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Valve Has Made A New Portal Demo - Moondust Trailer

Ashenkase says...

Along the lines of BSR, don't know why the rocket is accelerating that close to the moon. It's basically going to pancake. More appropriate physics is to point the vehicle in the opposite direction and do an orbital insertion burn. But hey, its a game based on physics, why get the space part right?

Valve Has Made A New Portal Demo - Moondust Trailer

How a 1929 Silent Film Created the Countdown to Launch

BSR says...

Before the space shuttle would launch, the main engine would ignite first. After six seconds the two solid rocket boosters would ignite and the shuttle would launch.

The six second delay was necessary because the main engine ignition would rock the "stack" or the entire assembly of the shuttle, fuel tank and boosters forward. It took 6 seconds for the stack to return to the upright position.

This 6 second period of sway was referred to as "twang."

Figured I'd pass that little bit of info on to you in case you're ever asked about twang on a radio quiz show.

eric3579 said:

Today i learned the water used during a launch is used to dampen sound waves.

Dennis Rodman gets emotional after Trump-Kim summit

bobknight33 says...

Like it on not Rocket man is the only one who can start the change.

Kim study abroad, saw what the free world has to offer and wants it his homeland.

Yes he Grandfather/ father destroyed the land and murdered thousands and Kim was taught to follow. Now he is in charge and is thinking of WHAT IF?

If the world can get this man to open up would be a great thing.

Kim picked Rodman and not you. Just hope for the best.

newtboy said:

The right's intellectual and moral hero, best friend to monstrous murderous dictators.


Whoops! Wrong Again! Trumps first 500 days

bobknight33 says...

Rather have a POTUS sounds like he has marbles in his mouth than a well spoken POTUS that fails America.

Trump has done more in 520 days for Americans that 8 years of OBAMA.

You can't argue the point that midterms look like more Dems will loose.
And if Rocket man and Trump do produce fruit then 2020 would be a shoe in.

newtboy said:

Having Trump's cock in your mouth for so long is making it sound like you're intentionally saying the stupidest things possible.....kind of like Trump when it comes to Putin. Blind faith in consummate con men will do that to you every time.

Tour of the Moon in 4K

Tour of the Moon in 4K

Captain Disillusion Parodies Other YouTubers While Debunking

Falcon Heavy & Starman | Inspiring New SpaceX Video

ChaosEngine says...

Golly sir, I sure am glad you’re here to explain it to me, but just for shits and giggles, let me take a stab at it.

Elon Musk wants to make humanity a multi-planet species, otherwise we are at risk of some kind of planet wide extinction level event. Having looked at the problem, he thinks the fundamental issue is one of economics. If he can get the price per person for a trip to Mars down to $500k, he figures he’ll get enough mad, bad and rich AF people to give forming a colony a go.

But that first step from earth to orbit is motherfucking expensive and aside from crazy unproven tech like a space elevator, thanks to the Tyranny of the Rocket Equation there really isn’t a cheap way to do this in terms of energy expenditure.

Ok, thinks Elon, what’s the other major cost in this whole shooting things into space gig? Hmm, the big fucking rocket costs a lot... be nice if we could reuse that instead of building a new one each time.

So he works on building a reusable rocket, and after many hilarious videos of “rapid unscheduled disassembly”, fuck me if the damn thing doesn’t start to stick the landing!

So now we need to do the same, but with a bigger rocket and a heavier payload. Can’t really risk an actual payload (see previous video of RUD) so what to do?

Well, the sensible, cost effective thing would be just a big heavy weight. But that’s got fuck all viral marketing appeal, so if you’re gonna shoot something into space as part of a multi billion dollar rocket program, what’s a measly couple of hundred k compared to the millions in free advertising for both Tesla and SpaceX this will generate!

Well, look at that. Turns out I do understand this!

But if think sending an expensive sports car into space WASN’T a frivolous waste of money, I invite you to spend time with someone sleeping rough or a family who doesn’t know where their next meal is coming from.

As I said, that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t do it, but don’t pretend this was anything other than a billionaire doing something insanely cool and expensive because he thought it was cool.

Esoog said:

If you think this was frivolous and a waste of money then you really don't understand the intent and the possible benefit of this.

How To Do A Hoverslam - Kerbal Space Program Doesn't Teach

Payback says...

Haven't viewed the video yet, but just common sense tells me no propulsion system is 100% efficient, so the losses over time will be larger, and less efficient in overall fuel use.

It's like the most efficient way to drive a hybrid is to floor the accelerator to get to speed, then try to go as fast as possible, using as little accelerator pedal as possible.

Conversely, the rocket would just be wasting fuel trying to slow down before it had to full burn to stop in time.

I'm just impressed they keep the terminal velocity down enough they don't need to use drogue chute(s).

Man saws his AR15 in half in support of gun control

cloudballoon says...

All good points, but that's another problem.

I don't think the vast majority of gun owners have government overthrowing in mind when purchasing guns anyway.

Why can't I own bombs & shoulder mounted firing rockets? That's because governments are sensibly enough to think these weapons don't belong in the public.

Should that bar for publicly-available weapons set above or below these AR-15 type assault rifles? I think that's the legitimate discussion. It's not "all or nothing."

ChaosEngine said:

You know what's really good for stopping tyrannical governments? Free and open elections.

How about instead of perpetuating this fantasy where a bunch of guys with AR-15s are gonna take on a government with fucking PREDATOR DRONES, you try and fix your insanely broken electoral system?

Start with repealing Citizens United, then you can move on to fixing gerrymandering, dismantling the electoral college and finally, find a way to get rid of the lobbyist block.

Do all that, and you won't need to overthrow your government. Not that you could anyway.

Man saws his AR15 in half in support of gun control

cloudballoon says...

Respect. I live in Canada. So my perspective is probably warped or highly misinformed and ignorant of the USA's gun control, 2nd amendment argument. But my thought is, what's wrong with not being able to own anything that exists? Assault weapons shouldn't be made available to the public, it should be restricted to the military. Period. It's just incredible how these mass murdering weapons were even allowed to be owned in the first place. Even if the argument is that it's enshrined in the 2nd amendment, then the political discussion should be about changing/more narrowly define the amendment. How old is the 2nd amendment? How applicable is it to modern needs?

Even only allowing regulated shooting ranges to have these assault weapons just for on-site shooting is good thing. It allows gun lovers to hold them in hand, try them for target practice, have some fun but not allow anyone to take them out of the shooting range. Take the private ownership part out of the equation.

I love fighter jets, tanks, rockets & lots of high tech military stuff. Not crazy about guns, but I do appreciate their beauty. Still, I don't need to own them to appreciates them.

Society (not just the USA) really need to away from the assault weapon-ownership mentality... yes, that means asking gun owners to give up that particular rights. But there's virtue in doing it for the society...

Just can't believe the cowardice of those "nothing we can do about it" Republicans like Rubio. It's part of a big, sick symptom of government under the choke-hold of the NRA, Big Business, Big Banks, lobbyists instead of the constituents. Just feel sad for the People.

The Smallest Rocket - The SS-520-5

Falcon Heavy Test Flight (Live and Recorded)

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