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Why They want to REPLACE YOU

newtboy says...

@bobknight33, you know posting divisive and derisive propaganda like this is akin to marching with your tiki torch chanting "the Jews will not replace us", right?
Where are these "good people" that are allegedly on your side? All I ever see are these certifiably insane provocateurs the right loves to cheer on and get behind.

Honest Government Ad | Climate Change Policy

newtboy says...

You misread. I'm blaming radicals for drinking mountain dew, which hypes them up to the point of being ready for race war. It doesn't make radicals, it energizes them.

Sadly, no. The right has abused and ignored their constitutional duties as a party, handing supreme power to one man over and over while ignoring and actively hiding his multiple crimes and appearances of crimes and actively obstructing the investigations at every turn.....advancing their cause so no investigation should be undertaken, no charges levied, and certainly no punishments for what are real, treasonous felonies....dozens of convictions about subversion....collusion....but you still believe they are the patriots?! You still claim they care about the constitution, as they wipe their asses with it?! Explain.

Come on, Bob, it's ok to admit they aren't perfect and that you don't support at least some of their crimes. I wish you would consider how you would feel if Obama stayed a third term (which Trump hints might be his plan often) and/or bypassed congress to add trillions to the deficit while cutting the military by over half (note, Obama increased military funding consistently, contrary to the lies Fox and Trump tell you).

Democrats want to save the union, granted some of their ideas are poorly thought out, republicans from the top down are itching for a civil war because your side believes the other side isn't armed and will be easy to eradicate.....they're wrong, and totally unpatriotic.

Bob, it's not "one proud American", it's tens of thousands who aren't proud, anyone who MAGAs is saying America isn't great now, and right wingers want to completely reimagine the country as not a melting pot, not a place of refuge, not a place of fairness and opportunities, but a place where rich get richer and the poor pay for it, and where white privilege is codified law, nothing else really seems to matter any more than as a rallying cry, or Republicans would have funded the wall when they had total control.

Um....when republicans step out, it's quite often with a gun or swastika, when democrats do it, it's with an egg or a paper peace sign. Hardly the same thing.

Also, tell that to Senator Stewart Smallie (among others)....he was good enough, he was smart enough, and dog gone it, people liked him, but because of one non G rated joke as a comedian, he resigned....never in million years would republican resign for any such thing, one became president by bragging about actions similar but 100 times worse. Democrats actually hold themselves to their own standards, not Republicans, not anymore, not one tiny bit...

Good people on both sides. Yeah....except good people don't stand with Nazis and white supremacists....EVER.

Edit: again, since you persist in your insistence that the left is worse than the right, I ask you to list the left wing terrorists of late....because we can list quite a few right wing terrorists since Trump was elected, including multiple mass murderers and multiple mail bombers.

bobknight33 said:

Blaming Mountain Dew drinkers as radicals.
Brilliant logic buddy.

Nope. We have folks that believe in the Constitution and see it being ignored by 1/2 people and the Democratic party is right there trying to tear it down. Flaws and all, this is still the greatest country in the world and your side wants to destroy it.

So when 1 proud American snaps, Its understandable, not tolerable and they should be punished.

When your side steps out, all is OK. They are advancing the cause. No punishment should be taken.

Honest Government Ad | Climate Change Policy

bobknight33 says...

Blaming Mountain Dew drinkers as radicals.
Brilliant logic buddy.

Nope. We have folks that believe in the Constitution and see it being ignored by 1/2 people and the Democratic party is right there trying to tear it down. Flaws and all, this is still the greatest country in the world and your side wants to destroy it.

So when 1 proud American snaps, Its understandable, not tolerable and they should be punished.

When your side steps out, all is OK. They are advancing the cause. No punishment should be taken.

newtboy said:

Lol. Math....not your friend. That's around .00013 people.

I would conservatively estimate in the U.S. around 1% (around 1,300,000) of self described "conservatives" fully support the multiple right wing terroristic murderers at least privately, and depending on how much mountain dew they've had, between .01 - .0001% (approximately 13000-130) are anxiously awaiting their opportunity to get away with being one.

Name the terroristic murdering lefties from the last year, please.

Sexual Assault of Men Played for Laughs

BSR says...

It sounds to me as though you're on a mission to point out the evil taking place in children's movies that encourage bad things, such as torture as a tool. It also sounds as though you are ready to set aside some of your valuable time to bring attention to this "problem."

I'm not aware that you have ever attacked any sifters and it never crossed my mind.

What would you say if I told you Pixar knows EXACTLY what they are doing, why they are doing it and how they are succeeding, with or without your help? Your doubt about what they are doing is sending you down an unending, fruitless road costing you valuable time that you should be spending with your children. Not to mention the cost at the ticket window.

All the answers to your fears are already built into the same movie(s) you point out. If you look for evil you will create it and find it. Drop your cynicism and look for the good.

When you find the good you will be able teach your children how to get along in this world just by your example. Make your valuable time worth it.

I truly believe you are straightforward, honest, and as factual as you can be. Find the good and you will have unlimited power on your side. Yes, even the Tin Man, Scarecrow and Cowardly Lion.
All alone, or in two's
The ones who really love you
Walk up and down outside the wall
Some hand in hand
And some gathered together in bands
The bleeding hearts and the artists
Make their stand
And when they've given you their all
Some stagger and fall, after all it's not easy
Banging your heart against some mad bugger's wall -Pink Floyd

JiggaJonson said:

I suppose that depends on the definition of demonizing and on my intent. As I said, it's not just an indictment of Pixar but children's film's more broadly. Its limited in scope because of the forum.

I'm not sure how to respond to your second comment about what I fear. That seems like some sort of red herring and I haven't attacked any sifters. I don't feel like the commentary on Pixar film's is an attack either, I doubt they realize what they're doing beyond adding what they think will be a salacious plot point to a movie.

I suppose I fear being surrounded by dumb internet trolls, but hey, all I can do is be straightforward, honest, and as factual as I can be.

president trump announces a new and better national anthem

newtboy says...

Wow, do you have the characters wrong.
Bob is not master Poe, Bob is one of the scapegoating cattleman demanding the head of that halfbreed Chinaman for the crime they won't admit they committed themselves.

Even Obi wan took up arms against active stormtroopers.

There is no winning your opponent to your side when your opponent doesn't even believe their own argument. Bob applauds what he angrily railed against just 2.1 years ago and denounces the exact same tactics he defended. His arguments aren't rational or capable of contradiction, they're feelings he won't defend against facts except with occasional whataboutism....feelings he hopes will make you distrustful of all right wingers, I think that's why he's comes here, he thinks he has an audience of lefties that will believe the right is as silly and deluded as he claims, and some are, but the purpose certainly seems to be sewing division, not comprehension, certainly not unity.

BSR said:

"i shall now engage in a campaign to verbally rape each and every trump supporter who is willfully ignoring that mans blatant abuses and crimes."


The game is to win your opponent to your side.

Your opponent just won. You are now one of them.

You've learned nothing about how to use the Force.

The Master still holds the pebbles in his hand.

president trump announces a new and better national anthem

BSR says...

"i shall now engage in a campaign to verbally rape each and every trump supporter who is willfully ignoring that mans blatant abuses and crimes."


The game is to win your opponent to your side.

Your opponent just won. You are now one of them.

You've learned nothing about how to use the Force.

The Master still holds the pebbles in his hand.

We Believe: The Best Men Can Be - Gillette Ad

BSR says...

I don't think this ad IS a big yawn for you. It looks to me like you have some pretty passionate feelings about it. That's a good thing. But I also think your passion would be better spent and be more effective in accomplishing your goal if it was harnessed and controlled.

A lot of the work has already been done for you. All you have to do is join the chorus. I think you'll come to find that you have some very powerful people on your side.

BTW, how do you do that strikethrough thing in your text?

bcglorf said:

IYou don't want people looking at anyoneyou and falsely judging themyou as scum on the basis of their genderthis ad.

The ad is just a big yawn for me. The symptom of people still using generalizations and stereotypes to classify a group of people and saying it's "caring, loving, intelligent and brave" is repulsive to me, and needs to be called out. That doesn't hold ONLY when it's blacks, mexicans, muslims or women being targeted but yes, even if it's whites or men.

KVUE Austin TX Closed Caption labels Child Victim as Monkey

newtboy says...

Please don't get behind stupidity like this.
When you do, you give permission for rational people to ignore you when there's a real slight or serious issue.
His explanation was rational, clear, educated, and undoubtedly correct. Get over it and back off calling auto correct racist. It makes you appear unhinged.

Side note, my brother calls his kids monkeys.....they're white.

Btw, I'm almost always on your side in these debates, but absolutely not this one.

C-note said:

So this is what you are offering blacks as an explanation.

Republican Tax Scam Is Handwritten Nonsense

mentality says...

Tax reform? You mean the Republican tax plan which will raise taxes for families making between $20k and $40k, while cutting an average of $37K a year for those in the top 1%?

Is this what Jesus taught you? To give to the rich and fuck the poor?

"Your side (Dems) are not so fortunate. The Democrat / Liberal list grows by the day. The party of debauchery."

The leader of the Republicans, the president YOU voted for, is responsible for this, and you dare to pretend to to have the moral high ground? Have you no shame you spineless hypocrite?

bobknight33 said:

Dems had 8 years to do tax reform and did nothing.

Roy Moore?? We will see when his accusers have their day in court. Till then Roy is innocent.
Your side (Dems) are not so fortunate. The Democrat / Liberal list grows by the day. The party of debauchery.

Republican Tax Scam Is Handwritten Nonsense

bobknight33 says...

Dems had 8 years to do tax reform and did nothing.

Roy Moore?? We will see when his accusers have their day in court. Till then Roy is innocent.
Your side (Dems) are not so fortunate. The Democrat / Liberal list grows by the day. The party of debauchery.

Mystic95Z said:

Yeah and Republicans are self interested ass wipes, child molesters (Roy Moore) need I say more? 2018 polls are going to be a wave of Republican regret for voting that douche bag in chief we have now. And as far as the GOP tax plan it just adds more to the deficit and gives Corps and the Rich more tax breaks.

How the Obama Presidency Destroyed Todays Democratic Party

StukaFox says...

I upvoted your video because I appreciate the fact you're trying to present a cognizant backing for a lot of the things you say and believe.

I don't know if this was your strongest card, 'tho. He's well-spoken, with impressive CV and an interesting argument. The problem is he's cherry-picking the entire video and sometimes even resorting to rank hypocrisy (it's anti-American to campaign to minorities with a grievance, yet pulling the same stunt got Trump elected when he did it with white people).

I notice he falls back on the Coastal Elite trope, as if being successful and having ideals is somehow an antithesis to all that's good and pure about corn farmers in Kansas. Somehow, it's all those darned people living in that magical wonderland of those who can smell sea salt from the front porch of their homes that fucked middle America.

No. Sorry. Wrong answer.

40 years of Republican-dominated rule, 40 years of a sick social experiment being run by the disciples of Any Rand, is what fucked those people. 40 years of tax cuts for the rich and excess taxation on the poor; 40 years of stealing from schools to pay for subs; 40 years of setting the wolves among the sheep in the form of stripping consumer protections; 40 years of historical revisionism; 40 years of the kind of government that should have landed the perpetrators 12 steps from 6 hooded men with 5 loaded rifles.

Republicans have been calling the shots since Reagan, but yet 8 years of the black dude somehow set the country on a frenzy of self-destructive idiocy unseen since the French Revolution?

Look, I appreciate that you're trying to raise the tone with videos like this. But if you're trying to intellectually shore up the dike, I've got bad news for you: the facts will rarely be on your side.

Samantha Bee - A Penis PSA

newtboy says...

You don't fight racism by being racist.
You don't fight sexism by being sexist.
It's not about ego, it's about fairness and honesty and civil behaviour. Those who fight against ignorant hatred with ignorant hatred are also my matter what their cause.
What this does is legitimize body shaming. This means the douchbags you decry now can, with impunity, demean women's bodies all they like, and when confronted about their sexist douchebaggery, they can just say "Sam made it OK to demean
your (insert demeaning adjectives here) vagina".

Also, when you're trying to draw people to your side of a debate, it's never a good idea to blatantly insult them. Not all men are abusers, but Sam seems to think we all deserve to be treated as if we are. Had she stopped at :45, I would stand with her. Because she decided it was more important to insult men than instruct them, I now stand against her.

Edit: Finally, this won't create fewer harassed women, it's more likely to create more by giving the predisposed to abuse an excuse and validation of their methods.
This is why I'm barred from team sports...I call fouls on my own team.

JustSaying said:

I get what you're saying, it's just....

you know, men's precious egos taking a hit is worth having less sexually harassed women. The idea that all these women secretly want some douchebag's penis is way too popular among douchebags to let it stay alive. It's needs to be killed. With fire.
Take one for Team Humanity, dude.

Bump Fire Stocks

MilkmanDan says...


1) There has been a ban on sales of new, fully-automatic firearms ("machine guns") since 1986. That leaves some loopholes (can still buy them if they were manufactured before then, but that demand plus scarcity makes them expensive, etc.) but in general, there isn't a whole lot of uproar over that 20-year-old ban.

2) These bump-fire stocks don't technically convert a firearm into fully-automatic; the trigger is still being pulled 1 time for each bullet that comes out (semi-automatic).

3) However, they easily allow for rates of fire (bullets per minute/second) comparable to fully-automatic weapons. So, I think an unbiased and reasonable person would say that while a firearm equipped with one of these does not violate the letter of the ban on fully-automatic firearms, it does quite reasonably violate the spirit of that ban.

4) Doing anything to correct that discrepancy will require updated laws. Updating the law requires a legislature that generally supports the update and a president that agrees, or a legislature that overwhelmingly supports the update and can override a presidential veto.

5) None of that exists at the moment in the US. So, it is (perhaps coldly) logical to say that these bump-fire stocks will not be banned as an extension to the 1986 ban on full-auto firearms, at least not in the short term.

6) However, before quietly accepting that, it is worth noting that political fallout amongst those individuals in the legislature that refuse to consider updating the law is a very real possibility. Plenty of people, even on the right, even plenty of gun nuts, say that they are in favor of some degree of "common sense" gun control. Pointing out that bump-fire stocks essentially circumvent the already in-place ban on fully-automatic firearms seems like a good way to test that professed adherence to common sense.

7) Get that word out there, and pretty importantly, try to do it in a way that is as respectful towards the average "gun nut" as possible. Their minds can be swayed. Hunters, sportsmen, and even people that have guns for self defense can be persuaded with reason -- they can still do their thing even without bump-fire stocks, just like they can do their thing without fully-automatic firearms. Congresscritters probably can't be convinced, because they've already been bribed"persuaded" with campaign donations, NRA lobbyists, etc.

So, don't preach to the choir. Try to convince the people that do actually own guns. The good news? You've got "common sense" on your side.

Cops Getting Caught On Video Hasn't Led To Convictions

newtboy says...

You're so dishonest. You've said clearly that you go to bed hating me. ;-)

In the tape, I see the clear opportunity to plant evidence (with no other explanation for what he was doing retrieving something in his squad car after shooting him but before he's even removed from the car, and sitting in the victims car with his body camera off), which he hides from the cameras in his uniform instead of showing it off to bystanders in his hands, and when tested, the gun only had the officers DNA and fingerprints, and the victim wasn't wearing gloves, the cop was. No explanation given for any of that.
Edit: that's motive, means, and opportunity, and unexplained evidence with no other reasonable explanation.
Case closed.

EDIT: Given the exact same circumstances but a black citizen shooting another citizen, then performing the exact same hyper suspicious actions, you would absolutely, zero question in my mind, say it's incontrovertible that the black man murdered the other man and planted a gun and drugs to get away with it.

Funny, you and your side of the isle has spent at least 8 years in the streets over sour grapes, now you suddenly think you're reasonable and thoughtful....but you don't even understand the words.

If blacks were killing officers at the rate that officers are killing blacks, you would say they've declared open season on law enforcement...oh wait, you've already said that, even though cops actually kill 25 times more citizens than people kill cops, and by far most of those citizens are black.

bobknight33 said:

Newt, As much as I like you I just don't' see wrong doing on the tape below. Where in the tape do you see the planting?

The moments in question of the planting starts around 625 in the tape below.

I see nothing in his hands when he exits his vehicle nor do I see anything as he walks around before he enters the suspects vehicle.

It not an open season on blacks, just justified actions of men in blue.

Delusional grownups seeing things that are not true. Hoping against hope for it to be so. Only to have the truth of the law burst their bubble. Sour grapes and protesting in the streets are the outlet of those without the ability of thought and reason.

Trump Is Under Spiritual Attack Because from Demons

bcglorf says...

I'm all in favour of sticking strongly to ones convictions, but politics needs to include compromise. I think part of the current problem in the US is the winner takes all attitude you reference and exhibit that both parties have been playing from since Bush/Clinton days at the least.

Stating that the correct answer on the death penalty debate, war against dictator from whereveristan, public/private healthcare, abortion, federal definition of marriage are ALL non-negotiable moral high grounds where your side will never give an inch and let the country burn if that's what it takes is causing the current chaos. Trump got elected in large part on exactly this course of backlash against not just the political status quo, but additionally the left's steadfast push that all these issues where 'solved' and sacred and must morally never lean back towards the right.

RFlagg said:

The Supreme Court is why the right will never condemn Trump no matter how vile he is. So long as they hold the Senate and the Presidency, they have a chance to overturn gay marriage and possibly Roe V Wade or at least limit it greatly... of course they remain pro-war, pro-death penalty and anti-affordable health care, but will claim to be pro-life.

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