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Ted Nugent will Suck Your Dick

enoch says...

i love ted nugents music.saw him three times and he puts on one helluva show.
and @chingalera is right.nugent is a showmen.
look at me! look at me!
the man is a master of self promotion.
but he really should stay out of politics and/or talking about politics because he comes across as half retarded.
and i take issue with the man on calling the military "his people" when he literally shit himself to avoid vietnam.
i am not hating on his decision to do whatever he felt was right at the time but dont be such a blatant fucking hypocrite

he is loud,passionate and obnoxious and probably a fun guy to hang with but he is also a pussy.
all that tough talk is just,
and its also part of the show!

rock on nuge.

Ted Nugent will Suck Your Dick

Ted Nugent: Vietnam Draft Dodger

Stormsinger says...

I'd never criticize anyone for avoiding getting drafted into that war. It ended a couple of years before I was eligible for the draft, but I definitely had my escape plans ready. What I criticize are those fucking hypocrits that start promoting wars and talking shit as soon as they were no longer at risk of having to serve themselves.

I'd honestly love to see every last chickenhawk sent over to whatever war we are currently involved least then our innocent youngsters could be spared. I'm for damned sure that our wars would be far fewer and far smaller, if those who called for them had to serve in them.

>> ^Ryjkyj:

Now I'm not one to call draft-dodgers cowards, and certainly not "the biggest coward in America." Dodging the Vietnam draft can probably just be chalked up to critical thinking, but it certainly is interesting to hear this story. As someone who threatens to kill people every day of his life for various reasons, it truly shows Nugent for what he really is: all talk and no cock. It also puts his "hunting makes me so tough" schtick in an entirely different light, namely: "I can kill a bear from really far away with a gun, but I'd never put myself in any actual danger."

Ted Nugent: Vietnam Draft Dodger

Ted Nugent: Vietnam Draft Dodger

Ted Nugent: Vietnam Draft Dodger

Ryjkyj says...

>> ^bobknight33:

Just because Ted slams OBAMA indirectly teh other day you have to bring this shit up. Typical of the left.

Uhhh... when is Ted Nugent ever not slamming Obama? That's the only thing he's capable of doing anymore.

Now I'm not one to call draft-dodgers cowards, and certainly not "the biggest coward in America." Dodging the Vietnam draft can probably just be chalked up to critical thinking, but it certainly is interesting to hear this story. As someone who threatens to kill people every day of his life for various reasons, it truly shows Nugent for what he really is: all talk and no cock. It also puts his "hunting makes me so tough" schtick in an entirely different light, namely: "I can kill a bear from really far away with a gun, but I'd never put myself in any actual danger."

I used to think Nugent was maybe just a crazy guy with some opinions that differ from what I'm used to. I always forget that a lot of famous people, radio guys especially, are simply presenting the contrived personality that gets them the most attention.

Ted Nugent: Vietnam Draft Dodger

Yogi says...

It's pretty sad that Ted Nugent is somebody someone listens to, so much that Cenk feels the need to fling shit at him. In a real society his voice wouldn't be considered unless he made poignant reasonable arguments. Instead our society points a camera an a microphone at anyone who's just got shit to say, inflammatory shit hopefully.

Evacuated Tube Transport: Around the World in 6 Hours

Kelly Loves Hunger Games, but Not "Parent Sex"

Ted Nugent: Vietnam Draft Dodger

Pastor Outs Gay Teens in Church-Watch Quick before Copyright

shinyblurry says...

Whatever this is, it's not Christianity. This is a perverse display of unbalanced testimony and emotional manipulation. Worship is supposed to be sober and peaceful, as well as joyous and uplifting. This is none of those.

Calling a bunch of people out for a particular sin is just ridiculous. As if one sin is much different than the other. I bet there were a lot more adulters there than homosexuals. It's just not going to help anyone..if anything it is going to reinforce the idea that they are "different". Not only that but we are told to confess our sins before God and not men. This pastor has something wrong with him.

Spiritually, this service is polluted. I think though that should be clear to anyone. This doesn't represent Christianity at all, and it's unfortunate that anyone would think it does.

Something else to's very interesting that the sift will upvote anything that makes Christianity look bad, even though most of you clearly hated this video. Yet, when something is posted with agrees with Christianity, the sift can't wait to get rid of it. Biased much?

>> ^cosmovitelli:
>> ^kceaton1:
Why is Ted Nugent's brother a pastor?

No that's shinyblurry at his day job..

Pastor Outs Gay Teens in Church-Watch Quick before Copyright

Pastor Outs Gay Teens in Church-Watch Quick before Copyright

Dennis Miller is a class act

Stormsinger says...

Miller gets lumped into the same category I toss Nugent...loonies that I just don't care to support any more. Miller MAY be slightly less offensive than the chickenhawk gun nut.

I would certainly be surprised to see either one of them given any airtime for their political views on any channel other than Faux News.

Little Raver Kid

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