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What sound does a new-born deer make? (You're Wrong!)

hpqp (Member Profile)

7 Harry Potter Movies In 7 Minutes

How to put a kitten to sleep

Larry King's Saddened By Jenny McCarthy's Autistic Son

legacy0100 says...

Modern medicine had been wrong before so who knows. I remember back in my high school years when my biology teacher argued that what happens to a mother during pregnancy has no effect to the fetus because there are no scientific data to prove anything. I argued that what moms do while pregnant has tremendous affect on the baby. He pointed out that there's no scientific evidence of it NOT having any effect either. So we just had to leave it at that. This was 10 years ago.

Nowadays recent studies show that excessive stress causes increased rate of heart disease in new borns later in life. We also have evidence of mother's dietary habits effecting the new born's diet. We already know that smoking or drinking while pregnant causes major damage to fetus growth. So now we know that what moms experience during pregnancies have long lasting effects to the baby, but just 10 years ago the western medical community deemed the idea unscientific and treated it as just another old wives tale.

Now that I think about it, Mr. Jones, the biology teacher was somewhat of a provocateur and was egging me on to do research on it I believe. And it worked, I suppose. Although I'm not in the medical field, the very subject we have discussed that day has kept me interested in finding out the answer ever since.

In any rate medical communities can be wrong, and I'm speaking to both parties here right now. One side says it has no link between autism and vaccinations, other side says there is a correlation. Who knows. There's no hard evidence to make the case since most evidence for or against it are still in early stages of research.

So give it time and collect more data.

Muse's Matt Bellamy - Evolution of the New Born Solo

A Moderate Muslim's Death Threat Towards Thunderf00t

zeoverlord says...

It's an inept attempt to reference the video Thunderfoot made before this one on the recent southpark Muhammad episodes.
In it he argues that if Muslims keep pushing and fighting our western way of life they may eventually awaken a sleeping giant that will make the Iraq war seem like the flailing arms of a new born child.
Whether that quote is entirely accurate or exactly how much would it take for the entire western world to decide "that's it, their going down" i am not one to answer, but what i guess he is saying is "if your in the habit of pissing on fences eventually your gonna end up in front of an electrified one".
And it is non-Muslim innocent person, which is essentially still a Muslim according to the qouran, us westerners need not apply.

>> ^DrewNumberTwo:

I don't even understand the terms of his threat. Awaken a sleeping giant that is hostile to any Muslim or non-Muslim person? WTF does that mean?

geo321 (Member Profile)

People Depressed That Avatar Isn't Real

dystopianfuturetoday (Member Profile)

The New Video Game "UsesProzac" has gone gold, ships (Femme Talk Post)

Muse - New Born (Full Length)

Krupo says...

>> ^rychan:
I disagree that muse's recent stuff sucks, at least if you mean "Black Holes and Revelations". I find the whole CD quite listenable. I think that Starlight, Map of the Problematique, Exo-politics, Take a Bow, and Knights of Cydonia are all really good. I think their previous albums were about as good.

I think the comment was in reference to the videos, not the music itself.

yoghurt (Member Profile)

Children of a stupid god

BicycleRepairMan says...

Aah, the old "he's attacking fundamentalism, and not real religion" - argument. Sounds like a reasonable objection. We can all agree that there are some real nuts out there, but that most religious people are completely decent , intelligent people who overall does more good than harm.

Fine. But what is a "fundamentalist"? why does the people who seem LESS picky about what their holy book says get to say that the people who actually follow them have misunderstood "real" religion?

How about the pope, he's the head of the single largest unified religious group on the planet, you'd think you couldnt get more "mainstream" than that. What he says literally DICTATES what Catholics around the world are supposed to believe in.

Like when they invented the "virgin mary assumption" or when they got the idea that new-born babies who die before someone baptizes them end up in "limbo" instead of heaven or hell, and when they decided that wasnt true anymore after all.(see wikipedia to see how much time has been wasted on that bullshit.)

Anyway, this perfectly educated, seemingly literate grown man went down to AIDS-ridden parts of Africa and declared that condoms could actually make the AIDS problem WORSE. Now, not only is this most powerful relgious authority on earth as wrong and insane and in a state of denial worse than the most eager Young earth Creationist fundamentalist looney, but he is literally, and what MUST be atleast partially on purpose, committing MASS MURDER of thousands of men women and children. Children will be born with HIV for hundreds of years, partially thanks to this fucking asshole.

So my question is this: Is the Pope a fundamentalist? or does he just lapse into fundamentalism whenever he says something remarkably stupid and insane(surprisingly often, as it happens) ?

When the non-fundamentalists DO take something literally from the bible, like "do unto others", aren't they, well, "taking it too literally"? if not, why not? Aren't "The words of Jesus" among moderates surprisingly close to everybodies personal opinions?

When does something become fundamentalism?, when its in bad taste for the moderates, or when its just insane? When its taken too directly out of the bible without the whole "civilized society filter" attached to it? What does this really tell us about scripture?

To a moderate, it seems, a religious person is closer to "true religion" the less he or she actually believes what their holy books says..

Here's an idea: Fundamentalism, like most other things religious, is made up. Made up by people desperately trying to cling to ritual, superstition and dogma and still fit into modern society, and when they see people actually insane enough to FOLLOW scripture, they need to tell themselves that thats not them, thats just the fundamentalists, you see.

If only I had a gun

dag says...

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^ Kind of feel bad about saying it, but me too. My first child was born in Torrance, SoCal - near the end of the year. When I heard all of the guns going off around us and our new born on New Year's eve - decided to get out.

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