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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Blew your cover in the first word, comrade. Any American knows the phrase is WIDELY reported, not wildly. 🤦‍♂️

“Stalled”!?! Nice way to say “refused, lied, hid, and fought tooth and nail to keep as his own property to sell and trade as he saw fit”. He didn’t stall, he STOLE. Once again your 3rd year english failed you, comrade.

No surprise, you don’t understand the importance of Trump PERSONALLY going through the boxes and selecting stolen top secret classified documents to keep and hide from the upcoming warranted search he knew was coming (remember, the warrant was presented well before the search giving Trump time to hide stolen classified state secrets) apparently it’s ON VIDEO! It destroys his claim he didn’t know he had them, and it was his subordinates fault they weren’t returned….his best, but a failed defense.

I absolutely see a problem with nearly every president/vp even senators having some classified documents at home…Pence too…, even the low level semi-classified documents Biden had and turned over voluntarily the moment they were discovered, not only searching and finding them, but allowing the FBI to search without a warrant in case there were others (there weren’t)….that’s an issue that should be addressed immediately to stop it from repeating, but that’s not obstruction or intentional theft (at least that’s not proven or even alleged by anyone who counts). There’s zero evidence to show Biden even knew he had them until asked to search, and absolutely no intent or effort to keep them illegally. Without knowledge and intent, there’s no crime.
Also, remember, you can’t indict a sitting president, Trump made certain of that forever…so any crimes you ascribe to Biden are moot, he’s immune from prosecution and could pardon himself (according to Trump). D’oh!

Guaranteed if you search all senators’ houses you’ll find >2\3 have classified documents at home. That needs to stop TODAY. I wish it was a priority for both parties and not JUST a weapon against their domestic enemies.

If you think what Biden and Pence did should be prosecuted and get them prison, you MUST agree Trump should get the firing squad because his crimes were definitely 100% intentional AND he actually tried to trade stolen classified high clearance state secrets including nuclear weapon secrets for information he wanted (and likely more we don’t have proof of).

Trump has now publicly admitted stealing the documents, holding the documents after their return was demanded, hiding them when searched for, lying about still having them under oath, claiming they were his personal property, admitted going through them after being subpoenaed, and has even admitted he did it because he thinks Nixon was PAID millions to return documents he had and Trump wants to be paid. That’s motive. He’s publicly making the case for the DOJ….and they had an airtight case already.

Trump intentionally stole the highest level of top secret documents never supposed to leave a secured facility, then he was officially asked for documents back, he refused, then they were subpoenaed and he both lied and hid them. But some myopic microscopicly minded people like you see Biden/Pence as a major criminal for an infraction but see nothing wrong with Trump intentionally repeatedly and blatantly flauting and ignoring the law.

That proves I care about the law and you don’t. It proves that you are willing to overlook any and every blatant Trump crime against America while exaggerating and overblowing any infraction by your political rivals.

This kind of attempted conflation proves you to be a foolish idiot. You don’t care about what’s a crime and what isn’t, you just want to scream red herrings in hopes that, somehow, someone else committing an infraction can protect Trump from the dozens and dozens of felony charges he’s facing and life in prison for the uncountable crimes against America and the rule of law he’s definitely guilty of.

I would love to see Trump lynched publicly. I’m not alone there.
He wanted to reinstate state lynching, he wanted his own VP publicly lynched for not stealing the presidency for Trump, turnabout is always fair play. Yes, I feel that way about people who attack America, democracy, truth and honesty, and civility. Dishonest malignant narcissistic terrorists should be lynched, but I’ll settle for life in solitary. That’s becoming more likely daily.

Arrested right now, so I know you need a few minutes to cry.

MTG wasn’t even there for him after she fled her own rally in terror from the peaceful anti Trump throngs she accused of violent assault by “making noise” (hilariously the whistles she was whining about were actually Trump SUPPORTERS handing out whistles to make noise FOR Trump) to flee to Maralago where only multi millionaires can enter so she’ll be safe from the people.

Also, wrong “your” again, after being corrected yesterday. You really need to go back to English class, it’s undeniable you failed it.

bobknight33 said:

Wildly reported-- Trump stalled in turning over documents, Wow You got him.

On the other hand Biden had classified documents at his house that go back to when he was Senator -- 100% illegal -- But some closed minded person like you don't seem to care about that.

Just proves your not about equal justice just one sided justice.

Its this kind of stuff that makes you a total foolish idiot. You don't care about truth or justice -- just lynch Trump up - no matter what.

Tesla Cam captures INSANE crash

newtboy says...

Logically no matter what it should be truck owner. He/she is responsible first and foremost because proper maintenance is the owner’s responsibility and your wheel coming off is proof of improper maintenance.

If they could prove a shop mounted the wheel wrong….forgot lug nuts, used broken studs, put the nuts on finger tight…they could likely sue, but proving that would be impossible without close up video at the shop of the faulty parts/installation.

#3 is possible, but only after proof of a known design flaw that makes the wheel come off is established. Good luck. This is what Tesla is up against with their self driving software, but only after multiple deaths and many crashes.

Most aftermarket parts have limited liability clauses limiting their liability to replacement of the defective part, not even labor. I know my lift kits had multiple warnings and liability releases in the instructions/warranties. Not total immunity if they intentionally sell dangerously defective parts, but definitely a difficult thing to prove.

I’m not a lawyer, but I have them in the immediate family (grandpa), so I have a little bit of an idea how this usually works in court.

visionep said:

I hope everyone escaped without long term injuries.

I wonder how liability works in a case like this.

Possible scenarios:
1. Freak accident, no one is liable.
2. Truck owner is liable, but only because they modified their car from manufacturer spec?
3. Truck manufacturer is liable, faulty construction?
4. State or federal government is liable because of something in the road that make the truck's tire fall off.
5. After market kit provider or after market kit installer is liable because their modification lead to the failure that caused the tire to come off.

I wonder how it all worked out.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

You stupid stupid man.
The laptop is not evidence because your people broke into it and changed data before handing it over. Zero use in court, or evidence gathering.
Hunter was and is not an elected official. Congress has absolutely zero legitimate reason to investigate him, especially for consensual sex they’re jealous of.

So sad.

Trump and Kushner’s laptops, and their subordinates laptops….
Absolutely should all be confiscated and thoroughly examined for stolen state secrets because they have admitted copying the stolen classified documents onto laptops already, a major felony and treason btw., and method they used to sell state secrets to our enemies.

bobknight33 said:

So Hunter Biden laptop be investigated?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Trump Media and Technology Group as of late last year has been under investigation for potentially being involved in a Russian money laundering scheme.
Toth Senchal was hemorrhaging money, and had a year wait before their planned (now cancelled) merger, so Trump went begging to Russia.
2 Caribbean banks owned in large part by a Putin ally and Russian oligarch loaned Toth Senchal $8 million…the company’s CFO warned at the time this was Russian money coming from sanctioned Russians and should be returned but they couldn’t afford to give it back so they fired the CFO instead…he’s talking.
This IS a CRIMINAL investigation, with DJT and little Jr both listed as CEO, both signed off on these loans from Putin. Just one more criminal case involving MAGA selling influence to Russia.

Bonus- Georgia criminal grand jury interviews sound disastrous for Trump.
“A lot’s going to come out sooner or later and it’s going to be massive. It’s gonna be massive.”
“If every person in America knew every word of the information we knew, this country would not be divided as it is right now.”
“I became more jaded about American politics when it became clear some witnesses would say one thing about the election under oath then casting doubt on the system when they returned to the campaign trail sometimes hours later.”
Not what you want to hear as a defendant in America’s most massive election fraud ever, the big lie.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Because I’m pretty sure you didn’t look up Larry Householder and Matt Borges…

The government proved beyond a reasonable doubt at trial that Householder and his enterprise conspired to violate the racketeering statute through honest services wire fraud, receipt of millions of dollars in bribes and money laundering.
The conspiracy involved nearly $61 million in bribes paid to a 501(c) entity to pass and uphold a billion-dollar nuclear plant bailout.

More MAGA corruption from the base to the top, selling out the people for cash. It’s what your party is all about. More MAGA convictions than every other party combined in the countries history, serious thought and effort put into dissolving the United States, and an attempted coup…and MAGA is only 7 years old.

Bonus- Top MAGA Republican backer and Steve Bannon partner and friend “Guo Wengui” was just arrested and criminally charged for engaging in a $1 billion fraudulent investment scheme.
And sweet zombie Jeebus, seems CPAC was proudly sponsored by “the new federalist state of China”, the CCP. Weird that today’s Republican Party is chummy with and in awe of Putin and Xi and despise American government and democracies.

BC cannabis company says they got Health Canada approval to

kir_mokum says...

they have been approved to make and sell cocaine *to other appropriately licensed entities, NOT individuals or the public. this is basically a fuck up by adastra and click bait news story.

but decriminalization is such a huge step forward on multiple fronts. cocaine (and all the other "scary" drugs) should be manufactured and sold. makes everyone significantly safer.

BC cannabis company says they got Health Canada approval to

newtboy says...

Holy crap!
If this turns out to be true, buy Adastra, all you can. They are going to be a multi trillion dollar company by the end of the month if they can legally manufacture and sell cocaine.
Dr Rockso alone will make them rich.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Sydney Powell’s best evidence in her big lie tour, a self described “internally decapitated semi conscious time traveler” that saw semi conscious visions (dreams) of proof of the fraud in the future and wrote an affidavit to that effect.
Fox made great mention of this “evidence” while hiding that it was an affidavit from an internally decapitated semi conscious time traveler’s future visions/certified crazy person.

This is what they got you to believe. This is what they used to foment a coup, with your full support. This is what they are still selling you, and you still buy.

But what should we expect from the cult that thinks seditious traitor MTG is patriotic when she suggests secession because Biden visited Ukraine.

BTW, studies show that divided by county, the counties that voted for Biden are responsible for 71% of Americas economic activity while those that went to Trump are responsible for only 29%. It’s going to be pretty shitty in your shithole country if you split from the blue states, you will be looking at Cuba with envy. Please, oh please split off. America will be much better off without all the red welfare states that only take money and contribute division. The south shall fall again!

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Lol. Yeah, that’s me. Mr establishment.

Working for the cia!? Hardly. Page had been approved several years earlier as an “operational contact” for the CIA, a term for people who provide information to the agency that they gather but are not paid or tasked with carrying out assignments. Basically a confidential informant….what crime were they letting slide to compel that one wonders. Still, that should not have been hidden when applying for a warrant extension, a 3rd and 4th warrant whose fruits were never used and voluntarily sequestered btw, the first two were deemed legal proper warrants.

The Steel dossier was compiled for Republicans during the primary. Most of the charges it levied or suggested have been proven, but not all. All know this but some people need to cling onto this lie, fools like you that need everything to be a convoluted conspiracy because then it’s ok that you don’t understand what’s happening.

Muller has said clearly he found obstruction by Trump and Barr lied and covered it up. At least 8 Trump officials were found guilty of crimes Mueller uncovered among others, I believe 36, since you don’t seem to know that any crimes were found, here’s some…
(List from 2020)
Former Trump 2016 campaign chairman Paul Manafort: Sentenced to 7.5 years in prison this March for bank and tax fraud and crimes related to his work as a political consultant in Ukraine.
Trump's former personal attorney Michael Cohen: Received a three-year prison sentence in Dec. 2018 for tax evasion, bank fraud, lying to Congress and campaign finance violations.
Former Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos: Convicted of lying to investigators about about Russian contacts. He served 12 days in prison and in October, filed to run for former Rep. Katie Hill's California seat.
Richard Pinedo: The California man was sentenced to six months in prison in Oct. 2018 for selling bank account numbers to Russians who engaged in election interference. He has no known connection to Trump.
Dutch attorney Alex van der Zwaan: Pleaded guilty to lying to federal investigators about his work for law firm Skadden, Arps, Meagher, & Flom LLP and Affiliates in 2012. He was sentenced to 30 days in prison and a $20,000 fine.
Ex-Trump campaign deputy chairman Rick Gates: Pleaded guilty in Feb. 2018 to conspiracy and lying to the FBI. After cooperating extensively in multiple investigations, Gates was sentenced in December to 45 days in jail, three years of probation and 300 hours of community service.
Roger Stone: Sentenced to 40 months in prison for crimes that include obstruction of justice, lying to Congress and witness tampering. A federal jury convicted Stone last year after he lied to Congress about his efforts to learn more about when WikiLeaks would publish damaging emails about Hillary Clinton during the 2016 presidential election.
Awaiting sentencing:

Former national security adviser Michael Flynn: The retired three-star general pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI in Dec. 2017.

ROTFLMAHS!!! WHAT!?! Are you having a stroke?

bobknight33 said:

Man still schilling for the deep state.

Page had been wrongly accused and was, in fact, working for the CIA, not the Russians.

The Steele dossier was 100% fabricated. All know this but some people need to cling onto this lie, Fools like you.

Muller spent 40 Million and found nothing but low hanging fruit. Again a Big fat ZERO .

Again take you head out of you ass and wipe that shit off you face. You are a fool on the sift.

you a Mr 100% my shit is facts--- No Nope Nada Zip.

Tesla is Crushing GM & Ford Financially

newtboy says...

So, they’re only $6 billion in the hole and are just getting competition from the big 3.
Where’s that Tesla truck?
Stock/corporate value dropped by over half in the last year.

Tesla is under multiple criminal investigations for self driving autopilot failures causing deaths….a main selling point that may be outlawed soon.

Tesla made more profit because they reinvested much less….multiple billions less. Not a good sign in an industry based on engineering advancements. Sounds like they know a hammer is coming and are going for maximizing short term profit at the expense of long term viability.
Their massive capitol expenditures were largely losses at their plants they can’t get to profitable production levels yet, like China, not building more gigafactories. If the highly automated factories (explaining the higher profit per employee despite fewer vehicles produced per employee) you have can’t get parts to make cars, making more factories would be stupid. GM and Ford are building newer highly automated factories, and have cut in line at Chinese chip manufacturers because they order more chips. Supply shortages continue to plague Tesla.

Sorry, Bob, your track record of investment advice is horrendous. You said go all in on Tesla at $400! You said buy more and hold onto it for the long term as it plunged to 135 and as you were selling yours. Now you claim Tesla is crushing GM and Ford while it’s still DEEP in debt and losing customers and not reinvesting in itself. Couldn’t be you’re lying for personal gain….could it?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Moron. You are still listening to liars TELL you what’s there….hint, they lie to you. Republicans said clearly and repeatedly they have no obligation to tell the truth. Questions, especially leading red herring questions, aren’t evidence.

2:35 - the witness under oath denies her false contentions….that’s the evidence you dumbshit.

Most “evidence” republicans produce today are articles from the National Inquirer or Weekly World News…’s shocking they haven’t started a hearing looking into Bat Boy yet….but the siphilitic howler monkey MTG will get there. Republicans abandoned evidence, facts, and honesty….those are for liberals. 🤦‍♂️

The FBI told them they shouldn’t break the law, or allow users to use their platform to break the law. Republicans are just outraged they couldn’t post revenge porn and dick pics publicly because they care so much about protecting children from such overt sexuality that they insist we all watch Hunter fuck and pull his stiff cock. (Pretty sure it’s an excuse for you to stare at it)

Every “doctor” removed was spreading verifiable lies about Covid and treatments, from hydrocloroquin and horse wormer to bleach. It’s sad you have no memory and think no one else does either so you believe you can rewrite recent history. Covid deniers, and quacks selling snake oil needed deplatforming, 100%, absolutely, perfectly reasonable for the administration to request or even force them off for public safety even if they were once respected doctors….unlike Trump’s administration that constantly forced deplatforming of private citizens for nothing more than upsetting or insulting big baby Trump….but that doesn’t bother you one bit, proving you aren’t serious and are just playing partisan politics….badly.


bobknight33 said:

Your head is truly up you ass.
You are unable to see a full picture, only that narrow sliver of some republican did something wrong.

Biden asking twitter in pushing for de platforming Dr.s from twitter.

Due to your ignorance, you can start about 2:20 . and just get to the point.

There are other from FBI asking twitter to look at twitter links and the leftest twitter employees did as they were asked.

A Definitely True Message From George Santos

newtboy says...

McCarthy has said clearly that the ONLY thing that would get him to CONSIDER expelling him is if the Republican controlled ethics committee finds he has committed crimes as a representative….not state fraud charges or convictions, not Federal finance violations, not selling influence to Russia, not conviction and deportation internationally….only if the Republican “ethics” committee finds he IS committing crimes.

Hint, they are not investigating him.

Only one side is even close to this corrupt, bob.

Democrats kicked out representatives for taking a funny picture pointing at a woman, Republicans protect actual rapists (trump, Kavenaugh, Jordan), thieves (all), frauds (all), liars (all), unreported foreign funding (every MAGgot), actually being a paid foreign agent (all of Trump’s cabinet), or any crime imaginable.

Btw - Republicans are now trying to default on THEIR debt, which would destroy the economy. Trump added near $8 trillion to the debt, 25% of ALL debt, more than Obama and Bush combined in just 4 years….and suddenly republicans care about debt?!? Shut your lying mouths, you are so full of shit it’s leaking out your lips.

bobknight33 said:

That being said he should be kicked out. But Rep's will not do such a thing because they need him to hold the majority.

Sad to see that our government is so corrupt and standards so low. This is on both sides.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Turning out his only known income came from a massive pyramid scheme he ran….Harbor City Capitol, and he failed to disclose massive payments he received from them.
“George Santos” (AKA Anthony Devolver, AKA Anthony Santos, AKA George Devolver) the face of the Right, a constant liar, massive thief, blatant consummate racist, fake Jew, fake biracial, fake gay, and fugitive selling his office to foreign powers.
This is you guy. This you pick.
No move by leadership or the party to remove him from office, or censure him, or keep him off committees, or ANYTHING. No complaints that he won’t step down. The Republicans see absolutely nothing wrong with electing a complete fraud, thief, and fugitive….because he is who you all are. Definitely who Trump is.
YOU ARE George Santos.

A Definitely True Message From George Santos

newtboy says...

No, you say both sides because you can’t admit your “team” has a problem that isn’t ubiquitous.
Again, I show you dozens of individuals intentionally voting multiple times, dozens of campaigns and the party itself engaging in ballot harvesting and other schemes that together equate to hundreds of thousands of stolen votes, you answer “both sides” with absolutely not a single case on the Democrats side (besides the one entrapment case I handed you)….and pretend you won’t provide examples because they’ll be dismissed not because you have none….being dismissed doesn’t stop you from posting all the other propaganda. Knowing you will dismiss the verifiable facts I present you hasn’t stopped me from posting them in contradiction to your baseless propaganda.

I admit Democrats self deal, do insider trading, and sell their votes to deep pockets….but on a scale that’s microscopic compared to the complete lack of ethics and morals on the right. The right was significantly less honest, more money hungry, more corrupt than the left BEFORE Trump….after Trump it’s comparing the Mediterranean to an Olympic sized pool. Technically both have water. Comparatively the pool is completely insignificant….but you only want to focus on what happens in the pool.

Trump and family made literally BILLIONS selling favors. Never been a bigger crook in any office in the land. Greene went from pennyless to a multi millionaire in 2 years. Same for Santos who is a total fraud in every way, a fugitive, and supported by your party…apparently made millions from his campaign. You’ll be hard pressed to find any Republican that hasn’t made millions in office by ignoring ethics completely. You won’t find ANY trying to get big money (bribery) out of politics…only the left is interested in that, the right wants MORE bribery legalized (citizens United was their case, proving Republicans fight for MORE corruption in politics while Democrats fight to end it), the right refuses to divest, and opposes any strengthening of ethics rules EVERY TIME Democrats push for more/stronger ethics rules/laws.

Of course I’ll dismiss your hyper biased, unthinking, no fact idiotic claims, especially since they NEVER have references (because everything you believe is partisan nonsense and lies). It’s not worth the time because it takes no time at all to debunk your constant consistent lies and pure fantasy. If you had any actual facts it would be worth posting them, but you just don’t. You don’t bother to post lately because the stupid lies have gotten dumber and are being debunked as fast as you guys can lie them. It’s past the point where it’s safe to simply deny anything you say as a partisan lie with no investigation at all….chances are 99.96% you are lying or repeating lies any time you type. You never have facts or even references to show where your lies came from….which is totally intentional because you know that only makes debunking them much easier.

In congress….98% of corruption, 100% of child molestation, 100% of treason, 100% of calls to rescind the constitution, voting, and democracy and become a dictatorship are on the right. You call that “both sides” and pretend it’s really mostly a problem on the left with a very few outliers from the right….ignoring the facts….as usual.

You know the old saying….
“To argue with a man who has renounced the use and authority of reason, and whose philosophy consists in holding humanity in contempt, is like administering medicine to the dead, or endeavoring to convert an atheist by scripture.” -Thomas Paine

You sir abandoned fact and reason well before the Traitor Trump rode his golden escalator of lies into your heart. I don’t argue with you except as practice, you have no actual argument to offer, only the far right party lines. I simply tell you the verifiable facts. You then argue with the facts and pat yourself on the head in congratulations. Silly boy.

BTW…have you grown up enough to discuss Ashley Babbitt yet? The treasonous traitor who violently attacked the capitol with an armed gang of thugs trying to overthrow democracy at Trump’s urging and got what they all deserved….your hero.
No, I’m sure you’re still just too embarrassed of how idiotic supporting domestic terrorists is and just hope everyone will forget you stand firmly with the treasonous terrorist traitors against democracy, law, and order.

bobknight33 said:

I say both sides because it is both sides. You just so biased that you done even see it.

I dont bother to post because whats the point - you will just dismiss it an its just not worth the time.

You know the old saying..

“Show me a man that gets rich being a politician and I will show you a crook” Harry s. Truman

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Wow. Ok, we can agree that far about China policies. They went too far, and now too lax.

Well….1/2 off something overpriced by 10x isn’t great, that’s why PE ratio matters. I think 25 is super high, but by today’s standards it’s average. 90+ was insane.

You have blamed him for the economy, as if he didn’t inherit 2020’s remains, but I’m just glad you’re willing to share/spread blame. A good step. Kudos.
Don’t know what QE and helicopter $ is.

Supply chain issues are global. It’s hard to blame anyone for even a majority. IMO they have been getting better slowly from 2020….I’m not in manufacturing though.

Gas policy? Explain please. My understanding is gas/oil production is up under Biden….oil company profits certainly are. Analysis indicates their increased profit margins accounted for over 1/2 the increased prices. I’m glad I have some energy stocks in my portfolio.
Remember, Trump policy was to sell our refining capabilities to the Saudis, who then decreased production and increased prices.

bobknight33 said:

""""Wait….are you suddenly saying severe covid restrictions by China were lifesaving and absolutely the right thing? …and now that they’re lifting expect major disruptions and death? Who is this?"""""""

Communist welding doors shut and shutting down cities -- I dont agree what they have done over and over. They dont have a good vaccine and now all is lifted. My current issue is that this too will leak out and their variant will hit the globe.

Tesla at 300 at 200 is a good price 1/2 off of anything is a good price. Now we see 60 to 70% off and getting better.

This down turn will end and go back up. If not in recession, which I think we are by a slim definition - we will be in Q1 or Q2.

I didn't blame Biden for all of this. This started way before Biden. All the QE and all the helicopter $ Trump and Biden gave out. This is causing supply chain issue and probably see some deflation on some products.

Now the FED trying to pull that $ back out of the market,

Biden gas policies and all the spending does not help and causing inflation on some fronts. I just think that his policies are the straw that broke the camel back.

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