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A new definition of irony

dystopianfuturetoday (Member Profile)

enoch says...

In reply to this comment by dystopianfuturetoday:
'Electronica' is an antiquated 1990's marketing term for electronic music, much like 'Alternative' was a marketing term for rock, which has since been replaced by 'indie'. When I think of 'electronica', I think of more commercial electronic music. It just wouldn't feel right to invoke electronica on Aphex Twin or Squarepusher. 'Electronic music' is a timeless term that gives electronic musicians more respect and ties them to the larger history of electronic music, which dates back to the 1950's.

Electronic Music would also be more inclusive, because it would include early electronic music, like Stockhausen, Steve Reich, music concrete, the Theremin and other such awesomeness. Electro-Acoustic music (electronic music that uses live instruments) would also be covered by this term.

I'm not a purist or an overly protective electronic music fanboy, I'm just particular about music terminology. Don't even get me started on 'Classical Music'. (Classical music is a sub genre of concert music that ceased to exist hundred of years ago - think Mozart and Haydn.) Concert music, not classical. Electronic music, not electronica.

2 cents from a musician.

remind me to never argue music history with you..........ever.

asking permission to create my ELECTRONICA channel (User Poll by enoch)

dystopianfuturetoday says...

'Electronica' is an antiquated 1990's marketing term for electronic music, much like 'Alternative' was a marketing term for rock, which has since been replaced by 'indie'. When I think of 'electronica', I think of more commercial electronic music. It just wouldn't feel right to invoke electronica on Aphex Twin or Squarepusher. 'Electronic music' is a timeless term that gives electronic musicians more respect and ties them to the larger history of electronic music, which dates back to the 1950's.

Electronic Music would also be more inclusive, because it would include early electronic music, like Stockhausen, Steve Reich, music concrete, the Theremin and other such awesomeness. Electro-Acoustic music (electronic music that uses live instruments) would also be covered by this term.

I'm not a purist or an overly protective electronic music fanboy, I'm just particular about music terminology. Don't even get me started on 'Classical Music'. (Classical music is a sub genre of concert music that ceased to exist hundred of years ago - think Mozart and Haydn.) Concert music, not classical. Electronic music, not electronica.

2 cents from a musician.

dystopianfuturetoday (Member Profile)

enoch says...

In reply to this comment by dystopianfuturetoday:
For elitist musician reasons, I'd prefer 'Electronic Music' as the title.

im are correct but we have a music channel.
so the way i see it channel assignment will have both..hence electronica music.with electronica being the sub genre,like rock and roll music.
i prefer electronica over just electronic due to the fact the former is more inclusive and less rigid while the latter is very exact in its definition and would leave out many styles which may employ organic instruments.
electronica is the hybrid of the least thats what i was told..or told any case i am just a music lover who has always been enthralled by those who can create music.
i have many musician friends who have an irrational hatred of electronic music.i understand their point of view but i cannot dismiss any form of creation..even if i personally don't care for it,i will still admire that creative force.
i am still waiting to hear some of YOUR music my friend..
i am sure it will be amazing.
thanks for voting bud.

Lann (Member Profile)

Stormsinger says...

Thanks Lann, that's just the kind of answer I was looking for. I didn't even think about schools. But Fine Arts makes a lot of sense.

In reply to this comment by Lann:
No actually this is at my school. They have a Fine Arts program in Metals that ranges from coppersmithing, silversmithing to blacksmithing. Blacksmithing has used machinery like this since the industrial revolution and some of the old anvils, tools and machines are still used today. Blacksmithing today is mainly for architecture (gates ect.) and sculpture (some sculpture programs use blacksmithing equiptment)...I hope this provided some information.

In reply to this comment by Stormsinger:
I actually didn't know that anyone was still manually blacksmithing (maybe semi-manual, or manual-assisted?)...except for those few fanatics/purists/hobbyists you find at renn fests. Is this a full-time job (I'd assume so, given that piece of machinery), or more of a hobby, @Lann?

Either way, it's a fascinating glimpse at an activity I am/was completely clueless about.

Stormsinger (Member Profile)

Lann says...

No actually this is at my school. They have a Fine Arts program in Metals that ranges from coppersmithing, silversmithing to blacksmithing. Blacksmithing has used machinery like this since the industrial revolution and some of the old anvils, tools and machines are still used today. Blacksmithing today is mainly for architecture (gates ect.) and sculpture (some sculpture programs use blacksmithing equiptment)...I hope this provided some information.

In reply to this comment by Stormsinger:
I actually didn't know that anyone was still manually blacksmithing (maybe semi-manual, or manual-assisted?)...except for those few fanatics/purists/hobbyists you find at renn fests. Is this a full-time job (I'd assume so, given that piece of machinery), or more of a hobby, @Lann?

Either way, it's a fascinating glimpse at an activity I am/was completely clueless about.

1Girl1Powerhammer - Lann Working On Steel Tapers

Stormsinger says...

I actually didn't know that anyone was still manually blacksmithing (maybe semi-manual, or manual-assisted?)...except for those few fanatics/purists/hobbyists you find at renn fests. Is this a full-time job (I'd assume so, given that piece of machinery), or more of a hobby, @Lann?

Either way, it's a fascinating glimpse at an activity I am/was completely clueless about.

25 Random things about me... (Blog Entry by youdiejoe)

enoch says...

oh fuck it.
i'll throw in also:
1.grew up with an irrational fear of men and authority due to my father being extremely strict.yet he remains one of the most amazing people i have ever life has been less since his passing. high school i was always the guy who protected the weaker from bullies and got in a lot of trouble doing but i dont regret any of that.
3.did so much blotter acid in high school that i am now strichnine(sp?) sensitive and now it just turns me into one big cramp.
4.did a tour in the navy and had the bright idea to get a free lift to spain upon discharge.couldnt find any work yet still stayed and spent all my money,had to panhandle in the airport to get the money to get back to the states.
5.while i am fantastic at starting projects i rarely finish them.dropped out of college three times and left seminary school after less then a month.though i did get my propulsion engineering degree it was from the navy,dont think that counts and i hate math.
6.while i am not the prettiest man i have always been able to date far above my league.dated 2 porn stars and quite a few you men here may have seen in your favorite nudey mag. my 20's i traveled around DJ'in for titty bars,and yes,i dated many of them also.
8.started writing poetry,bad poetry, when i was 7.i still think my poetry is bad.
9.was raised episcopalian but left the church at 14 when father ryan could not answer my questions in any sunbstansive way. my late 20's i married a beautiful abusive woman who would burn the bottoms of my feet so i would not fall asleep while she was screaming at me in a drunken blackout.i withstood this abuse for 3 years,which was constant,until i decided enough was enough and walked out leaving her everything.until this moment i had never realized just how passive aggressive and fearful i actually was.i actually give her credit for freeing me. my early 30's some friends introduced me to exstasy.while the drug was not something i indulged in for long i fell in love with the whole scene and traveled the raves for about 3 years and every now again i will participate but the things i saw and learned live with me still.
12,took a road trip with some friends from chicago(where i was living at the time)to san diego.after a drug induced crazy weekend they left me in a pool of my own vomit and went back to chicago.needless to say we are no longer friends,but san diego was nice,so i stayed awhile.
13.did a midnight move out when i lived in lauderdale,left everything.on the drive to tampa the rotor arm in my car snapped in alligator alley.i left it and signed the title over to a clerk at a chevron in naples because she said her car was dead.3 dollar part would have fixed my car.
14.hitch-hiked from providence to phillie with my best friend from childhood.think we were 16.the trip took us almost a week and we dropped between us 33 hits of acid.that was fun calling your dad to tell him you are in phillie and not to worry while tripping balls.
15.stole a car in my teens to save my friends girlfriend from her crazy ex boyfriend.we didnt even have our licenses yet. is everything to me.i am not a purist nor an elitist.if it speaks to me and my mood at the time i will love it.
17.i can be argumentative just for the sake of being contrary.i may even agree with your point but will interject a contrary view just to better understand the subject.
18.have no patience for egotistical lazy thinkers and respond accordingly.
19.over the years i have come to realize that the more i think i am understanding something the larger my ignorance seems to grow.this is frustrating as it is exciting.
20.while i do not subscribe to a fact i am vehemently anti-religious.i am a man of faith.closest definition would be gnostic-christian but i also subscribe to kabballah.
21.i consume far too much media and many times do not give a proper alottment of time to process all that information due to my adult a.d.d.
22.i have found teaching to be my hidden passion and hope for an opportunity soon to practice that passion once again.
23.i live by a code of :honesty,open-ness and respect.i am rarely offended because i never let anyone dictate how i should feel about myself.
24.i am most likely the most opinionated person you know but i always listen to what you have to say.
25.i dont regret anything that i have done,seen or experienced because i would not be who i am today.

i find the people on the sift fascinating.

DragonForce - Through the Fire and Flames

enoch says...

what ...the....FUCK did i just watch?
this video had me mouthing off like don rickles on a crystal meth bender but i'll curb my urge to eviscerate this....*cough*
talent aside...and lets be up front..these guys have some talent but the whole "arpeggio/melodic/overload with lyrical operatic overtones" was already done by jason becker and marty friedman in the 80's.if you like these guys you will most likely enjoy CACOPHONY.
i'll upvote on the bizzar factor but not on content.this song is...yeesh.../cringes.
meh../shrugs..maybe its just me but it seems they should be played at 33 RPM's and not 44 RPM's.
and i am by no means a purists,my music tastes are extremely eclectic but i'll listen to death metal before being subjected to this.
sorry guitarwolf but i cant join ya in appreciating this band.
seems you really like them.

The U.S. Tax Code Simplified (Penn & Teller Bullshit!)

gwiz665 says...

Well, 10 % of a much lower income doesn't sound all that bad either. I still think a flat tax is much more ethically defensible. I was just contrasting that example, where a flat tax was BY FAR better.

"As far as a flat tax, that is just insane. Example -- a family of four has wage income of $25,000. 10% flat tax is $2,500.

Or you have a family of four with wage income of $250,000 and interest and dividend income of $25,000. Their 10% comes to $27,500. That $2,500 is a much much bigger number to the first family of four than the $27,500 is to the second. How much in savings and stocks do you think $25,000 in interest and dividends represent???"

Even if the $2500 represents much more to the "poor" family, the "rich" family still pays 10x what the poor family pays. In a progressive tax system, like we have in Denmark, the lowest rate is about 40 % (depending on county) and the highest is about 60 %. You are in fact punished for earning more. This sucks.

I can amend my "purist" flat tax, to include a deduction of a certain minimum amount of income "to live", which should make the very poorest able to live on their own salary and the rich as well could deduct the first $10,000 (or whichever amount would be the right one) of income. All other deductions should be abolished.

This would be a mini-progressive tax that actually makes sense.

In reply to this comment by bareboards2:

^The scenarios would be a lot better if both just payed 10 % ($8,000), wouldn't it? I don't see the big problem with flat tax. It's about as fair as it can be.

No, it isn't fair. My answer is a simple as your statement.

Look again at the example with much lower income.

It is interesting to me that you ignored that and focused on the higher income example I gave. The only reason that income was so high in the second scenario was I had to go that high up for the second couple to pay any tax at all. And then you chose that couple as a "fair" example for flat tax.

griefer_queafer sums it up nicely. The first line is dead on -- it is an ethical problem.

Patton Oswalt wants to kill George Lucas with a Shovel

The Power Of Religious Beliefs

enoch says...

mr harris makes some really great points.however,his lack of historical knowledge and understanding of islam and the cultures where it is prominent takes away from the veracity of his excellent points.
since humankind began civilizations religion has been used as the whipping tool to control the masses.either by fear or a false sense of certitude.
if you listen to mr harris's points on suicide bombers you will be no closer to understanding why these people will blow themselves up than mr harris his credit even mr harris admits this but then speculates it's due to this silly notion of "72 virgins".

i am a vehemntly passionate advocate against all forms of seeing videos like this that have so much potential to really get a strong,secular message out there(even though i am not secular,not in the purist sense anyways)only to fall short due to a large misunderstanding of not only the religion,but the culture about which he speaks,saddens me,because now i have to point out the discrepancy.

i would also like to add that islam should not be the only religion singled out.christians are just as manipulated and abused by those in power,using the peoples faith to perform atrocities in the name of god.
religion has always been the vehicle of the powerful to oppress,control and manipulate the masses.this is evident throughout history.
this brings me to the main question,and why i feel so saddened by mr harris's obvious error,because it appeared to me to be his main question.
and not only why?but how? and most importantly:
by whom?
its not god,nor some average joe just trying to survive.
remember the old adage?
who benefits?
lets talk about that...i think that is where we may find a far truer representation of the ills of the world.religion is just the mask.whom is behind?

Church Sign Says: "Islam is of the Devil."

enoch says...

i was gonna be a smart ass but i think i will just say to A10:
if you had any real knowledge of the history,culture and contributions to human society that islam has provided you would never have written such a myopic comment.
it was racist in the purist sense of the word and totally lacked imagination.
i do not believe for one second you have read the quran,nor studied any islamic cultures.
your comment reflects a knee-jerk reaction that one gets from listening to the propaganda.
while i do agree that there are extremists,and these mullahs have taken the quran to its literal,and dangerous interpretation.i can say the same about some christians,jews,hindus,buddhists,but it does not accurately represent them as a whole.
this is where i found you lacking.
enoch powell eh?
well..thats a new one..
but go back a wee bit more:

enoch (Member Profile)

mauz15 (Member Profile)

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