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Fed charges four officers in death of Breonna Taylor

luxintenebris says...'s the situation where a person doesn't burn down the house to get to the cockroaches...unless the house is condemned...and there are fire folks at the ready...and the vegetation isn't too dry...damn it...just want some sense when lives are in the balance.

where it'd be like shooting into a crowd to get a perp. akin to the recent event - where cops shot into a crowd to get a perp!

newtboy said:

I think that’s totally wrong….
For instance, stopping the murder of George Floyd was worth another crime of assaulting (or killing) a police officer. Avenging that murder was worth another crime against police….it still is. All 4 deserve to be killed with their offspring. No vendetta for them.

Police staging/preparing to shoot up another house also is worth another crime of deadly defense against the murderous gang members.
There are many crimes cops commit that are worth killing or disabling them…daily. They aren’t worthy of consideration and their lives are worthless so long as they cover for their criminal gang.

Conversely (and I think this is what you were saying), there is no crime a citizen committed in the past that excuses police committing murder…including murder. There’s no crime ever that excuses police shooting innocent bystanders, which they often do. As authorities, they have a much higher duty. As a murderous criminal gang, their lives have much lower value than real humans.

Jon’s Response To Ted Cruz’s PACT Act Lies

newtboy says...

“Mr President,
Passage would not have been delayed if Senator Schumer had kept his promises. Good news is despite his mendacity, it will pass next week.
-Senator John Cornyn”

Seems they already gave up the lie about funding it and are now ready to admit it was pure political payback using cancer stricken vets as pawns in their game to get Biden and the Dems back for having the audacity to pass less than minimal environmental legislation.

luxintenebris said:

John calls the liars out...and dares interviewer/news reporters to fact it/him...

...seems my spider sense makes sense.

newtboy (Member Profile)

lucky760 says...

You're still playing it?!

Awesome my friend. Thanks so much for the feedback!

It's become a bit of a burden because I still manually create every puzzle, so every night near midnight I start frantically trying to get the next puzzle ready.


newtboy said:

Still loving phrasle. Just some positive feedback.

Good parenting

bobknight33 says...

Love how you blame everyone else but these kids parents.

I've just gleaned the YT comments no raciest statements. I see 1 ifffy statement .

This is heartbreaking to think these babies are part of our futures. This is depressing to see how these babies are allowed to talk and act towards adults/authority.

The child is just imitating what he sees around him and acts out.

Just think one of us will be privileged enough to be robbed and murder by these future criminals. Thank you greatest ally!

Dangerous even when young.

Instead of preschool, they should be in pre-jail.

They'll grow up to be very productive citizens I'm sure.

If you think this is bad you should see how they talk to females.

Lord have mercy on our souls! These children are barely school age where are their parents or guardian?

Jaw dropping. While there is very little speaking this video says so much! You have to wonder what kind of nightmare their lives are.

Kid's got a bright future.

That child is an innocent soul, ready to soak-up like a sponge whatever is taught to him; if it's loving kindness or hateful abuse, he will show the world what he's learned. Parents must be proud to have put this innocent human on a path that will surely ruin him.

But as narrow minded as you are...Im sure you will single this out..

I'm baffeled as to why people insist these creatures can live on equal terms with humans.

100 comments and 1 or 2 bad and you little racist mind blankets all comments.

Sad you you see only bad. Most likely a result of bad parenting .

You should try online therapy . You really need help

newtboy said:

Yeah, @bobknight33. Not surprised you post this. I went to the YT page and read the comments from your “alpha news” cohorts….pretty ugly blatantly racist stuff, buddy. Bad enough I’m shocked YT hasn’t suspended the channel.
I can only guess what you were searching for when you found this.

Your people, saying we are a different species…calling people “human” in quotation marks and laughing.
You are a real, racist piece of work, pal. You are so racist, you don’t think calling people subhuman, non human, or saying directly “there’s an N problem” is noticeable or remarkable, that’s everyday normal conversation to you.

I’m 99.96% certain this is how you wish your children reacted to liberals.

Jesus fuck….you really love to make yourself despicable, don’t you.

Calling all sifters to downvote this racist post into oblivion ASAP.

Trump Wanted Armed Groups At His Jan 6 Rally

newtboy says...

Not the parts that matter, like him screaming to let his armed troopers into his rally to be ready to storm the capitol, because they aren’t there armed to hurt him.
Also not the part about him being apoplectic when they wouldn’t let him go to the capitol to lead the attack.
You will never wake up.

“Do you believe in the peaceful transfer of power?”
“I plead the fifth”- disgraced general Flynn (and every Fascist Trumpist)

bobknight33 said:

8 ‘Bombshells’ from Hutchinson Testimony Are All hearsay.
When will you wake up?

World's First Floating City

newtboy says...

Call me after the first direct hit by a major monsoon.
Enough slack for tides means enough slack to bump into each other. This sounds great, but I don’t believe they’re ready for prime time. Even oil platforms sink in big storms, imagine if they had tens of thousands of people on them.
The Dutch do this better imo by making floating homes that ride up and down on poles…stationary except for up and down.

This Man Votes

newtboy says...

Not everything, just known racists. (Like yourself). You just pretend you aren’t, possibly even convincing yourself (you are gullible enough to believe you) but your consistency tells a different story.
Edit: remember, you recently declared yourself totally not sexist, then 20 minutes later declared your support for MGTOW….a sexist group/movement I had to look up. Your racism is the same thing, you declared yourself a non racist, but your positions belie (contradict, prove false) that claim.

When you compare two similarly bat shit crazy people, chastising one, and the only known difference is their skin color, it sounds racist.
When you ALWAYS take the side of the white guy, even when their insanity and death wish is stronger, even when the white guy has committed terrorism (not this time, but many before like your comparisons of Jan 6 vs BLM) it’s a good indicator you are choosing based on skin color, or in the common parlance, by “race”.

So ignorant and consistently racist. When have you EVER taken the non white side when it wasn’t based on political affiliation? Not once I can recall, and my recall is fairly good as you know.

Dude wasn’t a Democrat, he was an absolute nut job. You’re listening to OAN again who tells you he’s leftist with no evidence of that beyond skin color. He hated both parties…he hated people…you might say he was an ecologist, but that’s absolutely not the same thing. He was a total racist and believed in segregation, that would make him a right winger.
Edit: He also posted many videos criticizing New York’s Democratic mayor, another indication he was more likely a right wing nut.

The other “nuke us” nut IS a Trumpist, not even an odd one. He’s your brand, not an outlier. Angry, violent, insane, and with the mindset “my way or the highway to hell”. That is what your party, and the right wing stand for….and nothing else, just hatred of the “others”.

Always ready to show off your partisan dishonesty and ignorance Bob. Anything to try to insult those you’re talking to. Such a little troll you are.

bobknight33 said:

Why is it that leftest see everything as racist?

So narrow minded.

When you see a white man walking a black dog you see it as racist.

Nothing racist in yesterdays NY subway shooting. Just a radical leftest drinking the fake news Kool Aid.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...


The right has abandoned these as important because they failed miserably compared to the left? LMFAHS!!!

Trump only put Trump first…ever. Anyone not cheering for him constantly was the enemy. If you’re so disengenuous to only count Trumptards as Americans (despite their being rabid anti American terrorists) he put them first…only if you don’t count Trumps, Putin, Xi, Lil Kim, Saudis…. That’s likely what you think….it’s your speed.

Biden’s growth average is crushing Trumps. Derp. Trump averaged 1% growth per year…last year under Biden growth was 5.7%! A growth increase of over 9% from Trump’s horrible very bad no good last year!!! Near double Trump’s best year.

Trump had a loss…a fucking loss for his last year. Negative growth for 1/4 of his presidency, with no one else to blame because it was his last year, not his first year when he rode Obama’s recovery wave. If the economy had tanked in June 2021, you could be right that Biden can’t keep it up, but it didn’t. Sorry, even numbers must be liberal now, because they certainly disagree with you. Derp.

This planet…where everyone but Trumptards live. You might visit sometime. On Planet Trump, maybe not….but it’s in a different universe where white supremacists aren’t racists but civil rights leaders are, where the pandemic and 2020 and Jan 6 never happened, and where Hunter Biden is a multi billionaire.
Here on Earth, Biden’s leadership has led to economic recovery, gdp growth, lower unemployment, higher wages, a strong unified European front opposing Putin, and soon an end to pandemic measures.

Putin invaded under weak president Trump too, you fucktard, with zero repercussions, he was also identified conclusively as having shot down commercial aircraft over Ukraine, with not a peep from Trump, and Trump totally gave up on Crimea too, even before taking office, removing all sanctions and green lighting Putin’s expansion for years….holy shit you can’t possibly be ignorant of that, so I know you’re just trolling because you have nothing. So sad, little man.

Trump bent over backwards far enough to lick Putis scrotum as he fucked Trump’s leaky sausage hole repeatedly. He never once stood up to him with any action….never. He did take many actions to embolden and reward Russian expansion. Trump withheld military aid from Ukraine as Putin was invading them…not only did nothing against Russia but actually hobbled the Ukranians fighting for democracy against Putin. Trump put Putin first….correction….second, right after Trump.

Trump is a coward who hides from leadership and service (actually despises the thought and ridicules those who do serve as suckers and fools regularly) and instead rage tweets like a child. Biden confronts Russia by destroying their economy in a week and plunging them into the dark ages. I know you can’t face it, but that doesn’t make it less true.

Trump is a leader like Jim Jones….totally delusional, insanely narcissistic, ridiculously untruthful, and ready to destroy any and everyone in an instant instead of admitting a mistake. You drank the whole pitcher of flavor aid and went looking for more.

bobknight33 said:

Obama was only a champion of gay rights. He moved that ball forward. Everything else was so so.

Trump was far better. He put all Americans first. Created growth not seen in years and it is still growing for now. Biden will fuck this up too, like everything else he has done.

Biden kicking ass / taking names? on what planet?

Putin invaded under weak presidents Obama and Biden. Not Trump. Face it Biden and Obama are weak and Trump was / is a leader.

Introducing the Omega 1 - A Revolutionary Engine

newtboy says...

I thought by comparing itself to existing technologies, it was being up front that it’s just moving from purely theoretical to prototype. Maybe that’s not as clear to others?

I’m fairly certain every single point there was made about the Wankel when it was prototyped…look at it now! Edit: in fact, wankel side seals are the likely solution…it has the same rotary “side bleed” issue and they do ok.
Same for reciprocating piston engines and more.

Sure, it’s not ready for prime time, and no, it is no where near it’s theoretical potentials. What engine has been at this point? They got it to run, I’m pretty impressed with that as it’s much farther than most theoretical motor designs ever get.

TheFreak said:


What kind of tolerances do you need to seal the chambers created by those rotors and then what happens to those tolerances from thermal expansion when the engine heats up?

Now ask yourself how you lubricate all of that and then notice the oil literally pouring out of the front seals of that engine.

All of those numbers are made up. Maybe someone did some creative theoretical napkin calculations but those numbers aren't based on anything that engine is doing.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

JiggaJonson says...

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh they would NEVER overthrow the government...unless trump told them to via the insurrection act. WELL

WELL WELL WELL that's very comforting, i guess you were right after all, nothing to worry about here. Just a buncha guys sittin around with thousands of rounds of ammo, assault rifles, spare parts, and body armor ready to overthrow the gov if ordered. Sittin around havin some breadsticks.

I saw ur comment about you care about everyone blah blah, just not in a public-policy-enforcable kind of way right? Well this concerns all of us. These people were ready to create a dictatorship.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy jokingly says...

Lock him up. Lock him up. Lock him up. Lock him up.

Hope you’re ready for a minimum of two years of hearings digging deep into anyone who ever spoke to Trump. Every employee. NDAs withdrawn or legally dissolved like the Whitehouse NDAs.

Lock him up. Lock him up. Lock him up. Lock him up.

Same crime, to an exponentially more serious degree.
He stole actual original Top secret classified documents, left them unguarded, unsecured, and illegally stolen….crimes he undeniably knew and knows was a serious crime, he made that a campaign feature, even if, as he now claims, “”someone” told him he was allowed to because of multiple rulings”. (He has no idea who or what rulings, because it’s more bullshit, or maybe he listened to Giuliani who’s completely insane.)

Lock him up. Lock him up. Lock him up. Lock him up.

See you tomorrow.

Pranking the girlfriend at Christmas

Let's talk about altering the Supreme Court....

newtboy says...

Unpack the court, it’s packed with unqualified fraudulent unscrupulous appointments now.

Democrats hold control now, and can make the court have as many seats as they like. Shitty, but those are the rules…rules they should change as soon as they take advantage of them. Not unconstitutional. No whining like you normally do….like you are now….crybaby.

Not holding a hearing when the constitution says they “shall”, not they “may choose not to until their party makes the nomination”, is unconstitutional and not following the “rules”, on top of being hypocritical, unethical, and immoral. He wasn’t denied the position by vote, like Bork, he was denied the constitutionally required hearing and vote he was constitutionally guaranteed.

Left of center, yes, but centrists. You clearly don’t know what that means. Holy shit.
Rabid leftists? far from it. You can’t say the same for the right leaners, they are extremist far right wing activist judges, out of touch with the majority of the country and the law. One is a blatant unapologetic rapist, another a dishonest religious zealot with no judicial experience.
I didn’t expect a respected serious jurist like RGB, but didn’t expect people less respectable and less serious than ODB.

I overstate! LMFAHS!! Hilarious coming from the bombastic liar completely divorced from reality that overstates everything that he doesn’t just completely make up.
If overstating everything, desperate to prove himself at every instance makes one a miserable poser and a child looking for approval, why are you so in love with and a zealous follower of a desperate miserable poser child begging for approval, namely Trump?

I must have hit a real nerve to get you this triggered, Snowflake. Whine like a spoiled little girl some more, bobby. Your Trumpist tears are delicious….and your broken English blather makes an entertaining, if fact free, read.

Edit: more good news for ya….the DC appellate court just ruled unanimously that Trump has no say in the release of White House documents surrounding Jan 6 (or any others). The unanimous ruling makes it unlikely the Supreme Court will even consider it. We’re going to see what he’s so terrified will come to light, his complicity in the attempted coup, and exactly what he expected to come from it. Hint, it’s not what he’s been telling you.
Oh, and it sounds like there may be more obstruction of justice investigations since Trump admitted he fired Comey to derail the investigation, and if he hadn’t he would have been convicted and removed from office. His words. Not smart to admit on the air.
Aaaaaand, the full, unedited by Barr, Mueller report may be released soon. The one the investigators wrote before the one they released, including all their findings that Barr apparently refused to accept, allegedly containing lots of never before released findings, charges,evidence, and information. A FOIA request prompted the DOJ to begin vetting it for classified info, should be ready mid February. Not good for a Trump comeback, or Republican mid terms. D’oh! Don’t cry….don’t cry.

bobknight33 said:

You bitch like a little girl.
Now you want to stack the court?

Republicans had control and Garlend was denied. Those are the rules, as shitty as they are.

Shitty but not un Constitutional.

Sotomayor and Kagan are centrist in your eyes but left of center in everyone else eyes.

Kavenaugh and Barrett are conservatives. You hoped for an RGB?

The left held the majority for quite a while and now doesn't.

We all know you over state everything trying to be some beacon of knowledge light.

You just a miserable poser, desperately to prove yourself at every instance.

Do you want a cookie for your efforts? You a child just looking for approval.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Sounds like there was no appeal, Trump’s insurrection records due to be released tomorrow. Courts are closed today, so there’s no chance of another frivolous delay. Get ready to have Trump’s treason shoved in your face for the next few years, if not forever. You know what’s in there is just horrific. That’s why he’s fighting tooth and nail to hide his unofficial personal/campaign actions surrounding his failed coup attempt.

Edit: nope, today he begged for a stay from the (closed) appellate court. It’s possible they’ll grant one, but unlikely since he has no new argument, and it’s settled law that he doesn’t have any right to claim executive privilege because he’s not the executive. At midnight in DC, the point is moot, don’t be surprised if the documents are handed over by 12:01 am.

Loss after loss after loss. Not a good time to be a Trumpzi. (Trumpist Nazi). I’m thinking he might be regretting reinstating the firing squad. On the plus side, he’s going to get the best ratings of his life if they televise it.

Kyle Rittenhouse Trial Week 1 Summary

newtboy says...

So, Bob. What about the victim’s right to defend themself from an armed aggressor who had followed them for blocks and was confronting him with weapon cocked and at the ready? He should have shot Rittenhouse in the head when he allegedly pointed, but didn’t shoot his gun, right? That would have solved everything, no charges to be brought, no lawsuit for pedonazi’s parents, no harm, no foul, right? Pure self defense, not even a need to report it, right?

Rittenhouse hunted him for blocks. Chasing him down with an assault rifle as the victim retreated. Then murdered him when he stopped running away. Just want it on the record, you think that’s fine, as is shooting anyone who tries to stop you from leaving the scene of a murder you just committed. Go on. Say it. It’s fine to hunt and kill people you don’t like.
Now…is it fine if the shooter is black and the victim is a baby faced white Republican boy? Pretty sure I know the real answer already.

Trumpist crowds are dangerous and criminal. If they need to get shot up by liberals who get scared by their aggressiveness….. self defense! Aim for the head, guys, and claim you tried a non deadly area to shoot. There’s nothing up there to hurt.

bobknight33 said:


Prosecution's Main Witness ( victim) Admits Kyle Rittenhouse Acted in Self-Defense

Having a illegally owned a gun and self defense are 2 different crimes

as else mentioned" Evidence wise though, it looks like self defense, after breaking many laws and putting himself in harms way, is still factually part of the night.

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