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Patty Griffin "Rain"

If we can't question the police, is this a police state?

VoodooV says...

I'll say the same thing in the original sift thread. I think it's highly premature to even be thinking about a police state.

It's far more likely that because everyone has cameras on them now, it's easy to hold cops accountable for the ones that have less than stellar behavior. Prior to cell cameras, it was just a case of his word vs the supposed vicitim, and that's a hard case to prove regardless of what side of it you're on so probably very little got done so there was no incentive for cops to behave better. Correct me if I'm wrong but almost every time stuff like this has gone to the courts, the courts have sided with the civilians and not the cops. If it were the other way around, then yes, we'd definitely have something to worry about.

I think the only thing we really have to worry about is that there are a few states out there where filming cops is illegal...THAT's what really needs to be fixed.

As long as people keep the pressure up and whip out those cameras, then it's we who have the power, not the cops. Pandora's box has been opened and we KNOW who is watching the watchmen's us

I just gotta add that it's the president of a police union saying these things that civvies don't have any rights to observe or interfere...sorry, but he's not a public servant, and this is probably one case where the republicans ARE right and that particular union is corrupt as hell. But that's the union, not the actual LAW of the land

King Geek creates Highest level of Geek Science Poetry

jmzero says...

I think lots of people believe "high level science" consists of 3 or 4 ideas:

1. In Schrodinger's thought experiment, a cat in a box could be seen as both alive and dead until an observer collapses the waveform
2. Heisenberg's uncertainty principle says you can't know both the exact position and momentum of a particle
3. General relativity states time slows and mass increases for objects at relative high velocity
4. Light's behavior exhibits a wave/particle duality, as demonstrated by interference experiments

Know those 4 things? Have you watched Star Wars once? Good, you're now equipped to understand pretty much all "oh wow that guy's a crazy brainiac nerd" humor. Somehow if you reference things like that, you get a pass to do a comedy routine without any jokes. You're stroking people's ego enough that they don't care you're not funny.

I think people would just get pissed off if he left the "nerd humor" script, though. People don't want to be challenged, or hear pop culture references they don't know. Anyone who's the tiniest, tiniest bit interested in Greek mythology knows Pandora opened a jar, not a box - but nobody wants to hear a joke involving Pandora's jar. They want the same reference that 1000 previous pop cultural references have prepared them for. They want affirmation that they're part of the special club that knows about stuff.

So, to do "nerd" humor the plan is to avoid anything actually nerdy. Stick to the most often recycled bits of pop culture and pop science, mix in some clumsy, senseless double entendres so that people know when to laugh, and you're good to go.

Pandora: probably the best game emulator ever made

I just bought a HTC Legend - any tips? (Geek Talk Post)

bleedmegood says...

apps: aldiko (book reader)
barcode scanner (in addition to google goggles)
buzz feed
camera 360(nifty fx)
groove shark
flixster movies(reviews and such)
Adobe PDF viewer
Reddit is Fun
Shazam (music search)
Thinking Space (Mind Mapper) (streaming shows)
Zedge (ringtones and wallpapers)

Edit: If you're running froyo (ver 2.2),don't use an task killer...they use up more battery life then they save and just create a giant
cluster fuck....

How "Avatar" Should Have Ended

kasinator says...

They were told why they were destroying their trees, multiple times in fact. But yeah, if there is't a squeal, assume pandora gets glassed with nukes.

The Weeks "Buttons"

GDGD says...

I fucking love this song.

If you read the youtube posts you can see how many people found them from Kings of Leon pandora station, and the same was true for me.

Sen. Franken: Stop the Corporate Takeover of the Media

GeeSussFreeK says...

Net neutrality only addresses the symptom of a much more insidious problem. All of the companies he named have their major revenue stream in some form of government protected monopoly industry. Cable and telco media giants are the creations of government entanglement in the market. They created the monster they now claim they need to subdue. While it wasn't Al Franken that created these government protected monopolies, he proposes a solution that has time and time again shown to worsen our plight rather that help it. Any short lived deregulation ability the FCC would impose would surely over time be twiddled down by people who have billions to spend on lobbies and the ear of regulators. His sentiments of protecting free speech are admirable, but the prescription is that of an even greater disaster. Open up cable, telco, and radio markets to ACTUAL competition and their strangle hold over media will start to dissipate.

In other words, trying to kill the beast with the same thing that made the beast is foolish. Just undue that which made the beast first, then clean up any loose ends that didn't solve. It is practical, fair, and not reactionary, and doesn't open Pandora's box like it did for radio and TV (which are now HIGHLY regulated mediums).

AU 60 Minutes - BP Oil Disaster (Infuriating!)

GeeSussFreeK says...

>> ^Entropy001:

This has to be the best coverage I've seen. I can't believe that I didn't hear anything on CNN about Transocean recommending a temporary halt in production.
I had thought they were actually responsible, as the media did report that the rig was their's.

Ya, it is an odd relationship for sure. BP owns the oil because of the leasing agreement with the USA. Transocean is in a bad position to argue because BP already OWNS the oil even before it is drilled. So, if Transocean causes to much headache, BP can just get someone else to drill. For all intents and purposes, BP is the boss because Transocean is just the labor portion of the equation. This situation points to some problems with the current state of mineral rights property rights. It is in about the same sate as intellectual property rights, you can have someone buy something with money, do nothing with it except exploit other people who want to do something about it. The current state of IP and MR in the US encourages people who have capital and do nothing over those who are people on the ground. And Obama shows no signs of reforming this discrepancy any time soon. Tighter regulations on oil drillers is almost part of the problem. What I mean is small time drillers who could potentially be more responsible because they are drilling where their families live do not have access to leasing rights due to larger oil companies being able to craft the regulation book in their favor; then just as easily dodge the regulations they just mandated.

You can see cases of this in the food industry as well. I recommend watching Food Inc. The FDA wanted to shut down this small time farming community that slaughtered their farm stock in the open air. The FDA claimed this wasn't sanitary. But ecological tests came back, their meat was many times more clean that meat form the major industrial meat factories. This really does seem to be the case of captured regulators, government corruption, and poor definitions of mineral rights. The problem of the oil rig exploding is just the Pandora's box if you will.

hpqp (Member Profile)

Lawdeedaw says...

Sorry I took so long to respond Hp, I was busy having a baby (Another girl...that makes three little angels

Anyways, I do like to respect members and respond to their posts and comments so here goes.

1-I love the idea of house-husbands. If they can put up with the arduous demands of parenthood and raise his children well, while his wife works, then I am cool with that. Personally, I could not be that man because I am to weak. I put 100% into my children when I am with them but I need the break.

There is nothing wrong with dads taking daughters to dance school, changing poo-diapers, reading to their children, etcetera.


Now, it should be pointed out that I did not imply gender equality was responsible for unhappiness. I implied that the culture of working in a greed-work society was the cause. In America (And other places) your job dictates your worth. Secretary? Haha... Yeah, so you don't have a real job? Loler. Don't make over 100 grand? Haha... The list goes on and on.

Heck, in my job promotions are the key to so called happiness. However, the stress level is insane for the moderate pay increase. I would rather be happy and not open the pandora box...

(BTW, thanks for your insightful debate.)

In reply to this comment by hpqp:
@Lawdeedaw: I am sorry if I misunderstood you, I must have mistook your irony for sarcasm (or do you truly love the fact that some women are sad because they work?).

Two questions for you:

1) What do you think of "house-husbands"?

2) Where are those statistics?

@rebuilder: amen to that, but as long as discrimination based on gender is widespread in society (I'm looking at you, religion), the age of "individual's rights" is a far-off utopia.

asking permission to create my ELECTRONICA channel (User Poll by enoch)

Stormsinger says...

Interesting to see we have so many electronica fans here. I'm definitely for it.

I only rediscovered electronica a three or four years back, basically when I found pandora. I do remember being shocked when I stumbled over the Wikipedia page listing all the subgenres of electronica. How in the hell can there be ~200 defined subgenres? That question haunts me almost as much as the fact that there is not only a genre for viking folk metal, but there are enough such bands that someone can make a 10 best list. Has the whole world gone mad?

Terraformed Mars

NASA Probe Captures Images Of Ice Geysers On Saturn's Moon

westy says...

scientist tries to appeal to the masses by Talking about Pandora , news host is a dipshit making out its massively complex stuff by acting all retarded .

This scentist has done loads of tv and documentry stuff u would hope he could not be retarded , and you would hope the news caster would at least have some brains.

Its a shame that there rnt more people like dawkins and sagen who can explain things in simple terms without sounding condescending or idiotic, just point out the facts and explain why things are interesting.

California lawmakers introduce soda tax bill

enoch says...

good god...
some people actually think this a GOOD idea?
talk about ignoring history and relevant patterns in government.
give a government the power to tax something,obstensibly for a good reason or not and you will see that not only will government utilize that will EXPAND it using the very same logic that made the first step acceptable.
the new potato and pasta tax because they are high in carbohydrates which can lead to obesity and hence,higher medial costs.
or the coffee tax due to it containing caffeine which can be addictive.
the television/video game tax because it leads to a sedentary lifestyle which can lead to obesity and possibly diabetes.
the porn tax because it leads to masturbation and hinders healthy robust sexual relationships.

these sound silly right?there is no way that could ever happen in real life..right?
open pandora's box and you will be amazed how creative a government can get in regards to taxation and finding ways to finance government projects.
once a government is granted power, it not only uses it but will selfishly defends its ability to KEEP that power.
as citizens we need to think things through thoroughly before we arbitrarily grant power to an entity that can affect many aspects of our lives.what you do in the privacy of your own home,how you spend your money or your free time,what you ingest or view is not anybodies business but your long as you dont harm another.

what people seem to suggesting here is that it is perfectly fine for the government to intervene for FUTURE possible harms to oneself and indirectly on others by way of medical costs.that somehow it is government JOB to take care of any possible present and future harm.that is not governments job nor function,that is YOUR job.
eh../shrugs maybe i am reading it wrong and my rant is for nothing but i am against giving government any more power than is absolutely necessary.

People Depressed That Avatar Isn't Real

rfigley says...

All should listen to James Cameron interviewed by NPR.

Too much talk here about what and what is not depression. The bigger picture is our ability to become one with our environment. This is not a new concept, in fact it's ancient, but one that has been forgotten and in some cases supressed by those that wish to contol others.
The link above could help people understand that the movie was inspired by what we can be as humans. So the idea is to inspire us to pursue making Earth a Pandora. The beauty of Pandora was inspired by what is real here on earth. The communication between the Na'vi and the environment is also possible by humans. Just a matter of looking within and blocking out the urban clutter we're all bombarded with every day. Read Celestine Prophecy, look into Reiki and various forms of meditation.

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