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jan (Member Profile)

Acts of vandalism that made the world a funnier place

eric3579 says...

Lovely Any pics. I had many friends doing the same around San Jose (downtown) back thenish. Maybe a bit earlier.

artician said:

I used to use black masking tape to decorate ped-xing signs around San Jose and and LA with walking sticks, top-hats and other accessories. That was 10+ years ago, but always disappointed that I don't see some in these compilation vids.

dingens (Member Profile)

EvilDeathBee (Member Profile)

eric3579 (Member Profile)

Hillary’s Paid Trolls Take Down Bernie Facebook Pages

Payback says...

"Let's put up a pic showing a connection between Hillary and the troll, but then say WE wouldn't make that connection so it'll be ok."

Doing shit the opposition would do, then saying you wouldn't, doesn't make you better, it makes you worse.

Creep (Member Profile)

Bill Maher: New Rule – There's No Shame in Punting

Mordhaus jokingly says...

Pics or GTFO

LukinStone said:

"Videogamer who finally lands a date with a real woman..."

I just thought that term was weird - "videogamer." Sounds like a half-assed attempt to take a shot at...I'm not sure who. The youth? I play video games, I'm 36. Don't wanna brag, but I've seen some a poon or two, in my day...

Sketch (Member Profile)

The surfer not considered hot enough for sponsorship

ChaosEngine says...

@newtboy yeah, but that ad was specifically for a surf competition that Roxy was sponsoring. It took a lot of flack at the time for being demeaning to women surfers and inspired this awesome parody.

@Babymech of course teachers and civil rights activists (and most importantly software developers ) should be paid. And before that, we should make sure that children have enough to eat, and stop wars and fix climate change and so on and so on.

I don't know how many times I've said this, but just because problem A is worse than problem B doesn't mean that problem B isn't a problem.

No-one tells teachers, activists, etc. that they're not hot enough to be paid (certainly not in software anyway )

My issue is not that she's not sponsored, it's that she's not sponsored because she's not good looking enough.

I get why that is from a commercial sense. There's a definite expectation on female surfers to be attractive (probably because they tend to wear bikinis a lot). I mean, look at this. If you removed the one surf pic, it could be a generic modelling agency roster.

But that only goes on as long as we accept it. There's nothing wrong with attractive women modelling bikinis. I appreciate the female form as much as the next straight guy/lesbian. But it sucks when a young girl with great talent, looks at that list and thinks that looks are more important than ability in surfing.

How To Lose Weight In 4 Easy Steps!

Strange engine swap gives 1970 Roadrunner a Detroit Diesel

oritteropo says...

Now I'm not 100% sure here, but I get the impression that 0-60 times weren't a major consideration in this engine swap. He sourced everything out of a junkyard he runs and built the car for next to nothing.

I did like the idea, from the comments, of chroming the part of the engine above the hood to make it look like a big blower

(bonus pic - )

newtboy said:

Nice job, but what's the 0-60 now? Can it spin the tires? I get that it's now a torque monster that can go anywhere, but 100hp won't get you there very fast.

undoomed-vegan suggests killing meat eaters

Babymech says...

Why not submit the original videos? Do we need the third-rate David Attenboroughs and their voice-overs? I think I can point and laugh at her on her own for being childishly hyperbolic, but with the condescending voice-over, meme-pics, and the schoolyard Nazi comparisons, it's not as funny...

enoch said:

gentlemen! lets see some votes here please.the world needs to be exposed to this womans planned eugenics.

or simply....with no votes this video will never see the front page,and then the food fascists will have won.

this MUST be exposed!
so we can all point and laugh.
and isnt that something we can all enjoy?
ridiculing the insane?

canadian man faces jail for disagreeing with a feminist

newtboy says...

OK, I honestly don't know if this is the 'upload a pic of your choice to punch' type of thing either, but I do think that exists, which means this isn't worse than that, if it's not that.
I do agree, she's not rich, and so not as protected. I don't agree that, necessarily, those playing the game have any intent to harm.
I also disagree that NO one has malice towards Bieber, I'm certain there are hundreds of people out there that would love to punch him in real life...and have said so online. I agree, she's seen it worse though.
I can't say which game would have more genuine ill intent, but really, I think more people would actually hit Bieber than kill Bin Laden...maybe I'm wrong and there are more people out there willing to kill rather than punch, but I kind of hope not.
I can guarantee if Bieber gets punched, without SERIOUS injury, tens of thousands of people will cheer! Me with them. he's getting better, but for a while there he really needed a good smack to the face.
It's possible there may be MORE people wishing actual harm against Sarkeesian, but not really likely, since as you admit, her celebrity is a black hole compared to Bieber's star, so exponentially more people know Bieber.
Yes, a game that ONLY allows you to punch blacks would be, by definition, racist. One that allows you to punch Cosby likely exists...and he's also received numerous, serious death threats, and doesn't have major security (but maybe more than her, I don't know). I would say it's also OK to pretend to punch Cosby...or anyone you feel like PRETENDING to long as it stops there.
Part of living in a free society is a bit of risk. Some face more than others, it's not fair, it's just reality. As my parents told me one ever said life is fair.

EDIT: Also, no one is forcing Sarkeesian to view the game. It only constitutes harassment if they somehow subject her to it, right? If people surrounded her on the street with Ipads and 'punched' her face in front of her, yeah, but it simply existing....well, I think that doesn't rise to the level of action by far. If I find out someone is playing that game with a picture of a newt....fine...just don't go punching any real newts or we'll have problems. Otherwise, go to it and get it out of your system. ;-)

ChaosEngine said:

We're not talking about a random "beat up this picture" game, or at least, that's not the impression I got (if it IS user-generated, then I retract my statements re Spurr). We're talking about a game specifically about beating up Sarkeesian.

First, it's the old comedy motto... "punch up, not down". Sarkeesian has received multiple, unbelievably vile threats against her. More to the point, those threats are credible. She's not a famous celebrity with an army of bodyguards to protect her. There's a very real chance that someone could just assault her on the street, far more so than Bieber.

Second, the people that want to punch Bieber are doing so because he's annoying. There's really very little malice behind it in almost all cases.

You can't reasonably argue that's the same for Sarkeesian. There is a genuine and widely documented movement of people on the web who have expressed serious hatred of her.

Let me put it this way, if I compared a "Punch Bieber" and a "Shoot Bin Laden" in the head game, which would you say has more genuine ill intent behind it?

When someone did shoot Bin Laden, everyone cheered. If someone seriously assaulted Bieber, even people who are annoyed by him would say that's going too far.

OTOH, if someone seriously assaulted Sarkeesian, there is a sizeable group of people who be delighted by that.

We don't make judgements in a vacuum. We must take what we know of the context surrounding something to decide whether we like it or not.

A game about punching Bill Cosby in the face? We can reasonably assume it's motivated by sexual assault allegations.
Now take the same game, and instead of Bill Cosby, you can choose any black celebrity. Again, you can make a reasonable assumption, except this time we could say it's racially motivated.

Possibly I'm misinterpreting his intentions, but if so, he's not really attempting to correct the public perception of them.

Adam Ruins Everything: How Listerine Created Bad Breath

ForgedReality says...

Yep. You know all those gross pics of that disgusting slob Miley Cyrus sticking her tongue out like a slobbering idiot? Every time I accidentally notice one on the internet, I just KNOW she has to have really terrible breath from how discolored her tongue is. Euch!

iaui said:

I just brush my tongue. I remember telling a friend once that your tongue should be pink. They had no idea and just thought having a grey tongue was totally normal...

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