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zombieater (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

hey Zombieater,
It seems you've been hit by the Chingalera hate. Don't take it personally, (even though he likely meant it that way), he's been going ape shit lately. He's taken to calling ME a stalker publicly, even though I have had him ignored for days now so I only see what he DOES now, not what he writes. He's private messaged me 5 times since he complained I'm stalking him, my only response was 'you just can't stop, can you' (and Comment hidden because you are ignoring chingalera.).
Sorry he killed your video out of spite, he's done it to me too, and is working on taking over the sift with his ridiculousness. Don't let him bully you out....please.
Have a nice day
EDIT: My mistake, it was Januari that had his video removed and votes transferred to yours...sorry.

Joe Lauzon vs. Blogger fight (with Fake Russian Guy)

Black Range Rover Runs Over Bikers in NYC

TheDreamingDragon says...

This quote is from the Daily News article:

"The commissioner said police had been monitoring the ride — loosely organized by a group that calls itself Hollywood Stuntz. He said about 1,000 riders caused chaos in Times Square last year when they showed up out of nowhere and disrupted traffic."

And a little Googling produced this video:

Apparently they do this sort of thing a lot...and the fact that the guy with the helmet cam was right there recording it makes me consider that they find it entertaining,and planned for something to happen. The group was heading through the Lincoln tunnel around 10:30 AM when I was taking a bus into NYC,and there were a LOT of them. I wondered why they were out en masse,but it was a nice day for a ride...I'm just glad my family took mass transit into NY that day.

Top Gear crew nearly get lynched in Alabama

99ways2die says...

theo47 says..

Smart and tolerant include, vandalizing peoples homes because they want Obama out of office? Teachers attacking students because their not Democratic? People making threats of rape to women and their children because they want to get some one in office who don't tax the shit out of honest small and middle class businesses who really want to get people working again? Oh yeah I guess it is, because you all follow the man who's best friends are the Muslim Brotherhood and Al-Qaeda. And their idea of tolerance is like all Libtards, If you want it a cerian way you'll tolerate those who also want it and if some one wants some thing else you'll tolerate the rape and murder that happens to them for disagreeing.

I bet you Libtards are real pissed now that our own Military that Obama claims to be his Military are standing up saying they didn't join to work on the side of Al-Qae4da.

You Liberals constantly make claims that are so fucking bogus then you watch a video like this and say how it's all the right but during the whole administration you people have been rioting, murdering, vandalizing, talking way more hate then anyone you have blamed for it, shit now you want to run to the Obamaman because you don't like who's playing Batman, you're idea of tolerance is such bullshit you make the real world want to puke. Fuck a liberal, you're all worthless and as far as I'm concerned and really as far as the Bill of Rights and Constitution is concerned you're all traitorous Communist, Marxist, and socialist garbage. There is nothing to be tolerant about you pieces of shit. Oh and in real life I guess you stupid Nazis never have watched Top Gear because I see you're defending their safety using this episode to blame the right (which by the way The real right finds the people on this video as inbread wastes of life as well, almost as much as they find you) and Top Gear UK is always talking about the Democrats and the Liberals getting in they way of every ones lives, just as you do here as well.

If you're a Liberal fuck you and have a nice day you intolerant communist fucking nut cases.

the real news-chris hedges-obama and the syrian decision

Atheist in the Bible Belt outs herself because she is MORAL

chingalera says...

"I just don't see YOU enough. It is all attitude and attempting to pick a fight. Why would I bother with that?"

Uhhhh, I'm always here-This persona on the sift is nothing but who I am, always. I am just as ineloquent and acerbic in person and online-You should know this- How many times have you blocked my profile on now??

But seriously now, how many times have you sought me out in another forum or discourse?-You know absolutely everything there is to know about me should you care to, and the door has always been open for anyone who wants to shed their sift-ego and have a go-Ask anyone with whom I chat regularly, there are several varieties of fruit grafted to this tree-Perspective is much more broadened when you gather information from a vantage greater than a single point.

"Ignore" is the same thing to me as someone saying, "Have a Nice Day"

Have a nice day sounds like a "fuck you" to me-

and I will be the first to accuse myself of abusing "The Word."

"In the beginning, was the word, and the word was with god, and the word was god."-I am guilty of abusing the medium of information exchange available to us monkeys and robots....The worst violator of all, since I know what I'm doing and when.....Ego is a motherfucker, innit??

Old man isn't afraid of anything

Flipping the Bird to the Judge - not a good idea

Football (soccer) in a nutshell

Yogi says...

Yeah I get annoyed by this and I'm gonna call you out on it especially since we had a major former NFL star in Junior Seau die from playing Football. Rugby is a very tough sport, made for very tough men, but they're not tougher than NFL football players because they don't wear pads. Players wearing pads hit eachother with a much greater velocity than Rugby players normally hit themselves...and they hit eachother in the head which is causing deaths.

I think you can make a similar comparison to boxing and bare knuckle fighting. In over 100 years of bare knuckle fighting no one has died from it, but an average of 4 people die from boxing related injuries in the US alone. The reason is because when you fight bare knuckle you don't go for the head as hurts. In boxing you basically trade blows to the head for rounds and rounds severely damaging a brain.

So no, rugby players are not tougher than NFL players...or even soccer players. We should all do well to remember that we have similar DNA and sports with differing sets of challenges. I would say the toughest athletes in the world are ultra-marathon runners. Because nothing is more suggestive than the voice in your head telling you to stop.

So skinny little runners in short shorts that run over 100 miles in 120 degree temperatures are tougher than all of you. Have a nice day.

ChaosEngine said:

Meh, soccer, NFL, whatever. Girly sports for people too weak to play rugby.

Or hurling.

On Seniority for Power Point Accrual (Sift Talk Post)

chingalera says...

Tell me t'shut up will yas???! Clarification, whiny.
I thought Deano was simply unclear due to his recent tenure and connected the stockpiling of points with some bad shit that could be done wit them that I never paid attention to ....My sins were giving to much information and prizes away too carelessly.

Here's an Idea:
The more power points that can be unilaterally collected through repairing dead videos (as I do) and making people happy, well, serves to say that these two activities regularly exercised EFFECT beneficially the experience here and CAUSE people want to fuck me, I'm a fucking asshole for ranting about fun stuff, kiss my natural white ass and have a nice day

(so is now when I hit the fucking sarchasm button??)

BoneRemake said:

Whaaaaat the hell are you talking about. Actually, its better if you don't try and explain it further. let no one else go about it dude.

Walmart Manager Denies Xmas Eve Shoppers

mintbbb says...

Believe me, every other day the retail workers smile and say 'yes, you are right, how can we help you?' to all the asshole customers. But ON CHRISTMAS EVE! Just ONE day of the year, just frigging think about the retail workers! Since they already work 364 days a year now, after Thanksgiving was taken too. Is it too much to say 'On Xmas Eve, PLEASE let them leave work on time! JUST Do your shopping before 7:30pm on Christmas EVE!

Yes, the store hours might be untilo 8pm, but do you HAVE TO BE THE ASSHOLE WHO SHOWS UP AT 7:59???? Show some respect to the people who already are working their butts off and get no respect, no thank yous, no holidays off!

Thank God I am not working retail any more, but my best friend is, and so are lots of my other friends. They are the hardest working people, and still, they are the ones that worst of everything.

And things like this last minute shopping not just Walmart. I never worked for Walmart, but I salute this manager for standing up to the employees. I am sure the other money-hungry retailers were still ushering people out around 8:50pm and having cashiers stay there, just because the elite wanted to have their last minute leisure shopping 'when it is finally quiet in the store'.

>> ^Darkhand:

>> ^mintbbb:
>> ^VoodooV:
The guy's a douchebag but he is right. There is no inherent right to shop. They have the right to refuse service.
That said. It's a stupid policy. Deny entry at 8. Sure it takes longer to close because you have to get the people out..but so what. It doesn't take THAT long to get people out vs the bad PR incidents like this generates.
Let the consumer whores shop. that standoff was completely unnecessary.

It does take that long to get people out. When a store closes at 10pm, you have to pretty much try to wrestle some people out by 10:30. Turning off the lights and announcing that the store is closed does not help. On a normal night, people have to be scheduled at least that extra 30 minutes late. So, even now, I am sure nobody gets to go home before 8:30.
It is frigging Christmas eve! Retail workers are people too (surprise!), and they might want to get out of the store and to their families, and not stay extra late because some idiots want to do LAST MINUTE SHOPPING.

I understand what you are saying but I disagree.
Are retail store workers people? Yes. But unfortunately they are people with jobs, and that job is to allow people to shop. I've never heard of a policy where "Yes the store is open until 8:00 but we stop letting people in at 7:30".
I understand these people have homes,families,children,cats,etc to get home too but when you work retail it's part of your job. You (unfortunately) have to service guys like these who wait till the last minute and make you late going home.
As a person who did customer service extensively I've had people plenty of time call up 10 minutes before closing and I don't say to them midway through the call "I'm sorry I was not able to resolve your computer issue, however it is now 6:00 PM and we are closed, please try your call again tomorrow HAVE A NICE DAY click . Nor do we stop picking up at 5:30 because everyone wants to leave at 6:00.
What's happening sucks but the Manager and everyone in the store needs to suck it up and let those people in.

Walmart Manager Denies Xmas Eve Shoppers

Stu says...

You have honestly never heard of this? Have you lived under a rock your entire life? This happens everywhere. Go to any restaurant tonight and you'll see it easily. Kitchens always close early. Is it posted? No. Is it common sense? Definitely. >> ^Darkhand:

>> ^mintbbb:
>> ^VoodooV:
The guy's a douchebag but he is right. There is no inherent right to shop. They have the right to refuse service.
That said. It's a stupid policy. Deny entry at 8. Sure it takes longer to close because you have to get the people out..but so what. It doesn't take THAT long to get people out vs the bad PR incidents like this generates.
Let the consumer whores shop. that standoff was completely unnecessary.

It does take that long to get people out. When a store closes at 10pm, you have to pretty much try to wrestle some people out by 10:30. Turning off the lights and announcing that the store is closed does not help. On a normal night, people have to be scheduled at least that extra 30 minutes late. So, even now, I am sure nobody gets to go home before 8:30.
It is frigging Christmas eve! Retail workers are people too (surprise!), and they might want to get out of the store and to their families, and not stay extra late because some idiots want to do LAST MINUTE SHOPPING.

I understand what you are saying but I disagree.
Are retail store workers people? Yes. But unfortunately they are people with jobs, and that job is to allow people to shop. I've never heard of a policy where "Yes the store is open until 8:00 but we stop letting people in at 7:30".
I understand these people have homes,families,children,cats,etc to get home too but when you work retail it's part of your job. You (unfortunately) have to service guys like these who wait till the last minute and make you late going home.
As a person who did customer service extensively I've had people plenty of time call up 10 minutes before closing and I don't say to them midway through the call "I'm sorry I was not able to resolve your computer issue, however it is now 6:00 PM and we are closed, please try your call again tomorrow HAVE A NICE DAY click . Nor do we stop picking up at 5:30 because everyone wants to leave at 6:00.
What's happening sucks but the Manager and everyone in the store needs to suck it up and let those people in.

Walmart Manager Denies Xmas Eve Shoppers

Darkhand says...

>> ^mintbbb:

>> ^VoodooV:
The guy's a douchebag but he is right. There is no inherent right to shop. They have the right to refuse service.
That said. It's a stupid policy. Deny entry at 8. Sure it takes longer to close because you have to get the people out..but so what. It doesn't take THAT long to get people out vs the bad PR incidents like this generates.
Let the consumer whores shop. that standoff was completely unnecessary.

It does take that long to get people out. When a store closes at 10pm, you have to pretty much try to wrestle some people out by 10:30. Turning off the lights and announcing that the store is closed does not help. On a normal night, people have to be scheduled at least that extra 30 minutes late. So, even now, I am sure nobody gets to go home before 8:30.
It is frigging Christmas eve! Retail workers are people too (surprise!), and they might want to get out of the store and to their families, and not stay extra late because some idiots want to do LAST MINUTE SHOPPING.


I understand what you are saying but I disagree.

Are retail store workers people? Yes. But unfortunately they are people with jobs, and that job is to allow people to shop. I've never heard of a policy where "Yes the store is open until 8:00 but we stop letting people in at 7:30".

I understand these people have homes,families,children,cats,etc to get home too but when you work retail it's part of your job. You (unfortunately) have to service guys like these who wait till the last minute and make you late going home.

As a person who did customer service extensively I've had people plenty of time call up 10 minutes before closing and I don't say to them midway through the call "I'm sorry I was not able to resolve your computer issue, however it is now 6:00 PM and we are closed, please try your call again tomorrow HAVE A NICE DAY *click*. Nor do we stop picking up at 5:30 because everyone wants to leave at 6:00.

What's happening sucks but the Manager and everyone in the store needs to suck it up and let those people in.

Billy Idol Rapping for Ikea (What???)

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