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Hidden Camera: Jim Jefferies exposed for deceptive editing

newtboy says...

....he says devisively.

Since Faux and Murdoch invented the current partisan fake news industry, and other bastions of right wing media are Glen Beck, Rush Limbaugh, and Alex Jones, all three bat shit crazy or insanely hard core drug addicts....or really sound silly whining about leftist media, especially since what you're complaining about and seem to be comparing to right wing 'news' is actually leftist comedy.

Edit: That said, I never liked J.J., and I do think this is a chicken shit move by him.

NaMeCaF said:

Not surprised in the least. Leftest TV always does this.

The left and mainstream media do more to divide us than anyone else.

A Better Way to Tax the Rich

cosmovitelli says...

The revolution will come when the US elects the sort of government they used to have before Murdoch, Fox and the Bush era GOP. Simply going back to 50's-60's (Republican!) tax policy will feel revolutionary and solve most problems. But many of the powerful will fight tooth and nail.

Bernstein Promises Bloodshed If Dems Try To Impeach Trump

newtboy says...

Lol. Quote CNN, it's "repeating what lying disgraced fake news CNN says". Don't quote CNN, it's "I don't hear that on CNN".
Anything to be dismissive, eh Bob?
Sorry, I think for myself. I understand that's a foreign concept to you....but you really should try it sometime.

So, you watch a right wing crybaby claim the right is too infantile and unpatriotic to accept a likely legal future, and claim they (you) are going to throw an adult tantrum if you don't get your way, and your answer is "the crybabies are from the left". *facepalm.
Funny, I don't recall those leftist crybabies threatening revolt and armed insurrection when Clinton was investigated unfairly by unambiguously anti Clinton investigators for years on end, then impeached over being a good lawyer with a good vocabulary ("is" doesn't mean "was").

24/7/375 anti Trump reporting, because he's a disaster 24/7/365. It's not propaganda if it's true.

Trump polls dropped to 60% disapproval. Duh.

I agree there...only the fake stories help worried conservatives in their resolve, because only fake stories support Trump. Honest reporting turns adults against Trump.

All the antifa protest, huh? Funny, I haven't heard about them except as a distraction or subject change mentioned by you in some time.
#walk away is not real, Bob, except the part describing conservatives #walkingaway from Trump. Hanging your hat on liberals leaving Democrats and joining Republicans because Democrats are too nasty, are overtly racist, and are hyper supportive of Russia simply isn't going to go well for you.

Bob, you represent what's wrong in America....1/4 of us have lost touch with reality and decided that any fact they don't like can just be dismissed as a lie, no matter how factual it is, and an industry has grown to sell you stories that reinforce that mindset. (No one said Murdoch isn't smart). You are firmly in that willingly self blinded group, still supporting a undeniably disloyal, honorless, petulant fraud and consummate liar and fooling yourself that you're in a majority. 36% (his approval rating) isn't a majority, 60% (his disapproval rating) is.....but unflattering numbers are fake news, right?

bobknight33 said:

Funny I don't see this kind of language your using on any CNN or late night clips .

The Crybaby's are from the left. Day after day night after night doom and gloom and wipers of hope that they finally got dome dirt on Trump. Day after day they end up with egg on their face.

CNN and Lanny Davis -- recent prime example CNN going with the lie -- even after Lanny Davis corrected them-- FAKE CNN

24/7/365 anti trump propaganda and still Trump polls # stay steady.

All the media fake stories about Trump helping Conservative get stronger in their resolve.

All the Antifa protest and hard left stories just are just turning liberals away from the democrat party.

Democrat represent everything wrong with America.

C-note (Member Profile)

C-note (Member Profile)

Japanese Pool Player Gives Great Interview

cosmovitelli says...

The guy is a stooge in the giant Murdoch sports to dollars machine. More than his job's worth not to tick all the boxes on his job sheet I reckon.

glyphs said:

Dude, there are a lot of ways I could explain it. I don't know which to choose because I'm worried the answer might fall on deaf ears.
I mean, what kind of a person asks someone questions they LITERALLY CANNOT ANSWER? An ass! Asses are generally bigots who do bigot things like travel to another country and expect people to understand their english eeessspeeeciaallllyyy if theeeyyyy sspeeeaaaak reeeaaallllyyyy sssslllooowwwllllyyyyyy.
It kills me when I see people exercise literal zero empathy.
This is funny though.

[url redacted]

You're F*ckin' High

dannym3141 says...

If they think that people are starting to lose interest in the main parties, they will spend the next 4 years highlighting war, terrorism, uncertainty and scarcity so that people are less likely to take any kind of risk. They will also highlight the uncertainty of voting for anyone else - i.e. these third parties are inexperienced, they don't understand, they are weak and/or sympathetic towards our enemy.

It's basically what they've done with Corbyn over here. "They" control the press so they also control the national will.

I think the only way we progress beyond this profit for the few, managed decline for the rest phase is to destroy the stranglehold that the media moguls like Murdoch, Barclays (the brothers, not the bank), etc. have over mainstream media.

They are literally peddling falsehoods and distractions so that people will target anyone other than those responsible.

MilkmanDan said:

If the election is "spoiled" one way or the other by 3rd party votes, it would send a pretty clear message to both parties: give us better choices, or face the consequences. Then again, maybe I'm being overly optimistic about the parties actually getting that message... Democrats should have been highly motivated to push for getting rid of the electoral college and/or considering a push for ranked-choice voting when Gore "lost" in 2000, but failed to do either.

The Art of BS

dannym3141 says...

I hope by now people know me well enough to know I am far from a Trump supporter.

But we would be missing out on a huge opportunity here if we didn't highlight that 99% of what politicians say is different looking, but equally foul bullshit.

I'm not joking. If you actually look into the 'facts' and 'statistics' that are used to push and promote the different policies, they are all based in falsehood or manipulation of meaning, a few off the very top of my head:
- Austerity - based on a study that was discredited not long after it was used to strip assets and cut funding for those who need it most
- Immigration caps - Theresa May talks big about reducing immigration now, saying what a problem it has become but she was *home secretary*, responsible for handling immigration policy
- Benefit caps - for years they have painted benefits cheats as the great drain on the British welfare system with TV shows and press releases, but the majority of the benefits bills go towards subsidising low pay (working tax credits, people in full time work that doesn't pay enough to live on) and paying rent to private landlords (rents which are unregulated, landlords who are already privately rich).
- Greater autonomy for local government - sounds great, we get a better say about things that affect us locally, except when we say that we don't want fracking in Lancashire, they over rule us and say we WILL have fracking in Lancashire. Greater autonomy only meant "we're not giving you any more money."

I'm barely getting started. You can go on and on - tax policy when it comes to big multi nationals who don't pay their fair share, but we let them haggle and pay a tokenistic amount - but the reason we don't have enough money is because of the burden of benefits cheats and immigrants??? We paid for the damage done by the financial crash, but the same people are still in charge and now they're taking billions in bonuses too - why don't we get any of it back!??

I can turn on the news at any time and within 30 seconds find something that is skirting with the truth or outright pulling the wool over our eyes.

The entire political system is fucked up in America and in the UK, it's not just Donald Trump. Donald Trump is like a huge fist sized bubble in a strip of freshly laid wallpaper. We don't just need to fix the big obvious bubble; we need to change the way we put wallpaper up because when you look at the rest of the wall, there are thousands of smaller bubbles that amount to the exact same problem of a fucked up wall.

Donald Trump is the dead canary in the coal mine. He's the clear and obvious indicator that something is horribly, horribly wrong. Getting rid of the canary's corpse does not solve the fucking problem.

The blowback from the alt-right, these vicious people spouting nationalism and racism and sexism. AND the constantly bickering and clamouring SJW lefties who want to dominate free thought and free speech. Both these sets of people have been pitted against each other intentionally so that they don't turn on the people at the top. It is the oldest trick in the book - don't blame the guys in charge, blame each other, it gives us longer to get away with it. Divide and conquer. Spread hate, spread war, spread fear, spread anger and people gravitate to the extremes... they are easier to control at the extremes.

...rant over i guess

If you found this boring, if you didn't want to look into it, you're part of the problem. You're contributing to the environment in which Trump can flourish.

There is no scrutiny, there is no being held to account. There is only the court of Rupert Murdoch and the Barclay brothers.

Next leak will lead to arrest of Hillary Clinton – Assange

vil says...

This comes from using "russia" and "Putins regime" interchangeably. Nothing wrong with your average Russian. RT is an arm of an empire run by Putin, so yes, just like Murdoch, basically, only with nukes.

dannym3141 said:

This Russia criticism - I don't understand. Is a pickpocket any less guilty because a Russian spotted them stealing from you?

And in my experience, RT is more reliable than the average western sources. It has its own bias, but by Christ if you think Rupert Murdoch is any better than the Kremlin when it comes to self-serving two-facery.. well, I have a magic golden egg laying hen to sell you.

Next leak will lead to arrest of Hillary Clinton – Assange

dannym3141 says...

This Russia criticism - I don't understand. Is a pickpocket any less guilty because a Russian spotted them stealing from you?

And in my experience, RT is more reliable than the average western sources. It has its own bias, but by Christ if you think Rupert Murdoch is any better than the Kremlin when it comes to self-serving two-facery.. well, I have a magic golden egg laying hen to sell you.

When Siri and Cortana go rogue...

Bernie Sanders Polling Surge - Seth Meyers

dannym3141 says...

I would say this is pretty much on the button, though. This way clearly isn't working, but the people who have money and power have convinced the majority that nothing can change and even if we could we would be worse off.

I don't think i'm being melodramatic or conspiracy theorising either. Rupert Murdoch and the Barclay brothers tell people what to think and they think it. Democracy has been subverted by money in most western countries with corporate lobbyists willing to spend billions to get a politician on-side, "anti-lobbying" legislation that actually attacks grassroots and activists from broadcasting the truth at election time (and leaves lobbying untouched), and unfair campaign spending/fund-raising that leaves the rich with all the advantage.

The media in Britain have consistently presented a skewed and incorrect representation of the left-wing party leader. It is clearly a campaign by vested interests to stop a man who would bring their reign to an end. The language that they use and the metric by which they judge "their" guy is COMPLETELY different to how they judge the "other" guy.

What's worse is, fairness and balance in the media has deteriorated to such a point that it is now absolutely fine for all this to happen.

As Lawdeedaw said, we are already a long way up shit creek and we didn't even pack the paddle. Some people are getting very rich and are very comfortable, they have immense power and they will say anything to convince you that it's best that it stays that way. Including lying and using manipulative language and statistics in their national publications and television stations. And all you as an individual really has to do is vote someone into power that cannot be corrupted. You've got Bernie, we've got Jeremy.

"Too rich to be corrupted" is farcical though - let's only trust rich people then. Not only does this suggest that rich people are more trustworthy just by dint of having lots of money, but that poor people are less trustworthy because the greedy little paupers can't restrain themselves from 'upping their station'? I would rather judge someone on who i perceive their character to be than based on what is in their bank account, but i guess i'm fucked up like that.

Lawdeedaw said:

So in other words @bobnight33 the economy is crashing under the free market 100%, so what is your solution?

nightly news covers trump 23X more than sanders

dannym3141 says...

I'm confused - people are saying that Trump gets coverage so that the media group in question make more money (through bigger audiences). But what makes more money in the long run than a useful ally in a position of power?

A little bit naive to think that personal politics (of the owner, who chooses the editor, etc.) plays no part in media coverage. They don't call Rupert Murdoch a king maker for nothing, and it isn't like the Murdoch family has a list as long as my arm of shady dealings, bribery, corruption, etc.

The turkeys don't vote for christmas, and Murdoch isn't going to advertise for someone who believes in workers rights, equality and making sure huge multinationals pay their fair share of tax.

Exchange Murdoch for any billionaire media mogul you like - the Barclay brothers for example, also not very interested in equality and paying a fair share of tax. Yes it's sensationalism, but it's also powerful men using their influence to protect their interests. As the man in the video himself says.

Anyway, it worked for us over here - we got Jeremy Corbyn in despite the best efforts of every prominent news outlet. I'm not sure if America is ready for a bit socialism just yet, but the tide is changing in worldwide public opinion, i hope.

Confederate Flag Parade in Georgia. Wait for it....

ChaosEngine jokingly says...

"Rape" van?!? Jesus, newt, that's a bit much... and yeah, it was cooler. They turned the damn thing into a freaking tank half the time. Also, no confederate flag painted on it and not named for a general on team slavery, therefore cooler.

I will admit that the respective token women on the A-Team weren't a patch on Daisy.

Finally, what's with this nonsense about the A-Team being bad shots? Do you have any idea how difficult it is to fire an assault rifle at someone on full auto and not accidentally hit them? Look at this picture. Any idiot can hit the black section, but it takes almost superhuman marksmanship to unload a full clip into the white section!

The A-Team are like Batman. They could easily roll in and murder the hell out of everyone, but they choose the hard path. Want more proof?

Here's Murdoch (the least combat capable of the team) hitting a tire on moving target from a chasing car.... with a handgun and in one shot! And he does it in such a way that van does an epic roll and everyone inside is still ok. That's not just good, that's god like.

And while we're recapping 80s shows, Knight Rider was also better than the Dukes. </stirring>

Also, I love that this has turned into a discussion on the A-team vs Hazzard. It's exactly as much respect as those confederate flag waving douchebags in the video deserve.

newtboy said:

Oh, you had me until your arguments WHY A-team was better.

Lets 'rape' van better than a high flying, 'street legal' racing Charger? I respectfully disagree.
Better theme song, not to my ears, but both are good.
Peppard, better than Uncle Jesse, depends on the episode to me. Mr. T, OK, he's better than any single Duke character...but Murdock wasn't 1/4 the comedy relief of Roscoe P Coltrane, Enos, and Flash....and the Team had nothing to answer Daisy!
"I love it when a plan come's together", great line (I still say it all the time), but then again, so was "Luke, how come you didn't stop for me?" asked by Bo after diving in the window of the General at about 30 mph!

Then you have the military supermen that can't hit a person-ever VS the country boys that can hit moving targets from moving targets with arrows wrapped with dynamite and moonshine Molotov's! COME ON!

But all that said, 9/10 episodes of Hazard were basically the same story, Boss Hog is stealing something and the boys need to escape the crooked law to stop him. At least A-Team had more story variation, more explosions, and just as many car flips/jumps. Kind of an apple/orange thing to me. My 12 year old self was glad they were not on at the same time, no DVR back then.

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