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ALL News Nets Cut Away When Pelosi Talks Jobs Over Weiner

burdturgler says...

>> ^NetRunner:

Well, I for one and glad you've gone from not understanding the point of the video, to thinking the point the video makes is so obvious that it's stupid to make a fuss about it.
I blame lots of people for lots of things, but "being stupid" isn't one of them. It's the smart people who know better, but are doing shit like this I'm mad about.
They're working very hard to make sure the stupid stay stupid, and sometimes it's so obvious it just makes me sick.

Maybe you don't get the point of this video. Or any cable news video for that matter. Cable news is television. Not journalism. Television is driven by stupid people. If that needs clarification just check the amount of highly rated "reality TV" shows. Cable news is a ratings driven industry. It is solely, completely, 100% reliant upon ratings, period. Everything that is broadcast is based upon ratings, which directly impacts upon revenue. Is this shocking news for anyone?

So what's the problem? The vast majority of people watching are idiots. The news isn't making people stupid, they are giving a product to their audience (a.k.a. stupid people). Apparently people love reality shows. They love drama and bullshit and worthless crap and could hardly comprehend a complex job bill, assuming they could even read one. So the "news" has become a reflection of it's viewers, a bunch of fucking zombie-eyed, vote-texting, self-involved twittering imbeciles with an attention span of 10 seconds or less.

Can't blame the "smart" people in the "news" for doing exactly what they are supposed to do, keep the drooling masses from changing the channel. That's show business for ya.

Maybe all the "smart" viewers should write a letter of complaint and then just stop watching. Maybe then it would change. Until then, it's just supply and demand.

Ratings 1

Ratings 2

Transcendent Man (Blog Entry by dag)

Transcendent Man (Blog Entry by dag)

Epic Racist Moment on Game Show

Ryjkyj says...

Psshhh... look it up. The show is called "Without Prejudice". Just like ALL other reality TV, it is completely scripted, edited and released for consumer Americans to shovel into our fat, retarded faces.

"That guy is so RACIST!!! I'm not racist cause I'm better than that. Let's order some Domino's pizza. I love their tacos!!"

Valve's Snack Bar

MilkmanDan says...

>> ^spoco2:

What a horribly unhealthy thing to have at your work. I know I'd eat too much crap food if it was just THERE and free all the time while I was coding.

My TV has channels for horrible things like hours of reality TV, soap operas, etc. but I somehow manage to not tune in.

It sounded like Gabe requested the diet Coke, presumably others have requested the fruit, trail mix, etc. so I imagine that between exercising some self control and requesting healthy alternatives an employee there could be happy, healthy, and fully snack-provisioned if they so desired.

Unstoppable Zoom

probie says...

Thank MTV's The Grind for this constant tilt, zoom, truck and pan shite. It certainly was used before The Grind, but that show popularized it. Come to think of it, MTV is also responsible for the plethora of reality TV shows due to The Real World.
Fuck you, MTV.

Who's The Next Top Homeless Person?

Help - I don't know what this is about??? (Sift Talk Post)

Sagemind says...

I've just done some researching and I've further traced the Phone number to "Lale "Lolly" Arpaci "

Lale is a reality TV producer.

I have replied to him (via email form) using the only contact information I can find.
(Long distance calls to the US is outside my phone plan so email will have to do)

David Mitchell on John Prescott

Star Trek talks on foreign affair policy AKA prime directive

Teenage Girls Go At It On X Factor

JetBlue Flight Attendant Arrested

QI - Interesting info on the Bastille

MilkmanDan says...

QI seems so great -- a show that revels in the accumulation of knowledge, be it trivia or more weighty. I think I must be approaching the "get off my lawn!" age, because I grimace at the fact that for every show like QI there are about a thousand banal reality TV shows or other mindless dreck.

I expect to see "Ow! My Balls!" in the listings any time now.

Taiwan news CGI on Sarah Palin

syncron says...

Wow, wth is going on in that CGI?


Sarah Palin plans to run for President in 2012. In 2008, Republican presidential nominee Biden selects Palin to be his sidekick. At the time, very few people knew who she was. When the two lost the election, they parted ways, but Palin became the conservative party's hottie queen and rapidly gained popularity.

A <sarcasm> creditworthy news channel </sarcasm> invited her as a celebrity spokesperson to discuss various debated issues such as the BP Gulf oil spill.

Her family life had also come under public scrutiny. Rumors suggest that her daughter is following in her father's footsteps (?) and will be starring in a reality TV show.

Some people are concerned that she lacks experience but she is confident that she has a strong grasp of national policies.

As she grew in fame, Palin also worked to influence the local politics of New York City. She also invented new vocabulary and compared herself to Shakespeare.

This year, her political action committee, SarahPAC, has already fundraised $1.3 million USD. Such an aggressive act to raise funds has lead people to suspect whether she will be squaring off with Obama during the presidential election of 2012. If Palin is elected, it will represent the American people's willingness to defend conservative principles and "refudiate" Obama.

Shameless Reality TV Show is Shameless

EmptyFriend says...

>> ^kronosposeidon:

What an awful concept. Trashing perfectly good prizes and scaring the shit out of people, all in the name of entertainment.
It will be a big hit.

It says on the youtube page "answer trivia questions in a timely fashion to keep replicas of their precious prizes" but I get your point.

I just hope they don't keep that voiceover.... makes me want to stab my eardrums.

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