduction in salary suggests they're getting a good deal when you consider that they chose such an easy, low-stress job. People with similar education levels like MBAs tend to work 60-80 hour work weeks, don't get summers off, and their job is substantially harder, in which you'll be eaten alive if you're not constantly bringing your 'A game.'
An MBA can do a teacher's easy job, but a teacher can't do an MBA's difficult job, and that, combined with that everybody wants to be a teacher, makes a pay cut expected, even if the pay cut is larger than 14%.

DFT, good intellectual debates shouldn't bother us so much that our comments need to be filled with anti-social sniping

Matt Damon defending teachers

chilaxe says...

@Ryjkyj "If it's any consolation, I also upvoted your original comment. "

Yes, I did notice


If the NYT is correct, a 14% reduction in salary suggests they're getting a good deal when you consider that they chose such an easy, low-stress job. People with similar education levels like MBAs tend to work 60-80 hour work weeks, don't get summers off, and their job is substantially harder, in which you'll be eaten alive if you're not constantly bringing your 'A game.'

An MBA can do a teacher's easy job, but a teacher can't do an MBA's difficult job, and that, combined with that everybody wants to be a teacher, makes a pay cut expected, even if the pay cut is larger than 14%.

Good intellectual debates shouldn't bother us so much that our comments need to be filled with anti-social sniping

Fuck Everything

eric3579 says...

Yo. All the rappers claim to not give a fuck.
Well step aside bitches, cause I give the lowest amount of fuck humanly possible.


(I don't a give a fuck...)
About anything, fuck everyone and fuck everything, what
(I don't give a fuck...)
I literally don't give a fuck about anything

I don't give a fuck about motherfuckin' anything
People care about shit, I say fuck everything
Fuck you, fuck me, fuck the sky, fuck trees, fuck the sun
I don't need heat of Vitamin D!

And fuck toasters. I don't need to cook my bread
And fuck coasters. I use a little plate instead
And fuck roosters. With their useless cockadoodledoo
We invented the alarm clocks. We no longer need you

Don't give a fuck about chairs. I prefer to stand
And fuck air conditioners - I got a ceiling fan
And fuck the the movie the fan, staring westly snipes
Demolition man's the only snipes moving your light
And fuck liking shit. I don't even like the stuff that I like
Don't give a fuck about not liking all the shit I don't like
Like tissues. Fuck them! I blow my nose on the couch
And fuck my nostrils and my senses now I breathe through my mouth
Don't give a fuck about seeing bitch, fuck my eyes
Fuck physical perception yo, I'd rather be blind
Fuck time, seconds are too short and minutes are a joke
And I was awake too long, it should be half an hour at most
And fuck coasts, who gives a fuck about where water meets land
And fuck boats, just because you float you think you're so fucking bad
And fuck jokes, I don't need to be funny all the time
My dog has a tumor and he's probably gonna die, but...

(I don't a give a fuck...)
About anything, fuck everyone and fuck everything, what
(I don't give a fuck...)
I literally don't give a fuck about anything

Walked into a coffee shop and ordered a cup
The girl says "small, medium, large?"
I say "bitch I don't give a fuck"
She said "I can't process your order if you don't pick a size"
I said "fine, I'll take a large, but I still don't give a fuck, alright?"
Don't give a fuck about beverage size options motherfucker
And I don't give a fuck about liquids either
They're all wet and shit and tend to spill all over the place
Like human semen when I get it all over my face
I'm not gay, I just don't give a fuck about straight sex
And fuck my dick, I'll pee and cum out of my mouth instead.
Fuck biological functions, fuck the human body
I prefer the body of a bat with the head of a coyote
I call myself batyodie and I fight crime at night
I know its similar to batman but motherfuck copyright
I plagiarize all the time, I do it everyday
Cause I'm on the right track baby, I was born this way

And fuck birth, entering the world of space & time is a bitch
Searching for purpose in the random universe sucks dick
Is it deterministic or am I free to choose my way
Did I choose to not give a fuck about ice cube trays
If I want ice I'll go to the fucking corner store and buy a bag
Filling you up and waiting for the water to freeze is a motherfucking drag
You know what? Fuck the word fuck, I don't need to use it
I'll replace it with the word chainsaw for this chorus

(I don't a give a chainsaw...)
About anything, chainsaw everyone and chainsaw everything, what
(I don't give a chainsaw...)
I literally don't give a chainsaw about anything

If there was a contest to see who doesn't give a fuck the most
I wouldn't win cause I don't give a fuck about winning yo
I don't even give a fuck about not giving a fuck,
so I do give a fuck... wait, what?

(I give a fuck...)
About everything, I love everyone and care about everything
(I give a fuck...)
I literally care about every motherfucking thing

Rupert Murdoch Pie to the Face

Robin Williams & daughter Zelda talk about the legend of!

On civility, name calling and the Sift (Fear Talk Post)

God does exist. Testimony from an ex-atheist:

shinyblurry says...

And well I used to steady these things quite deeply..I investigated all of the resurrection was surprising how far away it was from factual..none of it held up..i never investigated gilgamesh, but ive heard of it...zorotorism for example.. thats easy, it is a blatant copy of judiasm, mixed in with a reading of the messiah prophecies. there are critical differences however. they say the spirit of God is bad and good and He is only good. They worship the creation rather than the one who created it. there is no atonement, and salvation is by works. it is just like any other pagan religion, but with an idea of good and evil gained from judiasm and the prophecies of the messiah. zorro is a crude copy of christ, not the other way around as it turns out. Remember Satan is the accuser ie the prosecuting attorney. He understands the law down to the letter, he understood a messiah was to come..he always knows his rights.. >> ^enoch:
>> ^shinyblurry:
Is there a point where you're actually going to contribute something to the conversation, or are you just going to stay in the peanut gallery and snipe at me?
No one is out. Just because different Christians believe different things doesn't make them unchristian. Misled, perhaps, but anyone who believes on Christ is saved. Personally, I am non-denominational.
How is the book of John ruled out? What on earth are you talking about? The passages referring to what people call the rapture could be interperted a few different ways..I accept them, I just read them differently.
Look, it's clear you don't know anything about scripture. Why don't you do some research before you toss around these ignorant statements.
>> ^enoch:
>> ^shinyblurry:
No, I don't believe in the rapture..I don't think it is biblical. I know a lot of Christians hope for that but I think it's a false doctrine. No, I don't believe in the May 21st 2011 date either..for two reasons. One is that scripture clearly states that no one knows the hour. That alone makes anyone setting a date automatically wrong. The other is that the person who made this prediction had made another prediction that the world would end in 1994. Obviously it didn't happen so that means that he is a false prophet. If a prophet makes a prediction and even one letter of it doesn't come true it means he is not a real prophet.
>> ^shuac:
While I certainly do not wish to add more stress to shiny by adding more questions to his docket...but ultimately, I cannot resist. And anyway, they're easy yes/no questions...
1) Do you believe in the rapture?
2) Do you believe that it will happen on May 21, 2011 as many theists predict?

so the pentacostals are out /scratches them off the list.
as is the book of john../more scratching.
any other books i should dismiss?

i am just following the conversation brother.
listening to your witness and taking notes.
so dont dismiss the books but allow for interpretation../check.
read more scripture../check
let me ask you a question.
since you feel im "sniping" from the peanut gallery.( i was being a snark..but snipe is nicer)
if you do not believe in the rapture and find it non-doctrinal,would you consider yourself to be a preterist?
do you consider yourself from ecclestiassitcal,calvinism or maybe even of a arminianism theosophical school of thought?
and if have you resolved the issue of the nicean creed?
another i am curious as to how you may have resolved is zoroastrianism.
how have you been able to separate the seemingly identical stories from both the bible and this pre-christian religion?
i mean one could come to the conclusion that monotheism was actually born from this religion which was influential in judaism and christianity.
reading zarathustra's sermons one may find some close similarities to many of the earliest books of the bible.
or the story of gilgamesh and its seemingly identical recitation of noah,even though gilgamesh was centuries before noah.
how did you rationalize that particular conundrum?
one last question.
since you are christian,as am i,i am extremely curious how you were able to resolve the issue of the resurrection deities:
all were have purported to be the son of god.
to have began their ministry at an early age.
performed miracles.
persecuted and then executed.
dead for three days.
and on the third day were all resurrected.
what about the female resurrection deities?
ishtar and persephone?
they have similar stories too!
i am curious how you dealt with these particular theological dilemmas.

God does exist. Testimony from an ex-atheist:

shinyblurry says...

These are most excellent question(s)..I am happy to answer it..i will get back to you with all the facts, I will answer it in full but first I will just say that there is a massive amount of deception out there. Especially in these cases..a lot of half truths that people accept as whole ones. Not one of them bears any validity. The facts never hold up in these cases, and I mean 0 bears any true refutation of the facts. This world is fallen and mankinds new strategy is to try to forget about Him or write Him out..I will only say Forgive them Lord, they know not what they do. People believe they don't need God. They don't know they commit spiritual suicide. This fantasy world they dream up to replace Him is so ridiculous..It's been compared to disneyland. We are just drowning in existential bullshit. Primitive tribalism. Barbarianism. Extreme vanity and pride. No mercy, no forgiveness. In their coldness, people believe these lies because they have not much imagination of anything truly good and its always as good as who you really are. I find the truth is always accurate in situations like these. It is measured according to what it really is, and the well is poisoned by any lack of character, no matter how slight, because God is perfect. People aren't getting away with anything. God knows their hearts better than they do. If you're not good you won't know about it, you just couldn't imagine it really. And the bible says none of us are good. So we have to seek God. we are intolerant useless greedy selfish..there are just some of the synomyms i can think of..Peter Gabriels Big Time seems relevent..And some of them are Christians who are just sort of taking on the mantle for curtural reasons. Well the bible says these people have only borrowed the name and that is at a price. The facts always bear out, if people investigated they would figure that out. The truth always bears investigation by definition and the facts will always hold up. That is, that Jesus Christ is the living God and will heal you.

>> ^enoch:
>> ^shinyblurry:
Is there a point where you're actually going to contribute something to the conversation, or are you just going to stay in the peanut gallery and snipe at me?
No one is out. Just because different Christians believe different things doesn't make them unchristian. Misled, perhaps, but anyone who believes on Christ is saved. Personally, I am non-denominational.
How is the book of John ruled out? What on earth are you talking about? The passages referring to what people call the rapture could be interperted a few different ways..I accept them, I just read them differently.
Look, it's clear you don't know anything about scripture. Why don't you do some research before you toss around these ignorant statements.
>> ^enoch:
>> ^shinyblurry:
No, I don't believe in the rapture..I don't think it is biblical. I know a lot of Christians hope for that but I think it's a false doctrine. No, I don't believe in the May 21st 2011 date either..for two reasons. One is that scripture clearly states that no one knows the hour. That alone makes anyone setting a date automatically wrong. The other is that the person who made this prediction had made another prediction that the world would end in 1994. Obviously it didn't happen so that means that he is a false prophet. If a prophet makes a prediction and even one letter of it doesn't come true it means he is not a real prophet.
>> ^shuac:
While I certainly do not wish to add more stress to shiny by adding more questions to his docket...but ultimately, I cannot resist. And anyway, they're easy yes/no questions...
1) Do you believe in the rapture?
2) Do you believe that it will happen on May 21, 2011 as many theists predict?

so the pentacostals are out /scratches them off the list.
as is the book of john../more scratching.
any other books i should dismiss?

i am just following the conversation brother.
listening to your witness and taking notes.
so dont dismiss the books but allow for interpretation../check.
read more scripture../check
let me ask you a question.
since you feel im "sniping" from the peanut gallery.( i was being a snark..but snipe is nicer)
if you do not believe in the rapture and find it non-doctrinal,would you consider yourself to be a preterist?
do you consider yourself from ecclestiassitcal,calvinism or maybe even of a arminianism theosophical school of thought?
and if have you resolved the issue of the nicean creed?
another i am curious as to how you may have resolved is zoroastrianism.
how have you been able to separate the seemingly identical stories from both the bible and this pre-christian religion?
i mean one could come to the conclusion that monotheism was actually born from this religion which was influential in judaism and christianity.
reading zarathustra's sermons one may find some close similarities to many of the earliest books of the bible.
or the story of gilgamesh and its seemingly identical recitation of noah,even though gilgamesh was centuries before noah.
how did you rationalize that particular conundrum?
one last question.
since you are christian,as am i,i am extremely curious how you were able to resolve the issue of the resurrection deities:
all were have purported to be the son of god.
to have began their ministry at an early age.
performed miracles.
persecuted and then executed.
dead for three days.
and on the third day were all resurrected.
what about the female resurrection deities?
ishtar and persephone?
they have similar stories too!
i am curious how you dealt with these particular theological dilemmas.

God does exist. Testimony from an ex-atheist:

enoch says...

>> ^shinyblurry:

Is there a point where you're actually going to contribute something to the conversation, or are you just going to stay in the peanut gallery and snipe at me?
No one is out. Just because different Christians believe different things doesn't make them unchristian. Misled, perhaps, but anyone who believes on Christ is saved. Personally, I am non-denominational.
How is the book of John ruled out? What on earth are you talking about? The passages referring to what people call the rapture could be interperted a few different ways..I accept them, I just read them differently.
Look, it's clear you don't know anything about scripture. Why don't you do some research before you toss around these ignorant statements.
>> ^enoch:
>> ^shinyblurry:
No, I don't believe in the rapture..I don't think it is biblical. I know a lot of Christians hope for that but I think it's a false doctrine. No, I don't believe in the May 21st 2011 date either..for two reasons. One is that scripture clearly states that no one knows the hour. That alone makes anyone setting a date automatically wrong. The other is that the person who made this prediction had made another prediction that the world would end in 1994. Obviously it didn't happen so that means that he is a false prophet. If a prophet makes a prediction and even one letter of it doesn't come true it means he is not a real prophet.
>> ^shuac:
While I certainly do not wish to add more stress to shiny by adding more questions to his docket...but ultimately, I cannot resist. And anyway, they're easy yes/no questions...
1) Do you believe in the rapture?
2) Do you believe that it will happen on May 21, 2011 as many theists predict?

so the pentacostals are out /scratches them off the list.
as is the book of john../more scratching.
any other books i should dismiss?

i am just following the conversation brother.
listening to your witness and taking notes.
so dont dismiss the books but allow for interpretation../check.
read more scripture../check

let me ask you a question.
since you feel im "sniping" from the peanut gallery.( i was being a snark..but snipe is nicer)
if you do not believe in the rapture and find it non-doctrinal,would you consider yourself to be a preterist?
do you consider yourself from ecclestiassitcal,calvinism or maybe even of a arminianism theosophical school of thought?
and if have you resolved the issue of the nicean creed?
another i am curious as to how you may have resolved is zoroastrianism.
how have you been able to separate the seemingly identical stories from both the bible and this pre-christian religion?
i mean one could come to the conclusion that monotheism was actually born from this religion which was influential in judaism and christianity.
reading zarathustra's sermons one may find some close similarities to many of the earliest books of the bible.
or the story of gilgamesh and its seemingly identical recitation of noah,even though gilgamesh was centuries before noah.
how did you rationalize that particular conundrum?
one last question.
since you are christian,as am i,i am extremely curious how you were able to resolve the issue of the resurrection deities:
all were have purported to be the son of god.
to have began their ministry at an early age.
performed miracles.
persecuted and then executed.
dead for three days.
and on the third day were all resurrected.

what about the female resurrection deities?
ishtar and persephone?
they have similar stories too!

i am curious how you dealt with these particular theological dilemmas.

God does exist. Testimony from an ex-atheist:

shinyblurry says...

Is there a point where you're actually going to contribute something to the conversation, or are you just going to stay in the peanut gallery and snipe at me?

No one is out. Just because different Christians believe different things doesn't make them unchristian. Misled, perhaps, but anyone who believes on Christ is saved. Personally, I am non-denominational.

How is the book of John ruled out? What on earth are you talking about? The passages referring to what people call the rapture could be interperted a few different ways..I accept them, I just read them differently.

Look, it's clear you don't know anything about scripture. Why don't you do some research before you toss around these ignorant statements.

>> ^enoch:
>> ^shinyblurry:
No, I don't believe in the rapture..I don't think it is biblical. I know a lot of Christians hope for that but I think it's a false doctrine. No, I don't believe in the May 21st 2011 date either..for two reasons. One is that scripture clearly states that no one knows the hour. That alone makes anyone setting a date automatically wrong. The other is that the person who made this prediction had made another prediction that the world would end in 1994. Obviously it didn't happen so that means that he is a false prophet. If a prophet makes a prediction and even one letter of it doesn't come true it means he is not a real prophet.
>> ^shuac:
While I certainly do not wish to add more stress to shiny by adding more questions to his docket...but ultimately, I cannot resist. And anyway, they're easy yes/no questions...
1) Do you believe in the rapture?
2) Do you believe that it will happen on May 21, 2011 as many theists predict?

so the pentacostals are out /scratches them off the list.
as is the book of john../more scratching.
any other books i should dismiss?

God does exist. Testimony from an ex-atheist:

shinyblurry says...

>> ^dgandhi:
>> ^shinyblurry:
I really don't know what you're complaining about..sorry that you were forced to watch my video and read all the comments. You do know you don't have to do that, right?

I'm complaining about you being an ass, I already said that a couple of times.
I'm not complaining about you posting a video, and I clearly have not argued that you are "forcing" me or anybody else to have a discussion about it. The point I am making, and that you keep providing more evidence for, is that in comments on and the discussion around this video, you have managed to consistently be a condescending ass.
Your redundant "you don't have to watch it" false apology is a prime example, I have not said you should not have posted it, I have only said that it is nonsense. That I should save myself the displeasure of your video is not what you really mean, you mean that you don't want to hear it. Since you have been lurking here for years you probably picked up on the fact that quality control involves critique, it's just that you are so used to special treatment for your theological views that you didn't consider what you were getting into.
If you want to have a theological discussion, bring it, but do your homework, don't bother with the old tropes like "atheism takes faith" or "only anti-theists are atheists", and certainly don't lead with nonsense that even you must know will be disregarded as the propaganda it is by anybody who does not already agree with you.

You can make a federal case about my supposed attitude problem if you want. Are you aware of the fact that you're on the internet right now? Who on this site doesn't have an attitude problem anyway? Anyhow, since you keep complaining, I'll just say that if I offended you I am sorry. I didn't mean to offend you. If you do want to debate theology, I'm happy to take you up on it.

If I did have a problem with the things I'm hearing here, it's that they're boring and shallow. I've heard them all before, and argued them all before. For and against. I used to be agnostic and like most of you here, had no idea there was a spiritual reality. Like most of you, I considered it nonsense..then I woke up from my ignorance and found out that everything I knew (or thought I knew) was wrong. I don't really expect you to relate to that, since you have no basis of comparison, but I can tell you that there is a lot more going than is apparent to you. Anyhow, most of this is just sniping anyway, trying to provoke a reaction. Problem is, I just don't have an ego to burst about it. Is there anyone here who has actually read any philosophy? Becuase if so, some of you might realize that God is an idea deserving of serious philisophical consideration, a subject debated by some of the greatest minds this world has ever known. Is it *the* question in those circles. It would be laughable if you were to come to a real debate and say "well you don't have any evidence". And you do? Let's get real here..

How to tell how pretty a white woman is

Dog balancing a basketball and running w/it

probie says...

>> ^Payback:

>> ^probie:
Little dogs can't jump.

Jack Russel Terrier. It can probably jump higher than you.

I should have clarified as I thought most people would get it:

(said in my best Wesley Snipes voice) Little dogs CAN'T jump.

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