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Dog With Impressive Acting Skills

Rep. Bridenstine (R - Okla) Questions Obama's Leadership

dystopianfuturetoday says...

This is so sleazy, and it's the exact same schtick the Republicans used against Clinton.

1. Manufacture a bunch of half baked scandals.
2. Link them all to the President, whether he was involved or not.
3. Launch them all at the same time so they are hard to respond to.
4. Describe them with minimum detail and maximum hyperbole.
5..Cross your fingers that the public won't scrutinize your claims.
6. Use manufactured outrage to try and boost your corrupt, floundering, obstructionist party in the upcoming elections.

Most of these manufactured scandals have been debunked, or are a lot more nuanced than portrayed by this GOPer, but many will just watch this video and leave it at that.

Meanwhile, unemployment remains high, the infrastructure crumbles, gridlock keeps the congress from fixing the economy,, anonymous corporate cash floods our elections, economic disparity grows, there is still no accountability on Wall Street, the drone program continues to kill innocents and Bradley Manning sits on trial.

Jim Carrey's 'Cold Dead Hand' Pisses Off Fox News Gun Nuts

chingalera says...

Well, only one down-vote:

IMO Carey just pissed on what's left of any real career-The producers of Kick-Ass 2 seem to agree that he's not thinking clearly, not unlike some of the peeps on this banal thread.

If you begin with the Kool-Aid being served with semantics like "assault rifle" and end up on a video blog with about 5 videos published with any meat having to do with the recent whack-job mass-shooting, the bulk of whose active users are east/west coast U.S. and outside of the C.U.S....IS IT SURPRISING, that you have a skewed representation of attitudes towards free will relative to firearms in the United States?

I do see these bills introduced in states and nationally the writing on the wall to an eventual fascist future for the entire fucking world, and those who don't, deserve that future.

Carrey's schtick never did it for me after age 16, he's so off in the realm of some EST whack-job in interviews, (like some motivational speaker from a closed-circuit kid's show in Ottawa on at 6 a.m.) and now with this, why the turd even dishonors the memory of Stringbean Akeman by taking a jab at Hee Haw and the fine people of Nashville.

Fuck Jim Carrey, BIG BROTHER say's he's doubleplus unfunny

highdileeho said:

I think most people were upset because the skit was Not Funny. It stereotypes gunowners as dumb redneck bible thumpers, when the reality is that a majority of gun owners are non-white. So not only is it offensive, not funny, but also innacurate. Just imagine if he played to a different stereotype, wore black face and called all non-registered gun owners barbaric, ignorant black men. Then would you cross bearing douches deem it appropriate for people to feel offended?

Jim Carrey takes on Gun Control, as only he can

chingalera says...

It's hard to watch this slow train wreck as a passenger, innit?

If you aren't one of the folks decoding the semantics of the recent inane dialog of capacities, background checks, and "assault" cosmetics or the sputum gurgling from the craws of the likes of Feinsteins and Bloombergs, oh well.

Am I one of the only people who thinks Carrey's schtick looks increasingly awkward as he ages?

Paul Mooney ~ On White People & Hip Hop

shang says...

Mooney is hilarious, the thing with him you have to realize is he's not 100% genuine. He's the black troll, and made his entire career out of trolling.

he used to get on the Morton Downey Jr. show just to incite fights (pre white trash Springer show from the 80s) back when Morton got more ratings than Geraldo Rivera's show, until Rivera got hit with a chair live on air breaking his nose.

Morton Downey Jr would smoke on his talk show and flick his cigarette but at guests the would fight with him anyhow Mooney's "black troll" and the "so called" civil rights preacher Al Sharpton used to troll as well he hated jews and gays in the 80's on the Morton Downey show.

Here's Al Sharpton's old "character schtick" on the show:

Mooney went on the hone and perfect his "negro troll" character, and has made an entire career out of it, watch the Morton Downey Jr documentary you can actually see a much different mooney back then just starting out with this schtick.

Words To Sift By

chingalera says...

His hits came fast 'n furious when there was music that make fun of itself so hard....His schtick is dated but he's ingrained in musical satire with all of the greats-

Short List that pops to mind from as many eras I can muster without google:

Rosemary Clooney
Betty Hutton
The Residents
Spinal Tap
Shel Silverstein
Mrs.Alva Miller
Garfunkel and Oats
Tom Lehrer
Jimmy Fallon
Louden Wainwright Jr.
Biff Rose (I cheated)

List goes on but my brain won't...

Fallon kills me with this;

lucky760 said:

Weird Al's never disappoints (except with ~75% of the tracks on each of his last several albums).

One Liner Comedian Chris Turner (Hilarious Deadpan)

"What knockers" - once a compliment, now a restraining order

Dueling Hats

chingalera says...

Wonder how many brothers enjoy these twos' schtick?-Their comedy is awfully cracker-fied~Of the handful of skits here on the sift (only way I'da known they existed) can't remember chortling aloud once....

Jon Stewart Mocks Walmart For Vilifying Unions

chingalera says...

Ain't laughin', ain't entertaining-The douche looks tired-Maybe stow his schtick 'n retire a millionaire before he makes it worse for second sons with no sense of humor?

Yawn into obscurity with the rest making light of the developmentally disabled writing their own script for an un-marked grave-...That's you folks!

Maddow is TICKED OFF -- Jerome Corsi and Libya

Yogi says...

>> ^volumptuous:

Yogi, you're quite smart but you've really got to drop the "obama hasn't kept any of his promises" schtick. It's so wrong it's embarassing:
here's a list of 200 accomplishments during his first term, with citations. I'm going to follow you around the internet and paste this every time you spout the schtick, until you finally read it.

Obama didn't close Guantanamo, and he has been waging illegal wars with drones killing innocent people. Yeah that's your guy Obama, the promise keeper. Even Noam Chomsky says Obama is worse than Bush in many aspects, yet so called Liberals keep defending him. These people are elected by the rich, for the rich, they are not trying to help you, they are serving the power in this country.

Maddow is TICKED OFF -- Jerome Corsi and Libya

volumptuous says...

Yogi, you're quite smart but you've really got to drop the "obama hasn't kept any of his promises" schtick. It's so wrong it's embarassing:

here's a list of 200 accomplishments during his first term, with citations. I'm going to follow you around the internet and paste this every time you spout the schtick, until you finally read it.
>> ^Yogi:

>> ^Stormsinger:
>> ^RFlagg:
I think way too many liberals think the election is a lock for Obama. I think there is a vary dangerous chance that Mitt will win and with a Republican controlled congress will erase most of the minor progress Obama managed to do and send us far backwards, especially with the Supreme Court by moving it from mildly to the right to the far right for generations to come...

I don't think that it's that so many liberals think Obama has a lock on teh election, as that many many liberals are highly ambivalent about his actions. And it's hard to drum up a lot of enthusiasm for voting for the lesser of two evils.
Then too, there's the fact that in most states, one vote, or a hundred votes, or a thousand votes, won't have the slightest effect. Your vote only matters if the state is closely divided. Kansas, for instance, wouldn't go for Obama if my vote counted for 10,000 votes. Our electoral system is as badly fucked up as our legislative system is...quite possibly not by coincidence.

THIS! We don't care, if you're a progressive you have no illusions about Obama, you shouldn't have before the election, and if you did you definitely don't now. I know it's stupid but I want Romney to win, maybe that'll teach them they can't Fuck Around with promising shit and not delivering.

Sarah Palin Insults Obama's Penis after Libya Embassy Attack

Zero Punctuation: Half-Life

Fletch says...

>> ^direpickle:

Yahtzee needs a new sound engineer. Or a new mic. Or something. These are getting harder and harder to understand with the booming bass clipping with every word.
Or maybe I need new speakers.

Or Yahtzee needs a new schtick.

Steve Bridges as Obama

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