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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

2 questions for you. Let’s see if you’re adult enough to answer, or an infant that will just shout red herrings and whataboutisms, or a sniveling coward that will ignore questions that embarrass you.

1)Remember December 2016 when you said for an absolute certainty Clinton would be charged and convicted within a year? What happened? Why was she never prosecuted at all despite republicans holding all 3 branches of federal government and the DOJ they wielded like a cudgel against their political enemies and a shield for Trump?

2)Remember how last year you knew for a certainty that disgraced Tucker Carlson had hundreds or thousands of hours of video proof that Jan 6 was a BLM and ANTIFA false flag operation, and thousands of hours of proof the Sunday school tour of congress by MAGA was 100% peaceful, not an attack at all and completely non violent, and also tons of proof that the violent attack was a false flag operation by the FBI? What happened? He has all the footage and could barely put together a 3 minute montage of people not being violent out of thousands of hours of video, never offered proof of BLM or ANTIFAs involvement, and the ridiculous fantasy FBI/Epps connection never materialized, then he dropped all accusations and never released more video. Why is that? Why has he taken the proof and abandoned your movement?

Aren’t you outraged that your own media has hidden all this proof they have and are letting MAGA go to prison while Clinton gets off Scott free?


Because it couldn’t possibly be that they lied to you, could it.

Bonus- Erie Pennsylvania is refusing to let Trump hold a rally unless he pays upfront because his campaign stiffed the city for $35k for police and services he used at his last rally there, that taxpayers ended up paying! In 2020 he had stiffed cities for over $2million in unpaid bills for security he requested. Some of those other towns he stiffed are taking note. Won’t it be great if his campaign ends because he won’t pay his bills, even when MAGA hands him money to pay them!?
Also the Michigan fake elector scheme by MAGA is creating some fun accusations by those involved, from Trump being involved personally in the scheme to send fake electors with fake documents to elect him despite his knowingly losing the election to accusations the GOP copied signatures of the fake electors onto those fake sworn documents. The fake electors are facing 80 years in prison, and are scrambling to blame each other. 😂
Third bonus, Giuliani legally admitted the things he said about poll workers, accusing them of election frauds, were false by refusing to contest that they were false (because they were false). Even the liars that lied the big lies are admitting they were lying now…but I bet you still believe the lies themselves. Pretty fucking idiotic to admit you said the damaging lies about a pair of private citizens when you are on trial for libel and slander. He should try for an insanity defense, because he’s clearly been completely insane for at least 7 years.

Ukraine losing 500 troops daily in Bakhmut fight

surfingyt says...

even if true (its not) its been over one year into the war and that's your rallying cry?! after losing tens of thousands of orcs you got 1 city? a city that is now in complete ruins? hahahahahaha

bewb you loser-just like your garbage homeland. gonna get surrounded by NATO and sanctioned into nothingness. cant wait to see ruzzia get broken into pieces AGAIN. mess with the west and you lose! ruzzia too dumb to learn.

bobknight33 said:

Bakhmut is 85% captured by Russia and they won’t stop

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy jokingly says...

You mean because I denounce things like this that you ignore and deny even when the Republican groomers themselves admit them?

"“Stop the Steal” rally organizer Ali Alexander admitted to sending “inappropriate messages” as MANY young men are going on the record to accuse him of asking them for nudes while they were minors, receiving nudes from YOUNG underaged boys, and replying to them with heart eye emojis.

Once he told a 15 year old boy he would introduce him to Republican political figures on a trip if he agreed to secrecy about the trip, agreed to be “arm candy”, and to be “entertaining” for Alexander on the trip….after directly asking for and receiving nudes from the 15 year old so there’s no ambiguity about what he meant.

This behavior was known about in upper echelon Republican circles as early as 2015 but ignored until Yianopoulos made it public out of spite.

What is it about Trump that his closest friends keep turning out to be child mollesters? Ever hear the expression “birds of a feather flock together”? Because Trump’s flock sure likes underaged birds, mate.

Every accusation an admission. Every disgusting defamation a mea culpa. Absolutely nothing enough for you to admit you are in a pedophilic terroristic death cult.

bobknight33 said:

Fools like you are the reason for…the lack of morality in society.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Today’s MAGA groomer…. "“Stop the Steal” rally organizer Ali Alexander admitted to sending “inappropriate messages” as MANY young men are going on the record to accuse him of asking them for nudes while they were minors, receiving nudes from YOUNG underaged boys, and replying to them with heart eye emojis.

Once he told a 15 year old boy he would introduce him to Republican political figures on a trip if he agreed to secrecy about the trip, agreed to be “arm candy”, and to be “entertaining” for Alexander on the trip….after directly asking for and receiving nudes from the 15 year old so there’s no ambiguity about what he meant.

This behavior was known about in upper echelon Republican circles as early as 2015 but ignored until Yianopoulos made it public out of spite.

Every accusation an admission. Every disgusting defamation a mea culpa. Absolutely nothing enough for you to admit you are in a pedophilic terroristic death cult.

As a bonus, family values Marjorie Traitor Greene has now, after being caught on camera, admitted to ANOTHER affair (after denying it for months), at least the third she’s admitted, this one with a Newsmax news actor, spawning the latest divorce filing for her cuckolded husband late last year.

Justin Jones To Be Reinstated

newtboy says...

He’s BACK! Sworn back in hours ago.

The indefensible expulsion was incredibly short lived.

Republicans really shot themselves in the foot this time. Even Republicans mostly want democracy, not totalitarianism. This action will definitely drive the vote for years to come in Tennessee, and will be a rallying call to remind everyone else how important it is to vote against totalitarianism and for democracy.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Blew your cover in the first word, comrade. Any American knows the phrase is WIDELY reported, not wildly. 🤦‍♂️

“Stalled”!?! Nice way to say “refused, lied, hid, and fought tooth and nail to keep as his own property to sell and trade as he saw fit”. He didn’t stall, he STOLE. Once again your 3rd year english failed you, comrade.

No surprise, you don’t understand the importance of Trump PERSONALLY going through the boxes and selecting stolen top secret classified documents to keep and hide from the upcoming warranted search he knew was coming (remember, the warrant was presented well before the search giving Trump time to hide stolen classified state secrets) apparently it’s ON VIDEO! It destroys his claim he didn’t know he had them, and it was his subordinates fault they weren’t returned….his best, but a failed defense.

I absolutely see a problem with nearly every president/vp even senators having some classified documents at home…Pence too…, even the low level semi-classified documents Biden had and turned over voluntarily the moment they were discovered, not only searching and finding them, but allowing the FBI to search without a warrant in case there were others (there weren’t)….that’s an issue that should be addressed immediately to stop it from repeating, but that’s not obstruction or intentional theft (at least that’s not proven or even alleged by anyone who counts). There’s zero evidence to show Biden even knew he had them until asked to search, and absolutely no intent or effort to keep them illegally. Without knowledge and intent, there’s no crime.
Also, remember, you can’t indict a sitting president, Trump made certain of that forever…so any crimes you ascribe to Biden are moot, he’s immune from prosecution and could pardon himself (according to Trump). D’oh!

Guaranteed if you search all senators’ houses you’ll find >2\3 have classified documents at home. That needs to stop TODAY. I wish it was a priority for both parties and not JUST a weapon against their domestic enemies.

If you think what Biden and Pence did should be prosecuted and get them prison, you MUST agree Trump should get the firing squad because his crimes were definitely 100% intentional AND he actually tried to trade stolen classified high clearance state secrets including nuclear weapon secrets for information he wanted (and likely more we don’t have proof of).

Trump has now publicly admitted stealing the documents, holding the documents after their return was demanded, hiding them when searched for, lying about still having them under oath, claiming they were his personal property, admitted going through them after being subpoenaed, and has even admitted he did it because he thinks Nixon was PAID millions to return documents he had and Trump wants to be paid. That’s motive. He’s publicly making the case for the DOJ….and they had an airtight case already.

Trump intentionally stole the highest level of top secret documents never supposed to leave a secured facility, then he was officially asked for documents back, he refused, then they were subpoenaed and he both lied and hid them. But some myopic microscopicly minded people like you see Biden/Pence as a major criminal for an infraction but see nothing wrong with Trump intentionally repeatedly and blatantly flauting and ignoring the law.

That proves I care about the law and you don’t. It proves that you are willing to overlook any and every blatant Trump crime against America while exaggerating and overblowing any infraction by your political rivals.

This kind of attempted conflation proves you to be a foolish idiot. You don’t care about what’s a crime and what isn’t, you just want to scream red herrings in hopes that, somehow, someone else committing an infraction can protect Trump from the dozens and dozens of felony charges he’s facing and life in prison for the uncountable crimes against America and the rule of law he’s definitely guilty of.

I would love to see Trump lynched publicly. I’m not alone there.
He wanted to reinstate state lynching, he wanted his own VP publicly lynched for not stealing the presidency for Trump, turnabout is always fair play. Yes, I feel that way about people who attack America, democracy, truth and honesty, and civility. Dishonest malignant narcissistic terrorists should be lynched, but I’ll settle for life in solitary. That’s becoming more likely daily.

Arrested right now, so I know you need a few minutes to cry.

MTG wasn’t even there for him after she fled her own rally in terror from the peaceful anti Trump throngs she accused of violent assault by “making noise” (hilariously the whistles she was whining about were actually Trump SUPPORTERS handing out whistles to make noise FOR Trump) to flee to Maralago where only multi millionaires can enter so she’ll be safe from the people.

Also, wrong “your” again, after being corrected yesterday. You really need to go back to English class, it’s undeniable you failed it.

bobknight33 said:

Wildly reported-- Trump stalled in turning over documents, Wow You got him.

On the other hand Biden had classified documents at his house that go back to when he was Senator -- 100% illegal -- But some closed minded person like you don't seem to care about that.

Just proves your not about equal justice just one sided justice.

Its this kind of stuff that makes you a total foolish idiot. You don't care about truth or justice -- just lynch Trump up - no matter what.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Absolutely, zero question you’re in a cult, Trump supporters are all in a cult of personality like the David Koreshians, a death cult enamored with weapons and defying the law that unquestioningly follows their bat shit crazy conspiracy theory filled leader. Why do you think he had a rally in Waco on the anniversary of Koresh vs America?

You’ve never once been able to contradict any of the facts I put forth except with debunked propaganda and blatant self serving lies.
I give you references…something you never do except when you attempt to direct people to fake news websites that are actually virus hosting spoofs in Columbia.
You regurgitate Fox, OAN, and Newsmax daily, you’ve never had a thought by yourself. Often your posts are cut and pastes from their websites because you can’t even read well enough to paraphrase them.

You support communist regimes, not Democrats or liberals. I bet you don’t even know what communism is. Biden has been instrumental in saving capitalism and democracy from Trumpism, which destroyed the economy so badly that 4 more years of Trump would have us be communists under Xi or Putin.
Trumpists are terrorists, not Biden supporters. 100% fact. Every single domestic terrorism act in the last 6 years was from the right, including the terroristic threats to the NYDA.

bobknight33 said:

So Trump supporters are a cult. You do suck the dick of fake news too much.

What does that make Biden supporters? Stupid terrorist who think Communism is a better form of government than capitalism?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

No, bob. It’s not. Trump threatened America with death and destruction from his cult, a terroristic threat he’s followed through on before.
That is absolutely nothing like exaggerating a bit that the economy is slightly better than it actually is.
One is a terrorist threat, the other “puffery”.
Besides, you said you love Trump because he’s not a politician, right? Why does he only speak political BS speak then? Trump is every bad example of a politician rolled into one without any experience or qualifications of one.

That’s fake, and you know it’s fake or it would have existed and been brought out in 2018 (oh, they tried and it fell flat), and would have been his answer every year since (would have if it wasn’t so obviously coerced). By 2018 she had publicly admitted the encounter, and never denied it after that date. I bet you got that from Trump….yep, direct from Trump who even forges documents on camera sometimes. Only a clueless moron would believe something like that….from 2018! You’ve got to be kidding. So gullible. So idiotic. This is the stupidity your cult accepts as “evidence”. She was suing Trump over the near rape and confidentiality agreement in 2018…and you really think SHE wrote this DEFENSE OF TRUMP?!? Even if you convinced yourself of the idiotic, obviously false notion that she wrote it, do you really think he sat on it for 5 years?

Ahh yes, looked it up, old news. She was pressured by Trumps lawyer Cohen to sign this statement he wrote under threat he would “make her life miserable” with the full power of the president behind him, pretty certain he’s admitted as much years ago. At the time she said “This is the statement Cohen wrote,” she tweeted, referring to Michael Cohen, Trump’s former attorney, whom Trump previously acknowledged reimbursing for making the 2016 payment to Daniels. The signature doesn’t look like hers because she signed under threat so changed her signature to indicate duress. “It is old news from early 2018 before I came forward. I think it’s HYSTERICAL that tiny is trying to spin this as some kind of new information,” she wrote, with “tiny” being a derogatory reference to Trump.
Also note the letter denies a payoff, which we know for a fact happened. Proven fake letter.
Also, not under oath….remember, if it’s not under oath, absolutely nothing you say matters. Your rule….live with it.
Why even bring it up? Because you’re scared, that’s why…and can’t remember what happened yesterday much less 2018, so try to use discredited “evidence”…just like Trump lawyers. They lose every case.

If he wants to prove he wasn’t naked with her, show us the toadstool. If it doesn’t match her description (but older and smaller) we’ll see that. Tiny dick Don would definitely do that if it wouldn’t prove her right.

BUT ITS ALSO PURE RED HERRING- I suppose you don’t understand the case against Trump isn’t about the sex, it’s about HIDING the payoff. There’s no questions there, he’s admitted it and there’s a paper trail of the money, so he’s feeding you red herrings because he has no defense and will almost certainly be convicted of felonies he’s previously admitted to….hiding the payoffs by falsifying business records and not reporting the campaign contributions. What Cohen was already convicted of despite this “letter”.

Kinda hilarious that you extrapolate from Biden touching a woman’s shoulder in public to claiming he’s a repeat public rapist but despite 36 women claiming they were sexually assaulted, some raped, and multiple payoffs for sex, and Trump himself bragging about constantly sexually assaulting women, moving on his friend’s wives like a bitch, doing whatever he wants to women without asking, you believe the nonsense that he’s not a cheater. Melania doesn’t.

Every day you prove what an idiotic gullible cultist you are, making up or spreading lies for Trump. Your family has gone, haven’t they. I can’t imagine a rational person living with you.

Edit: Trump is planning a rally at Waco on the anniversary of Koresh….because he doesn’t want to be associated with terroristic anti government violent cults.

bobknight33 said:

Its the same as Biden claiming that the economy is doing great firing on all cylinders. Political BS speak.

Did you see the signed letter from Stormy Danielsl from 2018..

he letter read:

“Over the past few weeks I have been asked countless times to comment on reports of an alleged sexual relationship I had with Donald Trump many, many, many years ago,” Daniels said.

“The fact of the matter is that each party to this alleged affair denied its existence on 2006, 2011, 2016, 2017 and now again in 2018. I am not denying this affair because I was paid ‘hush money’ as has been reported in overseas owned tabloids. I am denying this affair because it never happened,” she said.

“I will have no further comment on this matter,” she said.

Yet another failed attempt form bought elected officials to stop an none bought elected official.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Q: Do you think the threat of arrest is a brilliant deep state trick to trigger Trump into ridiculous, anti constitutional, anti American tantrums making him more and more and more unelectable? Because that’s the result so far! So much #walkaway…but real, not the wholly made up fantasy you posted about.

Love those rallies…the ones in NY got almost 10 people supporting Trump. Of course, they were all accusing each other of being feds instead of defending him, but you are who you are.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

After losing the election but well before Jan 6 Trump hired (using campaign funds, not his own money) the Berkeley Research Group to look into his claims of fraud, which reported their findings also before well January 6, they reported to Trump that they found no significant voter fraud in battleground states.
Trump knew well before his “wild” rally (seditious riot and treasonous coup) that there was no election fraud by Democrats and the election was not stolen, this report and it’s findings were actively hidden from the Jan 6 committee.
Trump still held his coup on Jan 6 anyway because it was never about truth, it was about seizing power and keeping it forever as a family dictatorship.

In short, Trump absolutely knew from multiple sources including his own investigation that his big lie was a lie (honestly he knew that before the election when he came up with the plan to simply declare victory and deny anything else, but it had been proven through multiple investigations, including this secret, hidden, requested and paid for by Trump investigation that also found NOTHING.)

Just in case you don’t understand, this is proof positive of mentes reae, criminal intent by Donald Trump. Treason is a death penalty crime. Supporting an insurrection, and giving aid and comfort to those who have, is treason. You know what to do.

Pelosi gets under Trump's skin in the most brutal way

newtboy says...

Clinton did.
Her big brass balls swinging hard. Stood up to the whining accusatory bitches repeatedly. So much more of a “man” than the TDE coward. Of course, she had the unfair advantage of not being guilty.
They couldn’t pin a thing on her in 10 partisan kangaroo hearings, she showed up every time, because she’s no sniveling cowardly criminal like castrated baby eunuch Trump.

Only Americans and Allies to America care. Only proponents of democracy care. To your ilk, that’s no one because you are anti American and anti Democracy and you claim non cultists aren’t real people.
Trump denied the certified election results, his plan from the start because he knew he wouldn’t beat Biden. Republicans are doing the same this cycle before voting started for the same reason, you can’t win fair elections.
Trump himself personally invited armed terrorist groups to his rally on Jan 6 that was “going to be wild”, it sure was. His administration coordinated with the terrorist militias in the planning stage, and the militias say they acted on direct White House orders, and they have the texts to prove it.
Trump invited the armed militants into his crowd that he riled up and sent to the capitol to “stop the (fake) steal” by force, not legal methods.
Trump incited a riot/coup.

Your ridiculous denial is only more proof it’s true, you are so consistently dishonest and oppositional to reality that it’s always a safe bet to just assume reality is 100% diametrically opposed to whatever nonsense you spout daily. I could spend a week just opposing every word you say without a stitch of research without a hint of worry I might be wrong even once, just take Bob’s position, reverse it, and you’ll have reality every time. 🤦‍♂️

bobknight33 said:

Who would show up to an improper 1 sided kangaroo hearing?

No one cares about this BS. Trump did nothing wrong . didn't incite any riot.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Um….have you heard, Trump’s new lawyer that he had to (illegally) pre pay $3 million from his “Save America PAC” just to take his case, Chris Kise, has turned out to be a registered foreign agent for the government of Venezuela?
He has already demanded he have access to all documents taken from Maralago including the highest level classified top secret nuclear documents.
I guess you see no issue with actual hostile foreign governments having access to our top secret documents, a must if he’s going to defend Trump.
More anti American actions daily.
Also Trump fully embraced Qanon at his last weekend rally.

P.S.- according to a new book, Trump floated “trading” Puerto Rico for Greenland because he thought he owned the island, and saw it as a commodity, not a territory full of American citizens.

Why Geography Makes The US Insanely OP

newtboy says...

More Right wingers go to congress as millionaires, spending their money to get the job than leftists. Trump is a prime example of spending millions intending to abuse his presidential power for personal familial gains in the billions….then repaying himself with campaign donor’s money. Also, it’s the right that refuses to consider campaign finance reform and consistently fights for more big money in politics. The left tries to close corruption loopholes, like requiring complete divestment instead of fake “blind trusts” like Trump who had his son do his insider trading while joined at the hip and called that a blind trust. 🤦‍♂️

Trump is fascist, his politics fit the definition nearly perfectly….had the military abandoned their duties and followed him into despotism as he expected it would be perfect. (He was ever so pissed his generals didn’t follow him blindly like Hitler’s generals, because he’s so ignorant he doesn’t know Hitler’s generals tried repeatedly to assassinate Hitler)

Is this finally an admission it was Trumpists committing treason by trying to overthrow the government with a violent coup on Jan 6, not ANTIFA or BLM? How long will that last I wonder. You just admit(ed) that this is true.

Again, because you never remember, 1 million Americans needlessly died from a vacuum of leadership encouraging them to ignore all public health as a divisive political move, and the right would have doubled that number of dead given their druthers.
I would also remind you a huge portion of the arsons in 2020 at BLM rallies were right wing false flag operations trying to blame BLM for Trumpist’s crimes, exactly like you did with Jan 6.

I would point out that one week of the Trucker blockades at the Canada border cost $360 million per day in lost production/undelivered goods alone, totaling over $2.5 billion in losses for the first week of that right wing nonsense that lasted weeks-months then traveled the nation disrupting business for almost a year. Jan 6 cost well over $500 million. All BLM damage (including the false flag damage) is ESTIMATED to eventually reach UP TO $2 billion in insurance CLAIMS, not actual losses and damage, not payouts.
Right wing riots are more costly by far, and the causes are ‘being viciously murdered by police’ on the left, and ‘having to wear a face mask’ on the right (often when there’s no mask mandate in place).

bobknight33 said:

Like I said all governments are corrupt, even ours. Democrats and Republicans are corrupt. Why would anyone spend millions just to get a 200K $ /yr job?

Trump is not Fascist, just has a large following.
Jan 6 was 1 day of that went sideways.

During Trump years the left burned looted killed many more. The Left are the dangerous side, inciting violence, anti free speech.

You just admit that this is true.

Ken Casey of Dropkick Murphys on an epic rant against MAGA

newtboy says...

Imbecilic ignorant MAGOTS, exactly what you are….actually an insult to maggots. Put your big girl panties on, snowflake. Shouldn’t dish out what you can’t take.

Yes, eliminating the system where, no matter how dangerous or likely to kidnap again or what kind of flight risk, a person can be released if they have cash and stays in jail if they don’t no matter how minor the chance of recidivism or flight, and changing to a system where risk assessments are done and those likely to reoffend are kept while those deemed not dangerous get out without paying exorbitant fees is INTELLIGENT and FAIR. No surprise you’re against it. Also no surprise you completely dishonestly intentionally misrepresent the law.

Clearly Republicans don’t give a shit about reality, you abandoned it in favor of this type of ignorant racist nonsense. Again, you claimed 98% of all crime is black on black crime….because you’re a racist liar who spouts racist lies constantly.

Republicans, frauds who cheat, break the laws, attack democracy itself, steal nuclear secrets and keep them in the magazine rack in the public bathroom, run shit hole states, have higher crime rates, spread anti American values, are horrific sex offenders and child sex traffickers, and are totally fine with 1 million dead Americans, actually said grandma and grandpa would gladly die if it meant they got back to work a few weeks earlier…the party of Death, Debauchery, unDemocratic Despotism, Demonizing, Douchebags, and Dummies.

Edit: to address your inappropriate and dishonest rewrite of my comment-

Joe is pulling real Republicans to the Democrats because they don’t agree with MAGA unDemocratic insanity and are tired of being called RINOS by zealous unDemocratic people who’ve been “Republicans” for 6 years now.…uniting, while MAGA was designed to be divisive from the start, based on an unspoken an insult that Obama had destroyed America and it needed to be made great again….utter nonsense.

Again, look at facts, many deaths at BLM rallies were Trumpsters who committed crimes they tried to pin on BLM. They were prosecuted, there was no evidence BLM committed crimes/murders so no prosecutions. D’oh! Definitely deaths from Jan 6, and a $500000000 price tag from just that one event of many, 100% of which was caused by Trumpsters.

-3.5% gdp…NEGATIVE! Worst unemployment numbers in living history. His judges had often never tried a case, his Supreme Court justice had never heard one. His court packed with unqualified activist “judges” removed reproductive rights from 1/2 the population, which will cost you this election. Every single fraud scheme found, EVERY SINGLE ONE was for Trump’s benefit. With hundreds of millions wasted, not a single real fraud scheme found from Democrats, just Jewish/Italian space lasers changing votes with the help of long dead zombie socialist dictators. 😂 derp. You are so insanely delusional, facts just don’t matter one bit to you.

Trump told people it’s just a cold, don’t take precautions, to not take vaccines, don’t wear masks, don’t social distance, go to work even if you’re sick, inject bleach, take horse dewormer, let grandma die. His fast tracking vaccines actually had nothing to do with the first vaccines available…and his distribution plan was non existent. 9/10 deaths are on his hands…easily preventable by decent leadership.

Caught red handed mishandling highest level top secret stolen documents. About as treasonous as it gets. His lawyers experience, house council for a parking lot. No longer has the DOJ as his personal legal team and shield. He’s fucked. Not every judge is going to destroy their careers for him like his one cherry picked judge has (not the first time he tried hard to have her hear his cases, btw…see his frivolous just dismissed case against Clinton and the scathing teeming the judge gave his team.).

Sure, he likely had hundreds of legally obtained declassified documents, the issue is he also had hundreds of illegally obtained still top level not declassified documents he kept unsecured and lied about having them, likely actively hid them from investigators with warrants. Every part of that is a major felony thanks to Trump strengthening espionage laws trying (and failing) to impugn Clinton.

bobknight33 said:

MAGOTS now. That's not nice. This is your improvements-

Utter failures on all fronts,

Democrats are clearly anti America- Shit hole cites, Crime, Anti family values, Ok with murdering ---

Clearly Democrats dont give a shit about black on black crime. Illegals are just the replacement team of the dead blacks.

Death Destruction, Debauchery is the Democrat party platform

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

He beat Trump without even holding rallies. He’s a winner, and any insult you lob only shows how little it takes to outclass Trump. 😂
He’s never stolen top secret documents to sell.
He’s never even tried to overthrow the government.
He never seriously suggested people inject bleach.
He’s never proclaimed he thought George Washington took British airports.
He never stared directly into the sun on national tv like Jimmy Whichard.
He can say the word “yesterday”.

Going broke? My portfolio is exploding, good after it stagnated under Trump. What nonsense are you inventing now?

Hate to tell you, but I didn’t want Biden in the first place (I know I’ve told you repeatedly before, but also know retention isn’t your strong suit, but I don’t know what is)…I preferred Buttigieg, but a supremely smart, well spoken, highly accomplished Rhodes scholar and military intelligence agent who’s not ancient but is gay wasn’t a sure bet.

P.S. congratulations on using the correct “your” for once.

bobknight33 said:

Your stupid ass leader.

Good luck going broke. Even his party doesnt want him to run in 2024.

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