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dag (Member Profile)

UsesProzac says...

You'll never grasp the situation wholly unless you're a direct part of it. And who are these "several" people who have left the Sift because of him??

I'm tired of seeing people who have no business in this shit calling him delusional and a sociopath. It really disturbs me how far this has gone.

In reply to this comment by dag:
Why do you assume I'm referring to gossip? I don't think I referenced anything unsubstantiated in my comments and I have communicated with the people involved.

In reply to this comment by UsesProzac:
Wow. I'm really disappointed in you.. "Hurting the Sift" Every time I hear that phrase, I think less of it. For someone who claims to be impartial, you really take gossip to heart.

In reply to this comment by dag:
You continue to downplay your role in matters to the point of self-delusion- I'm leaving this discussion here- but my original message stands, please keep your feuds contained in profile comments or off the Sift. In complete honesty - I would prefer that you left the community- as I think there is some risk in your attitudes and behaviour to others. If you're going to stay, please prove me wrong by not hurting the Sift further.

UsesProzac (Member Profile)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Why do you assume I'm referring to gossip? I don't think I referenced anything unsubstantiated in my comments and I have communicated with the people involved.

In reply to this comment by UsesProzac:
Wow. I'm really disappointed in you.. "Hurting the Sift" Every time I hear that phrase, I think less of it. For someone who claims to be impartial, you really take gossip to heart.

In reply to this comment by dag:
You continue to downplay your role in matters to the point of self-delusion- I'm leaving this discussion here- but my original message stands, please keep your feuds contained in profile comments or off the Sift. In complete honesty - I would prefer that you left the community- as I think there is some risk in your attitudes and behaviour to others. If you're going to stay, please prove me wrong by not hurting the Sift further.

dag (Member Profile)

UsesProzac says...

Wow. I'm really disappointed in you.. "Hurting the Sift" Every time I hear that phrase, I think less of it. For someone who claims to be impartial, you really take gossip to heart.

If you honestly think that Gwiz is a dangerous person[hah!], quit pussy footing around and ban him. You started it with your snide remarks..

I didn't want to butt in, but this last comment of yours really offended me. Gwiz didn't do anything wrong to the Sift. Policing his actions outside of the Sift seems a bit fucked up, like getting suspended from school for doing drugs at a friend's house. O_o

In reply to this comment by dag:
You continue to downplay your role in matters to the point of self-delusion- I'm leaving this discussion here- but my original message stands, please keep your feuds contained in profile comments or off the Sift. In complete honesty - I would prefer that you left the community- as I think there is some risk in your attitudes and behaviour to others. If you're going to stay, please prove me wrong by not hurting the Sift further.

gwiz665 (Member Profile)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

You continue to downplay your role in matters to the point of self-delusion- I'm leaving this discussion here- but my original message stands, please keep your feuds contained in profile comments or off the Sift. In complete honesty - I would prefer that you left the community- as I think there is some risk in your attitudes and behaviour to others. If you're going to stay, please prove me wrong by not hurting the Sift further.

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
I have no reason to change. The married woman who I groped have not left the sift, the two of us have settled it outside of the sift and are each continuing as productive members of the sift as well. The only person who have left because of me - that I know of - is peggedbea, and with the massive personal attack she made in her "flame off", I don't feel the loss.

alien_concept, by her own words (check the thread), had intended to leave anyhow, evil_disco_man left as well, but not because of this, or at least not solely because of this. Who else is there?

I am not a danger to this community, even though some people like to see me that way - I'm part of what makes this community great. I don't break rules, I sift popular videos, I fix dead videos, I socialize with sifters. You may be scared of me all you like, but I am no threat to the Videosift community, which is something I hold quite dear too. (If nothing else, my history should damn well reflect this.)

It seems to me that you have made it abundantly to me that you don't take a neutral stance and just "take the side of the sift", you work based of rumors as well as the rest of the mongrels. You judged me quite quickly during the whole alien_concept leaving thread, which I certainly did not appreciate. You also gave me a whole lot of shit for making a comment on the what's-her-face "seen her naked" video as well. This is not appreciated as well. You should be impartial, dedicated to the sift and to the truth - you instead chose to be dedicated to all the butt-hurt users who complained. Like when burdturgler complained about "spook" being used by quantumushroom and blankfist. These are not admirable leadership methods. I agree that you have to walk a balancing act at all times with such things, but consistently making the wrong choice is a bad move.

I am very appreciative that videosift is such an open community as it is, which is completely your doing. If it had been most other advanced forums, I would have been banned for life for disagreeing with an administrator. I applaud that you allow dissenting voices to be heard, but I don't like to be admonished, neither on my profile page or in polls I make. The jabs you got in in the poll were just cheap shots and they were quite unjustified. You should be bigger than that.

In reply to this comment by dag:
Just to be clear, I don't find your cockiness admirable- several great contributors to VideoSift have left due to your actions. You have hurt the Sift, whose side I'm on. I'm concerned that the actions you've admitted to, groping a married woman, and member of the Sift make you a danger to the community. As I said, I'm on VideoSift's side- and have to do what I can to make this a safe place. Your continued belligerent behaviour makes me think that you're not going to change.

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
My cockiness is a trait to be admired. I am not against videosift in any way, and my post was juvenile, so I'm sorry for that. I do wonder why I am singled out in this, when so many others have posted much more hate in comments. Makes you wonder.

My feud will be where it is relevant, which is to say I will keep it to profiles as much as is needed. If it spills into other stuff, I will not be the reason for it from now on.

In reply to this comment by dag:
The depth of your cockiness is almost funny, but not quite. I'm not on anyone's side here except videosift. Please keep your feud on profiles or offline.

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
I was just wondering when you las admonished rasch for his vicious attack on my person? Is it that you've chosen a side already?

My post was not a necropost - he, himself, renewed it in so I responded to that. I assure you that my hate is completely new and fresh. He started it, I'm just following through and countering his attacks with re-attacks.

If that is all you have to say, then please refrain from posting on my profile in the future. If you have something to say - and perhaps apologize for - you are completely free to post, but know that anything else, from now on, will be deleted (which is really just "hidden") by me.

You have chosen your side and it is the wrong one. I only hope that you will realize it at some point.

Cheerio mate.

In reply to this comment by dag:
Please don't crap on old, very good threads by necroposting hate. I'm referring to this:

If you want to continue your little grudge match - keep it in profiles.

Real Time - Seth MacFarlane on the atheist movement

quantumushroom says...

Another unfortunate paradox based on the assumption that most outspoken atheists are also leftists: the left readily draws on facts, evidence and logic when attacking faith, but reverses tactics and demands faith when the failures and limitations of socialism are exposed.

My opinion now is thoughtful religionists have a slight edge regarding egotistical self-delusion, because they don't consider themselves the ultimate authority and source of morality.

The maker of cartoons and the other guy who is a cartoon don't have much to say. Their little bubble-world frowns on morality, leaving power as the only metric of personal importance. You don't want to be the P.A. who brings them the wrong brand of spring water.

Real Time - Seth MacFarlane on the atheist movement

quantumushroom says...

The least risky way to make predictions is to start with the data.

I'll save this gem for when I actually make a prediction instead of stating an opinion.

The highest total I've read for Americans who have "no religious identification" is about 16%. Not exactly moving mountains.

Assuming all the negative stereotypes of atheists can be discounted ("criminal behavior, rampant materialism, cultural elitism") I believe it's fair to also
dismiss any assumed positives, such as a mind "freed of superstition" automatically being more rational, logical or less prone to egotistical self-delusion.

Christianity Does Not Cause War!

quantumushroom says...

Too true. And the easiest way to have such freedom is to profess faith in a religion then ignore it's fundamental tenets and rationalize your rule breaking.

Yeah, yeah, that hypocrisy only happens with and to the religious.

Atheists, of course, are immune from rationalizing and self-delusion. I envy such moral clarity, which they were no doubt born with.

Sam Harris - Why I Criticize Religion. Video Interview

mauz15 says...

>> ^stephenfryftw:
do you ever listen to yourself talk? really listen to yourself? because you have truly perfected the echo-chamber art of apologetic religious self delusion. endless weak pathetic excuses, laughably transparent logical fallacies, a total inability to objectively view your own irrational superstitions, a general unfamiliarity with self-consistent intellectual honesty. you gots it all baby. your filthy religion is bursting at the seams with the most ghoulish incitements to gratuitous violence on offer and it's all you can do to jump to its defense whenever this is noticed. the other monotheisms are just as guilty of the same but fortunately their most wacky adherents have been mostly contained in a box by science, law and reason over the past 500 years. the same can't be said if your brand of insecure, ignorant juju though, now can it.

And yet, you provide a bunch of hot air with little to none sound argumentation. Only numerous 'premises' elongated by the implementation of jargon-filled sentences. (I love the tone of your entire post with the fact you dare to use the word 'objectively' )

The real question here is, do YOU listen to yourself talk?

Sam Harris - Why I Criticize Religion. Video Interview

13886 says...

do you ever listen to yourself talk? really listen to yourself? because you have truly perfected the echo-chamber art of apologetic religious self delusion. endless weak pathetic excuses, laughably transparent logical fallacies, a total inability to objectively view your own irrational superstitions, a general unfamiliarity with self-consistent intellectual honesty. you gots it all baby. your filthy religion is bursting at the seams with the most ghoulish incitements to gratuitous violence on offer and it's all you can do to jump to its defense whenever this is noticed. the other monotheisms are just as guilty of the same but fortunately their most wacky adherents have been mostly contained in a box by science, law and reason over the past 500 years. the same can't be said if your brand of insecure, ignorant juju though, now can it.

Wife Swap: Extremely Stuck Up Family Edition

"Arab = Muslim = Terror = War"?

anyprophet says...

Does anyone really know what it means to be a true Muslim? Or any religion? Does anyone faithfully follow the holy book they proclaim to believe in? Or does everyone use their holy book as justification for selfish motivations? How can someone fight for women's rights on one hand and proclaim their allegiance to Islam on the other? Are people like Queen Rania aware of this sort of self delusion? And at what level of ridiculousness does it become acceptable to ignore once held religious beliefs?

"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities." -Voltaire.

Interrupting the Negotiations to Save his Campaign

Januari says...

You really and truly have to be able to set aside all reason and have an enormous ability for self-delusion and denial... if you belive that this ridiculous stunt was anything but exacty what John Kerry said... an attempt to save whats left of his 'campaign'.

U.S gov bails out Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac

Asmo says...

Bwahahahaha, "free market".

"The current program, put in place in 1981"

Subsidies etc = a form of socialism, lending a helping hand to those in need. The guy in the video justifies the bail out of FM/FM by pointing out the horrible ramifications, both domestically and abroad... So, your taxpaying dollars are being spent to help not only fellow citizens but foreigners.. X )

The irony is just delightful. More seriously, your level of self delusion and denial is scary at times...

Creating The Perfect Spouse - Through Hypnosis

Kreegath says...

Hypnotism is poppycock. Apparently it only "works" when the subject wants it to work, which in other words means it's not the hypnotism that does anything but rather the subjects self delusion.

Ron Paul is insane

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