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Border Collie Disc Caddy

newtboy jokingly says...

No problem on the points, but I won’t throw hail marys…I don’t play no foolsball. Foolsball is the Devil.

BSR said:

For your penitence you must gift 10 Power Points to Buttle along with reciting three Hail Marys. God bless you my Son.

Whistleblower Exposes Far Right Justices Corruption

newtboy says...

Liar. That’s not what he said. No surprise, you can’t be near the truth, it burns you.

He sent millionaires/billionaires as “stealth missionaries”…not mom and pop evangelicals. Mom and pop prayed and sent cards, billionaires sent hundred thousand dollar and more vacations. He did that because billionaires can make bribes mom and pop can’t…sent stealth because bribing judges is against their religion, ethics, and morals….and justices are apparently exempt from ethic and morality rules and laws so can accept any amount without reporting it but still don’t like the optics.
I would bet you any amount (were you not a welcher) the “conservative” justices never pay for their lunches, which they hold in places like the four seasons where the bill can exceed $1k easily every day. Keep in mind this well funded group was only one of dozens lobbying the conservative justices.

Alito leaked decisions to these billionaires, and let them shape decisions….and was paid well for it. Typically hypocritically, suddenly the right doesn’t care one bit about leaks from the court, when last week they were still screaming for blood from the 3 sane justices they assumed were the leakers. Now that it’s known Alito is a leaker….NOTHING BURGER. You infants are so transparent. To your ilk wrong is only wrong if the left does it.

A few dinners is what they CLAIMED, but not everything they did. It’s what he says he suggested (but that’s not believable one bit), not the limit of their involvement by far.
He admitted they hosted dinners for them regularly…including travel across the country and stays in massive estates as part of the “dinner”, and including their friends and families, and often and repeatedly hosted them on extravagant vacations to different continents, including extravagant first class hunting trips to South America, etc, (including first class travel for them and their families)…. and entered a Faustian deal where the court would make abortion illegal only if the evangelicals would support EVERYTHING ELSE in the far right agenda no matter how evil.

Hilarious that he claims he was trying to convince the court it had the people’s support to eradicate reproductive rights. That was a blatant lie from evangelicals, they were opposed by over 70% of the people, and utterly destroyed the legitimacy of the court in their political zeal to erode individual rights for Americans. (And many other ethical and moral failings)

This is the far right court selling a decision (and a legal right) for political gains…and you know they get kickbacks from the far right for that too.

You love wasting tax payer dollars. How many millions wasted on Trump’s fake illicit defense by an activist judge inserting herself in a federal case to protect him? How many hundreds of millions were wasted in Trump’s repeated election fraud investigations that found no fraud besides Republican frauds they ignored? How many billions wasted on Trump’s failed useless border fence that’s already crumbling into rivers and getting blown down in wind, and hasn’t slowed border crossings at all since they’ve increased since he built it? How much was wasted investigating BLM and ANTIFA….how much was wasted CREATING ANTIFA by labeling any protester ANTIFA unless they could prove they weren’t, in a ploy to create a boogie man for you to fear? Now you want to spend hundreds of millions investigating private citizens (Hunter, Clinton). You want to spend hundreds of millions investigating Fauchi. You don’t want to spend a dime investigating the highest court being bribed….unless you only target liberal justices then you’re 100% on board with any amount.
And exactly how many tax dollars have been spent on investigating this? Pretty certain it’s near zero. It’s just public knowledge now. Just said in congress under oath…that’s all.

Edit: I bet you have no problem with justices like Kavenaugh “partying” (getting drunk and raping women?) with Matt Gaetz, Stephen Miller, Erick Prince, Matt Schlapp, Sebastian Gorka, Sean Spicer, and others who have upcoming cases in front of his court, right? Just like it’s fine that Thomas didn’t recuse himself from cases directly involving his wife despite clear ethics rules requiring he do so….right? So much for “high ethical standards”….they have no standards. The right delegitimization the court started with denying Obama a nomination and is now complete.
And the Mark Meadows voter fraud case progresses. Sure he lived in a run down mobile home in the woods, he wasn’t lying to illegally register to vote in N Carolina…one of 3 places he registered. Lots of republicans committing vote fraud in N Carolina.

bobknight33 said:

This is what is admitted:
We sent greeting cards, prayed and had dinner at times.
Occasionally we got together for a few days out west.

WOW that is influencing peddling at the highest level.

Good find at government wasting tax dollars on nothing .

Foxconn lock down continues

newtboy says...

Foxconn is what you get when quasi socialist/communist dictatorial countries dabble in capitalism.

Let’s not forget Trump made a huge brilliant deal with them to build a factory in Wisconsin with the biggest corporate handouts in history of $3 billion and infrastructure installed at taxpayer expense while imminent domain was used to toss people off their land and taxpayer money used to clear it in preparation, touting the $10 billion factory and 13000-50000 expected jobs, which in reality is now down to a promise of $672 million and maybe up to 1400 jobs someday…today it’s a storage facility that assembles some servers for select clients (Chinese companies). He and the Righties sure loved ‘Jiner’ then. No problem with communist ‘Jiner’ at all while they’re handing out patents to Ivanka.

Transgender Rights II: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

Bidens Border mess

newtboy says...

Such nonsense. Biden tried to remove the disastrous stay in Mexico policy, but was forced to keep Trump’s border rules until under three fucking weeks ago, dumbshit. He sent more back home to places like Hati than Trump did too. Derp.

Trump’s $40 billion fence hasn’t slowed immigration one percent, as expected. $40 billion more funding to border patrol would have been hundreds of times more effective….but not a monument to Trump.
Not using the border patrol to do useless, expensive political stunts instead of their job helps too.
Good BS blaming someone else. Republicans saying the borders are open is the number one reason people in South America believe it…that’s what THEY say, and why they’re coming now. This lies at least in part at their feet.

Funny how absolutely nothing was the president’s responsibility Jan 2017-21, but now everything in the country is his fault….except the things getting better like unemployment, wages, gdp, covid, the economy, gas prices recently, etc.

Bullshit. Trump never had any program to combat gang violence. Stop lying. His best plan was round up all Mexicans and you’ll get a lot of gang members too, but that’s a horrific and outrageous (and impossible) way to achieve that goal.

Calling them criminals invading is EXACTLY the point of this video, dummy. No one is barging into your house, most aren’t in the drug trade, for the vast majority crossing a line is the only crime they ever committed, and if our immigration/asylum policies were functional they wouldn’t have committed that crime. Just more nonsensical babbling from a ridiculous tool.

Funny how minor crime to save ones life is outrageous to you, but severe treasonous crimes for personal enrichment is a nothing burger. Stupid is as stupid does, and holy shit do you advocate for some stupid shit.

Denying asylum seekers entry was a crime when it started. Do it the right way or you are committing a crime every time you deny one. That’s Trump policy, no problem when he breaks the law, right? You don’t care a whit about law or crime, only about what you can pin on your rivals. Proven time and time and time and time and time and time again. You see no crime ever on the right, and fantasize about non existent crimes from the left, constantly.
Again, Barr lied and obstructed justice to protect Trump who lied and obstructed justice, court findings, but still not a crime because the statutes of limitations expired, right? No crime if they criminally slipped out of legal jeopardy….right?
And you also can’t see the hypocrisy. 🤦‍♂️

Answer this (I know you won’t, you are incapable of ever answering questions unless fed the far right answer, while I address every point you try to make every time)…how much has Abbot wasted on this stunt that hasn’t moved 1/2 days worth of immigrants out of state? Wouldn’t that money be better spent stopping crossings rather than with meaningless political stunts like this and the $10 billion waste of money with his border inspections that didn’t find a single stowaway or drug caches?

bobknight33 said:

Trump working on it, But this administration deiced to stop and keep the doors wide open.

You get what you vote for.
Highest OD rates thanks to Biden's administration.

And so much worse.

Good BS blaming everyone else. Biden administration is the enforcer of the border . This lies at his feet.

Trump was gathering up MS13 member but liberal cites were blocking and hindering.

Democrats like this. You gt what you vote for.

" @bobknight33, with the exception of the crime of illegal entry, undocumented immigrants commit crimes at levels much lower than citizens. "

That not the point I walk into you house sit on the couch and eat your food.. No crime Right???????

Come in the right way else you are committing a crime.

Stupid is as stupid does.

Why it's hard to be Republican w/a mind and heart

newtboy says...

Derp. Of course not. As I said, that’s classified level information, just the topics of the documents he stole are classified….fuckwit. That’s the sensitivity level of what he STOLE on his way out, then lied about still having.
Also Trump’s lawyers are fighting (poorly) to keep even the topics hidden from even the FBI and DOJ. They’ll go to the Supreme Court to keep them from becoming public. Why, if there’s nothing there, are they going to such lengths to hide the evidence?

Can you name one sensitive document Clinton had? I seriously doubt it after hundreds of millions and a dozen or more investigations, and those were lowest level classification documents not even labeled classified.

What was found was over 700 pages of classified documents, including at least 11 separate top secret classified sets of documents, at least 3 the highest top secret level not allowed out of secure facilities and that cannot be declassified by the president, usually meaning nuclear secrets but possible non nuclear but just as sensitive highest level state secrets.
You don’t need to know EXACTLY what the secrets are to know it’s criminal to have them, and to keep them unsecured, and to lie to the FBI about having them. You only demand that information because you know it won’t be produced….it’s an artificial bar you’re floating in the sky and saying “you haven’t reached that bar yet”….the fifth or sixth bar this scandal. It will be great if Biden decides the public knowing outweighs the secrecy and declassifies that information….won’t it?

I would point out, the documents being classified is not a requirement of any of the 3 laws cited in the warrant…just that he took them, kept them, and hid/lied about having them. There’s no doubt on all 3.

I’ve never claimed to KNOW they were nuclear secrets, others claimed that, I said they were likely nuclear secrets or might be other secrets of the same import and classification.
“ Classified documents relating to nuclear weapons were among the items FBI agents sought in a search of former president Donald Trump’s Florida residence on Monday, according to people familiar with the investigation.”. To be honest, I haven’t read the redacted warrant to see if that’s what they were specifically looking for, but word is they found what they were looking for.

You never agree when I’m undeniably right, you just ghost.
You never admit you were wrong. Not once in the near dozen years we’ve been “talking”. I bet elsewhere you still claim Jan 6 was ANTIFA and BLM but not a single Trumpist, despite reality being the exact opposite. I bet elsewhere you still claim 2020 was a stolen election (only the presidential race though, the rest of all the ballots are valid).
You can find dozens of times I’ve admitted I was incorrect, I usually thank the person who set me straight, but I don’t recall you ever correctly correcting me so likely not directly to you.
I’ve agreed with you on some points, but never your overall take. It’s always nuts.
You agree individual cops are bad, then say it’s always an outlier, one bad apple, then throw tantrums accusing me of saying things I had not said like we should have no police at all.
You rarely agree about evil criminal Republicans, sometimes you say they shouldn’t hold office but what about “x”, but soon forget and support them, or Trump does and you say nothing but just grin….or you just say crooks are better than lefties. Don’t you still support Gaetz despite the underage human trafficking, Bohbert despite supporting her husband exposing himself to two 15 year old girls in her presence, Judge Roy despite years of trolling for 13 year old girls at the mall, even Trump despite being best friends with Epstein for years and years after he admitted serial child molesting, partying in private with him and YOUNG girls and joking about sex with his daughter and other children (something actual child abusers do).

“My side” is often wrong (it’s not my side btw, I’m a Democrat based on sanity). Assault weapon bans for instance, are dumb. Either eliminate all clip fed semi auto without a licensed necessity or none. Cosmetics are just that. Your turn.

Again with the Magnificent Spaghetti Monster, may you be touched with his noodly appendage. You like to degrade what you think are my sources, but you have no clue what they are. I’ll just say CNN is never on my TV, and I really don’t know what MSM is, I thought you meant MSNBC, which I also don’t watch! 😂

Only facts matter to me, that’s why I’m willing to cite sources unlike you who is embarrassed of where your nonsense came from. I read both sides of an issue, and the original data the conclusions come from and decide for myself….usually agreeing with the left but not always, but never with the right because they are insane and delusional, believing only their alternate facts (what were called lies before Trump). Facts have never mattered to you, only partisan blame games.

Name a disastrous government response or responsibility you blame on Republicans. I’ll start, I’ll blame our current friendly status with Saudi Arabia on Biden, they should be on the terrorist state list, and it’s his call now. Your turn.

Edit: PS- Courts ruled last week that Barr outright lied about the contents of the Mueller report and about the idea that without a conviction on the underlying crime there could be no obstruction, ruled that there are 10 instances of legal obstruction listed in the report, and that Barr bold faced lied about it, hid it from the public, and did this intentionally to obstruct Justice, to protect Trump from valid charges that might have removed him from office during his impeachment….or as I’m sure you’ll say….”nothing burger” (because you have no problem with criminality if it’s from the right. The chances any evidence would make you say Trump is unfit are zero.)

bobknight33 said:

Nice reads.

The take away is from on of the articles you linked..

"We still do not, of course, know exactly what the FBI found"

You amaze me with you utter gullible nature.

You stupid fuck stick.
Tell me EXACTLY what was FOUND?

Enlighten me with FACTS!

Everyone is speculating and no one has FACTS. NO ONE! ( except you)

I only call out fools like you.
When you are right I agree.
I can't remember you ever agreeing with me.
When you post a bad cop vid I agree
When you post a bad Republican , I agree
You however can never accept that you side can be so wrong at times. Facts do not matter to you, only MSM opinions do. Those are not facts.

Chaos erupts at LA City Hall as council votes to ban homeles

newtboy says...

I don’t live in LA….

We do have a homeless guy living in the neighborhood, down by the river (but no van) for years now….he cleans the streets of trash, keeps the gutters clean, and watches for late night crime, so no, I have no problem having homeless on my street, just like I had no problem hosting a homeless friend in my home for 6 months before letting him park and live in his airstream in my back yard for almost 7 years until he adopted an aggressive dog. I also donate fresh produce to food banks for the homeless constantly. I’ve done way more than my fair share, friendo. How about you?

There’s a big difference between accepting those here anyway and making the best of the situation and actively inviting more. Even well below normal intelligence people understand that, but you seem to not.

Rich…on $35k a year for two….in California. Well, that’s as based in reality as everything you say, so congrats on consistency….consistent insanity.

California on the other hand has a near $100 billion surplus, so we could build MORE facilities for addicts, mentally challenged/ill, and those who just had bad luck or no opportunities….if not for nimby asshats like this city council.

Funny, you thought them totally insane for suggesting housing homeless in hotels (without the option to opt out), which was the carrot part of this plan, but you relish the criminalization of being homeless, the stick. Pretty chicken shit and cowardly to pick on those who can’t defend themselves.

There was a proposed low income housing project 1 block away from me I didn’t oppose, but it fell through because there are absolutely no services and not even public transport here.

bobknight33 said:

Great so you have no problem having this near your local school or even on your street or front lawn?

You a better person that most.

Go post a sign Homeless -- my yard is available.

Why can't California build space for these people or facilities for those with drug addition/ mental illness . Just add another gas tax or such. California people are rich, like you. Do you fair share

Chaos erupts at LA City Hall as council votes to ban homeles

bobknight33 says...

Great so you have no problem having this near your local school or even on your street or front lawn?

You a better person that most.

Go post a sign Homeless -- my yard is available.

Why can't California build space for these people or facilities for those with drug addition/ mental illness . Just add another gas tax or such. California people are rich, like you. Do you fair share

newtboy said:

Her final statement is unbelievably clueless…Fear is precisely why they created this legislation and the only reason why it has any support at all.
A more accurate statement would have been “we will not legislate based on reality or reason, and certainly not with compassion or empathy.”
Criminalizing homelessness, which for 98% of homeless is not a choice, is not just draconian, heartless, and insanely expensive, it also doesn’t address the issue one bit. After paying to remove and/or incarcerate them, they don’t disappear, they get out of jail or get pushed out of the neighboring communities and are still homeless.

Also, California prisons are insanely overcrowded….how exactly do they expect to jail every non compliant homeless person? By releasing the violent career criminals, murderers and rapists that are pretty much the only ones left in Ca prisons? Great plan.

Beto O’Rourke “It May Be Funny To You, Mother F*#ker”

newtboy says...

Kind of, I’m surprised to find out.
The national guard is a branch of the military….but…
Wiki- All members of the National Guard are also members of the organized militia of the United States as defined by 10 U.S.C. § 246. National Guard units are under the dual control of the state governments and the federal government.

I was unaware they counted as militia, I thought they were simply federal military reserves. I have no problem at all with national guard members being armed on duty. None at all. I would mention that even active military must surrender their weapons to the armory on base when not on duty, they don’t just keep them at all times.

BSR said:

Isn't the National Guard the well regulated militia?

Color video of Albert Einstein actually explaining E=mc2

"A Fourth Car Absolutely Buggered!" - Deadly Mexican Street

BSR says...

No problem. I'm sure you'd do the same for us.

You wouldn't happen to work at a nuclear power plant would you?

C-note said:

Thanks guys. I did not notice it wasn't working right. Too many hours with no sleep.

Liz Cheney Show with Bret Baier guest hosting

newtboy says...

Yes, he broke laws. Nice you joined us in reality for a moment.

What laws? How’s treason? How’s defrauding an election, election interference, attempted election interference, witness tampering, bribery and blackmail, abuse of power, deriliction of duty, incitement of insurrection, violations of the presidential records act, disruption of congress, murder of a police officer, etc. for starters, only looking at this single incident.
I know you want to say “nothing bigger than jaywalking, nothing burger….let’s investigate Hunter for maybe doing drugs as a private citizen and say Don Jr doing drugs while representing us internationally and doing government business is off limits.”

Come on, why not complain again that you don’t hear Trump’s side….just because he’s too scared to testify. Complain there aren’t more Republicans on the committee….just because they boycotted it. Complain about the witnesses despite nearly 100% being Trump administration officials or voters.

Hundreds of millions spent so you can’t name a law Clinton broke, hypocrite. The few millions spent to find out those responsible for a deadly coup is pennies compared to the costs of the failed coup. It actually costs exponentially less than the physical damage done to the building, estimated over $30 million….but the full cost of Trump’s tantrum and failed coup including deploying the national guard was WELL OVER $500 MILLION. A few million more to hold someone accountable and keep it from repeating is nothing, especially if we then sue Trump to recoup the losses (hint, he doesn’t have that much money).
Also, $4 billion spent on Greg Abbot’s performance stunt to halt trade at the border in the name of anti immigration that caught zero extra immigrants…that you supported…makes you just a tad hypocritical again….just a little bit.
To be clear, I’m saying you have no problem actually wasting, with no return on investment, thousands of times the amount spent safeguarding the nation from domestic terrorists with the bipartisan investigation.

The DOJ makes specific charges, not the investigative committee….since you seem confused again. The committee is smart enough to not telegraph the evidence supporting every charge they prepared for the DOJ. They only need to show enough to convince any reasonable person of his guilt, not every cultist. There is no amount of evidence of any criminality from any source that would convince your ilk that Trump’s treasonous and deadly crimes are worth prosecuting, convincing you is not the goal or even a concern.

What a joke comment you wrote and person you are.

bobknight33 said:

Trump is a criminal - he broke laws.

What laws? Well that not for me to say.

Millions of dollars spent and she can name a broken law.

What a joke show.

The Stakes Are Unbelievably High

newtboy says...

You mean the party of debauchery? Treason? Sex trafficking? Vote fraud? Pedophilia? Hebephilia? Secret foreign agents? Infidelity? Insurrection? You mean Republicans?

Right, anything to stop you ethics free, morality free, education free Trumptards led by the least moral person ever to hold office. How does removing all reproductive rights from women accomplish that?

Do you even know what “morals” are? I don’t think so.

Hilariously, Republicans tried to block a bill to help supply babies with formula, because they care so much about babies that they want them to starve to death if it costs $.03 to feed them…but no problem to waste $10 billion in a PR stunt “inspecting” Mexican trucks at the border with zero results.
Edit: They also spent two years screaming about not wearing a mask because they have full body autonomy…the right to spread deadly diseases, and no one has the right to give them a shot to prevent those preventable deaths.
They also leave no exceptions if the woman’s life is endangered by the pregnancy…which would kill both the woman and the zygote.
So much for “pro life”.
Such outrageous hypocrites and liars. The party of irrational hate and fear, immorality and prejudice, thy name is Republican.

bobknight33 said:

Absolutely. Anything to stop the party of no moral fiber.

They All Lied

newtboy says...

There has been no new evidence.
None whatsoever, only religious nut jobs put in office that rule based on what isn’t even religious doctrine and certainly is not US law, which is clear that embryos aren’t people, and women aren’t slaves nor incubators without rights over their own bodies.

It’s no surprise whatsoever that you’re fine with eradicating rights for women, or removing any rights you dislike others enjoying.

Of course you have no problem that each one intentionally perjured themselves during confirmation, because you don’t care one whit about crime if your team commits it, nor lies if they suit you. You’ve been abundantly clear about that, consistently.

Will you be fine when they reinterpret the second amendment to require strict regulations on militias, and they are the only non government entity with a right to OWN firearms, which can only be lent to licensed members that pass stringent testing bi yearly and screening and licensing at extremely high costs? Of course not, you’re a hypocrite.
Will you be fine when that new court declares flying a confederate flag is seditious treason and it’s retroactive, so old photos are enough to convict and execute?

You’ve had a conservative court for decades. Now you have one not interested in the law or science but only politics.

Of course, you’ll have no problem with Democrats adding 6 seats, ignoring all Republican whining and filling them with hyper liberal activist judges, and writing the law in a way that no more seats can be added without a constitutional amendment, then revisiting the issue in 6 months to get it right permanently. Don’t say we didn’t warn you.

bobknight33 said:

Precedent is just that until evidence proves otherwise.

Pluto was a planet until it wasn't. Truth evolves over time.

1857 Slavery was fundamentally ruled legal under Dred Scott. Truly a wrong decision and a study in judicial overreach.

In 1868, the Fourteenth Amendment overturned the
Dred Scott decision by granting citizenship to all those born in the United States, regardless of color.

Finally this is just a leaked draft opinion. One must wait to see if overturned and on what grounds .

That being said The left waited decades to get abortions. The right has waited 50+ years to get a legal argument that might overturn that decision.

50 years later and finally have a conservative court and a case that might alter Roe V wade.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Still no answer?
Still can’t say who she slept with to advance to the second highest elected position in the land besides her husband, who’s not in politics, but you still say she’s a whore who could only sleep her way up because she’s a woman….but you don’t think you’re sexist!?! ROTFLMFAHS,! You utter moron, what do you think “sexist” means?

Elected Attorney General twice, Senator once before being elected VP. How many public offices did Trump hold before president? How many women did he sleep with while married? How many women did he rape? How many children age 13? The answer to three of these questions is not zero.

Compared to your messiah’s abysmal record of failed businesses, various crimes, racism, sexism, rape, theft, pedophilia, tax evasion, bank frauds, and an allergy to the truth and fact, (and now an aversion to democracy) she’s insanely over qualified to be president or VP. Enjoy, she’ll probably be in the whitehouse for the rest of your life.

There isn’t a Republican in office that is elected official material. They’re all anti American, anti democracy terrorists that should be shot in the face as enemies of the state who give aid and comfort to other enemies of America constantly. You know it well, comrade.

I’m guessing we haven’t heard from you for a week because both anonymous and the American cyber warfare division have attacked Putin’s troll farm and you can’t get online.
Hope you like borscht….it’s all there will be left for you.

Edit: lemme guess, Jackson (3 times confirmed by a bipartisan congress) is also unqualified and slept her way to the top of the judicial branch, right? You don’t know how, or with who, but you just know it’s true (because a black woman could never accomplish what she has)….but not because you’re a racist sexist troll….you say that for some other reason you just can’t articulate.
But Barrett, with zero judicial experience before Trump nominated her and obvious overt religious bias that she has let dictate her decisions despite saying she never would, you had no problem with her, right?

bobknight33 said:

racist sexist???

You making her color is racist.

Sexist. I think not.
She is a political whore. Slept with who ever to get her power.

She is not VP material by any measure. You know it .

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