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George Takei on Star Trek vs Star Wars

notarobot (Member Profile)

Arizona Artist Ordered to "Lighten" Faces on School Mural

kissing couple in riot

jan says...

That was a bit incoherent. All the "research" about the photo and then doesn't tell the story behind it (young woman was injured, and her boyfriend was comforting her.)

I did like his point that about racial stereotypes, but that is about it

I agree, and the city of Vancouver has a big bill on it's hands [that's true]

What I found compelling was the photo, it's like a Banksy mural.
A statement in it's time.

I'd heard the male is an Aussie and that his parents saw the photo and called CBC.

Supakitch & Koralie create something beautiful

Supakitch & Koralie create something beautiful

Supakitch & Koralie create something beautiful

The Denver International Airport, it's Full of Dicks

v1k1n6 says...

"Yes Smith I know sending the luggage straight to the terminal would be more efficient. But how are we supposed to make it look like cock and balls if we do it that way? C'mon Smith use your head."

But seriously growing up in Denver lots of weird shit has happened at that airport. I'm not superstitious or in anyway "over-sensitive" to environments around me but the original murals were very, very, fuct up. Then there's the huge part of the airport they "accidentally" built in the "wrong" area so they just decided to cover it up with shit tons of earth and "forget" it ever happened. Never seen any meat flutes though.

That all being said I agree, this guy is bat-shit crazy.

The Denver International Airport, it's Full of Dicks

The Denver International Airport, it's Full of Dicks

Painting A Marriage Proposal

How often do you go to Church? (or similar holy place) (User Poll by gwiz665)

AnimalsForCrackers says...

Find myself in a church for weddings and funerals, and the occasional baptism. Even though I'm not a member, I often get in line to take the sacrament if I'm feeling peckish. /trollface

Also, Orthodox wine does have its uses for those long, monotonous sermons... get a little buzzed and stare at the pretty stained-glass murals and ideograms on the ceiling to pass the time.

The Gift of Hope - The Oddest HS Football Game Ever

bareboards2 says...

^"Some people may need a religious or religious-like structure to be good, but most don't."

I don't think that is why people are drawn to religion at all. All the religious people I know -- whatever the faith, including New Age woo woo stuff -- seem to be searching for a framework to view life and to give them comfort and support.

For some, that becomes extremely rigid and fundamentalist and is the source of most of the bad stuff from religion. It comforts some people to think that they have the answer and others don't.

Just as it comforts some to bash religion so hard. You know, that is just the flip side of religion -- just as rigid and fundamentalist in their belief that THEY are right.

My brother became a Mormon after going, as a tourist, to the Temple in Salt Lake City. He told me of the huge, beautiful murals in the Temple, all with happy families. Our own family was typically dysfunctional, and my brother was drawn to those images. They were important to him. So he became a Mormon.

Later, in one of the few times he tried to prosyletize me, he said -- they tell me things I have trouble believing. But I choose to have faith.

My brother needed religion to get through this life. It worked for him, he was willing to make the trade-offs between logic and faith, because he needed faith to survive. He has been married almost forty years and he has four grown children who seem to be functioning well, when other kids in the neighborhood weren't so successful.

Just because you don't need that structure and comfort, I don't see why you want to denigrate those who choose it.

And yes, yes, for pity's sake, yes, I know bad things are done in the name of religion. What I am trying to get across is that good things are also done. And I think it is pretty dang weird that ya'll don't just say "yes, some good things are done, isn't that great" and let it lie.

You realize that you sound just as whacko as any True Believer who insists you are wrong for not believing the way they do, don't you? I mean honestly. Look in the mirror and see the shared humanity. How are you different?

This is my crusade, by the way. No different than your crusade. Somehow, we have got to find some way to let others be different than us without it being some sort of sin. Sin against God or sin against logic.

I don't believe in evil or sin. I believe in humanity, with all its warts and all its glories.

Texas Graffiti Writer Gets 8 Years of Prison Without Parole

NobleOne says...

When i was arrested at 16 for vandalism... i was sentenced to 40 hrs Community Service, $230 fine, 6 month probation. Though it was originally a 2nd degree felony they call Malicious Mischief. Though since it was my first offense and possibly my age it went down to misdemeanor. This legal sentence passed on Perez is absolutely bullshit it is extreme and uncalled for.... i lived in Germany for 5 yrs...they don't throw people in jail for graffiti you are given fines which i am sure continue to regards to that prick doing a mural how do you think you get to the level you don't just wake up one day and do murals..... you start with tags then move your way up...oh and most graffiti artists aren't fucking gangsters....

>> ^syncron:
Kid? He's 18, that's when you get trialed as an adult... And he isn't even black. Good riddance IMO, graffiti is not art, it is vandalism. The prick should have gone to paint a mural or something. This guy and his sentence should serve as a strong example of legal consequence to all prospective gangsters out there.

Texas Graffiti Writer Gets 8 Years of Prison Without Parole

videosiftbannedme says...

Good riddance. Like the judge said, why didn't he go tag his family's or girlfriend's house? Because you don't shit wear you eat. So instead, he shit in someone else's yard and got caught.

And yes, graffiti is an art. Like all art, it springs from humanity, culture and the mind of the individual. And I really don't mind seeing it in murals that are sanctioned by a community. But if you're going to be a dickhead and ruin others property with it, then you deserve to get your index and middle fingers chopped off.

If you don't like the way the penal system is run, then you make changes to it; you don't offer lenience to the offender.

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