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How It's Made - PENCIL

How It's Made - PENCIL

YouTube search for "Accounting Humor" Yielded This




Murdered Bodies by Syrian Secret Police *WARNING! GRAPHIC!*

blankfist says...

>> ^KnivesOut:



Just kidding. That's normally the response on here, isn't it? I'm still sipping my 1:00pm morning coffee so I don't have the stomach to watch it. I haven't eaten yet either. I like Froot Loops though I haven't had a bowl in probably a decade. My feet itch. Sometimes so bad I scratch 'til they bleed at the top where the foot meets the ankle. I'm curious if it's not mites. I've never owned a nice pencil sharpener. Always those cheap ones you have to twist yourself that tend to nick the lead in weird ways that makes grooves in it. You know? Seems to weaken the lead so it always breaks when applying normal pressure while writing. I drink my coffee out of cups that always allow it to cool too much before I'm done. I've put it in the cups that keep it warm longer, the ones with the lids, but somehow I always feel the coffee doesn't taste as good in those. I know it's not true, but it's comparable to eating a $50 entree on a McDonald's burger wrapper. That would seem like it would make my whole eating experience less enjoyable. Anyhow, this has been the inane musings of blankfist.

God does exist. Testimony from an ex-atheist:

shinyblurry says...


"I get the argument of "people don't want to come to god, because their sins will be revealed." But this is a fallacious argument - an ad hominem attack. Just saying that I don't believe in something because I clearly have a bunch of faults that I'm trying to hide does not make it so."

Well, I am not going to press you here since I don't know what you've done in your life, but in my experience this is true. Most of the people I find running away from God are prideful and sinful, and they don't want to stop. They don't want their "freedom" to sin restricted in any way because they are only living for that gratification and they don't think there is anything else.

Remember, I believe in the literal truth of these only seems like an attack to you because you see all things are being equal here, and don't think God is real. I see it as a completely accurate description of the state of things, then and now.

"And by what do I measure my morality? I measure it through the impact on others, how much it affects the general well being of humanity. Obviously, it's my own morality which is constantly improving and questioning itself. However, saying that it's filthy rags in comparison to god does not make it so."

If God exists, and is Holy, then our righteousness would be a broken thing compared to His..since we're all sinners. In any case, I would would you measure the general well being of humanity? How do you know what is best for one human, let alone all of them?

"And yes, everyone has done "evil," if you want to call it that. Including god, if we accept that premise. I've read the bible, and I underlined every situation that was immorality due to god with a red pencil. There were too many underlines to count. But how does one consider something immoral? That's a big and excellent question. The wholesale slaughter of humanity, aka genocide - that qualifies as evil for me. And that's just the tip of the iceberg in regards to the evil that is attributed to the Christian god."

How do you judge an omnipotent being? What is your basis of comparison? How do you judge a holy God who has never done evil? Lets take the flood for example. You say wiping out humanity was evil. Yet this is what the bible says:

Genesis 6:5-8

The Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. 6 And the Lord was sorry that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him to his heart. 7 So the Lord said, “I will blot out man whom I have created from the face of the land, man and animals and creeping things and birds of the heavens, for I am sorry that I have made them.” 8 But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord.

It says that man was entirely corrupted except for Noah. That he was the only man left capable of doing Gods will. Now, would it be more merciful to have let Noah perish in this environment and let man become wholly degenerate, living completely futile lives until they utterly destroyed themselves anyway? Or was it better for God to wipe the slate clean and give humanity another chance?

"And simply saying that gods thoughts are higher than my thoughts does not make it so, nor does it convince me even remotely. What I am looking for is for YOUR thoughts to be higher than mine, since you are currently the person I am engaging with. If gods thoughts are higher than mine, he certainly hasn't demonstrated it. And that saying "You can't talk your way out of something you behaved yourself into" applies here. (of course, I'm just talking stories...)

And I didn't say I would go to hell to make a point. I said that if the premise I laid out is accurate (which I assume it is since you didn't challenge it), it seems obvious to me that an ethical person who truly cares about their integrity wouldn't be able to side with god. At the very least, it would be an extreme conflict that would take enormous rationalization to sweep aside. But what I described doesn't seem like madness, to me. I think it seems like the only honorable and honest position."

I just made the point to illustrate that God is Holy, and it is impossible for someone who isn't holy to judge someone who is. The ultimate point I was making really was that its impossible for any human being to judge God.

I am an ethical person, and God is the reason for that. Someone who doesn't know God is only going to see God from the angle of His punishment, because it is hanging over their heads. God is love, and He doesn't want to punish anyone. But if He didn't punish sin, He wouldn't be just.

I think people have a lot of hypocripsy on this viewpoint here..for instance..atheists will support the death penalty and life in prison for serious crimes. To an atheist, this punishment is permanent because they believe death is the end of life..but they have no problem supporting a human doing that to another human. Yet God, who created us and has the power of life and death..they can't support His punishment. Would it be just for humans to let murders run free? If we did this place would quickly devolve into anarchy. So if that is just punishment why isn't Gods punishment just?

No one here would advocate we shouldn't lock up rapists murderers and why you are outraged when God punishes our crimes? He is the only one who could actually be completely fair about it, knowing as He does every last detail.

"And the idea that god would setup a world where he knows people aren't going to do what he wants, so he has to punish them, but then he gets tired of that so he eventually creates a manifestation of himself that he then gets killed/sacrificed... and all of this is so that he can create a loophole for all of humanity to make it into heaven... I'm sorry, this doesn't seem like godly, virtuous behavior, it seems like bronze age mythology and reasoning."

I think it's clear that God has foreknowledge. Yet, I don't think it's all predestined. God gives us choices and we couldn't make a choice if we didn't have free will to make one. When we receive Christ it literally says that God doesn't remember our sins anymore. So, to me this suggests He can arrange things around His omnipresent knowledge. He could easily set things up to give us real freedom. I think I could even figure out a way to do that.

"In conclusion, I truthfully used to be a very devout Christian. I did believe, strongly. However, I never experienced anything that would indicate that god exists. I did ask for him to reveal himself and I still have a standing invitation which he is more than welcome to fulfill at any moment. However, I find nothing interesting or compelling about the concept that I have to truly believe in order for him to show himself to me. One, that clearly wasn't the case (and don't tell me that I clearly didn't believe enough...). Two, deeply held beliefs are shown to cause people to look for validation of their world view, no matter how small or insignificant, because it's those rationalizations and experiences that fuels their continued dependency on belief

I make no claims to knowing that a god doesn't exist, but I definitely have more than enough reasons not to believe in the god of the Bible. Such a leap is not something I can honestly do - and yes, that's a moral stance. It's the same reason I don't lie to people - I also can't lie to myself. I really appreciate how much time and effort you put into your response. Thank you very much."

Well, lets take the example of Mother Teresa. She didn't hear from God for a period of over 40 years. Yet, she kept the faith and did what God commanded her to do the entire time. Personally, I have special revelation that God is real. It's not an issue for me at me God is as real as my reflection in a mirror.

Now lets take your case as an example. Perhaps God has tested your love. You know first of all that we know God through faith, a faith which you abandoned after not getting the evidence you desired, which is entirely contrary to what God told you to do. Now if you were God and you knew that someone would love you only for a time and then leave you, unless you provided something extra above and beyond the perfect love you were already giving them, along with the fact that they wouldn't honor any of the promises they made to you ultimately, maybe you wouldn't give them any signs either. Maybe you would let them go and hope they would be able to see the difference and come back to you. Just a thought.

I also appreciate this discussion and I think you for your civility and magnanomousness. God bless.

God does exist. Testimony from an ex-atheist:

braindonut says...

I appreciate the detail you put into your response, Shiny. I really do. However, your answers aren't really making sense to me, or directly answering the situation that I put forth. You aren't responding to the obvious immorality of the situation.

I get the argument of "people don't want to come to god, because their sins will be revealed." But this is a fallacious argument - an ad hominem attack. Just saying that I don't believe in something because I clearly have a bunch of faults that I'm trying to hide does not make it so.

And by what do I measure my morality? I measure it through the impact on others, how much it affects the general well being of humanity. Obviously, it's my own morality which is constantly improving and questioning itself. However, saying that it's filthy rags in comparison to god does not make it so.

And yes, everyone has done "evil," if you want to call it that. Including god, if we accept that premise. I've read the bible, and I underlined every situation that was immorality due to god with a red pencil. There were too many underlines to count. But how does one consider something immoral? That's a big and excellent question. The wholesale slaughter of humanity, aka genocide - that qualifies as evil for me. And that's just the tip of the iceberg in regards to the evil that is attributed to the Christian god.

And simply saying that gods thoughts are higher than my thoughts does not make it so, nor does it convince me even remotely. What I am looking for is for YOUR thoughts to be higher than mine, since you are currently the person I am engaging with. If gods thoughts are higher than mine, he certainly hasn't demonstrated it. And that saying "You can't talk your way out of something you behaved yourself into" applies here. (of course, I'm just talking stories...)

And I didn't say I would go to hell to make a point. I said that if the premise I laid out is accurate (which I assume it is since you didn't challenge it), it seems obvious to me that an ethical person who truly cares about their integrity wouldn't be able to side with god. At the very least, it would be an extreme conflict that would take enormous rationalization to sweep aside. But what I described doesn't seem like madness, to me. I think it seems like the only honorable and honest position.

And the idea that god would setup a world where he knows people aren't going to do what he wants, so he has to punish them, but then he gets tired of that so he eventually creates a manifestation of himself that he then gets killed/sacrificed... and all of this is so that he can create a loophole for all of humanity to make it into heaven... I'm sorry, this doesn't seem like godly, virtuous behavior, it seems like bronze age mythology and reasoning.

In conclusion, I truthfully used to be a very devout Christian. I did believe, strongly. However, I never experienced anything that would indicate that god exists. I did ask for him to reveal himself and I still have a standing invitation which he is more than welcome to fulfill at any moment. However, I find nothing interesting or compelling about the concept that I have to truly believe in order for him to show himself to me. One, that clearly wasn't the case (and don't tell me that I clearly didn't believe enough...). Two, deeply held beliefs are shown to cause people to look for validation of their world view, no matter how small or insignificant, because it's those rationalizations and experiences that fuels their continued dependency on belief.

I make no claims to knowing that a god doesn't exist, but I definitely have more than enough reasons not to believe in the god of the Bible. Such a leap is not something I can honestly do - and yes, that's a moral stance. It's the same reason I don't lie to people - I also can't lie to myself.

I really appreciate how much time and effort you put into your response. Thank you very much.

What on Earth is this Thing For?

Printer hack LetsU print reams of stuff after toner "dies"

luxury_pie says...

This whole thing works for those printers with electronic chips too. There often is a way to reset the little memory on the chip, so all the ink will be used.

@jwray I did this with an old 2000+ and tweaked it to 2400+ level with aircooling. You could unlock the multiplier with a mere lead pencil to connect ...ehh the thing^^ Nowadays all the AMD Cpus are unlocked as it seems. But who could cool these things overclocked anyways...

persephone (Member Profile)

kronosposeidon says...

Hey, no need to apologize. First, it wasn't my video that you duped - it was Crake's. Second, accidents happen. That's why they put erasers on pencils, right?

The reason your embed wasn't recognized as a dupe is that your embed came from YouTube, while Crake's came from Two different beasts. These things happen.

I hope you're doing well. Take care.In reply to this comment by persephone:
Hey Kronos, didn't know it was adupe, sorry. Why would the sift not recognise the embed and let me post it?

Stephen Colbert Sings "Friday" Late Night with Jimmy Fallon

Stephen Colbert Sings "Friday" Late Night with Jimmy Fallon

12 Year Old Jacob Barnett Teaches Us Calculus 2 Technique

westy says...

"Find a 12 year old and have him regurgitate this" That wasn't my point I realize statistically there are not many people his age that learn this or could repeat it back thats not what im saying at all.

The point is if you are making a video describing how something works Its better to explain why things are why they are or you are doing nothing to help other people , you are accentually just showing of that u know something which was my point about this video in that it is a video of a kid showing of they know something which is utterly useless and exactly the same as a kid showing of they speek another language or can program well ( arguably skills that require the same amount of intellect) , its been known for a long time that some kids can do stuff that is often thought to complex for kids and only thought that adults can do it so there is not realy much of intrest of this video to the casual viewer.

"Furthermore, why are you admitting that you are so ignorant about math? That's not a good shouldn't be a nonchalant admission that somebody isn't even willing to try and understand the language of the universe"

Thats a moronic thing to say do you play the peano? speak multiple languages ? program in multiple languages? CAN YOU NOT PAINT PHOTO REAL IMAGES ? DON'T YOU KNOW HOW TO DO CINEMATIC EFFECTS ? All those skills can potentaily be benoficail to society and help you understand the world better.

How is sumone saying that they are at a lower level of uinderstanding of something negative and how can you then interpret that as them saying math is of no use or that they dont think math is of use ? or that they are not willing to learn it ?

Granted i did write "I dont really know any math" This is not true what i meant was I don't know any of the math thats in this video and am at a very basic level of math. I am intrestead in math in general I am just stupendously dyslexic and find it ridiculously difficult to learn things such as some of the more basic aspects of math and find that all the books and teachers i have had have thought in a way thats not very compatible with my way of learning.

strangely i find it far easer to understand the more complex concepts of math its the Human computing element i struggle with Litraly am missing the component of the brain that can do that lol.

some of the things that got in the way of me learning math at school are rediculously simple , such as when typing numbers into a calculator i would forget what the last number i put in was , or typing in numbers back to front , or looking at the white board and then looking at what i was writing only to have to look back at the board , then u have the fact that i would write 10x slower than anyone else and would be forced to use a pencil. Another issue with math is that you are using the same symbols to describe different things sumone that is maximum dyslexic retarded ( well in my case annyway ) likes to have individual single meaning to each symbol and to be able to see everything as an image in one go not completely fragmented in component parts that make little sense.

I am quite happy to pootel along with a reasonably basic working knowlage of math and focus my time on things that come more naturally to me , I'm sure eventually i will come across a good teacher of math or sum-one that has developed a more visual way of learning traditionally non visual aspects of math and then I will have another poke at it.

>> ^rottenseed:

Find a 12 year old and have him regurgitate this. He explains the derivation of integration by parts which is a lot better than most the people I know. I mean when I learned integration by parts, it's not like I had to invent it, I really just had to learn it, and, for all intents and purposes, regurgitate it on the test. Now I know what integration by parts is, and I don't have to reinvent it every time I see it, I just know the skill, by memory...does that make me somebody that doesn't know maths? No.
Furthermore, why are you admitting that you are so ignorant about math? That's not a good shouldn't be a nonchalant admission that somebody isn't even willing to try and understand the language of the universe. Go back to your US weekly and check out the latest photos of Kim Kardashian, we'll call you when dinner's ready.>> ^westy:
Realy stupid video.
Might as well be a video of a kid that can program just talking as they code something , without explaining things. Or its like a multilingual kid speaking Spanish to English people.
I dont really know any math but it comes across in this video like he is simply regurgitating what would be fairly common or easy to understand math for sum-one that was doing that type of math and he dosent realy do a very good job at actualy exsplaning things other than saying THIS IS THIS BECAUSE THIS IS THIS, Which is fine really cnt expect kids to be good teachers i just dont get why his moron mother is filming it and uploading it on to the internet i guess its here way of gaining self worth.
In some ways i would rather have this than moron parents filming kids doing sports or other activities we could do with a more kids culturally encouraged to be into science.
I know this kid is well known for being good at science/math well beyond his age and i think he has aspergers so its good to encourage him and keep him focused on stuff so he dosent go into his shell. but he has not done annything utterly remarkable and it seems allot of people are embuing him as sumone that will change the world of science , maby he will but at this point in time and you should not put that presure on people or have that exspectation when they are developing as kids. futhar more from what i have read he still has a basic understanding of things that will need to be fleshed out before he can come up with ideas that are of use scentificaly and allot of the fame and promotion of this child is from midea making stuff up and hyping things out of propotion.
I hope he does well and benefits science and does what he enjoys but hope his character is not retardified by his parents or what the midea might do to him.

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