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the new american family-living in cars

quantumushroom says...

Until you have the stats on poverty and how many trillions of dollars US taxpayers have already spent in a semi-futile effort to drain the swamp, your emotions will be easy prey. Have a nice day.

Funny Missile Launch in Afghanistan

Melbourne Siftup (with Dag): This Saturday! (Downunder Talk Post)

$1870.00 Parking Fine

P1ggy says...

As with everyone else, I feel no empathy for these people. They chose to do something illegal and got caught. I also agree that if you are at a ballpark get out and walk. It is a nice day. Enjoy the fact that you have working legs.

I'm usually a bit peeved at the amount of handicapped spaces that have to be mandated for use though. At a ballpark it is pretty appropriate. At my work it drives me nuts. Working at a large company with about 3000 at our location we have 2 parking lots and 3 surface lots. Nearly the entire bottom floor of each parking lot is reserved for handicapped spaces. Large sections of each parking lot are also reserved. In the entire company I've never seen more than 5 of these occupied at one time.

It just irks me that so much space is wasted here. And, it costs money to build each spot. I hate seeing anything like that go to waste.

What is Gang Stalking?

xxovercastxx says...

Somewhere, the kid on the bike has written a blog post about a woman who comes out of her house just as he's driving by and films him from the cover of her car while he rests at the corner.

Two of her cohorts approach him under the guise of walking their dogs and say suspicious things such as, "good afternoon" and "it's such a nice day, isn't it?"

A third conspirator drives past repeatedly in a white car disguised as a drag racer. What's a drag car doing on a small neighborhood road?

Finally, a forth and fifth conspirator pass by on bikes. They were probably meant for pursuit in case he tried to escape.

All the conspirators maintained frequent eye contact during the course of the encounter. Perhaps they are communicating psychically or through some sort of code (Morse code by blinking, maybe?).

[back to normal now...]
All the group stalking victims are probably feeding each others' paranoia by standing around in public and staring at each other.

Also, I question the schizophrenia tag. Are we certain this is a form of schizophrenia? I doubt anyone can make that diagnosis from a 6.5 minute video and I'd hate to see that word just tossed around casually.

Debbie's crazy eharmony bio - I LOVE CATS

David Mitchell's Soapbox: LOL

residue says...

My favorite smiley usage is for exaggerating craziness, ie:

"If I ever see your pimply face again, I'll smash it with a brick, have a nice day asshole "

>> ^MaxWilder:

I disagree with his definition of the smiley face. It means that the previous statement was lighthearted. That's different from "I didn't mean it." Though it could mean you were only kidding, it could also mean "I don't mean that as an insult."

Rush Limbaugh Laughs About Japan

Yogi says...

>> ^Winstonfield_Pennypacker:

Cenk. Proving again and again that liberal bias is as bad or worse than anything Rush has ever said.

Ehhh nope. Sorry but there's no liberal bias...the NY Times is not liberal it's statist. MSNBC isn't liberal it's reactionary.

Don't believe me find out which American Newspaper or Network reported the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health findings of Cancer victims and infant mortality in Fallujah Iraq due to American forces using uranium shells. They found a greater amount of leukemia there than in Japan after the Nuclear bombs were dropped. Thank you and have a nice day.

As a bonus find me a mention of us supporting Saddam Hussein during his worst atrocities to the run up to the War in Iraq. Dontcha think a Liberal Bias would've jumped all over that to stop the War if they were really against it?

TDS: Mother F#@kers - Abortion Business For Profit

Kalle says...

Just to save you some time so you dont need to write another paragraph

I just said killing is wrong and that your holy book says so..

I`ll probably disagree with everything you will have to say about anything so no need to argue..

Have a nice day

Stephen Colbert - More Basil Marceaux Goodness

garmachi says...

I have often wondered if he was for real. His website features an ad banner offering T-Shirts with the slogan "Have a nice day AND UH Have a nice day", which was a Colbert joke from an earlier episode. This made me raise an eyebrow.

However, assuming that you trust Wikipedia as a source, he is in fact, for real. He's tried to run for numerous offices and this is his second attempt at the governor's seat.

Could you imagine the chaos if he actually won?

Basil Marceaux : The Next Governor of Tennessee

Drax says...

I thought it would be good to record his words here to better chronicle his agenda:
(I apologize that there where some parts I simply could not make out, but this is as close as I could muster)

"I'm Basil the repulbican candidate for governer.

I like to recall all permits and registration for guns


And uh, I like to put ....plant grass or vegetation a-across the state 'r any vacant lot and sell it for gas, so we can use it, use it for our expensise.

Also I'm gonna remove all gold fringed flags (?) from the state and plant a real flag, with three stripes!

I also want to stop traffic stops. Set it up like the supreme court ruled in Roe (???) vs Iowa: Can't find evinence'n car, you can't look!

I wants you's alls to vote for Basil Marceaux (This time referring to himself not as a website).

I wants you to say pledgaleejance to a Repulicandom in the morning, when you come out.

And we all pray to God. Aye and say 'amen' ..and everyone.. Have a nice day (quoting a modern classic, Forest Gump. Well played).

And I see you all at the polls. Thank you, have a nice day." (again!)

[I'm convinced his whole campaign is an Alternate Reality Game, btw]

Mel Gibson Audio Tape Released!

griefer_queafer says...

Yep. Hear you 100%. Not only does it take guts to turn someone in, but I would even say that someone has to have cahones to admit to THEMSELVES that someone has wronged them. A great deal of my own therapy has involved attempting to actually believe (truly believe, in my core) that a certain person wronged me (consistently) when I was a child. Hence the (initial) privacy of any context of abuse, which I think is really lost in cases like this one.

But anyway, I do not think I am trying to say that "she only made the tape to expose him publicly for a hollywood public spectacle factor and that stems from, or is evidence of some kind of fame whoreness." Just the last part... I would take issue with that. I don't think she is a whore... or is even acting like a whore. What I am trying to say is that, by deferring to the whorish media as an intermediary, that she might not only be taking the gravity out of Gibson's actions, but is using similar mechanisms of public humiliation and shame to which bullies like Gibson might themselves be quick to defer. YES, such violence needs to be brought into the open, and YES Gibson should be shown as the monster he is, but (again) to expose him in such a way would seem to risk exposing Gibson the character rather than Gibson the genuinely troubled and potentially dangerous man.

>> ^peggedbea:

so, it seems you think she only made the tape to expose him publicly for a hollywood public spectacle factor and that stems from, or is evidence of some kind of fame whoreness? i can see the logic there, and perhaps it is the case.
however, as i said before, the relationship messes with your head. a lot. i never once turned my husband into the cops. not when he hit me. not when he held a knife to my throat. not when i knew he was driving around drunk with a bag of methamphetamine and i knew all i really needed to do was call the cops and he'd get locked up for a while and i could leave peacefully. not when he stole my credit cards and ran up 8k worth of debt. not when he was in a dysphoric manic fit and screaming similar things with a gun to his head. never. i think i thought it would have been some sort of betrayal to the man i married, who i was under the impression was a sweet, shy, sensitive, creative boy who loved me and my daughter but struggled with demons from a life filled with abuse and addiction (which i was hard wired from early childhood to understand and empathize with, because i was raised by the mentally ill and by drug addicts, its just how the world looked from perspective). and maybe i knew how impotent law enforcement was to help, he did after all, belong in a hospital as opposed to a jail cell. because i was close to him and i knew all this torment was mental illness, demons from his past, and the drugs he uses to self medicate because he lives every single day in unimaginable mental anguish and stress and it all comes from bad chemicals. and he could be good. 60% of the time he was at least passably decent.
i did however, tape a few of his fits. i thought i could let him listen to it later when he was calm and more rational and he would see how badly he needed help. i thought it would convince him to take his meds. i bring this up because i now know several other people who have done the same thing. you dont want them locked up, you dont want to press charges on family, because they need psychiatric help. you just want them to see how crazy they are and put down the dick pipe and take their meds. i think this is probably the more likely scenario especially since there seems to be some doubt as to whether or not she was even the one to release them. i'm not sure anyone is equipped to handle these situations well, particularly not the type of person who would be attracted to them in the first place. that's why it's called a "cycle" of abuse. i learned in a class a few years ago that only 30% of adults who were abused as children abuse their own children. i thought that was sort of hopeful and interesting. i would like to know though what percentage of adults who were abused as children end up in abusive relationships. i would bet its also somewhere around the 30% mark.
>> ^griefer_queafer:
I think you're right to react the way you have. But I honestly think that part of my frustration with this video might have been lost in what I do recognize now as a real insensitivity on my part. It is definitely easy to say that you've missed the point, because you haven't, and you have brought my attention to a whole other level of insult allowed by my comments. Plus, you are right to say that it is easy to blame the victim, because it is SOOO easy, and I have done it.
HOWEVER. While I have def. made some serious assumptions about this 'tape', I think you have also. I also feel that you have tacked on a good deal of information onto the position of both Gibson and Grigorieva. First, you don't seem willing to admit that her taping this conversation indicates a very real violation. I'm sure it sounds really 'academic' of me, but I do believe that her recording and releasing it elevates Mel's chauvinism to the level of spectacle even more so than before. You might argue that it NEEDS TO BE HEARD; that this monstrosity needs to be brought into the light. But at the end of the day, isn't there something a bit less dignified... a bit less spectacularly absurd about a court hearing and a restraining order as opposed to an audiotape? Doesn't something like this run the risk of turning his behavior into a 'product' or 'caricature' than say... a nice day in court? Wouldn't something like this run the risk even more so of having his actions digestible as some kind of ironic or absurdly funny gesture, by some asinine, pigheaded, 'middle-class', 'academic', pseudo-intellectual white boy on the internet?
So, while your outrage is rock-solid, it would seem counter-productive for me to insist I was wrong, because I believe that I am fundamentally right. I HAVE blamed a victim... but for now, its an invisible victim (unfortunately), made all the less clear by her acting that role out through the very avenues of power and control utilized by foul-mouthed, violent, and dangerous people like Gibson himself. So for now, Gibson unfortunately remains fascinating. And that is an unfortunate reality I truly believe you need to come to terms with in this context. Until he pays a very real price for his behavior, he will remain that fascinating image of horrific thoughtlessness, and will CONTINUE to represent everything that is wrong with Hollywood (for as much as it gives us). Sadly, with these kinds of videos, he continues to just play ANOTHER ROLE, thanks to the very people who would listen to his voice with very real horror, and feel justified in their disgust while at the same time refusing to see the only REAL evidence of violence ACTUALLY available to them, which in this case is really only its fucking screenplay.
I stick to my upvote, as well as my comment, all the more because of your upsetting and honest response.

>> ^peggedbea:
have you lost your mind?
a logical extension of your rant could be "i have no sympathy for this bitch who claims she was date raped, it just shows what little respect she has for herself for going somewhere with a date rapist and then being whiney enough to go to the cops about it, fuck her"
like it or not there are thousands of women stuck abusive relationships they cant get out of. i can see where the "its your own damn fault for getting into it in the first place" argument would seep into the mind of some assholes who lack perspective and experience. but speaking as someone who has been there and is speaking to you from the other side of it, there is an overwhelming amount of manipulation that goes on in the beginnings of a relationship with an abuser and in the process a very real shift in logical and your ability to think clearly happens. being a child of abuse makes you very susceptible to these kinds of relationships as your brain was wired very young to feel comfortable and tie feelings of abuse to feelings of love. after a prolonged period of time behaviors that are wildly inappropriate just become normal. on top of that you live your day to day life in survival mode, and being in perpetual survival mode robs you of your ability to THINK. and certainly of the confidence to leave. adding a baby on top of it and your brain becomes completely fried and totally warped.
admitting you let someone take this much power, and degrade you senselessly takes an incredible amount of courage. it takes an insane amount of courage and fortitude and balls to go back into the world and KEEP TRYING. how dare you chide her for this.
this shit needs to be exposed. and the stories need to be told. the more people who hear the stories of these women the less ignorant twat assholes will open their dickless middle class white boy academic internet mouths and blame the victim.
fuck you.
>> ^griefer_queafer:
Also, I have no sympathy for this woman. By releasing this tape, she is not just showing what kind of a person Gibson is--she is also showing that she has very little respect for herself by dating a person who would say these things to her. Also, I am not even sure how much this kind of thing reveals about the guy. Again, sounds like he is on drugs, or is manic, or both. Plus, from the sound of the audio, I wouldn't be surprised if she re-recorded he responses to Mel, which sound really rehearsed anyway. So... Mel is an ass, but fuck her too.

Mel Gibson Audio Tape Released!

peggedbea says...

so, it seems you think she only made the tape to expose him publicly for a hollywood public spectacle factor and that stems from, or is evidence of some kind of fame whoreness? i can see the logic there, and perhaps it is the case.

however, as i said before, the relationship messes with your head. a lot. i never once turned my husband into the cops. not when he hit me. not when he held a knife to my throat. not when i knew he was driving around drunk with a bag of methamphetamine and i knew all i really needed to do was call the cops and he'd get locked up for a while and i could leave peacefully. not when he stole my credit cards and ran up 8k worth of debt. not when he was in a dysphoric manic fit and screaming similar things with a gun to his head. never. i think i thought it would have been some sort of betrayal to the man i married, who i was under the impression was a sweet, shy, sensitive, creative boy who loved me and my daughter but struggled with demons from a life filled with abuse and addiction (which i was hard wired from early childhood to understand and empathize with, because i was raised by the mentally ill and by drug addicts, its just how the world looked from perspective). and maybe i knew how impotent law enforcement was to help, he did after all, belong in a hospital as opposed to a jail cell. because i was close to him and i knew all this torment was mental illness, demons from his past, and the drugs he uses to self medicate because he lives every single day in unimaginable mental anguish and stress and it all comes from bad chemicals. and he could be good. 60% of the time he was at least passably decent.

i did however, tape a few of his fits. i thought i could let him listen to it later when he was calm and more rational and he would see how badly he needed help. i thought it would convince him to take his meds. i bring this up because i now know several other people who have done the same thing. you dont want them locked up, you dont want to press charges on family, because they need psychiatric help. you just want them to see how crazy they are and put down the dick pipe and take their meds. i think this is probably the more likely scenario especially since there seems to be some doubt as to whether or not she was even the one to release them. i'm not sure anyone is equipped to handle these situations well, particularly not the type of person who would be attracted to them in the first place. that's why it's called a "cycle" of abuse. i learned in a class a few years ago that only 30% of adults who were abused as children abuse their own children. i thought that was sort of hopeful and interesting. i would like to know though what percentage of adults who were abused as children end up in abusive relationships. i would bet its also somewhere around the 30% mark.
>> ^griefer_queafer:

I think you're right to react the way you have. But I honestly think that part of my frustration with this video might have been lost in what I do recognize now as a real insensitivity on my part. It is definitely easy to say that you've missed the point, because you haven't, and you have brought my attention to a whole other level of insult allowed by my comments. Plus, you are right to say that it is easy to blame the victim, because it is SOOO easy, and I have done it.
HOWEVER. While I have def. made some serious assumptions about this 'tape', I think you have also. I also feel that you have tacked on a good deal of information onto the position of both Gibson and Grigorieva. First, you don't seem willing to admit that her taping this conversation indicates a very real violation. I'm sure it sounds really 'academic' of me, but I do believe that her recording and releasing it elevates Mel's chauvinism to the level of spectacle even more so than before. You might argue that it NEEDS TO BE HEARD; that this monstrosity needs to be brought into the light. But at the end of the day, isn't there something a bit less dignified... a bit less spectacularly absurd about a court hearing and a restraining order as opposed to an audiotape? Doesn't something like this run the risk of turning his behavior into a 'product' or 'caricature' than say... a nice day in court? Wouldn't something like this run the risk even more so of having his actions digestible as some kind of ironic or absurdly funny gesture, by some asinine, pigheaded, 'middle-class', 'academic', pseudo-intellectual white boy on the internet?
So, while your outrage is rock-solid, it would seem counter-productive for me to insist I was wrong, because I believe that I am fundamentally right. I HAVE blamed a victim... but for now, its an invisible victim (unfortunately), made all the less clear by her acting that role out through the very avenues of power and control utilized by foul-mouthed, violent, and dangerous people like Gibson himself. So for now, Gibson unfortunately remains fascinating. And that is an unfortunate reality I truly believe you need to come to terms with in this context. Until he pays a very real price for his behavior, he will remain that fascinating image of horrific thoughtlessness, and will CONTINUE to represent everything that is wrong with Hollywood (for as much as it gives us). Sadly, with these kinds of videos, he continues to just play ANOTHER ROLE, thanks to the very people who would listen to his voice with very real horror, and feel justified in their disgust while at the same time refusing to see the only REAL evidence of violence ACTUALLY available to them, which in this case is really only its fucking screenplay.
I stick to my upvote, as well as my comment, all the more because of your upsetting and honest response.

>> ^peggedbea:
have you lost your mind?
a logical extension of your rant could be "i have no sympathy for this bitch who claims she was date raped, it just shows what little respect she has for herself for going somewhere with a date rapist and then being whiney enough to go to the cops about it, fuck her"
like it or not there are thousands of women stuck abusive relationships they cant get out of. i can see where the "its your own damn fault for getting into it in the first place" argument would seep into the mind of some assholes who lack perspective and experience. but speaking as someone who has been there and is speaking to you from the other side of it, there is an overwhelming amount of manipulation that goes on in the beginnings of a relationship with an abuser and in the process a very real shift in logical and your ability to think clearly happens. being a child of abuse makes you very susceptible to these kinds of relationships as your brain was wired very young to feel comfortable and tie feelings of abuse to feelings of love. after a prolonged period of time behaviors that are wildly inappropriate just become normal. on top of that you live your day to day life in survival mode, and being in perpetual survival mode robs you of your ability to THINK. and certainly of the confidence to leave. adding a baby on top of it and your brain becomes completely fried and totally warped.
admitting you let someone take this much power, and degrade you senselessly takes an incredible amount of courage. it takes an insane amount of courage and fortitude and balls to go back into the world and KEEP TRYING. how dare you chide her for this.
this shit needs to be exposed. and the stories need to be told. the more people who hear the stories of these women the less ignorant twat assholes will open their dickless middle class white boy academic internet mouths and blame the victim.
fuck you.
>> ^griefer_queafer:
Also, I have no sympathy for this woman. By releasing this tape, she is not just showing what kind of a person Gibson is--she is also showing that she has very little respect for herself by dating a person who would say these things to her. Also, I am not even sure how much this kind of thing reveals about the guy. Again, sounds like he is on drugs, or is manic, or both. Plus, from the sound of the audio, I wouldn't be surprised if she re-recorded he responses to Mel, which sound really rehearsed anyway. So... Mel is an ass, but fuck her too.

Mel Gibson Audio Tape Released!

griefer_queafer says...

I think you're right to react the way you have. But I honestly think that part of my frustration with this video might have been lost in what I do recognize now as a real insensitivity on my part. It is definitely easy to say that you've missed the point, because you haven't, and you have brought my attention to a whole other level of insult allowed by my comments. Plus, you are right to say that it is easy to blame the victim, because it is SOOO easy, and I have done it.

HOWEVER. While I have def. made some serious assumptions about this 'tape', I think you have also. I also feel that you have tacked on a good deal of information onto the position of both Gibson and Grigorieva. First, you don't seem willing to admit that her taping this conversation indicates a very real violation. I'm sure it sounds really 'academic' of me, but I do believe that her recording and releasing it elevates Mel's chauvinism to the level of spectacle even more so than before. You might argue that it NEEDS TO BE HEARD; that this monstrosity needs to be brought into the light. But at the end of the day, isn't there something a bit less dignified... a bit less spectacularly absurd about a court hearing and a restraining order as opposed to an audiotape? Doesn't something like this run the risk of turning his behavior into a 'product' or 'caricature' than say... a nice day in court? Wouldn't something like this run the risk even more so of having his actions digestible as some kind of ironic or absurdly funny gesture, by some asinine, pigheaded, 'middle-class', 'academic', pseudo-intellectual white boy on the internet?

So, while your outrage is rock-solid, it would seem counter-productive for me to insist I was wrong, because I believe that I am fundamentally right. I HAVE blamed a victim... but for now, its an invisible victim (unfortunately), made all the less clear by her acting that role out through the very avenues of power and control utilized by foul-mouthed, violent, and dangerous people like Gibson himself. So for now, Gibson unfortunately remains fascinating. And that is an unfortunate reality I truly believe you need to come to terms with in this context. Until he pays a very real price for his behavior, he will remain that fascinating image of horrific thoughtlessness, and will CONTINUE to represent everything that is wrong with Hollywood (for as much as it gives us). Sadly, with these kinds of videos, he continues to just play ANOTHER ROLE, thanks to the very people who would listen to his voice with very real horror, and feel justified in their disgust while at the same time refusing to see the only REAL evidence of violence ACTUALLY available to them, which in this case is really only its fucking screenplay.

I stick to my upvote, as well as my comment, all the more because of your upsetting and honest response.

>> ^peggedbea:

have you lost your mind?
a logical extension of your rant could be "i have no sympathy for this bitch who claims she was date raped, it just shows what little respect she has for herself for going somewhere with a date rapist and then being whiney enough to go to the cops about it, fuck her"
like it or not there are thousands of women stuck abusive relationships they cant get out of. i can see where the "its your own damn fault for getting into it in the first place" argument would seep into the mind of some assholes who lack perspective and experience. but speaking as someone who has been there and is speaking to you from the other side of it, there is an overwhelming amount of manipulation that goes on in the beginnings of a relationship with an abuser and in the process a very real shift in logical and your ability to think clearly happens. being a child of abuse makes you very susceptible to these kinds of relationships as your brain was wired very young to feel comfortable and tie feelings of abuse to feelings of love. after a prolonged period of time behaviors that are wildly inappropriate just become normal. on top of that you live your day to day life in survival mode, and being in perpetual survival mode robs you of your ability to THINK. and certainly of the confidence to leave. adding a baby on top of it and your brain becomes completely fried and totally warped.
admitting you let someone take this much power, and degrade you senselessly takes an incredible amount of courage. it takes an insane amount of courage and fortitude and balls to go back into the world and KEEP TRYING. how dare you chide her for this.
this shit needs to be exposed. and the stories need to be told. the more people who hear the stories of these women the less ignorant twat assholes will open their dickless middle class white boy academic internet mouths and blame the victim.
fuck you.
>> ^griefer_queafer:
Also, I have no sympathy for this woman. By releasing this tape, she is not just showing what kind of a person Gibson is--she is also showing that she has very little respect for herself by dating a person who would say these things to her. Also, I am not even sure how much this kind of thing reveals about the guy. Again, sounds like he is on drugs, or is manic, or both. Plus, from the sound of the audio, I wouldn't be surprised if she re-recorded he responses to Mel, which sound really rehearsed anyway. So... Mel is an ass, but fuck her too.

Government Goons Threaten Jurors' Rights Activists

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