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Bowling Robot Serves Up a Strike || ViralHog

Trump's Star Witness Is A Drunk Karen

newtboy says...

Of the 20+ hours of people speaking you cherry pick a few.

You need more crazy, sure, here you go.

I personally think that 70% can be explained away in a legit way.

If 70% of the evidence you present in court is faked, you lose the case. What's actually happened is 99.97% have proven to be false or just whining about nothing, explained away by facts and knowledge or just plain lies. The only one not thrown out was complaining poll watchers weren't allowed close enough to read ballots (which isn't their job), so they let them closer.

No actual poll watchers were removed except for cause because they ignored the rules and were disruptive, most removed weren't actual poll watchers, they were trump goons who wanted to watch and interfere with counts. No officials were removed.
Zero evidence the guy who claimed to truck completed ballots even drove a truck, and his claims are impossible. Every ballot is paired to one voter, you can't just fill out ballots randomly and have them counted anywhere in America.
Republican election officials reviewed this claim and found it has no merit whatsoever, despite the 90 second video you misrepresented.
Wrong. They investigated every claim they received, not one was credible. It's Giuliani who did no investigation, just put out a million dollar prize for anyone who could lie well enough to not get tossed from court, so far nothing.

What? OAN and Newsmax are talking about Biden's socks and not covering this farce?! That's surprising, they love dishonest lies and misleading morons.

bobknight33 said:

Of the 20+ hours of people speaking you cherry pick a few.

I personally think that 70% can be explained away in a legit way.

However when election law is not followed, as these people have said,
Poll watchers and other republican officials are imitated, and removed, which is against the law,

when completed ballots cross state lines ( NY to PA) ,

When officials tell every to to go home and that the counting for the evening has stopped then pull out suitcases a t from under tables after officials and being run through the machines with out poll watchers there is fraud going on and must be looked into.

BARR comes out sand says what he said, What did FBI,DOJ look at? Not 1 investigation has taken place or finished.

This isn't over. Trump still has fight in him.

Those 20+ hours of hearings and meetings have 200,000 to 500,000 viewers watching on line. Too bad Fake news only telling the story of what sock color Biden is wearing.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

That's what even Trump appointed election officials are telling us all. I don't watch CNN for the 86th time. Why are you incapable of remembering anything?

The other side hasn't SHOWN a thing, they're making accusations but have no evidence, proven time and time again in court. Pay attention.

It is wasn't wholly fair, there were multiple attempts to suppress voting. By fair I mean there was no massive or consequential cheating and half the irregularities of 2016, maybe a few singular instances but far less than normal. There were hundreds of thousands of mail in votes lost, and nationwide >60% went to Biden. That far exceeds anything even claimed in court.

I'm curious how the party not in charge allegedly fixed it. The only explanation I hear is nonsense involving Venezuela, Spain, Soros, and Cuba.

If they fixed things so trump votes become anti trump votes, Clinton would have won by 10 million and not campaigned half as much. Get real, if they fixed the vote this year, why did Republicans retain the Senate? Same ballots, but dems only cheated for president? Asinine.

It might have Ben, but it was incredible destructive to the nation, our union, trust in government, and national security....all for one man's fragile insecurities.
His legal rights are used up. It's been weeks since it was impossible for him to win in courts. With his current team, it would be impossible even if he had a case, but he doesn't. Grow a pair, stop whining, and learn to live with it.

Every day he stomps his feet screaming means another 1000 dead for his ego.

bobknight33 said:

Flynn will be the only Democrat pardon by Trump.

Few mistakes, slight miscounts, sure that's what CNN is telling you.
The other side show a whole lot more.

We had a fair and clean election? Really? just last few years is was nothing but Trump fixing the election by fake news, The FIX was in but by Democrats.

I would think they tried this in 2016 which explains why Hillary did not do much stumping. But the party underestimated Trump voters.

This time around the party geared up and told joe to go nap in the basement, the fix was in. But Trump being Trump will not go quietly and is fighting back, Which is his legal right.

HOW WILL YOU VOTE? - A Randy Rainbow Song Parody

newtboy says...

Lol. Another desperate blitz of Trump commercials and whining.
Your desperation paired with your stupidity make you so foolish and childish.

Dumbass, those "Democratic cities" are American cities, so you want America to burn and be looted, and Americans to be killed....but you think you're patriotic!?!


bobknight33 said:


$55,000 for 5,000 votes

newtboy says...

OMG! You fool. Every single veritas video has been proven to be fake, full of lies, and edited to make a point, not to show anything resembling the truth. Borat is more honest and truthful.

But you claim Trump has never lied....then often go on to excuse and explain why it's ok for him to lie, even under oath, forgetting you claimed he never does.

More (fake) "evidence" of republican vote fraud that you claim proves democratic vote fraud. Your desperation paired with your delusion has made you a laughing stock.


bobknight33 said:

Not fake Toolboy.

Just pointing out there are vote tampering. Dem, Rep All is bad.

Yet not 1 of his vids have been proven false. Not one.

Joe Biden, You Are Lying, Sold out Americans

newtboy says...

Lol. So sad and desperate, Bobski. Relying on dementia ridden Giuliani's plain stupid hoax fed to him by Russians. It's just so incredibly dumb, of course you believe it after it's been thoroughly *debunked by the FBI who instead of investigating the Russian nonsense with no evidence are investigating Giuliani for spreading Russian propaganda again.
Not a scintilla of proof or truth or logic or reason to it. Hunter traveled across the country with three broken laptops full of incriminating evidence that somehow is created months after these unlicensed laptops are dropped off according to the meta data Giuliani is too dumb to understand, takes them to a rabid pro Trump blind computer tech, and leaves them to be examined. That's the story you're selling.

Desperation and obvious lies are the best you've got. Americans aren't buying it.

But have you seen the videos of Trump and Epstein forcibly raping both of Trump's underage daughters while Eric jacks off in the corner?! Better watch them before he has them removed from the web. What a pair of pieces of shit. (See, two can play the "let's just make disgusting accusations up" game, and you'll never convince non trumpets that president Low T doesn't lust after children after decades of watching him do it and brag about it.)


Amazing Floating Tensegrity Chair

Khufu says...

a hammock or hammock chair rely on ropes too, probably save enough.. unless someone sneaks up behind you with a pair of scissors

spawnflagger said:

Cool looking chair, but you're just 1 rope-snap away from visiting the proctologist.
"Million to one shot Doc! million to one!"

White Fir Tree Barberchairs during cutting

Ku Klux Klan Member interview-Chris

bcglorf says...

Thanks to BSR for having this posted. This is the sort of stuff that needs to get more airtime and eyeballs.

I think that pairs to the worst crime the left has been involved in related to the dumpster fire that is today. The entire notion of de-platforming or silencing 'offensive' speech, and that Universities have if anything been leading the way. Universities need to instead be having guys like the one here getting their views known more broadly, and then point out loudly what is considered bad and dangerous about them. More importantly, to also point out how closely it aligns with Trump and his rallying cries.

When the left could have been discrediting this filth, they have instead been accomplishing the opposite by actively rallying moderates to 'defend' the freedom of speech of these guys.

The passive majority has been watching for a long time as advocates on the left have used force and violence to disrupt speech they don't like. Now, cities are burning and despite it being for entirely other reasons, you have a lot of middle america only seeing the same angry mob of leftists at the same stuff again as before. Demand everyone do things their way or violence will be used. The worst/scariest thing to me is the Dems still seem confused by how people aren't flocking to them in the face of Trumps malice. They somehow can not fathom that there are an awful lot of right leaning people honestly worried that their only choice is between a Trump they loath in most everyway, but on the other side and angry mob of leftists willing to use violence on anyone that doesn't conform. If Trump wins the next election I'll be sickened, but also entirely unsurprised.

Inside Nancy Pelosi’s District:

newtboy says...

The Trump Virus and resulting Trump depression, paired with the GOP extortion plans to hold any further recovery packages hostage unless they get billions for the wall, billions more to rebuild the FBI building across the street from Trump's hotel instead of much better locations , and full immunity civil and criminal from any consequences from injuries and deaths caused by sending people back to work without precautions or safety measures, together these failures, these blackmail schemes, are poised to grow an already out of control homeless crisis exponentially in the next months.

Florida's governor just admitted his predecessor's administration, a current Republican senator, intentionally set up the unemployment system to fail, with as many useless roadblocks as they could imagine, the only purpose of which is to frustrate applicants so much they give up, making Florida's unemployment numbers better on paper. This system has failed Florida disasterously and absolutely caused hundreds of deaths from exposure while standing in lines for days just to apply, and must have caused thousands to become homeless.

Easy Way To Thread A Needle

JiggaJonson (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Dude. Tell me you aren't really surprised. ;-)
You know full well this is straight from the Trump chump playbook. Whenever challenged on the truthfulness of their claims they offer random "proof"...which is NEVER a truthful defense and usually actually proves exactly what they're arguing against, like this time....then they invariably actively ignore any further discussion on the subject to avoid having their nose rubbed in their mess.

That's the problem with blind faith in a convicted con man paired with well below average intelligence and a complete inability to reason or comprehend, it leads to (sometimes deadly) dishonest obstinate obstructionism based on obvious lies at it's best, and it's rarely that good.

Recent polls show that 41% of "Republicans" (Trump voters) actually believe Bill Gates is funding Covid vaccine research in order to secretly inject billions of people with microchips (they have no idea towards what ends, but they know it's true), and another 34% aren't sure but think it's likely true, only 25% are rational enough to say they don't believe it (but in private I bet they're less certain). Do you honestly believe one of these people has the capacity for rationality, truth, or reasoned discussion?

It does explain why republicans don't want to restrict firearms from the mentally defective, 3/4 of them would lose their rights on day 1.

JiggaJonson said:


This is not what i asked for, this is someone from the Trump administration SAYING that someone in the media is saying that + a bunch of word salad nonsense.

High-Rise Fire Fighting Drones

SFOGuy says...

I don't get it. 20 minute charges with regular battery swaps? How could you ever get enough foam/water on the fire? and that water stream doesn't seem like it would reach very far into the building where the fuel (office papers, furniture, etc) are...

Why not just power the drones of a power umbilical paired with the hose (yes, it would have to be really light) Why bother with a battery pack?

Lt. Gov Dan Patrick Says Put Economy Before The Elderly

Diversity and inclusion meeting ... at Michigan school

newtboy says...

Did I say HE is a MAGA moron?
No, I did not, you inferred it, although it would be a relatively safe assumption based on his ignorant racist interruption and self centered disrespect paired with the inane irrationality of his question and blatantly racist comments.
Now who's making slanderous assumptions?

Your messiah slanders without (it's one word, Bob, not two) knowing daily. A bit hypocritical to denounce that when you so often applaud it, don't you think?

And my what is no better than the guy?
Your: possessive- belonging to you- "Your assumption is based in ignorance."
You're: conjunction- You are- "You're in desperate need of a better education because your English would fail a 3rd grade English class."

I might just WHAT another douchebag? You forgot the verb. You get an F for the day, Bobski. Nigerian princes have better English skills, and terrible English is an intentional part of their scam. (Or were you channeling Yoda but forgot the punctuation? As in "Look in the mirror, you might. Just another douchebag looking back.")

You need to watch some more school house rock and learn English better, then you might understand complex statements better and not jump to mistaken conclusions so often. Might I suggest starting with conjunction junction?

Also, I wrote MAGA, not MEGA, aside from MEGA making zero sense, I wouldn't ever insult MegaMan by conflating him with idiots like this guy. Besides an education, you seem to need glasses. Maybe that's why you can't see any of Trump's infinite character flaws?

bobknight33 said:

So he is a MEGA man?

How can anyone slander with out knowing?
You made an assumption just like the guy did.

Your no better than the guy.

Look in the mirror you might just another douchebag looking back.

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