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Psychobabble Ignites Rabble ~ Un-Fan Ejected from Pep Rally

noam chomsky-how climate change became a liberal hoax

SpaceOddity says...

>> ^chingalera:

I have realized my own complicity in what appears to others to be a denial of human impact on the climate-
A more pressing dilemma than the human impact on the climate though would have to be the systematic programming of humans being born to grow up fucking stupid. "Stupid" because they are not taught how to arrive at conclusions through traditional methods of information gathering and dissemination....I. E. research, critical thinking, etc.
RATHER, from primary school through university, people are taught to be herded and indoctrinated with bullshit-thinking skills. When education is shit, people become idiots.
This is where the world is and will continue to remain until elections become something more than a fucking propaganda pep-rally of imbeciles who vote because it's a robotic function that means you care rather than an effectual process of healthy social evolution.
What we need to do is legalize homicide in applicable situations, beginning with a new holiday: Murder a Politician Day.

With NDAA and pending cyber-security legislation, I wouldn't upvote that comment with a 10-ft pole...

Shit. I guess I kinda just did.

noam chomsky-how climate change became a liberal hoax

criticalthud says...

>> ^chingalera:

I have realized my own complicity in what appears to others to be a denial of human impact on the climate-
A more pressing dilemma than the human impact on the climate though would have to be the systematic programming of humans being born to grow up fucking stupid. "Stupid" because they are not taught how to arrive at conclusions through traditional methods of information gathering and dissemination....I. E. research, critical thinking, etc.
RATHER, from primary school through university, people are taught to be herded and indoctrinated with bullshit-thinking skills. When education is shit, people become idiots.
This is where the world is and will continue to remain until elections become something more than a fucking propaganda pep-rally of imbeciles who vote because it's a robotic function that means you care rather than an effectual process of healthy social evolution.
What we need to do is legalize homicide in applicable situations, beginning with a new holiday: Murder a Politician Day.

Bam! well said!
yeah we teach our kids over and over that they are unique little snowflakes. the specialness. a whole species that thinks the world revolves around them.
yeah climate change at it's heart is a mass psychology issue.

noam chomsky-how climate change became a liberal hoax

chingalera says...

I have realized my own complicity in what appears to others to be a denial of human impact on the climate-

A more pressing dilemma than the human impact on the climate though would have to be the systematic programming of humans being born to grow up fucking stupid. "Stupid" because they are not taught how to arrive at conclusions through traditional methods of information gathering and dissemination....I. E. research, critical thinking, etc.
RATHER, from primary school through university, people are taught to be herded and indoctrinated with bullshit-thinking skills. When education is shit, people become idiots.

This is where the world is and will continue to remain until elections become something more than a fucking propaganda pep-rally of imbeciles who vote because it's a robotic function that means you care rather than an effectual process of healthy social evolution.

What we need to do is legalize homicide in applicable situations, beginning with a new holiday: Murder a Politician Day.

What we have here ... (Sift Talk Post)

Boomer breaks a backboard...Party Time!

God Wants What?

Disturbing Pep Rally Kissing Prank!

Auger8 says...

I dunno I swear I saw tongue action from one mom lol

>> ^geo321:

It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I was expecting full on making out with their mothers from comments I read on another blog.>> ^Auger8:
Aww c'mon what's with the downvotes lol at least upvote it for the Fail quality

Disturbing Pep Rally Kissing Prank!

geo321 says...

It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I was expecting full on making out with their mothers from comments I read on another blog.>> ^Auger8:

Aww c'mon what's with the downvotes lol at least upvote it for the Fail quality

Disturbing Pep Rally Kissing Prank!

Disturbing Pep Rally Kissing Prank!

TDS - Penn State Riots

marbles says...


Joe Paterno was fired by the Penn State Board of Trustees on Wednesday night as head football coach of Penn State. It was the first good decision that has been made in the last two decades by the leaders of Penn State. The man was told that his Defensive coordinator was seen in the locker room shower raping a 10 year old boy in 2002. He did not call the police and report this crime. He and the other top officials at Penn State brushed this crime under the rug, allowing at least seven more young boys to be raped by this monster. The 28 year old graduate assistant not only did nothing to stop the crime he witnessed, but he accepted a position as an assistant coach, knowing that Paterno and the Athletic Director never did anything to hold Sandusky accountable for his crime. Sandusky was still on campus working out as of last week. The actions of all the players in this disgusting example of how far our society has degenerated are enough to make someone lose all hope for humanity:

• Jerry Sandusky creates a charitable organization so he can gain access to little boys. Multiple incidents are witnessed on campus from 1994 through 2002. A mother reports Sandusky to the Penn State police in 1998 and nothing is done by the men in the Administration. The investigation is dropped, but Tim Curley forces Sandusky to retire in 1999. It is clear that everyone in the top echelon of Penn State knew Sandusky was a deviant pedophile. But letting it become public would have been a black mark on the football program and could have reduced the huge profits generated by Paterno’s kingdom.
• After his forced retirement he is still given access to the campus and locker room facilities. He is caught having anal sex with a 10 year old boy in the locker room shower by a 28 year old man, who chooses not to intervene and save the boy. Joe Paterno does the absolute minimum when informed of this horrific crime. After this crime is covered up by all the key men running the show at Penn State, it just becomes business as usual for Joe and his cronies.
• Sandusky continues to rape little boys for the next eight years because of the cowardice and complete lack of morality exhibited by the men in high places at Penn State.
• With the issuance of the grand jury report last week, the psychotic nature of these men was on display for the world to witness. In a stunning display of arrogance and hubris, Paterno and the President of Penn State announced their full support for the Athletic Director and VP of Finance who were arrested. These men did not think they did anything wrong. They clung to the fact that they adhered to the laws created by other men. In a despicable display, Joe Paterno led a cheer at a pep rally in front of his house with his arms raised in victory. At least eight boys had their lives ruined and Joe Paterno leads a cheer.
• The Board of Trustees summoned the courage to fire Paterno and the President last night. In another display that makes me wonder about the future of our country, thousands of students rioted in support of Joe Paterno, breaking windows, turning over news vans, and starting fires. Are these young people incapable of critical thinking and are just driven by emotion and mindless rage? Can’t they distinguish between facts and lies? Do they care more about football than innocent children being raped?

"We are Walmart"

spoco2 says...

Fuck me...

Why can't these companies get it that 99.999% of people find this a disincentive to work rather than any sort of 'pep rally'... urgh, how horrible.

"We are Walmart"

calvados says...

>> ^Morganth:

I hear that they're required to start the work day with these little pep rallies.

Yeah, a buddy of mine worked for them and said there was a mandatory chant/cheer thing similar to this at the start of every shift.

"We are Walmart"

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