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newtboy says...

No other Howard Stern guest ever talked about lusting after their teenage daughters, or violating young teenagers by forcing their way into their dressing rooms and leering at them undressing, or publicly catcalled 10 year olds on camera, or bragged about grabbing any random woman or girl by the pussy, or trying to buy sex from their friends wives while they were both married by buying them new furniture like the bitch Trump knows he is. What's your point? That incestuous pedophilia is OK if confessed to a shock jockey? Um....
Btw, it wasn't just on Howard Stern either, it was nearly everywhere he was interviewed....he couldn't even stop lusting after his daughters on the View.

Trump allowed Epstein access to maralago and his home for over a decade after Epstein pleaded guilty to pedophilia. He only banned him when Trump's employee's threatened to sue Trump for setting them up to be raped.

The last time they were together, except all those times they partied at Epstien's island, or other homes, or in public, or friends private orgies, or....well, I could go on all day. They never broke ties. Trump just had to ban him from Trump's properties for liability reasons.

Clinton and Epstein never met in person from all reports....unlike Trump who was his best friend for decades, including well after it became public knowledge Epstein was a serial pedophile rapist.

Daughter raping low T is floundering, Bobski. So is your disinformation campaign. Sad you can't come up with better.....but expected.


bobknight33 said:

I am shocked that Trump was shocking on Howard Stern. Really HS show is so conservative in nature. Shocking.

Trump kicked out Epstein way back of his mar a lago resort for trying to finger bang a teen worker.

That's the last time there were together, other accidentally meeting at a non Trump gathering

But Slick Willie and host of other folks fly with Epstein but yet to post such. Just another Anti Trumper.

Finger Banger JOE 2020

MEGA Landslide 2020

Notre Dame Faculty Pens Open Letter To Delay Hearings

newtboy says...

Why? The constitution doesn't forbid it, and doesn't list the number of seats. Guaranteed if Trump/Republicans had considered it, it would already have been tried.

It could, Republicans threaten civil war every time it looks like they won't get their way on anything these days. Using their own politics of "because we can" would certainly enrage them....good thing they're mostly pussies, afraid of a deer, and obese. I think they'll shit themselves if confronted with an armed militia boy did. The difference being in war, the dems shoot back. Side note, who is more patriotic, the one's using the exact same politics they've endured from Republicans, or the one's who threaten to destroy the union and nation (too dumb to realize China and Russia would make us a proxy war then come in to collect the pieces).

All for gladiator games....or giant robot wars....or death races. Especially if the representatives have to fight personally.

Mordhaus said:

It would be incredibly likely that any attempt to add new seats to the Supreme Court would be found unconstitutional.

However, it wouldn't be the first time we have had more or fewer judges. This isn't something new as opposing political entities have done their best to stack the court, one way or the other, from the very beginning.

If it happens, it happens. Although I suspect it might lead to another civil war if it is obnoxious enough. Maybe we can end up in Districts this time, with some sort of gladiatorial display to keep the masses calm?

Scary encounter with Mountain Lion cubs and mom

newtboy jokingly says...

He just needs to carry a good rock and be way more dominant. Too bad there weren't any rocks around.

Spear would have looked at that and thought "that's lunch", this guy seemed to immediately think " I'm lunch". What a giant pussy.

Mordhaus said:

Bet he never runs without a handgun again.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

And today it was revealed that by February 7, on tape, privately Trump was telling people, including Bob Woodward, that Coronavirus was terrifyingly deadly, incredibly more dangerous than the worst flu and airborne, while telling you publicly don't worry, it's barely a cold and not a bit deadly, gone in a few weeks.
He's also on tape discussing how it's NOT just old people dying, "it's young people, plenty of young people", that was mid March, but you still insist it's only elderly and safe for young people because that's the lie he told YOU.
Weeks later he told Woodward he always wanted to play it down, which led to his lack of response and 90% of American deaths and severe permanent disabilities.
Has he not lied to you enough yet for you to question his veracity?

Also, finally Moscow Mitch revealed his Covid recovery moratorium on evictions (so get ready for the homeless population to explode), no money for citizens, counties, or states (so be prepared for a drastic cut in local services, including police because REPUBLICANS are defunding them) but plenty for the coal industry.
WTF?! Somehow socialistic subsidizing of coal is going to help the economy recover and minimize the harm done to citizens? Not likely.

Also, more videos released today of right wing gangs, proud boys, violently chasing and beating a small group of peaceful BLM protesters, beating them with weapons to the ground, jumping on them and punching them in the head over and over and over and over and over and over and over, then pepper spraying entire canisters in the face of the near unconscious victims...on top of videos of the asshole prayer pussy who was shot in Portland with HIS armed gang shooting pepper balls from his truck at crowds and rushing at and bear macing the guy who shot him back in self defense. Sure is one hell of a lot of right wing violence at these left wing peaceful protests....the lions share.

Also, today Barr turned the DOJ into Trump's personal law firm by attempting to substitute the federal government for Trump in personal lawsuits against him, which means you get to pay off his mistresses and rape victims while he walks away muttering "sucker" at you under his breath. The government does not exist to take care of one man at the expense of everyone else, talk about wealth transfer, that's handing Trump hundreds of millions of tax dollars and a stack of get out of court judgements free cards. No complaints when tables turn.

And yes, I know you don't believe it, tapes or no tapes, video or no video, court filings or no court filings, but you have to admit it's getting harder to believe the lies with more undeniable proof coming out by the hour, and you have only one source left to believe, Trump himself, the rest are just repeating his lies so aren't sources.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Russia is making campaign adds and slogans for Trump. This time you just don't care since he got away with it last time.

Remember, the recent republican created report says clearly Trump's campaign colluded, coordinated, and worked in tandem with Russia, who committed hundreds of crimes in America to help Trump get elected because he's their man, a total pussy and pushover who can't stand up to Putin even when he puts bounties on our military, knowingly and with intent invited foreign powers to interfere in our elections, even publicly on camera, then outright lied in the impeachment hearings.

No they aren't, because it's not slipping. You admitted as much under two weeks ago, said he was articulate and "with it", then forgot what bobski #4 said and went back to " he's lost it, is unstable, can't speak without major gaffes...." while ignoring Trump's disjointed, rambling, inarticulate, unstable speeches illegally using public property for campaign functions.

They are PRETENDING it is, so for suckers who believe constant liars, they are making it slip in your mind, the only place it's true.

Slowing down videos to make people look out of it is a well known Republican ploy, so is editing videos to make speakers appear confused or rambling. Trump looks deranged and unstable live, constantly, no cuts and editing needed. You can find more flubs, lies, misunderstandings, and rambling in any Trump speech than any Russian compilation of all 40 years of Biden's public service, and he stutters, Trump doesn't.

I won't underestimate the stupidity of the American voter again, but without functional absentee voting (the same as mail in) and with Trumpanzees following his instructions to vote twice and just hope you don't go to prison for him, he's already invalidated the election. He might win, but only by multiple forms of cheating and massive suppression. It's possible, he's degraded the country enough to make it possible.

Btw, how did you like Trump's crisis actor at his event in Kenosha. When the owner of a burned camera shop refused to be photographed with Trump or used as part of his divisive political ploy, Trump just got another person to pretend to be him and went ahead with his photo op. You knew he would the instant the words "crisis actor" left his lips, he always does the thing he rails against.
The man holding the Rhodes camera book is not the owner of the shop. He sold it nearly a decade ago and has no connection, knowing this, Trump repeats "your store" and "we're going to help you" to the guy he hired to be a crisis actor. I bet you suddenly love crisis actors and see nothing at all wrong there, despite ranting against them in the past as disgustingly dishonest tricks only liberals play.

Please, another red tsunami. I'm begging you, give us another red tsunami. Landslides are miniscule by comparison, go big.

bobknight33 said:

Russia may be be promoting Biden's failures but it is BIDEN failures.

Trump nor Putin is making Biden mind slip.

Keep thinking of a Biden win and then cry another 4 years. Landslide 2020

Women And Children First

Clumsy says...

"I don't even wait. And when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. ... Grab ‘em by the pussy. You can do anything."

Republican trolls can sit down and shut up.

Squish That Cat

The Walk.

Lawyer's Reaction to Carnage at Lafayette Square

Mystic95Z says...

tRump is the biggest loser pussy to ever hold the Presidency, he has to go now by any legal means necessary. I would have been so befitting if he had just burst into flames there holding that bible being he is so amoral and so not religious.

Police fire (paintball?) at residents on their front porch

ant (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

Congratulations! Your video, Pussy Lake!, has reached the #1 spot in the current Top 15 New Videos listing. This is a very difficult thing to accomplish but you managed to pull it off. For your contribution you have been awarded 2 Power Points.

This achievement has earned you your "Golden One" Level 115 Badge!

ant (Member Profile)

Joe Biden response towards Tara Reade allegations

newtboy says...

Creepy Trump the repeated and admitted child sex abuser (yes, forcing your way into young girls dressing rooms to leer at them naked is sex abuse, and he's admitted it with pride), molester (admitted with pride), rapist (admitted when he said "when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab 'em by the pussy. You can do anything."), and his own teenaged daughter's lover (not quite directly admitted but hinted at strongly and obvious) should definitely avoid this road. He's got enough on his plate with 65000 dead Americans, 90% of which could have been avoided if he had acted just two weeks sooner, a self inflicted depression, unprecedented massive unemployment, debt and deficit growing at light speed, and the biggest corporate socialist handouts ever, not to mention the billions (now trillions?) funneled into his big donors pockets. Getting into a "who grabbed more pussies" contest with Biden is a Trump level dumb idea.

bobknight33 said:

Creepy Joe the molester won't make it to 2020. Trump will demolish him.

Joe Biden response towards Tara Reade allegations

newtboy says...

Lol. So, 65000 and counting dead Americans, economy in tatters, debt and deficit exploded, recession/depression, unemployment skyrocketing, states going bankrupt, no wall, taxes not on a postcard, and 25 credible accusations of sexual assault VS one incredible and inconsistent accusation of assault and you think the single accusation is the coffin nail.

Trump talked about grabbing women by the pussy, so did the 25 women who've accused Trump of sexual assault from forcible groping to outright rape, some talked about it in court, not to mention the naked underage girls or the unknown number of abused girls and women he paid to keep silent.

25 consistent and believable stories accusing Trump of abuse in great detail and his multiple private and public admissions caught on tape, one fairly unbelievable and consistently evolving story now accusing Biden of public forced penetration somewhere in the public halls of congress sometime 27 years ago. Duh.

bobknight33 said:

Well this will sink his 2020 chances.
Hillary at the dugout warming up.

Trump talked about grabbing by the P.

Joe actually did.

When Grandma Watches the Kids

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